>still uses 7.62mm NATO literally 600 years later
Still uses 7.62mm NATO literally 600 years later
Other urls found in this thread:
Dont fix what aint broken.
Friendly reminder that the assault rifle is an m249 is every aspect except appearance.
I mean the end result still makes a dead alien so what's the problem? It's cheap, easy as hell to mass produce abd it still gets results.
Sorry, m60
Don't fix what ain't broke
>still using mph instead of kph
>SMG bullet is square
For what purpose?
The novels establish pretty clearly that humanity's technological advancements stagnated not long after they became a spacefaring civilization.
There was no reason to develop plasma weapons or anything of the sort when all you were fighting were other humans and a 7.62mm round brings them down easily enough. Hell the SPARTAN program was originally meant for quelling riots on colony worlds, not for fighting the Covenant.
Caseless ammunition material that dissolves when the projectile is fired.
It's probably caseless ammo, so it's a round bullet with a cube of propellant around it
I hate how clean design is literally impossible in modern gaming
Better graphics = just add more stupid random shit
"Future" and bungie not understanding ballistics
>battle rifle uses intermediate ammo
>assault rifle uses full-power amm
shut the fuck up and suck my BALListics
What's the third model from?
What do you do if your HUD stops working? Is there a pop-up iron sight or do you just spray and pray?
Caseless ammo exists in real life dumbass
It's caseless ammo, something that already exists and has existed for quite a while now
The military just went to windows 10 six month ago and uses i3 laptops. What makes you think they won’t have the same ammunition in 600 years
>this nigga doesn't know what caseless ammo is
It uses an electronic firing system so if you lose power the gun stops working and you probably just die
Well that was easy.
>being alien makes you immune to bullets
imagine being this dumb
the only reason humanity could stand up to the covenant is BECAUSE they still use ballistic ammunition
covie shits shake in their boots at the sight of a MAC charging up
>same size and round as the AR but with a smaller magazine
Why not just put a scope on the AR
Not to mention the DMR fires the same round as the AR.
>I-I was just pretending to be retarded!
MA5B is a based rifle prove me wrong.
>no reason to advance despite the fact gaining more advanced weapons then your enemy makes winning easier
If anything, the UNSC fighting other humans with guns for a decent portion of its history should have encouraged them to make more advanced weapons
Militaries generally don't change shit if they don't need to, like how Russia still uses 7.62x54r, which was designed in 1891
They should have just said that the DMR fired some kinda meme cartridge like .50 Beowulf or something
>magnum uses .50AE
Immersion ruined.
Hence the SPARTAN program.
>join the UNSC
>get an assault rifle
>find out that the bottom attachment is a fucking flashlight
In the books there are stripped down versions of the AR that use iron sights, but I still have trouble believing that even +700 years into the future that militaries would ever phase out an option for infantry to always be able to aim using their unaugmented eyeball.
Are there really 8 gauge shotguns? Seems like that'd just blow your arm off at that point.
Why is the gauss round smaller than the sniper rifle round?
So the eternal debate.
9mm versus 45acp
>join the UNSC
Pop up sights hidden in the cowling.
There are even 4 gauge shotguns
9mm will kill the body, but .45 kills the soul
>duhhh I was m-merely p-p-pretending!!1!!!11!
>he doesn't know about the KS-23
>asymmetric recoilless carbine
>a recoilless railgun
>railgun with slow projectiles
343 designers are braindead
got em. /k/ larpers are pretty easy target
>bullpup configuration
>still as long or longer past the trigger as a if it had its magwell in front
how the fuck is it so inaccurate when tapping to single shot
Sniper cartrige only fires the round at the tip, gauss cannon accelerates that entire slug at the target, and at much higher speeds.
I swear I once read it uses .300 win mag or something, which would definitely make more sense. Going to Halopedia now though you're right, what was Bungie thinking?
Scope makes it hit harder. Gold standard for video games since forever.
They weren't.
>the spartan laser
>a weapon so powerful it can destroy virtually any covenant vehicle or infantrymen in a single blow
Why did they strap these things to vehicles and make larger versions for their space ships?
that's because ballistic firearms have been "solved" since 1910
>what was Bungie thinking?
