Not vidya related.
because I AM the gf
Because I have a sexfriend instead
I love my wife Rin!
Because I want a loli gf.
Insecure because my penis is only 5.5. inches.
I got a boyfriend last week.
I don't have any way to meet women in real life.
I talk to more than a few online, but when they express interest in talking to me I just don't want to. Some sort of self-defeating "well it's just pity so I won't fucking bother" retardation that goes on in my mind.
Also cause none of them that want to play videogames are normal, they're all horrific people that have absolutely fucking disgusting habits or traits or do just plain creepy things.
I'm shy
I haven't moved on from losing my friend
Because I'm a neet with no social interaction out of my family or an anonymous image board!
thing's will be okay in the end buddy. your friend would want you to be happy.
Im a cute loli (boy)
Because i am 5'6. No amount of pale skin blue eyes,or blonde hair with ever change that.
She's going to pick me up right now, she's just getting back from the beach with her two dogs and her mom and sis.
Yeah yeah normie normie but hey, she likes touhou and sends me spicy dank memes and shitpost, anime and a kinky as fuck person
I hate my job, live with my single mom, am fat, ugly, dumb, and think about suicide on a daily basis.
I'd rather play video games.
me too!
I do
I'm 5'6"
I have a 4/10 face on a good day
I'm skinnyfat
All I do is consume media
I'm autistic in conversation and in general
>kinky as fuck person
Post stories
Cause I have a bf
have fun dealing with all the bullshit.
God I'm so lonely and want to be a cute girl's gaming chair.
i agree with user, tell us some stories
relationship politics have spooked me away from the idea, and I'm not very desirable beyond a decent face
your friend probably blames you for his death. hope you die soon too.
Go to Saudi Arabia then
thats really gay
тян нe нyжны
That's pretty fucking gay, user. I wish I had one
I am ugly, small and 27 years old
I also have zero friends and still live with my parents
always remember anons, if can't get a gf, BE the gf
I would if I had time and I was fit.
Im insecure and spend all my time working as an escape.
Girls don't date retards.
this but unironically
>relationship politics
Im a shitskin, no amount of height and dick length will change that.
your in-home nurse isn't your girlfriend, ojisama
Her and they didn't die, her family is wealthy and I didn't measure up to their standards.
Be my gf than
You know the rules, tits (post link to /soc/ or gtfo.
>want bf to cook for, play video games with, and to mating press me
>black, bottom, turn off to nearly everyone
>live in area with no one with remotely the same interests
>they're all horrific people that have absolutely fucking disgusting habits or traits or do just plain creepy things.
So are you.
I want a yandere gf.
Normalfag you nigger
Move to america jews will force people to love you there.
today's the day anons. going to ask out a cute girl from my japanese study group.
wish me luck.
I want a yandere giant gf.
Not really. I'm a paranoid anxious faggot but I don't go around trying to hump anything that breathes, nor do I try to start drama and be catty because someone said something I didn't like.
I'm not picky but if I was I want a loli doll/ghost yandere gf
because I want a bimbo gf, but I'm not rich
I'm ugly with no market value.
I'm so painfully aware of how stupid ugly and useless I am that I have never attempted to have a romantic partner