Petra thread

Petra thread

her retard speak is cute

Attached: FETH_Petra.png (724x1119, 691K)

Other urls found in this thread:

god she's so fucking ugly
why is everyone in this game so ungodly ugly?
ugly crusty ass muthafuckers

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ya gay

Shame her default outfit accentuates her ass so nicely.

I like her braid

There. I just improved you're waifu 1000%.

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This is wrong, put it back


>Petra thread

Why the fuck do they make you settle hyper specific low yield cities to have access to the best Wonders?


>hearing her speak perfectly after timeskip

>3H character design
still looks like shit

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>offers to show you her “other” tattoos
>gets even happier when you agree

God banging this chick would be so easy.

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I want to fuck this savage

Pencil skirt

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Her speech was pretty poorly handled at least in english. She needed more of an accent. Saw some one say that the va wanted to do an Irish accent, but was denied.

still cute

Dont you talk about my wife like that

Petra is such a good unit. She dodge tanks everything and crits everything. Thanks Brigid.

How do I recruit petra besides training dex and riding on blyat?

gifts, tea time, dinner etc.

Get her to B rank support and she'll be much easier to recruit.

get support up. if you get to B the requirements are really low

>Irish accent
Thank fuck they didnt let her. Americans are terrible at doing Irish accents. They always sound cringey as fuck.

OK thx
How to view current support rank with her?

There's a support tab if you open up the menu, it will list all your support ranks with every character.

are there any news for Lunatic? I want to start second ng+ but it's a bit too easy

Her VA wanted to give her an irish accent but voice director said no


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have sex

Por que no los dos?

based and ESLpilled

you are an individual of the homosexual persuasion

because its euro themed and whites are ugly


Fuck off, Petra has good design but her stats are fucking rubbish. That resistance has got to be the weakest in the game. She so much as gets sneezed upon by a level 2 monk, and she's fucking dead. She's always one of two characters who ALWAYS die first in BE playthroughs. She is such a fucking chore to keep alive.

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because is the same fucking face with different hair style.

Nigga Petra is a fucking God that can solo the game once she hits level 8

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I wish the different houses a dialect desu

bangs are awful

imagine having taste this awful

I have bangs irl....

shit taste

are you a grill?

I'm a girl and 29

h-hey are you a qt?

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Is she Italian?

will you be my hilda gf?


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just started first ng+ run should i upgrade professor rank all the way or just part of the way?

No I'm not really stuff like that. I just work and come home and play games. I don't want a boyfriend despite what my mother says.

based hermit fembot

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my petra was my mvp as a wyvern rider/lord, everything had like 50 hit against her and she would slaughter things and double them

Get E+ and upgrade as much as you can on the same day

She reminds me of Starfire from Teen Titans. I paired her up with the class bicycle for some carpet munching.

who is the whore? the brunette commoner?

>I have more marks on my arms and back, would you like to see them?

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>sperg mass reply

You're retarded, she gets so much speed that she literally can't be touched
Also she will kill everything that's 50% hp or less

What skills to get 0 hit? Or is it just speed?

You can change her outside appearance but she's still a barbarian on the inside.

Speed. Going dancer also gives a +20 avo to swords, and a combat art that increases evasion further.

It was, but it made less sense in Japanese since her only shtick is somehow not understanding particles even a little except when you propose to her.

I gave dancer to Dorothea in the BE route
I don't regret it though, it's nice with meteor when she's lagging behind

She's adorable, instantly became my favorite character



Petra is best girl.