Is he the worst game reviewer ever?
Is he the worst game reviewer ever?
no that would be dunkey
Far from the worst one. Some things he gets right, but most of the time he's just being a contrarian.
>condescending butt toy got CREMATED for 10-hours straight
Let me rephrase, worst game reviewer on YouTube
Pretty sure dan takeshi isn't a reviewer
Whose the worst then?
his Lisa and Fallout videos are alright. You simply associate everything of a person with that person's political allignment.
He thinks the Holodomor is a myth
Have you watched his dark souls video? He defended every little part of that game and gave no real argument. He is the worst because he is so headstrong
No. Harry's super embarrassing, but there's worse out there unfortunately
Does he really? Source
I almost fully agree with his Fallout 3 video, so he's definitely not the worst.
Who is worse?
that still is far from the worst
Ok then, who is the worst
MauLer's video was ass filled with fluff. He dragged his damn feet throughout the entire series and elongated his points far more than necessary, sometimes explicitly misunderstanding some of Hbomb's points (durr how is Artorias rolling like a real person? there's no way you mean in game, you must be talking about actual real people XD).
At MOST, it should have taken 2 hours to respond to. It's not a hard feat to debunk a contrarian fanboy. But MauLer does it in such a drawn out, monotone, condescending way that I can never get past part one even as someone who loves long form content.
that edit is hilarious, dude is dumber than my toddler brother at vidya
This. Couldn't get past a few minutes of that video because his voice is so unsettling and annoying to listen to. Literally made me feel like punching him.
Jospeh Anderson is definitely worse. Can't tell if the worst because I don't really know any more.
Isn't this the guy who tries to smash opposition to his arguments by hiding his actual critique in hours of meaningless drivel?
What possible insight could 5 hours on the latest sci-fi kiddie flick offer that you couldn't say in half an hour?
Nah, when he's wrong it's a well put wrong and when he's right he's dead on. Definitely one of the better reviewers which is helped by the fact that unlike Dunkey he only reviews things he's passionate and well learned on. instead of picking up a game that he know's he's going to hate, dicks around the first 30 minutes of the game, and then goes "I didn't like it, and therefore it is bad." without actually diving into mechanics, what the game does well and what it fails at, etc. And both of them are leagues better than the average rantsona reviewer which are actual swamps.
>You simply associate everything of a person with that person's political allignment.
Because he won't shut the fuck up about it
>whines about mainstream movies and trends
>exclusively consumes mainstream movies and trends
Also if you want to bring up how he BTFO Hbomberguy, please watch his seven video defense of Yooka-Laylee and tell me it's not the exact same shit but worse.
maybe Mauler of you account the amount of valuable info in relation to video lenght
Based stickily on analysis
The entire bit of him picking off the sentences word for word is pure fucking headache. Why anyone would think that's an actual way of arguing is beyond me.
He's not even really a "game reviewer", he has a random mix of content that happens to include a few video game-related videos.
As far as his Dark Souls 2 video is concerned, he makes some good points (like about the lock-on), but a fair bit of it feels like he's being purposefully contrarian as a thought experiment. Like he wanted to see how far he could defend a game.
>praises the fuck out of marvel infinity war
Is so strange, he makes really good videos, but is hard to not see him as a contrarian, his defense of the star wars prequels was super strange, like he was deluded in thinking it was some secret kino.
Neither do the posters here
He's not the worst, he just has horrible takes
>the wooden shield's item description in BB makes fun of itself so that means FromSoft realized shields in general were a mistake
>Critics were wrong about Fallout 3 because I don't like it, but they're right about the souls series because I like it
>Big armored guy boss fights in Dark Souls 2 are good because Artorias is good
>Dark Souls 2's world design is great because nothing making sense means everything is a surprise
I like him, his video on how onions isn't actually turning the frogs gay convinced my self ascribed red pilled YouTube dad.
sorry it takes an hour to dismantle buzzwords and non-sources the right can spew out in 5 minutes?
He reviewed Mass Effect 1 and never levelled up.
Remember that time Jontron was completely right about Antifa being full of communists and Harry's only response was "HAHAHA HE SAID COMMUNIST WRONG! HE MISPOKE! HAHAHAHAH! LOOK AT HIM SAY WORDS WRONG ACCIDENTALLY! HAHAHHAHA"
I meant s o y
*never get past parts in one sitting
Remember that time jontron said black people were genetically predisposed to do crime?
I don't even know what you're on about but Jontron stopped being good years ago. He didn't make any videos for a long time, then when he started making videos again they were fucking awful. I have no issue with dead channels, I do have an issue with channels that consistently put out bad content. It takes a lot for me to unsubscribe, and I had to with Jontron.
his fucking videos are like 4 hours long
I mean, they are.
Yeah, the funny part is that he was right.
turns out most of it is black on black crime so i don't know why you cry about it so much when the problem is solving itself
>defended Fallout76
>shits on Sigil
>praises the unpached Blood remaster
I usually don't believe the accusations of contrarianism made against people, but he is the exception.
Got any more examples of his? I didn't know he was that retarded.
There's also DWTerminator who is cringe-tier westaboo. He unironically thinks Gabriel Knight is some big masterpiece and shits on most games that aren't on PC.
That would be Dunkey
>He is the worst because he is so headstrong
He's a fucking pussy.
razorfist for one.
mrbtongue basically made the same argument, but better and in a shorter amount of time.
