ITT: Games you like that are objectively bad
ITT: Games you like that are objectively bad
This but with Dead by Daylight
It's not objectively bad, just unoptimised by shit devs. It's mostly balanced, at least.
you shut your whore mouth
I tend to refuse to accept the bad games I like are bad, but if I were to name one, it'd probably be Guitar Hero Live.
Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide
>Yea Forums shits on dead island but loves dying light
>finally play dying light
>it's literally dead island 2.0
I was actually obsessed with this game. I think it had massive potential, could've been the first game to compete in the market with DBD but the devs MURDERED it.
They had so many options for balance tweaking.
>Adjust scrap
>Give killers a way to lock doors and split the survivors apart
>Remove the 30second headstart that survivors get
>Fix killer bugs
>Reusable kill spots
>Multiple objectives that must be required at the same time
I want to play this but the devs chose to make it fucking Discord exclusive. They had a better chance than Friday the 13th to offer some competition to Dead by Daylight but they squandered it.
Pretty sure they just got their discord money and ran.
Seems like it. They haven't posted any news or Tweets in 5 months. They chose to make a quick, small buck instead of something that could grow bigger and generate more money over time. Guess i'm gonna have to stay with DBD.
Pic unrelated right? This game is objectively at least decent.
F13 was a lot funner and arguably better that DbD in terms of gameplay.
Kinda this, i'm addicted, 1800+ hours and now I have to take breaks every so often not to be burned out easily.
My absolute favorite game of all time, but Yea Forums calls it trash and its fan's babbies
so objectively bad it's great
>arguably better gameplay
It was definitely better. The atmosphere in the game was also far superior, which in this sort of game only enhances the gameplay.
also DbD trying so hard for balance is a negative in my opinion. F13 was at its peak fun when Jason was an OP killing machine
Yu-Gi-Oh forbidden memories
It had an A+ waifu game.
it's so bad that it couldn't grab the attention of Game Grumps. They didn't care about any of the cutscenes and didn't even finish the hospital level. The level design is so bad that they didn't realize that they had to pick up the axe after the first chase scene.
One of the devs did an ama in the discord either today or yesterday. Sounds like they are still working on the Steam re-release.
truly a pleb filter
Yeah, real fun to get killed instantly by stretch armstrong and then have to wait 10+ minutes and spectate players hiding in bushes to get xp.
I love it.
Fallout 3
>implying it was ever actually THAT bad
>hiding in bushes gives exp
Nice job ousting yourself as having never played it
Try reading that again.
I loved getting these fucks with throwing knives. I'm sure they felt cheated somehow.
games with survivors and killers should have a balance
most in favor of the killer but of course a little balance so it doesn't turn the game garbage to survivors
She said bad games.
Asymms are just terribly flawed games. The power role needs to be stronger than a solo survivor, possibly only being hindered when all the survivors are grouped as a team. Most asymms are just chase simulators instead of being interesting though.
Then they just first aid spray and waste more time.
Doing that didnt give shit for points and took so long most people didnt do it.
I agree (not the original user you were replying to) but i also kind of agree with that other user in that F13 wasnt ever really as bad as people pretended. After they nerfed his grab a little bit he was probably about perfect. Only 1 or 2 survivors MAX should escape a match. And early on in F13 thats usually what would happen. Latter on after more Jason nerfs he kind of became a bitch. Kinda like most DbD killers (actually probably not this bad but still)
Exactly, but the fact that it was programed that way in the first place was stupid.
That game is good though. Least favorite of the trio but it's fun and hilarious because of the glitches.
How would they waste that much more time if you are using throwing knives? They can hold AT MOST 3 sprays. While Jason can hold what? 5 or 6 knives? Also pretty sure Jason can throw knives faster than camp councilors can heal
I bought the game when it was new and popular not realizing that a few months later it'd be dead and complete garbage abandoned by the developers who are scammers
I was tempted to install it again but I read that it's filled with russian hackers
What was programmed that way? The grab? Or the timeout system? If its the latter then yeah. That in my opinion was the thing the game needed the most work on. They needed a better system where survivors who died can leave early and still get their points. If its the former, like I said it never seemed as bad as the community sometimes pretended it was, but i was okay with the little nerf it got. Got it to where more matches ended with only 1 or 2 survivors.
there's something about Monster games that i really like, but not many survive past the first months
Dead by Daylight is ok, but the userbase is absolute shit. fuck those faggots
what the fuck are you on about? it sounds like YOU never played the game
Same pick for me OP. The game is a fucking mess and the devs are garbage. I shouldn't like this game, but I have over a hundred hours in it and just bought the Switch version, too. Fuck man.
I meant the councilors were wasting time. Hiding in roofs, or other out of bounds areas.
And depending on the med sprays, the perks and Jason accuracy a player could totally survive the limited knives thrown at them.
The time out/Exp system. I know it was to make sure that there were players available to step in as Tommy, but they chose a poor way of going about it.
my favorite part of that game is the single player stuff since it actually plays out like a friday the 13th movie
It was fun to me, and I do not even like 50 cent. Got it on gamefly years ago and played through it a couple times.
I knew thats why they did it. I cant remember off the top of my head, but wasnt Tommy always the first to die? They should have just given it to a random player in the lobby when he gets summoned. Then people could leave whenever they wanted
I will never not be butthurt that this game was handled as poorly as it was. It sucks even more that it's the most fun I've had with an asymmetrical slasher game.
it was truly great. fuck the jewish f13th creators.
I honestly don't remember either.
I would like it a lot more if you could skip the intro cutscenes.
I've replayed this at least once a year since launch
I wish these asymmetrical slasher games were more successful and popular. It's a genre I really like but nobody can seem to make it right.
I played this for a bit then decided I would hold off on really getting into until the game released on steam and got a population boost. Shame 8 months later and they still haven't done that.
I liked the potential. It had great atmosphere, but it just didn't have enough content or clearly a competent developer.
Anyone have a Savini/Jason X hack that works now that the devs jewed us out of the .dll hack?
My man, this was the best shit
I love nude Laura mods because they detail the pussy and Poison is fun to play
Unironically my favorite horror franchise since I played it first
>be a shit killer
>don't kill anyone
>gg ez
>kill everyone
>gets called a tunneler camper and fucking hitler
this guy plays dead by daylight
I will always remember playing the beta nonstop
>be sneaky girl
>Jason sees me
>run over bridge and into a small cabin that has the black girl in it
>she hides under the bed
>i run to the back and hide in the dresser
>lights go out
>hear jason walk around the building slowly
>he knocks the door in
>starts looking around
>black girl gasps and cries quietly "no"
>start hearing jason slaughter her
>he comes around back as she's gurgling
>he stops in front of the dresser im in
>stares at it
>walks away
>seconds later the lights come back too
i will never ever forget F13 for that moment, because the tone and tension of the game went from cheesy to scary and back and did so flawlessly