We're going home bros ...
We're going home bros ...
Other urls found in this thread:
Not like this bros .... NOT LIKE THIS
why do bitter falseflaggers keep starting classic threads?
Anyone else already reserve their Blood Elf name?
Kek. I still find hard to belive that this S-oyboy was not trolling
They can’t cope
No, because there wont be blood elves you retarded tranny.
this face scares me
Layer 8 ... home ... for this session
Why do I want this guy dead? I shouldn't be this angry, but I am.
look, I don't play WoW and I shouldn't be in these threads
but seriously what is this 'layering' I keep hearing about
what the hell is going on in that clip
This is what blizzdrones deserve.
>get in group with friends
>try to do shit as a group
>friends disappear, mobs disappear cause they're now on a different layer
but why? why does that happen?
Ah the Trust system is working well I see.
a means to dealing with server population when zoomzooms quit
a stress test intentionally layering people for the sake of testing however gives seething XIV trannies content to clip and repost
Prove them all wrong.
Join the paladin death squads.
Send a message to [email protected] if you might want to join a guild of pure paladins on the Herod (PvP - US East) server.
Everyone says "paladins are almost useless" "lol ret" "get ready to heal forever" well, what will they say when an unstoppable 40 deep stack of the most abusable class mechanics in existence no knock raids them. Every aura, every judgement, mass bubbles and endless Lay on Hands. Get fucked.
PvP gear is starting out buffed to Naxx levels. There is no PvE grind required, and PvE is completely possible too. This is absolutely going to work and Classic is the time to make manifest. I'm recruiting from day 1 all the way to level 60, grabbing as many paladins as will join the cause. You can send an email to me now to be part of the first to organize.
there is a place set up for you people already. follow this link.
Because it was during stress test and the engineers were doing various tests on layers which disrupted gameplay.
>all classic shitposters are weebs
god nothing makes me want classic more than knowing weebs wont play it
>incompetent dev can't make automatic forming or check for ilvl
rent free
>Game is not even out and classicucks are already implementing retail features
Jesus ...
Yea Forums is an anime webzone, you know that right?
This is
1) cringe
2) not going to work
3) all there is to it
feel free to fuck off back to Yea Forums or /jp/ anytime
what the fuck
did people really use to pay monthly to play this crap?
Yeah, we need room for more console war wojak threads!
yep. belf is maximum qt
Just downloaded this anime reaction picture just to piss you off, faggot
>complains about weebs
>he's a furry tranny faggot
Holy fucking shit
Sad isn't it? Imagine paying monthly for this shit, classic blizzdrones.
[streamer] said layering was good, I agree with him
Which streamer? I follow a lot and I've yet to hear this.
Really pathetic. Just like their lives, after all. There are different levels of patheticness but they've reached the absolute bottom.
Reminder that Classic is a reddit-tier game
>butthurt neckbeard told me layering is bad, don't agree with him.
Two years from now when they release TBC Classic and let you transfer a character to the servers to simulate when the expansion first released there will be.
no this did not exist in vanilla it's new for classic
>neckbeard calling others neckbeard
why do these falseflag threads keep popping up?
are XIV players already out of content or something?
...LAYER 57..........HOME.............
Why do people hate this?
How is it different from using the LFD/LFR automatic group finder?
Do you really think you'll """"""socialize""""" with 40+ years old autistic boomers/20- years old retarded zoomers? You'll fucking hate every single person you'll group with, this is not 2004
>are XIV players already out of content or something?
rent free, and I don't even fucking play your shitty mmos
>How is it different from using the LFD/LFR automatic group finder?
You don't warp magically to an easier version of the raid.
Stop making fun of us classic wow fans!
I'm pretty sure that's not the reason people hate the automatic group finder
I mean, they hated it in WotLK too and LFR didn't exist there
So from blizzard's website it says that layering is supposed to be a temporary thing so areas aren't completely flooded at the start
Sounds reasonable if they keep their word and don't fuck everybody over
why are dedicated shitpost threads allowed to exist?
this thread is like 50% onions wojaks, this board is a fucking dumpster fire
nothing as good exists, which is the real sad part
It's a large part of it. The 4 difficulty tiers in nu-WoW is a subtle thing that ruins the game without many people noticing that its the thing responsible. Progression and the sense of fulfilment is fucked up by it.
