They finished her game

They finished her game
Are you ready Yea Forums

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no, i want skullgirls 2!

Haven't played Valkyrie Profile yet but I hacked it onto my PSP recently. I'll pick up Indivisible if I like the game it's based on, I guess.

>play as a bishoujou and have a harem of cute boys
I can't wait

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wait, they actually finished it?

Yep, it's got an October release date for most systems with the Switch version coming later

I wanted the Switch version but that's gonna take forever to come out

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I'm ready to receive my backer key, yes.

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I'm glad I got impatient and got Bloodstained on PC instead. The Switch version is a mess. Granted, this would be difficult to downgrade given that it's all sprites, but there have been other examples of this.

Why in the hell would you get the gimped version of this game by getting it on switch?


Wow, glad it's finished.
Now people can stop giving a fuck about it and it'll be forgotten right after it comes out.

My body is ready for more hot brown girls.

Not too brown where they have those ugly ethnic features like a thick eyebrow ridge, huge lips, wide nose, etc
But brown enough to look like a dazzling golden tan.

Does this mean you guys will finally stop shilling the game here?

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Waiting for more delicious brown tomboy porn.

The art is nice, but every time I look at gameplay it just looks unappealing and boring.


Is she lesbian or just bi?

Brandon Sheffield is a complete bitch and i honestly don't want to touch the game associated with him.

never heard of him before. Who's this guy?

Its combat system is really fun and its got exploration like super metroid.

The knife guy seems like your typical user

That was a stretch goal and was explicitly stated to not be a guarantee

The faggot who was trying to take an h-game off kickstarter all the fucking way back in 2012 and was regularly spewing SJW shit since then

I'm ready for the next wave of shitposters who are STILL upset that it got funded, yeah.

Dynamic 3D cameras in sidescrolling platformers are a huge tik for me.
making the scenery shift around in 3D with the camera only draws attention to the fact that the entire building your exploring as been cut in half so you can see inside it. Having a static camera makes the gameplay more presice since you can see exactly where the ledges are, and it makes the game more cinematic because establishing shots work better with a narrow focus. I thought we learned this lesson after Oddworld.