I think it was an active effort to make spartan 3's weaker from a lore standpoint, but it effectively didn't translate at all through gameplay.
Their ships already have MACs.
Because MAC guns are better.
I remember some user wrote a wall of text about this the other time. The tl;dr version is that a 7.62 bullet is already a nearly perfect killing mechanism and the only thing you could do to make a gun better is to make your shots hit more, not increase damage with every hit.
I think by the time they were actively deploying their basic models the Covenant was already through the front door, wrecked the living room, and was busy glassing the kitchen.
Because it's really, really expensive.
When it comes to the survival of the human race I don't think any cost is too high. Sounds more believable.
>Why did they strap these things to vehicles and make larger versions for their space ships?
They did? Most of the cool shit that got made in the thirty year war never saw widespread deployment, hell most of the warships in use were made in 2400's and where refits. One of the best warships used thoughout the war was made in the early colony rush in the 2300's and was still in service AFTER the war ended in 2552.
>Retarded /int/ posters
>Still obsessing over America despite no mention of it
You would be surprised at how much penny pinching you get even when in total war.
>still using sharpened metallic based weaponry ???? years later
What now?
MACs are more effective against covvie shields
and yes they strapped macs on vehicles, gauss warthog is an example
>The Spartan Laser is the most expensive small arm known to be produced by the UNSC. It costs 218,000.00 cR, more than the cost of four fully armed M12 Warthogs, 134 MA5B assault rifles, or over 7,266 M9 fragmentation grenades. Although the Spartan Laser was considered to be "ruinously expensive" at the time of its introduction, later refinements led to a reduction in production cost which is now only considered to be "extraordinarily expensive"
That was a typo I meant to say why didnt.
Is 6.5 a meme inside 500 yards?
be specific.
>Get given Spartan Laser.
>Drop onto Halo ring to kick some covie ass.
>Suddenly giant cyborg bunny hops over to you.
>Gives you a drained energy sword and takes your spartan laser
>Return to ship
>Get asked what happened to spartan laser
>Tell them a Spartan took it
>MFW now in debt for the rest of my life.
It's pretty much the same as 308 and only shines when you're taking ridiculous shots, correct?
>blade is not superheated, vibrating at high frequency, and wielded by an augmented soldier
I know I was responding as if you knew how to type.
When the fuck is pc MCC coming out
As far as I know, depends on the situation, for SMG I would choose 9mm because of less recoil and lighter round, for handgun .45 for stopping power and higher lethality. In the end though, I don't think the difference is that big. Army would want 9mm more because in the amounts that soldiers need ammo, it's just cheaper to produce and transport.
Never, did you expect otherwise?
When Bannerlord does.
45 for suppression, 9mm for everything else
>join the UNSC
>told that my squad is supposed to pile into open-topped warthogs and drive straight towards enemy lines
>somehow make it there without dying, even though almost everybody else bites it
>Spartan shows up, think this might actually turn out okay
>he takes my shotgun, offers me a plasma pistol with almost no charge left as "consolation"
>have no choice but to accept the trade
>saunters off to fight more Covies while I have to fend for myself with this piece of shit
>know that even if I survive this clusterfuck I'll get chewed out for losing my shotty
this military fucking sucks
Honestly millitaries the world over are retarded, did you know they give rifles with calabers that can penitrate ship hulls to submariners to defend submarines?
user, I...
how do we deal with the Spartan problem fellow cannon fodder?
It's true though. You're an easy target and respond instantly to anything you think you know. You did what he wanted
I doubt they are expecting people to high jack submarines while in the middle of the sea or the depths of the ocean.
Oh, and 45 for home defense
There is no debate, it's 9mm you stupid boomer
>.45 acp
>fire at a robber
>kills him, barrels through multiple walls
>hits the neighbor's dog and instantly explodes it
>robber takes two full magdumps to the chest
>doesn't even flinch
>rapes you afterwards
That's cheating
It's the future, why don't they have smart bullets that shoot bullets?
That's for, like, if they're docked and there's a suspicious individual coming at them on foot or something. They aren't having shootouts with rifles inside the sub while it's underway.