That addon is just an in-game variant of what many will do via Discord, or what many did via IRC back in 2005. It's a communication tool.
shh don't ruin good gamer outrage with facts
Do people who actually play the game hate it though? The automatic lfg tool only works for leveling dungeons and lfr anyway, so nothing of any worth.
Everything else is manual inviting and going to the dungeon.
stalagg and grobbulus... home...
Fuck you I will hunt you down saw your toenails off and put them up your dickhole
>4 wojaks in a 60+ replies thread
stop being a crybaby and clos the thread
How does it do anything to progression? It only works for leveling and basic bitch things. Fuck does anyone even do heroics any longer? The gear is pointless.
I'm unironically looking forward to September since interest in this ActiVision cashgrab will be long dead by then.
It's people getting entitled.
People who's absolutely shit at the game wanted to experience the raid too, and since Blizzard was hungry for money they ended up ruining the game for everyone else.
Because he is a pathetic "content creator" who is completely unabashed about being brought to tears by marvel movie trailers. Do not feel bad for this waste of space, he deserves all of the hate he got and more
I didn't hate it at first, but came to. That and flying. These things cut out normal weird shit that would just happen in Vanilla.
>you're on the way to a dungeon on foot
>horde also trying to get in dungeon
>coordinate an attack and try to kill them or cc and run in
shit like that
>if they keep their word
And this is were the problems start
thats was my first place i started back in 2004..
good times are back
Pointless gear and yay you get to run that same raid 3 times now, just to get sick of it 3 times faster.
So you only run normal dungeons and never ever stepped foot in mythic. Sounds like it's not LFG that is the problem.
>Fuck does anyone even do heroics any longer? The gear is pointless.
Exactly. The multiple difficulties is retarded, what's the point of heroic 5 mans at all? There's none.
The problem with LFR isn't that groups are automatically formed, it's that it's an undertuned version of the real raid.
People are misplacing their frustrations.
I always wondered. What rights do they even feel they're being denied?
Report it for the first thing in the drop down box, but they will evade it anyways so it doesn't matter
having sex with straight white males
>Nost gets shut down after enjoying it for awhile
>HAHAHAHA faggots playing your chink server deserve it
We had fun though
>rumors of classic circulate
>You think you do but you don't HAHAHA fags it will never happen
Yes it will, blizz even snatched the nost guys to help
>Classic gets announced
>Nu-blizz will filled it with cash shop garbage dungeon finder, it won't be the same
We'll see, i have hope
>Beta comes out and it's perfect
>AHAHAHA streamers only, streamers and layering are going to ruin the game
Minor things that don't matter and the core game hasn't been fucked with too much. It will be fun
>Repeat streamer and layer shitposting for months
I've been watching these threads for almost years at this point, what's with the decdicated retarded tortanic posters? Anyone else been lurking the threads ever since like nost got shut down? I'ts crazy.
kys nigger it's going to work
I just want some more of Yea Forums to get in on it, build a playerbase before day 1, and reminisce on virtual/V/ in yet another 15 years.
Anyone who is a Paladin should be joining this guild. The things they say are true... for lone paladins trying to carve out an existence in the world. They are looked down upon or enslaved as eternal healing sluts. But together, we will accomplish wonders.
If you are a paladin do not cuck to some raiding guild hoping to be granted items when it's convenient. Slay with the chad squads from here to eternity.
In down for this. Missed vanilla and was too young to appreciate TBC
He's out of shape and dressed poorly while looking overly emotional.
If he was buff, it'd seem funny.
If he was dressed well (and had decent haircut) then it'd look a bit off but could be interpreted as vaguely understandable.
If he was dressed well and in shape, he'd seem like some goofy charming guy getting really into a passion.
I would be constantly terrified of cutting into my hand.
I guess that is why I will never be the best...
They need to make a general on /vg/ for you autists
>>Beta comes out and it's perfect
But it wasn't?
Typical blizzcuck answer. To answer you, no, no I didn't. I have no interest in clearing the same raid on 3 different difficulties. It was fine back during ulduar with the hardmodes and even ICC was tolerable. But yeah, it's old at this point.
>Anyone else been lurking the threads
You're not the only one. Don't worry, compilation bro will pull through and BTFO all of these retards.
