What threads should move over to /vg/?
>FFXIV threads
>Your turn to die threads
>JoJo threads
>Smash threads
What threads should move over to /vg/?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just nuke the whole fucking site. What do we do here all day anyway it's all pointless
Video games are fucking gay. Just end them all already. People only care about porn nowadays.
Why XIV thereads but not WoW Classic threads? They're both regularly-recurring MMO threads.
wow classic hasn't came out yet
What difference does that make, threads about XIV's newest expansion were constant and that wasn't out yet either
Your Turn To Die threads
Video game threads. This board is no place for those.
>Tfw didn't fully read the OP
Definitely Super Mario Maker 2 threads. They already follow a general-like format to begin with and it's a bit annoying having to wait for someone to start a new thread after the previous one just died. Plus there's hardly any Mario related content on /vg/ to begin with besides that fucking Bowsette general (No, really)
Op are you still angry your wojack thread died to a vidya thread?
Homeposters are the worst of the lot and they need to go
>you have been visited by the sudden sleepy lala of this is now an XIV thread.
>this thread is now an XIV thread
I'll check the catalogue now
Everything in OP
World of Warcraft
Mario Maker 2
Smash bros
Fire Emblem
Epic Games Store
No Man's Sky
Robot girl cosplay
Dangan Ronpa
Metal Gear Solid
League of Legends
Monster Hunter
All need to go
There's like 5 WoW threads right now on the board and has constantly shitted up the board for months, but for some reason you feel like FFXIV is worse?
What's that? Dilatabrea needs our help? You got it.
/vg/ wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a cesspool of degeneracy and if people talked about the games that the generals supposedly exist for.
Sorry ascianbro, but I have other plans. I'd sooner betray an ascian than chop off a friend's member.
Honestly they just need to rename Yea Forums to /trash/ that way your shit wojacks have a place. Samefag btw
Guys, I think Ilbro is going to turn on me. He keeps unsheathing his katana. Someone get Emet.
Ilberdinaud here. Lets get those pesky ascians before I betray myself again.
Nothing personal, bro.
/vg/ is overfilled with gacha shit because gachafags are too autistic to stay contained in one thread
Buff SMN
Nerf nigger mages
Nice discord group. OP was right in listing xiv
>one guy shitposting is a discord group
Dilatabrea is next.
Anything to do with hacking a system, /hbg/ exists.
Lobotomy cooperation threads should go too.
We should move the video games to a different board I think.
Monster Hunter, oh wait.
Smash threads and DMC threads for fucking sure
It is done. Not even Ilberd and his Ala Mhigger katana can stop me now.
>tfw Brie Larson will never ruin your orgasm
Pathetic. I am the true Dilatabrea.
A smash thread died for this
Lahabrea, look what you've fucking done.
You projected quite a bit user.
Wow XIV trannies are obsessed on victimizing themselves aren't they?
Sup bros, I have rid the star of the ascian menace. Now let's all summon a primal.
*thunderer plays*
It is time that I betrayed myself, but first I must cast triple sloppy.
Is it really necessary to have a general to discuss Kanna pissing herself?
Piss containment is the primary function of most generals. So yes.
smash threads i don't see as many jojo or FFXIV threads
>vidya isn’t allowed on Yea Forums anymore
fuck off
Jojobros had 3 vidya threads in the last 2 days I think. That's waaaay to much vidya for op
Smash threads should be contained but it seems like banishing games to /vg/ just kills them
Why are XIVfags the most obnoxious when they're told to go to their general? even FGO fags aren't this bad.
here's how to fix vidya boards
>remove /vg/, at this point it's a festering septic tank of autists
>new boards: /vc/ and /vs/
>/vc/ is video game culture: shitty e-celebs, twitter screencaps, and barely on-topic threads go here
>/vs/ is for competitive games like fightan and smash, and also for making rooms for Yea Forums to join
>Yea Forums is now videogames again
because telling people in speedrunning threads to go back to xivg would be more accurate than saying it here
I'm on Gilgamesh and got friend to try out ffxiv, but they can't create a character on the server. What are my options to play with them? I'm kind of confused by the world visit system and if they're fucked economically even if they bothered using it.
/vs/ just sounds like an invitation for fighting over REEL competitive games.
Reminder that Yea Forums got way way fucking worse when /vg/ was created. The more you split a board the worse it gets.
you can do most anything together but be in the same free company as long as you're on the same data center
Because they're here to escape the absolute fucking cancer of /vg/ so they can actually discuss the video game. Take a look at and ask yourself if you'd bother trying to post in that shitheap.
That's dumb
>Remove /vg/
>Maybe remove /vp/
>Create /cel/ for the general discussion of celebrities, ecelebs or otherwise
>Create /ssb/ for Smash
>if people talked about the games that the generals supposedly exist for.