The real debate is:
>.308 WIN
Subsonic 9mm suppresses better while maintaining better ballistics than .45.
>.45 abcd
>Fire at a robber
>Head explodes sending skull shards out into a crowd of orphans.
>robber takes a magdump to the balls
>rolls on the ground holding his sore testicles.
>orphans are all okay and don't even need ear protection.
>Still using rimmed cartridges
The PKM is the only redeemable weapon that fires x54R in this day and age
You answered your own question.
>bullets that shoot bullets
So shotgun shells?
54mmR if it wasn't rimmed
so you just have to get onto the sub and stand in the reactor core with a box opener and the submariners are fucked arnt they!
When you're fighting pic related using a shotgun guage that can blow Hippos to pieces doesn't aound like a bad idea.
>orphans are all okay and don't even need ear protection.
9mm subsonic rounds are just as expensive as regular 45 rounds, so I guess it's up to preference
>neanderthals are fighting space worms now.
Reminder the fucking shotguns in halo are really big compared to the marines holding them.
Thoughts on the M91?
>He does not go into battle with an elephant gun
>Lawl bungie retarted not know how bullet work
>Lawl ha you guys are ez targets
Being obnoxious as shit will always get you responses.
>Master Chief, defend this station.
>Yes sir. I need a weapon.
>Right this way.
Why are we so small compared to the Halo aliens?
Nah, they would shoot bullets at other targets during their flight.
Because the aliens were all designed to scale properly with the size of Master Chief.
You lose a lot of perspective when playing as a seven foot tall hulking suit of armor.
>Why are we so small compared to fictional alien creatures
You know that a 6ft normal Human male is stronger then a 6'5 normal Kig Yar right? You could suplex the fucker.
Really puts in perspective how tall spartans are when Jackals seem like manlets.
though Jackals are more often than not hunched over behind their security blanket.
You mean like an airburst round?
Giga Nigga feels like it was so long ago, user.
Do you know real non-fictional alien creatures I can compare hight to then?
Huragok seem smaller in ODST. At least compared to Buck.
Look at how thick that grunt's arms are, they're probably pretty strong even for being so little
Wow, a double
Never shot one, and I don't think there were many imported into the United States. To me it looks like just another not-Dragunov. I'm sure it does it's job fine and will kill people dead but western designs have had so much more R&D dedicated to them I'd rather have something like an SR25 for familiarity and accessibility
Damn the future is cool
Huragok is floating in that picture and are like baloons, you could tie a rope around its neck and pull it around and it would politely whistle for you to stop.
Grunts actually have chimpanzee strength. They can easily carry those plasma turrets and ripped a fat PDF trooper to pieces after getting startled.
Humans are tiny and weak in most science fiction, so we can jerk off about how innovative and adaptable we are instead.
this shit doesn't even seem right though. Most Spartans don't even clear 8 ft, Master Chief is 7 ft 2 in armor. Jackals and Drones being that big seems fucky.
Mite b 343's revisions of them.
\ /
And kigyar have razor sharp teeth and talons. Not a good idea.
7.62 is the ideal bullet type. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Master Chief is 7'2 those Jackals are 6'5 so they appear short.
is that an IR light?
>"The thing is" Leans into microphone.
>"Uggony infusians are mindblowing" raises eyebrows at guest
>"Its incredible, unreal, anyway do you know how strong the little guys are?"
>"You ever see that video of the Uggony ripping a mans arm off."
>"Jamie pull it up, pull up the vid, its unreal"
I'd like to see you try to fight a 6'5 dinosaur fuck that has human-level intellect in melee combat.
WHy'd they remove any AR from Halo 2?
The ballistic coefficient for 6.5 is extremely good, it's almost like cheating. 6.5 is an excellent round but since it has been becoming more popular people will act like .308 is a dud and will get you killed. .308 may be "worse" than 6.5 but it still gets the job done, is cheaper, and barrels will have a much longer lifespan
Does any board have more virgins per capita than /k/?
And a pistol that shoots superheated plasma capable of melting steel.
Yea Forums and /r9k/
t. Gunlet cuck who's never fired a gun in his life. Fucking lmao at Coastal cucks, Leafs Ausfags or Europistanians.