>point out flaws
>reeeeee shitposting
rabid fanboyism, but understandable
these people have been waiting for a proper return to the game they actually want for a decade now, realizing that classic wow is a piece of shit might drive them to suicide
look I'm sorry anons, but you're never going home
Fok yu retar
ohnonononononono HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Ah, you misunderstand. You're thinking "EQUAL" rights, so you're confused as there is nothing being denied to them.
By rights, they mean "MORE RIGHTS", having the ability to do and get away with everything they want; like billionaires do.
What about the fact that the people that will play the game have absolutely no idea how it was back then and are absolute morons you cannot avoid, no matter what?
Who said anything about clearing it on all the difficulties? The entire fucking game starts at HC for raiding and mythic for dungeons. Anything lower is afk tier.
>he doesn't know
You think that stops the Monster Hunter fags from circlejerkin here?
Can't wait to see "compilation bro" shitting on you idiots after the first month
>still can't build a good enough server software and client to handle a single server for a 40 year old game
what went so wrong bros
At what point in WOW did they remove cool RPG features like having the best forges and alchemy tables in dungeons?
>people that will play the game have absolutely no idea how it was back then and are absolute morons
Oh you mean the beta testers?
>theres guys who actually believe this
Just so you're aware user, many of us were actually there. It's not nostalgia goggles, zoomer-kun. We genuinely don't like what the game turned into. How does classic kill bfa, easy, when I get a piece of gear, it actually means shit. Have fun running the same shit over and over waiting for a titanforged piece.
After you smash fags.
>Wait years and years for Blizzard to implement legacy servers
>They just copypaste the 1.12 code on top of the BFA client and call it a day
>While still charging $15 a month
yeah, 100k players trying to kill the same 10 mobs with 2min repsawn timer. Sounds like a great design right there.
>why yes, I do choose the optimal race for my class, how could you tell?
>After all, I want to be nothing but a credit to all those around me rather than having them carry me.
Smashfags are worse I agree. They especially need to fuck off to their general
haha yeah they should have a million players per server at least by now
fucking noobs
To everyone who is against Classic in this thread:
What would you have me play instead?
more like politics and video games since the are far more popular than anime now
>When private servers offer a more authentic experience than the company that made the game.
Oh no, i'm sure classic is going to be a blat, for a month or so. Then it will probably be awesome again when phase 2 rolls out, for a month or so.
I mean the actual people you'll play with.
Are you dumb? Streamers will keep playing this game and bring their retarded following behind
And even excluding zoomers, people is completely different today.
For example, I see this posted a lot: "guilds that help newbies". Do you seriously think that there's people today who willingly go back to a fucking dumb level 40-50 dungeon and help every single newbie out, while there's a massive grind of any kind to do? No one does that anymore. It has been a while since you played MMOs, apparently.
Or making friends and stuff? 85% of the people you'll find is unbearable, cringey, creepy or whatever. You'll stick with your friends as usual and that's it.
The game was and is good, but as someone said in another thread, you can bring Classic/VAnilla back, but you can't bring 2004 back
>What would you have me play instead?
Anything but MMOs. They're dead m8
>optimal race
>non-white guy
Nah, should have to start over. They're better off ignoring TBC, dogshit expansion.
>if they keep their word
they won't
>expansion that everyone considers to be the best besides newfags
Literally not a single private server has done this. unless you mean it provided an experience filled with bots, then yeah i suppose it was more true to vanilla.
Real question is why they're even in this thread in the first place. If they're pissed off about classic threads, go make other threads you'd rather see instead. Bitching about it does nothing.
theres like 10 anime boards vs 60 non-anime boards you dumb weeb
This will never be a /pol/ or reddit safespace normalnigger.
>you can't bring 2004 back
>unironically uses [current year] meme
Half the zoomer fags are gonna drop at around level 30 and the other half are gonna get sucked in just the same as we did. Learn to love it lad.
>split the world
>destroyed the lore
>lineared the dungeons
>flighted the world PvP
>killed faction unique classes
>forgot class quests
Why is the classic community so retarded and full of literal kids?
>Classic comes out, has sharding in every fucking zone
>I mean, sharding is neccesary, [streamer] said so and I agree
10 boards that are primarily about anime
the rest are anime boards but with another theme
I'm glad you updated your argument from "Streamer said it's good" to "Streamer said it's necessary"
If you try again your strawman might be accurate in a few posts.