This. A lot I notice just exist for the sake of people wanting the game to have a general but few actual discussion. The few generals I've dropped in on and found decent discussion are the ones like homebrew or emulation general which have people actively discussing and engaging in the general topic and usually have some helpful advice and info. /vg/ is great for those kind of things I'll give it that. But discussing a work of entertainment on end is terrible.
He's In threads. Smash threads in general.
>always at least 5 WoW classic threads not even discussing the game
>tons and tons of smash threads shitting the board up
>only ever at max 1 XIV thread actually talking about the thread
>mods only touch and delete the XIV threads
geee I wonder why.
>dude just stop talking about video games
>always at least 5 WoW classic threads not even discussing the game
then maybe assmad XIV trannies should stop making them?
tell me wasn't made by an angry falseflagger, go ahead
This, everybody in the Animal Crossing general just plays Pocket Camp and hasn't touched the actual games in months
>>Create /cel/ for the general discussion of celebrities, ecelebs or otherwise
This. It would fix multiple boards. So many boards not just Yea Forums suffer from e-celebs. Other boards like Yea Forums,Yea Forums,Yea Forums have problems of people discussing actors lives and real world dramas and not their works.
It fixes so much of the site as a whole.
So can they work on their economy stuff (retainers, market board, etc.) but be able to work with me? Are markets datacenter wide now? I'm just trying to see the point of being on the same datacenter and using world visit. He's a decent merchant so I don't want to cripple his mercantile abilities.
There's also no preferred servers.
Promote this man.
You're literal years behind dude people who want the game talked about adopted fake falseflagging because it gets more engagement from fake contrarians, there hasn't been unironic falseflagging in years
You just cant use your summoning bell to summon a retainer, meaning you can't put things up for sale.
I never get the choices. Some threads get sent to /vg/ and others don't seemingly at random. And then I see some e-celeb video game reviewer threads nuked on site then others get a sticky. It makes no sense at all and highly inconsistent.
Then they're fighting, which is the point of the board. I don't see a problem here.
Because you faggots are fucking obnoxious and invade other mmorpg threads regularly. Not even the wow faggots bother with ffxiv threads on Yea Forums or /vg/ other then the usual contrarian faggot. People could be talking about Wildstar for fucksakes and FFXIV will just go and avatarfag on those threads. Maybe YOU aren't one of these faggots but there's a shit ton of FFXIVfags ruining things for the otherds, /vg/ or not.
>Copy That happened back in 2014
where does the time go bros.....
It wouldn't work, it only would create a "us against them" mentality.
Well that's a major problem, but thank you for the clarification.
I'll tell him not to play ffxiv because the japs have fucking retarded social control concepts.
I would genuinely appreciate xiv threads moving over to /vg/ if we could somehow minimise or even erase the current 'culture' of the xiv generals.
seriously, skim through to see how XIV players spend their time, it's fucking embarrassing
SMTnigger is that you?
you can still buy stuff just not list it for sale or use retainers, most stuff works normally
you can't make any real money in this game without having most everything capped so I wouldn't really worry about his economy
>shitty e-celebs, twitter screencaps, and barely on-topic threads go here
There should be a SFW version of Yea Forums for this stuff.
Wow classic threads were sent to /vg/, not sure why they aren't being banned now.
Smash threads should be sent to /vg/, that's really the only kind of thread I see pop up enough that is about one specific game and are always the same fucking thread.
I'm convinced the only reason they don't is because without those users no one would be posting on Yea Forums
I wish, I also miss pajeet poster.
smash rosterfags are the worst people on this website and not even their own general will satisfy them
Do you have autism or are you just really stupid? What do you even think you're talking about? Do you think worldvisit permanently disables retainers? Do you think worldvisit prevents you from leaving?
delete /vg/
ban generals
No we would still have egs shills and lazy bait threads
>move over to /vg/
That's not how it works you fucking newfag.
>A core concept is very important to a friend.
>Shit don't matter.
I'm aware how currencies can and cannot matter in significance, but that doesn't excuse shooting themselves in the leg when people, including new customers, want to play together. I have families from hispanic and asian countries though so I understand different view points of social controls, but fucking hell the end result is I can't play with my friend in a convenient way.
I can't tell if you're autistic or schizophrenic
looks like your typical shitty xiv thread on Yea Forums
just go to vg you faggots
Why not clean up the /vg/ threads? by I don't know, talking in there.
because the people making them shit can afford to make it shit fulltime and they will gladly act worse and worse the more they're pressured, there's nothing that could change it other than moderation stepping in, idk how this isn't obvious though with how even this board works
If we could harness the combined autism of /vg/, we would be in space 7 years ago.