>mfw description of getting shot by a needler in the books
Just take some PCP and snapkick the fucker, he will break like a twig then you find one without a headcrest and mating press her.
9mm will kill the body, but .45 kills your wallet
Per capita though
>cuc/k/s talking shit
Only slightly worse then getting plastic shrapnal from an IED.
>mfw the future was 50 years ago
Redpill me on getting shot with a Needler from the books user.
t. Nogunz retard. Fucking lmao living in a shithole where it's illegal to defend yourself.
/k/ arent virgins if they fuck deer
Stabs into you, explodes turning a chunk of flesh into meat, then the shards the explosion pumped into you burn white hot for hours and septic shortly after.
Druids don't count
Now if the krauts found a way for the fucking thing not to melt
You know how in the games everyone can shrug off a single needler crystal? That ain't happening in the books. Just a singular crystal being shoved into you can rupture organs and that's before the fucker explodes and melts your flesh. Now imagine that when you have the clusters that explode.
If SPARTANs are strong enough to flip tanks, why give them such puny guns?
Stop taking the bait, friend. You're making the rest of us look bad
So is 5.56 better than 7.62 or what?
If its Nato why aren't the yanks on it?
>/k/ringemandos invade yet ANOTHER Yea Forums thread
Why dont you act like you know what a gun is over @ /k/?
>calls someone who doesn't have to take as much shit from the gov a cuck
>what is the spartan laser
Anyone else like the Halo 1 marine design?
I'm all for the more tacticool look of 2 and 3, but 1 made more sense from the lore perspective of the ayys are lobbing thick balls of plasma at you and can see thermals anyways, wha'ts more important, form factor and "camouflage" or putting as much unobtanium on your body between you and fucking PLASMA as possible?
>ywn hug a six-and-a-half foot ayylmao lizard twink
But it's true user, people who post these type of baits usually live in nannystate shitholes where it's illegal to defend yourself or even own a decent gun like the coasts Commiefornia, Jew York or Eternal Anglo shitholes like Canuckland, Australia and then the entirety of Europistan.
For a standard issue rifle, 5.56 is better
I laughed, user.
Why? We still use weapons that were in service a hundred years ago. And no modern service rifle fires a bullet even close to the size of WW1 rifles. The assault rifle in halo fires 7.62 in full auto with minimal recoil out of a 60 round magazine. Nothing now even comes close to that type of energy output as a small arm. There's more to weapon development than "durr bigger bullets".
.30 cal gang got their shit pushed in with the AR in vietnam on cost and usefulness in the way combat was being fought. Capacity wins so everyone is walking around with more ammo than before and 7.62 is generally regulated to DMRs and MMGs.
What about skinwalkers
So are Needlers worse than Brute Spikers that shoot glowing hot spikes of metal into you that need to be cut off with a grinder to preform first aid?
that may be true, but they're just trying to entice a reaction out of you and you're giving it to them
I think flipping tanks is only for gameplay purposes.
thanks I tried my best.
Needlers are way worse, Spikers are just big nail guns.
They look like starship troopers and Alien marines, which is exactly what they are based off of. I like them though. I like the outfit anyways. always thought the scouter was kinda weird though.
They did, in the 50s and 60s. In fact, they insisted on it. They stopped when they realized that it's not as effective as 5.56 for typical infantry combat.
I would personally would say so. That said, I think that the Spiker has a better penetration than the needler, volatile explosion notwithstanding.
ODSTs flip tanks as well don't think about it too hard
Reminder that THIS is what the sniper in halo is based off of
>tfw noscoping with an anti-material rifle
Needler is for actually wanting someone dead. Spiker is for if you want some one incapacitated.
The UNSC mostly uses titanium, which is honestly a pretty bad idea against plasma. Titanium boils at just over 3000 degrees, carbon boils at nearly 5000 degrees, and carbon is half the weight. Your best defense would be carbon slabs, as weird as it sounds to cover yourself in pencil tips.