Basically the right to be a transvestite pervert and invade womens' bathrooms and locker rooms, to invade women-only spaces like womens' sports, and to demand that straights have sex with them.
They want do not want equal rights, they want special treatment.
*teleports to your shard and steals all your black lotus*
nothin personnel cuck
Still looking forward to what they are going to do once men start to compete in womens sport, and destroy them.
The right at being looked at normally. Which of course, it's not a right and they're not normal.
Stop living in the past, things change. People come to Yea Forums to dicsuss politics and video games now, not anime.
>Unironically giving money to Activision Blizzard in 2019
Egads! I can't believe I forgot that it's the current year!
>unironically giving money to videogame developers
Just leaving this here. TBC fucked WoW world and setting. Atleast WotLK tried to salvage situation and bring it back to its roots.
Why does that picture suddenly give me motivation to lift?
>Hold on babe, let me call this guy a classicuck
That's the power of full CHA builds
>Tranny races
>disconnected world
That would be pure unadulterated kino.
giving players the choice to remain in vanilla, or upgrade would be great.
Layering isn't going away. There's like thirteen fucking servers and even assuming 75% dropoff of the launch population after first month, there will still be a minimum of 250k players spread out over 13 servers that in days of Vanilla had an average of 3,000 people per server.
I'm still going to play and enjoy the game but layering is something that will be ever-present. The game won't work without it.
Literally every single one of them has offered a more authentic experience than Classic with sharding will offer, even the ones with boosted XP rates.
TBC was peak WoW but fotm private server heroes and WotLK enthusiasts will try to convince you otherwise.
TBC is the only good version of WoW that has ever existed.
Yeah, those 500% boosted respawn rates sure are true to vanilla.
so go play there?
>I'm still going to play and enjoy the game but layering is something that will be ever-present. The game won't work without it.
Sure it can, just put people in queues and offer them free transfers to the lower pop servers.
TBCucks are the worst
It doesn't even have decent raids
Unless you call the "Black Temple" good, with Illidan as the only fucking memorable boss or Sunwell Plateau, where you fight 50% Kil'Jaeden that just runs away
Wow, fantastic experience for fantastic gamers...
More true to vanilla than Blizzard's sharding funservers, yeah.
I need to know who that is it and hopefully if it's achievable.
The only good raid is Kara which was a leftover from vanilla.
A different game from 15 years ago. but from a pre-approved list of games that haven't become too popular.
Litterally braindead.
Alright I'll give you Karazhan
But there's people worshipping fucking Tempest Keep like it was the fucking Sistine Chapel, while it's a shitty short raid with stupid and annoying bosses
>and actually let people focus on playing the game
This is why the social aspect of MMOs is fucking dead. People don't seem to get it that forming parties, talking to people and player/player interaction is part of playing the game - it used to be a quite large part of it.
But it doesn't matter. This is just the LFG tool from TBC - it doesn't teleport you to the dungeon like LFD does. You still have to interact with people, even with this tool.
yeah, a collective population of 7 is more accurate to vanilla than sharding, which only occurs to make unbearably full servers into normally full servers.
look, I'm against Sharding too, but I at least know why they put it in because of how much of a clusterfuck the original launch was.
What changes made to the game do you want, El Vanillano?
isnt lights hope going down? what server will you play on
Sharding is the absolute worst thing they could have done. Making more smaller servers and then merging them if the population drops off? A million times better solution than sharding. Enabling dynamic respawns for quest mobs during the first few weeks? A thousand times better solution than sharding. Literally not doing anything at all and having a hundred players compete for every mob? A hundred times better solution than sharding. Sharding is literally worse than straight up implementing dungeon/raid finder.
TBC was pretty epic though, sure it wasn't perfect but you can't shit on it
It simply was the WoW casual babies' first expansion and that's literally it, or your first time on WoW. They just added more stuff that was absolutely shit, and the Outland look like ass too
>stop talking about anything other than SMAAAAAAAAASH!!!
Source nigger
You know all those dead weight garbage players that were pruned from raiding guilds when raid size decreased from 40 to 25? Those are baddies crying about TBC.
mythic still exists for normal 5 man dungeons and you have to run to the entrance
Shitty game play FF XIV instead you faggot trannies
Still don't get what sharding is. Is it like in other MMOs where you can jump between channels #1-9 or something? But instead you're being forced into some other shard/layer because there's 55000 people in a zone?