Did somebody already mentioned Monster Hunter? Because i sure hope somebody said Monster Hunter
Yea Forums wishes to discuss XIV with Yea Forums, on Yea Forums. If it were not so, threads would not be made here and they would not hit post cap. /vg/ is containment for cliquish retards to have FC drama/erp/social meetups. Wheras Yea Forums is for ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT THE GAME.
look at this thread and tell me this place is about videogames
this is a meta shitpost thread, you mongoloid newfag
the problem with /vg/ has an always been the skeleton crew of moderators that can't keep up with all the fucking shitposting.. one autisitc fool got so outraged that he invented a bot that intentionally destroys any gw2 threads that crop up on /vg/. /xivg/ can sometimes be legitimately helpful, but it's few and far between with all the cliquey shitposting and erp.
All of the video game discussion in the thread is about XIV so you're really not making the point you think you are dude
i mean to be fair the Yea Forums threads have only gotten worse since the expansion dropped since we have nothing brand new to talk about, on top of just the general shitposting that happens on Yea Forums (wowfags, trannies, dilate, etc). Not to say it isn't miles better than the average /xivg/ thread.
But XIV threads on here reach 500 posts easy, so it seems like there are people dedicated enough to keep these threads up and discuss them at length.
So why is it so hard to do the same on /vg/ until the clique there is gone? from what I can see the /vg/ thread is barely as active as the Yea Forums threads.
No, but the issue is that a lot of XIV threads are back to back in being made, and the excuse is that the /vg/ threads are impossible to discuss XIV in. So my question is, why don't you clean up those threads?
Self moderate then by pushing out the bad blood in a similar way that etrian odyssey posters did, are you telling me you guys can't beat trannies?
They've been garbage because people keep making back to back threads nonstop to the point where there's just shitposting because there's nothing else to talk about.
shut the fuck up
you are worthless
Back to back threads on Yea Forums are fine. There's plenty of evidence for that being the case - you need only look at smash. It's not a general and it isn't treated like one. It will disappear when interest in the game disappears. xivg is shit, but we don't actually need an excuse to post videogames on Yea Forums you fucking faggot. Nor is it our onus to 'clear out' the XIV general. Those fags are perfectly happy being fags where they are.
Just saying. You xiv people are the only ones that got triggered.
No, back to back threads are generals, even smash threads are bad.
Just because they are allowed doesn't make them or XIV threads any less cancerous to the board.
I'm asking why if you can make back to back threads and all you want is essentially a general.
Instead of complaining about mods doing their jobs and deleting generals.
Why don't you go to a literal general that is already established and clean it up.
These threads are only more active because they AREN'T 24/7, if everyone moves to the general thread and has to intentionally try to flood out bad posters like I already said it's just going to make even "good" poster quality degrade very quickly
By design /vg/ posts are always going to be worse because a thread needs to be up and posted in constantly, and if you want the "good" content to outweigh the bad you have to start forcing it, which will bring down post quality anyways because there isn't that much to talk about. Here the thread dies for a few hours and then resumes later and everything is fine, nobody is even rushing to make a new one once it hits bump limit and it's usually over an hour before there's a new one up.
Smash is literally the only game that needs to fuck off, mainly because when ANYTHING related to it happens, the thread spam for it is absurd.
XIV is fine, mainly because its usually, at worst, a couple threads. If you want to ban XIV, ban WoW too, since we get constant classic and "home" threads about it as well.
Also any popular video game that gets a fuck ton of threads due to popularity needs to be booted until its like 2-3 threads at most.
Oh, and ban Epic shill threads.
>implying it's not the opposite, and this entire thread was made by someone being triggered about XIV
WoW shills and jannys get ye gone
its like watching tech tv go to g4/tech tv to g4 to cheaters reruns
yeah dude taking this meta shitpost thread as an opportunity to talk about a game is so terrible all those people should definitely go back to /vg/ and totally not the metaposters
your posts alone are proof why /vg/ doesn't function though, people really determined to shitpost are always going to drag down post quality no matter how many people aren't engaging them, and once even one person does suddenly the whole thread is about it, the thread had ffxiv discussion before metafags reeee'd that /vg/ wasn't being talking about instead and not enough people were complaining that Yea Forums was shit for you
Not him. Just answer this one question, what video games do you want to talk about
Anodyne 2, XIV when patch 5.1 drops, Wild arms, Sekiro etc etc.
The posters in a thread maketh a thread anew when one happeneth to expire, for they wish to continue discussion. Mayhap thou aught ban all sequential threads, lest you hope not to define in truth what a "general" really is?
Hearken to me, backseat mod. Fuck thyself.
Well.... Then go do it
Video games threads
>Why don't you go to a literal general that is already established and clean it up.
You severely underestimate how autistic /xivg/ is.
I love how you xiv posters got so triggered you made a whole new thread.
Why were you so triggered you made a new thread?
Not me.
This thread was moved to