Here's some concept art. Remember, bungie just came off of ONI, so the influence is really strong there
>be marine
>fightin the good fight on some god-forsaken starfish in space
>hunters show up
>all I have is a simple pistol
>all my buddies die
>suddenly a spartan, a half naked elite, and two other fully armored elites in flashy colors show up
>spartan walks over to me
>takes my pistol and gives me a dead plasma rifle
>he jumps away spinning in circles while murmuring something about "muh famine" and "muh tilt"
>they keep dying and reappearing
>suddenly they all die
>some guy in a suit appears and yells out "BITES ZA DUSTO" at the top of his lungs
>I explode violently
>wake up
>the battle restarted
>this happens 76 more times before the spartan and his cove friends win the fight
>now I have to explain to my superiors why I was using my gun as a club like some caveman
>I manage to get my story straight because my conversation restarted 13 times midsentence
>get sent home
>fuck my wife
>wife gives birth to twins
>her birth restarts another dozen times
>I have to witness my wife going through the pains of childbirth all because the people saving humanity suck at their job
the MA5B is a blocky and unwieldy as fuck gun but I fucking love it. It's so cool looking.
>the one marine who went to college with a stem degree but got drafted
>is currently sitting in the brig because he's been raiding the aft supply room for pencil led and raving about "melting temperatures"
>tfw im the same height as a jackal
They never seemed that huge, shit.
You don't understand what money/expense is. Economics is the study of scarce resources that have alternative uses. Time, factories, skilled workers, metal and all that shit are resources. Sure you can spend all the money you want on spartan lasers but if you can only build 100 due to labour and expertise bottlenecks, or resource limitations and it stops you from building 500k small arms that may not be a fair trade off.
>muh famine
>muh tilt
God at least it wasn't in Reach. Reach is by hard the most difficult with LASO.
We banned fire throwers as being too brutal for war
Why the fuck do you think plasma weapons would fly?
Mines are banned but they still see widespread use, what makes you think that plasma weapons wont get the same treatment?
>reach LASO
>not ODST vidmaster endurance on any map other than shitter base
You don't know true pain
Well yes because a needler doesn't even need to hit you to kill you. The needles supercombine and explode into thousands of very tiny crystal shards. Like shrapnel but 10x smaller and more volatile. If a needle hits your warthog it will explode and then everyone inside has a ton of crystals embedded all over their body, capable of piercing through body armor.
Brainlet when it comes to war here:
How is the Geneva convention enforced? What stops one side breaking it during a massive war?
Remember, you're an eight foot tall god of war in the video games, not dumb grunt who gets sniped by one.
I'm not sure I'd call that intermediate. It's a short cartridge overall but the bullet seems to be pretty beefy and the case is almost twice the diameter of the .308, so there should be plenty of room to load it hot.
Winning helps
Also brainlet here:
Probably the threat of the other side doing even worse shit to your soldiers/civilians
Nothing, its all scouts honour. But you can bet your ass that if you start useing mustard gass then the enemy is going to start firebombing cities.
This is a good thread and you're all good people.
>any country giving a shit about banned weapons
The only reason why napalm and flame throwers aren't being used today in the mid east is because they have no use in the current theaters. The Geneva Convention was only created to arrest generals and military officials 20 years after the fact.
Not him but speaking of ecenomics how did the UNSC magically rebuild itself to shit out the Infinity in 10 years after all their assets were destroyed, their fleets, defense platforms, shipyards and mega bases like Reach were destroyed and the only thing the Navy had was a "Handful of ships" which in reality was only three frigates. Shouldn't this level of debt and loss of resources make it impossible for continuity of government? That's not even speaking about the millions and millions of refugees who have nothing because their local only bank savings were destroyed by the Covenant. How do they just pick themselves up like that in only 10 years?
>always thought the scouter was kinda weird though
Something like that would be super functional though. A few sensors added to the gun and a little AR would make it where they could see where it's aiming without having to shoulder it fully
>not doing it on Lost Platoon and just running everything over in Choppers
Both the risk of escelation that if you start not giving a fuck the enemy won't care as well.
Geopolitical brownie points to win over neutral nations.
It's not. The Geneva Convention is only there to screw over military officials from backwater nations 20 years after the war they fought, like that guy who killed himself right after the trial while it was still being streamed.
It's enforced by UN probably, which means by nobody honestly. If some two dumb fucks would suddenly start nuking each other, nobody will stop them.
no, the magnums use 12.7mm aphe. at least, in the games where the pistol isn't shit.