What's Yea Forums?
But they already have that. The entire world bends over backwards to accommodate their mental illness and enables their delusion.
why would you expect normies and 14 year old normie larvae to ever know better?
Almost; they haven't reached the goal quite yet. Once it's illegal to even think badly of a tranny and you can be tossed in jail for turning one down for a date, then it'll be closer.
It'll never be done completely though; you know as well as I that these types are never done and will invent new goals and windmills to fight against.
It's already dead but you don't know it yet.
Monkeynews, I know you're here you half black norf cunt
pve in vanilla is shit but pvp can be fun
none, they just want to be special. this is the only way they can latch on to that feeling every time someone addresses them.
no way this guy got that good without sending the occasional DNA into the pile of §oy
fuck off
bros what are we gonna do after all our favourite streamers go back to play bfa after 1 month?
What a site starts as and what it ends up being are different things.
For example: ever notice how Kotaku has OTAKU right in the name? Think there's a reason for that? Exactly.
only maniacs claim that Yea Forums is an otaku site in 2019, just like only maniacs would ever dream of saying that Kotaku is an otaku site in 2019.
>7 years ago
it's time to grow up weeb :)
it's pretty sad how post-election newfags don't know anything of this site's history, nor do they care. Yea Forums only exists in the first place because a bunch of "weebs" really liked azumanga daioh and 2chan. it has always been an anime website.
I wish posting this ugly faggot's face was a bannable offense.
So who are we blaming for the inevitable failure of Classic? Blizzard? Zoomers? Retailfags? Trump? Trannys?
no, I never have because fuck that shitpile and fuck you. If your excuse is, "this shit is gay as fuck now because I'm here" then you should fuckoff and take all the pussy ass newfags with you
Probably... but it adds to the flavor.
and always will be Allah willing
>FFXIV has a great expansion
>great story
>great PvP
>great dungeons and raids
>plenty of content to do outside of raids
>WoW is so bad you desire a shit Classic version with everything worse than FFXIV
Hey but keep making those delete XIV threads WoWfags, maybe one day you'll dream of it happening.
>split the world
You mean like how kalimdor and eastern kingdoms are split? Let's totally just glomp on some land to them out of nowhere and have to push a replacement of the world for the expansion. Or even worse, we could replace the original like what happened later.
>lineared the dungeons
Not that many of the vanilla dungeons were significantly nonlinear and those that were had a reputation of being a fucking ordeal and were more tolerated than celebrated beyond the initial exploration of your first time. Let's not forget the internetworked 5man attunements either.
>flighted the world PvP
TBC had capture towers and horde/alliance/neutral towns sharing zones exactly the fucking same as vanilla did. It's not like it was terribly difficult to avoid PvP by being mounted in vanilla.
The rest is nice to have but not ruinous, and you forgot to complain about dailies and loot tokens - the detrimental stuff that ACTUALLY MATTERS.
Shadowbringers is based on classic design
Decided to ditch my six character long name from a dictionary for a 5 character long RP name on an RPPvP server. Was this a decent tradeoff?
>intrusive world pvp
>no story
>health sponge enemies that are artificially difficult
>shit gearing system
Yeah no, Yoshi-P would never base his game on anything so shit like Classic.
Need some iron in that diet.
Why cant Blizzard hire this guy? He's been btfoing us since Wod ..
but it is hard to avoid pvp in vanilla, if you get engaged on, it's a fight. If you want to to ride a raid to blackrock, it might be a fight. Just farming mats in the world, might be a fight. In TBC, you can't raid the relevant enemy capitol everyones hanging out in-- because thats Shatt baby, and no fun allowed inside Shatt. You can't reliably gank people farming mats, since they're flying around, and you can't gank raiding parties or coordinate a fight, becayse they're also flying.
PvP took major hits in BC once you hit max level, this is undeniable.
The only bad part of wow pvp is that it lets you get handheld by factions and that there's no item drop on death.
Very casual but sadly the best we can get currently
Oh, hey, look at the person who has not even the most basic knowledge with which to comment on the topic. Here's a hint: Private servers exist with plenty of people who did not play the original retail run and the experience is largely the same as the retail run. People talk in world, in groups, form groups exactly the fucking same as it was before your absolute dogshit "just put me in the fucking dungeon so I can get my loot" button.