Since this is an off topic E-celeb thread, what ever happened to Alphaomegasin? He was super fucking cringey.
he was right
just read the data
Stopped watching his reviews a while ago, but today I stumbled across his Ion Maiden review. He had a few nitpicks here and there like how the weapons arsenal needed more crazy shit like in other Build engine games. He also stated how he got a bit tired of throwback 90s boomershooter, but I guess that is a growing opinion with each new boomershooter release in the last couple of years.
awh, upset because he doesn't like your kojimbo games?
Who are the lawful good/neutral?
Thats the metal guy who would scream infront of a camera for 45 minutes straight without ever making a single point right?
He's literally gay
confirmed high test makes you gay
I'm sure he and his tens of millions of viewers really miss you. Seethe harder that you failed to "cancel" him.
not really, he's just a retard in general
dude woodgrain lmfao
>The entire bit
Within the first three words you have already contradicted yourself. You see, this is your way of hiding your total lack of points within rhetorical flourishes, hoping your audience is too impressed to notice the lack of support for your arguments. A "bit" is a small portion, by definition, yet you call it an "entire" bit, implying an entire bit is a large portion. And yet we know a bit is a small portion. You have tried, and failed, to make a small portion look like a big portion in order for your points to have more relevance.
>picking off the sentences
Yet more rhetorical flourishes. You use dirty words like "picking off" to refer to quite ordinary practices; this is a practice a normal person would call QUOTING, yet you call them "picking off" in order to make them look bad. One hopes you do not expect your average reader to be quite so stupid as to fall for these tricks, but, well, they must be willingly reading your posts...
>word for word
Yet another contradiction. Earlier in the post you referred to my practice of "picking off the sentences", yet now you say he does it "word for word". Which is it, user? Does he quote whole sentences or word for word? Did you seriously think these contradictions were going to go unnoticed?
>is pure fucking headache
Well, user, I think your arguments are pure fucking bullshit! This is just an ad-hominem attack! Anyone can subjectively say they have a headache, which is a subjective experience anyone could have. In argumentation, objective points are all that matter.
>Why anyone would think that's an actual way of arguing
Again, rhetorical flourishes. You hide the fact you have no point by asking a rhetorical question: "why would anyone think this thing I don't like is good?". Well, that is what is known as a subjective, ad-hominem attack, user, and I know you can do better than that.
>is beyond me.
A lot of things seem to be beyond you, *chortle*.
>Please share this video and repeat all my talking points on reddit
LG is Ross of Game Dungeon as well as Inside Freeman's Mind
Mandalore and Sseth do not deserve to be put in the same chart as Ross
Nothing wrong with exposing Fallout3 for the shit game that it is,
*Duke Nukem voice*
Mmmmmmm Woodgrain LGR Christmas socks! All on a 12 inch floppy. Maxis
Based user
SO IN A (movie/game/series) ABOUT (genre convention I arbitrarily decided) THEY DID (thing that goes against the genre convention I decided)???
I mean he's alright sometimes, but his actual critiques of things are awful since he always does the "They did THIS in a game about THAT?".
The autism intensifies when Mauler can't be arsed to just make a general retort to the sentiments expressed by Hbomb, but instead tackles every single sentence resulting in this exchange happening a billion times
>Hbomb: So in a thing about x
>Mauler: *SIGH* it's NOT a thing about x I've already said so *drones on*
Basically all vidya reviewers are fucking shit except for Matthewmatosis.
No, that's Yea Forums.
Excellent post
Why don't you discuss that topic with the rest of his fans in the youtube comment section of his videos? It's where you belong. Stay there subhuman, this doesn't pertain to video games.
>buried Ben Shapiro with the aquaman joke
>please watch his seven video defense of Yooka-Laylee
You're acting like Yea Forums doesn't turn on E-Celebs after one anti-Trump joke
>He's a bad reviewer because He doesn't share my opinions of games
Now I'm recognizing why so many people resonate with Dunkey's video
Literally every retard on this site, get assblasted when someone dares to have a different opinion than theirs
Rich coming from a poster of Yea Forums
t. No attention span
I wouldn't even fuck his fursona, that's how much I hate him.
Ok retard
He has a fucking fursona?
He's right though, libcuck.
Daily reminder than the strength comparison actually said that correlation is also reliant on class ie the lower class you are, the weaker you are the more right wing. The opposite is true for upper class. And the previous papers this papers quoted said the exact inverse or no correlation.
Learn to read actual data beside cheap clickbait.
>Puts 6 year old child through transgender hormones
Not surprising really
Any legit source on that?
I don't like either, what does that make me?
I love brokebrain faggots like you. Everytime I've fought one they either ran away or started crying.
>guys go to the gym to get ripped to attract girls
>Makes sense
>guys buy nice cars to flaunt their wealth and status to attract girls
>Sure, that sounds fine.
>Women wear makeup and nail polish to attract men
lol remember when he would dox and harass people on Metokur but then it fell out of vogue so he quit because That's Just Not Me Anymore and then he became Very Socially Conscious once it became conspicuously profitable
He has objectively bad opinions when he gives buggy turds praise or when he goes out of his way to present non-arguments like "Its fun with friends" as a defense and sellingpoint for the trainwreck that was Fallout76. Civie11 is the superior boomer reviewer anyway.
keep saying it
He had to update his review of Rainbow Six: Siege because he didn't realize it's basically a competetive multiplayer and anything you can do solo is essentially a tutorial. He pretty much reviewed terrorist hunt as if it was a stand alone full single player experience.
He looks really creepy in the side videos where other "retro gaming" youtubers partied with him. Also imagine just having people sending you so much shit.
>objectively bad opinions