Glow Nigger magic/retcons/writers not caring about continuity
That depends. Do splatters trigger Black Eye?
Covenant didn't wipe out everything but earth by the time the war ended- they had wiped a lot of outer colonys and some inner ones, but there were plenty left on the other side of the sol system that weren't under threat.
>a fucking M60 at a Wal-Mart
How the fuck? Was it a conversion?
Of course I do, user. Me and the boys did endurance on the ONI building level. we made a system where two of us have pistols and balistics, and the others have plasma pistols and energy weapons.
We split into two groups and proceeded to have plasma boys take down shields and pistols boys snipe the shit out of things.
I've done this 4 times in its entirety. And just because I have doesn't mean that LASO isn't a pain in the ass, still. especially on Autumn. Never really cared for the helmet though.
They didn't. Halo 4 and 5 are shit and 343i are full of morons.
>What stops one side breaking it during a massive war?
Nothing, that side better hope they win though.
Literally dead in 5 minutes from jackels and drones.
It was a joke
Humans went from 50 billion to about 20 billion, the Humans after the war actually had MORE resources and money then before.
>And no modern service rifle fires a bullet even close to the size of WW1 rifles.
Maybe not case size, but 7.62 NATO is still in widespread use and a few countries have even gone back to it for their primary service rifles, and it's very comparable to the .30-06 cartridge the US used in WWI, which was in turn a pretty typical service cartridge of the era. (For those less informed on firearms history, the .308/7.62 cartridge was basically a 1:1 replacement for the .30-06, just designed to use newer more powerful smokeless powder so the case didn't need to be as big.)
>writers not caring about continuity
I guess I shouldn't be too suprised because they had the fucking audacity to make this piece of shit the new rocket launcher.
The design is iconic and it worked at the time, but when you really look into, it really doesn't make any sense.
It probably weighs a fuckton, makes it really hard to enter vehicles, most likely makes a lot of noise and doesn't really seem to have any pockets at all? I mean you could probably make due without your canteen, medical supplies, radio, grenades and some personal items, but would be nice to be able to pack a few extra magazines at least.
If they still had a bunch of shit left why did MC Hood scrifice everything for the near-barren rock called Earth
The only thing stopping anyone from breaking it is the fact that if you stop giving a fuck, so will the other guy
Isn't the spanker copyrighted by Bungie? They can't use it because it's in Marathon, same goes for the PoA logo.
>doing endure on anything other than ONI Base
you are an absolute fucking madman if you accomplished this
basically all the unsc gear would suck to use irl but damn it looks cool
>10 years ago
Bad writing sorta. But a state that is borderline wiped out and putting 100% of everything it has into wartime production and then no longer has anyone to fight can make a pretty solid economic recovery. Soviet union in WW2 is a decent example, or even both Germany and Japan immediately post war.
It looks like pic related
He did not, he sent one ship though the portal and had the rest of the fleet that was still coming in defending earth, mars and the other colonies of the highly populated Sol system from a possible flood attack. Hood did not know that the gravemind was a brainlet that put all its eggs in one ark.
Doesn't Halo 5 have both?
Implying the average UNSC soldier wouldn't cum in their pants for the opportunity to give John their weapon
20 billion? Where the fuck are you getting that? During Halo 3 the human population was in the MILLIONS. Earth was the last bastion of fighting force from the Covenant and it was crushed by Truth's Fleet, the UNSC navy was down to three (3) frigates meaning the Defense Fleet and all the Orbital MAC stations were destroyed. There should be constant struggle to keep continuity of government not whatever the fuck nu-Halo was.
No but it doesn't even matter with vehicle health.
At most you might need to get out to smack a jackal.
Seriously all this autistic shit about coordinating plasma shots is pointless, there is no reason to put yourself on-foot with Hunters and Chieftans. Lost Platoon with 0 coordination.
lmao what? Those are the least threatening because they can't stick you.
The most lethal shit on the map is other Choppers who can fucking stagger lock you or trade splatters.
I think people would argue that the loss of earth would be a huge blow to morale, but I don't think that's why Hood stayed.