The argument is that things change. I've been here since 2005, but I would never claim that this is the same site it was back in 2005. No one but too far gone people like you would.
We can only hope to lead these lost causes to salvation user.
all paid shills
only a retard would think the current shit hole is remotely the same as the previous yet better shithole. Nobody said that. You'll have to reconstruct that there strawman. The point was the board was founded in anime by anime and for anime. No amount of newfags and wojacks will change the influence it had and still has on the board. Sorry.
That has to do with the space, not the existence of flying mounts. You can't be mounted inside BRM. When farming mats, you are in combat and cannot mount up. All a ganker need do is fly up on you while you are in combat and start some shit - exactly the fucking same as in vanilla. Flying mounts give you the option of idling in the sky, untouchable, instead of standing outside - that's fucking it. Flying mounts are not the problem - the lack of interior spaces pre-instance where everyone congregates totally unmounted is. Also, raids on important faction towns and azeroth cities were just as common in TBC as in vanilla as I experienced them.
holy shit that song loops so perfectly
I had a lot of world PVP in TBC. I do think flying mounts were a huge fucking mistake, though. It was the beginning of the end even though WotLK was my favorite expansion.
>It simply was the WoW casual babies' first expansion
it was everyones first expansion because it was the first expansion you dumb tranny
>if you get engaged on, it's a fight.
The options for running down a mounted player and preventing them from running off after you dismounted were not that significant. You could easily see the enemy warrior or mage and take steps to avoid being charged/hamstrung or polymorphed.
Can you guys post more seething streamer clips/vids please
whitemane blown the fuck out by asmongod
I'm Horde this time around so I gotta cheer for the Ooga gang, but Rich Turpin is a fucking G
>weird looking European sounds like a complete faggot
based dwarf
why is that guy allowed to stream joe rogan videos
So i know people will jabber on about him but i think him and the rest of the streamers are just as obsessed with Yea Forums as Yea Forums is with them.
I haven't heard this much talk about this place ever on twitch and now every streamer just has to talk about how they want to fuck over everyone out of spite to Yea Forums and other places.
I think it's pathetic on both ends and i really just want to play wow without this wacky epic streamer wars shit that will just turn into people attempting to burn down fucking classic and have blizzard start yelling "SEE! SEE! WE TOLD YOU! YOU DIDN'T WANT IT!!!"
Big name Twitch people don't have many rules, and big name female tiddy streamers have basically none.
It's the way of the world.
Is Payo legit gay?
Blessed be those who snipe the streams of faggots.
My god that french faggot's rage is so satisfying
nah, just french
first one on this one should tickle your fancy as well
>if they keep their word and don't fuck everybody over
lmao what a bitch. turpin doing god's work
Content creator is fat and cries tears of genuine shill joy
Yea Forums and those that pretend they're not from there get mad because bean-drink
Negative attention to content-creator grants him a new audience and free publicity, gets more money
Yea Forums gets to seethe even harder because they're looking for things to get mad about
Everybody wins
It's kind of like an internet hipster thing now to hate on Yea Forums because it's viewed as an old man site as far as internet communities go. That doesn't stop the same people trashing it from coming here but that's another story.
Thank Christ they all rolled on one server. Will be easy to avoid their crying.
This makes me want to go alliance but all my friends are horde.
>all the retailfag tears on the forums when they level their favorite meme spec from BfA to 60 just to find out all they can do is heal
>all the bitching and moaning for blizzard to buff rets, balance, etc.
First expansion, along with removing world pvp and cross realm everything. Game was a one and done, everything after was a dying gasp.
Because FFXIV is dying off after the expansion launch.
this is the best one imo
LuckyBancho player census put them at like 940k "active" players
>r1 arena masters are all whiny bitches
>r-respect the fun and content!!
This is some XIV shit, have these retards ever left instanced content?
>not realizing that FFXIV is stealing from WoW
>b-but its dying
>source:my ass
>thinking PvP belongs in anything but instanced content.
