Dota 2 International stream is moderated by the Chinese government
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Calm down Ching
Stop spamming chat with garbage you cuck. I'm here to laugh at EG.
If you want to bring attention to Hong Kong then actually go to places that isn't twitchcancer.
>even fucking plebbit that is owned by tencent has threads with 1000s of replies
What the fuck went wrong?
>Twitch chat
> The stream may not be moderated by Valve directly...
>At this point, it’s also not clear if the removal of this phrase is deliberate political censorship, or just moderation of the sheer number of users spamming the same phrases.
he would never do that to you Yea Forums
>Timmy Tencent
>not the biggest china dick sucker
Tencent doesn't give a fuck about the Chinese government at all, the just want money. It's owned by fucking south africans.
Make place for the TRUE KING
>advise and participation
Or they just gave me money and we made more money without giving a fuck about china at all
>Egs is not even legal in china and fortnite
>Skeleton skins
This is becoming a LITERAL REPEAT of last thread.
>“The way our competitor operates offshore is not legal in China, and they don’t have an office in China,” Allison said. “We have employees there, so we are very sensitive to what is legal and what is not — more for the benefit and safety of our staff. We just don’t want to take any risks that can put them in any legal fire.“
They wanted to operate legally in china and then quietly and quickly made their operation function in the gray market like everyone else.
>It's an odd situation, as earlier this year Epic Games said its Chinese office made it "sensitive to what is legal and what is not", adding "the way our competitor operates offshore is not legal in China"
newfag here, what the fuck does this mean then, EGS dindunuffin and everyone just needs to realize they are a business like every other?
Everyone wants to sell in china you moron,
>Tim gives 0 shits about chinkland and runs egs illegal there
Tim is even more based thanks for the info, gaben on the otherside sells his soul to get the permission for steam china
It got banned from chat because people were spamming it nonstop and it was getting annoying, blame the retards in chat not Valve.
>pretending it's some valuable political statement instead of the typical stream chat chimp out spam
How shameful.
> runs egs illegal there
Its not illegal its legally grey. Steam was operating in that grey market that way for some time now and Timmy was way behind in the game. This argument isn't getting anywhere since both stores want to operate in china in some capacity , but the difference is that Tencent has its hands directly in Epic's board of Directors while Valve gets to have the Chinese audience while still operating as a private American company that cannot be manipulated from the inside by China.
yes, we expect quality discussion from stream chat
not memes en masse
post the chinese character 点
looks like a tank running over people.
spamming it is censored in China as well.
It looks like a child's drawing of a boat on water
never forget the six million who died in Tiananmen Square goyim
how is this news?
Looks like a hammer slamming on a cube
come on chink jew I know you have more
i really hate seeing american companies bow down like bitches to an authoritarian police state government. fuck china, and fuck valve for letting china do this shit.
How the tables turn
>make an irrelevant political shitpost
>it gets deleted