I think he stayed because it'd be almost impossible to form any sort of coherent withdraw.
The covenant surprised earth, so there was no time to evacuate anything important or organize a general retreat. And why would he? When the initial covenent force showed up, it was actually much smaller than the fleet that attacked reach, and earth being more heavily defended, it seemed very much like a fight humanity could win. So he engages, does a pretty good job, and then the REAL covenent fleet shows up. It's too late to recind calls for reinforcements, it's too late to try to pull elements out mid battle because there's no one there to cover said retreat. At that point, it's better to double down and do the best you can because the losses of just turning your back and trying to tank massive ship losses is so much worse.
And again, literally no evacuation pan of important industries, personal, artifacts, historical note, or anything else was happening.
Earth was evacuated just before halo 2 and went from around 13 billion to 200 million, the other humans went to other colonies on the other side of human space away from the covanant, post war earth jumps right back up to 9 billion a few years after the war. Remember mars had billions and was never attacked or evacuated and was the main industy in the sol system.
I think MP does but not Story.
That's fair, but it sorta helps my point too about technology being useful long after it's introduced. Firearms are limited by a lot of things as regards physics and human biology, and technology that isn't broke often isn't fixed. The UNSC went hundreds of years with no external threats and no internal ones until the insurrection just before the covenant war. Really there's no reason for military technology to have advanced super rapidly in an area where it was felt it wasn't needed, like service rifles. The AR will murder a human just fine, so why fuck with it when you can spend that money on developing shit like drop pods and AI systems?
>watches a few seconds later
Well I sure suck.
Don't worry, user. We're going home.
completely feel you on this
>the UNSC navy was down to three (3) frigates
Wrong, the UNSC had dozens of frigates around earth and more ships were coming in, shit happened fast and human ships before the war ended are slow as fuck.
disregard my post, I didn't know earth was mostly evacuated pre-halo 2
I loved everything about Halo 1, and nothing about the following games.
>earth was evacuated
I know New Mombassa was evacuated by the time Regret landed, but I feel that what you are saying about Earth being evacuated is just some bullshit written by some retard at 343i.
>Post yfw you're taller than Jackals.
As far as I'm concerned, Halo 2 is only superficially related to the first game.
It was evacuated in the book Halo: First Strike after reports of an imminent covie attack reached hood.
any more of these?
Hell yeah
Halo 2 and 3 had a distinct lack of any civillians running around. There were a few base workers in 3, but that's it.
That's all I have, but if another user has more I'd want to see them as well.
>TFW no agressive Kig Yar Girlfriend to hold hands with
Its almost prisoners dilemma-ish
Both sides are better off if neither uses poison gas or flamethrowers
However if one side uses them and the other doesnt, the side that does use them will be quite a bit better off than the one that does, but that leads to
Both sides using them which is very bad for everyone
So overall you try and keep at stage 1 and really disincentivise stage 2 because as soon as that happens you know you're getting stage 3
Halo 2 and 3 have a big lack of humans dying and stuff. Like I think they were legitimately afraid to put actual civilians in the game because they didn't want to see or hear about people killing them.
It was all aliens all the time, which is fine.
While some want a game about killing insurrectionists, i personally think that's something that should stay in the books. I don't want to kill humans in Halo.
That looks so cramped, they still had plenty of super high ranking admirals aboard the same one. Are actual military parades or high profile celebrations really held in outposts, aircraft carriers or whatever the real world equivalent of that is?
You know remember Spartan 1337
I still want to play as the alpha Elites glassing the beta monkeys shitholes
>it's another "hurr durr the centre of the galaxy is just an empty hole and we only move around the ring" galactic map
Not to mention this is clearly several orders of magnitude larger than humanity was implied to be during any of the original lore. Humanity had thousands or tens of thousands of worlds, not the billions this map would imply.
is the first line you forgot
>I don't want to kill humans in Halo.
Pussy, Innie scum get the plasma too.
>the goddamned BUGS are 5'10"
I guess you never notice because they never stand up straight.
>tfw no gas bag gf who will fix your pc and your car as a hobby
I mean i guess it makes sense. Reminder that the reticle in-game is canon because the sensors in the gloves pick up the electronic information in the weapon to help caluculate spread.