>FFXIV is the wow killer, I swear
Yeah sure, put it on the pile with all the other wow killers. It's also very telling how you are immediately triggered and reveal yourself. Seeing how xiv fanboys lurk in these threads I'm sure it's true that they are created by your people.
no falseflag that is from classic releasing in a week
you will have a much worse experience when everyone is trying to log in at once and constant instancing needs to happen to maintain "performance"
enjoy :)
>>not realizing that FFXIV is stealing from WoW
Well it's knowned fact that FF is just weeb clone of nuWoW
Neutral hubs aside from shattrah were very busy the first few months of the expansion, world PVP was plenty even after max level.
The real problem was stated by this user oh and something people always seem to forget is that guards were significantly buffed everywhere. Throwing nets, spawning by dozens, putting on hunter marks, anything you could think of was added in BC
>overtake WoW
>WoWfugee flood shitting up the playerbase dropping the skill base to dumpster fire tiers
>not a WoW killer
We're more at risk of dying cause of you faggots not knowing how to play MMOs and relying on 1-2 buttons.
>37% crit
>10% hit
How will this go down in a PVP setting? Will it be good?
>want to roll mage but group has no healer and a lock already
Why is healing so boring. Only one I ever liked was AST.
>thinking PvP belongs in anything but instanced content.
wPvP is best PvP, how XIVtrannies convince themselves that their game is somehow better without it is beyond me.
it's the funniest shit watching XIV players try to defend their PvP
You reap what you saw, faggot.
just roll mage. you can pick up a healbot on the journey.
>as opposed to the streamer server
>actually wanting intrusive PvP in your world
World is for exploring and doing story in faggots. Theres a reason modern MMOs have done away with it. It offers nothing and only intrudes on immersion.
>it's the funniest shit watching XIV players try to defend their PvP
>sub-Diamond Feast Shitter
Let me guess, next you'll accuse it of win trading cause you suck right?
sow. you reap what you sow.
like how you sow a seed, and then reap the harvest. christ.
here he is
the same fucking autist with the same rival wings image
>i-it's intrusive!!
what a bitch made faggot
The open world in FFXIV is almost pointless. Other than fates there is fuck all in the world to do. There are no rare elites, there are no group quests that would ever require you to team up with people, you can teleport from anywhere to most quest hubs / other areas. It's a fucking waste of time. Remember when wow had some elaborate puzzles, world bosses and other shit? FFXIV has none of that. Hell, most of their quests are either gather shit or kill X amount of mobs, they are worse than wow quests.
>World is for exploring and doing story in faggots.
Ahahahahaha, what a sissy boy.
The best story is the one you write on your own.
>Theres a reason modern MMOs have done away with it. It offers nothing and only intrudes on immersion.
And there is also a reason, why FF, ESO and BfA are so shit.
>It offers nothing and only intrudes on immersion.
That's the most pathetic carebear line I've ever heard.
Ffxiv trannies seething
>Go into WoW threads
>Some people do
>but I like bad game design
You're one of those, "Raiding is the ONLY way to play! If you're not raiding then you're doing it wrong! Only raiders should get stuff! Raiding deserves to be the only badge of honor! Get raiding, get parsed, or GTFO plebs!" Types aren't you?
Never considered that other player types deserve special things too did you? Rewards for roleplaying. Rewards for community building. Rewards for teaching newbies basic mechanics. How about a reward for maxing out a retainer or maxing out a crafting or gathering job?
Oh wait, you don't want those because, in your mind, raiding IS the end game
>so used to shit story that you have to defend the lack of proper story in their MMO
At least use the correct term when you're pretending to be oldfag.
>it's bad because I'm too much of a bitch to deal with it
use proper English when you pretend to not be a dirt farming favela leech
>You're one of those, "Raiding is the ONLY way to play! If you're not raiding then you're doing it wrong!
I literally described to you how inferior the open world in FFXIV is compared to wows and for whatever reason you immediately deflected to raiding which has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I said. I can almost smell how bad your victim complex is that you feel the need to bring up some boogeyman that doesn't even apply to what I said.
World is for exploring and doing story in faggots.
Yeah the XIV world is - LOADINGSCREEN so immersive and -LOADINGSCREEN detailed
Why are XIV players so obsessed with WoW threads anyway? Do they just have nothing to do while waiting for their tranny cat to respond to their ERP? Or maybe they're posting while waiting for the GCD to come back up.
why did he film himself with blood on his cheek it always bother me whenever I see that pic
>Yea Forums only exists in the first place because a bunch of "weebs" really liked azumanga daioh and 2chan. it has always been an anime website.
So I guess you still call facebook a site for Harvard students?
>Rewards for roleplaying. Rewards for community building. Rewards for teaching newbies basic mechanics. How about a reward for maxing out a retainer or maxing out a crafting or gathering job?
Is that nigger serious?
>defend the lack of proper story in their MMO
What a fucking faggot.
Story you can get from single player games, world PvP is something unique to MMOs. Plus even a good story only lasts so long which is why square is trying to hold onto players till the next content dripfeed. Good wPvP is forever.
Do you not use a capital letter at the start of a sentence in proper English?
How many days are you guys taking off from work for Classic?
because your retards is hyped for a bad game
I work from home with a flexible schedule.
>because your retards is hyped
based eurotard
Apparently he has vids from 12 years ago, where he's acting like this
onions sjw retard american
>newfags pretending to be oldfags
I'm just stating facts. It makes no sense for politics to be a much more popular topic of discussion than anime on anime website.
id like to take a day off just so i can level past the bottleneck but i probably wont
>i'm totally not a raiding paresetranny
Keep coping faggot
Yeah im sure having to move across giant areas cause of "LMAO HUGE AREAS" is really immersive.
>Do they just have nothing to do
Sure I do. I have:
>Collecting all mounts
>Collecting all barding
>Collecting all minions
>Leveling all classes
Story you can get from any game, just because your game managed to shit up the genre with shit stories doesn't invalidate that MMOs can have great stories like XIV has proven.
>its unique guys
Just because its unique doesn't mean its useful. World PvP is intrusive and retarded.
>i'm totally not a raiding paresetranny
Who are you even quoting right now? You seem to be incredibly confused. I said wow has a better open world than FFXIV, for some reason you immediately projected some hatred towards raiding onto me and now you are calling me slurs that the fucking FFXIV general uses to talk about people in their own game. Are you shizophrenic or what kind of mental retardation would get you those results, because clearly you are no longer interested in reality.
LF a discord/IRC/anything where ppl don't care if you say nigger or faggot, and also without any homosexuals/trannies. thank you
Reminder that FFXIV players defend this and think the WoW cash shop is way more egregious than theirs.
>no homosexuals/trannies
You're in the wrong game buddy
Go home and stay there you fucking reddit refugees. You and your fucking general threads are a fucking pile of shit.
>XIV players trying to pin the tranny issue elsewhere
XIV is the most LGBTQIA+ friendly game in the business buddy
Yea Forums should be shut down
it's not working as a platform for videogame discussion, but I don't know of a better alternative
>There are no rare elites
yes there are? Some have respawn timers of several days
>Diaperfags flock to WoW
>worst thing FFXIV gets is cosplaying faggots
I pity you
I don't think so user
What server is everyone picking?
It's pure, east coast kino
>knowing Diaperfags on the fly
user What kind of diapers are you wearing? Kiddos? Preschools? Barebums?
Do these people "fake cry" or are they legit tearing up and crying? That's kind of sad honestly. I feel like they always did this for reactions and views, you know? Like opening the mouth wide and making a big expression. I find it hard to believe that these are genuine reactions, and if they are then these people need to talk with a therapist or something.
googled XIV diapers and was spoiled with results
God I wish FFXIV didn't introduce Hrothgars. It brought furfaggots and their ilk to XIV.
Just 2 days. The 2 days after it releases for a 4 day weekend. Good luck playing on release day.
weebs are already on the same level as furries
classicers really are prisoners
Not how it works.
You and your party are always on the same layer, it's the party that jumps layers
Keep your furries and diaperfurs back in WoW. Jesus christ why did your game have to shit the bed so hard that your diaperfags flocked to ours.
fuck you kid
Holy shit this í toxic as fuck
I swear to God, that little faggot gets uglier every fucking time I see his face.
>>worst thing FFXIV gets is cosplaying faggots
Damn, trannies AND Pedos?
Dangerously redpilled
There is a homosexual ffxiv player with no life, he lives on here and makes them.
Also yeah, ffxiv was never very big but it's had a massive drop in players and the expansion hasn't sold well so they are in panic mode.
I laughed harder than i should have but that really wasn't what i was expecting