Are some of those things actually magazine pouches or where do the extra magazines appear from when they reload?
IMO H2A ODST Armor is the best looking non-Spartan armor in terms of looking both aesthetically pleasing and practical
I'm going to take a guess that the one the chief was on was a bit bigger because it was in charge of the local group of 3 mac guns. That, or it was an older model- those tend to be larger before the figure out the builiding process and make the platforms more efficently/smaller.
I think this map is implying that only a tiny tiny tiny amount of systems have good planets and everything else is a barren shithole.
>Anyone else like the Halo 1 marine design?
I prefer those from H4, they look more practical.
Looks like some fag just getting home from riding his dirt bike
Yes I was given an award in a little ship cabin once and there were like fifteen people in there.
If it was supposedly evacuated before Regret landed why were there those ODST terminals that show absolute hell breaking down in the city as people were rushing out in droves to get out as the Covenant did land and start killing people indiscriminately?
343's designs are shit, bro.
What's with the bright blue visor? Looks really impractical and kinda out of place with all the tactical black.
That is a good fucking question actually, I guess book lore was ignored by bingie.
>that visor
Was the Admiral of the Fleet also present?
A lot of people were evacuated, but not everyone?
He was riding home from your mums house.
They're banned because they're chemical weapons, nothing more. There's a reason that few people objected too much to flamethrowers in WW2 but nobody started throwing the mustard gas around again.
In large by any given country's allies, and a country's knowledge that breaking it is REALLY good propaganda for the other side with little benefit.
They're really not much more effective than conventional weapons. The retaliatory use is more about revenge than any prisoners dilemma bullshit.
>takes almost a full mag to break a shield
outdated crap
Honestly I feel like H2A was a step in the right direction design wise. Everything looks the way it should. The Elites look likes Elites. the brutes look like brutes, and MC looks like MC. They just look better. A pure upgrade in pretty much every way.
I don't think my country had an admiral of the fleet at the time.
expensive =/= lots of money, ya brainlet
Slavs still can't make disintegrating belts
>Humanity conquered TWO galaxies with 5.7x28
What country would that be?
>Earth was evac'd
lmao what the fuck no?? Where the fuck does it say that in First Strike?
elites looking lithe and athletic instead of massive muscle slabs with heads is the biggest improvement.
Why are Halo threads so good Yea Forums?
I'm sad that I can blast covenant ayy open with a M2, this was promised to me, make it happen!
Compared to the designs in Halo 4 and 5? Yeah, definitely.
Compared to the original designs of Halo 2? Fuck no.
Moat likely 343 shills trying to bullshit to why the UNSC isn't in as dire straights as it's suppose to be after "winning" a 28 year losing interplanetary war where all your assets and resources have been destroyed.
Nigga they are just more detailed versions of halo 2's designs.
A whole squad firing will break the shield in seconds you're full of shit.
Because there are six good halo games and three shit ones, good outwighs the bad.
They never released any Halo games for Sony or Nintendo consoles. Could that have something to do with it?
Because zoomers all moved on to Destiny, so now it's just chill boomers talking about a game they like
>need a whole squad to kill one dude cause he has a shield
super efficient
This is why I'm saying this sounds like 343i shit. The Halo Graphic Novel also had a story about humans defending New Mombasa moments before Halo 2. AND Halo 2 has those terminals where the mayor of New Mombassa is telling people to get organized into a militia to fight the Covenant.
Covies are the best aliens in populer sci fi.
Not really. Most of the time they added a huge amounts of unnecessary details on things and sometimes even changed the whole look of things. Look at the warthogs from H2 and then compare them to the warthogs in H2A, for example.
Everyone that still likes Halo is genuinely a fan and probably grew up with it. These threads only turn too shit once Doom fanboys and Sony fanboys show up.
That's a big gun!
I figure thats just balance for gameplays sake. The AR in halo has an effective range of a few dozen yards/meters while a real 7.62 can go pretty far
They’re not. Try going into a Halo thread where they’re discussing the games.
Anyone else like DMR better than the BR? I think the overabundance of precision weapons is shitty though. I say just give us DMR and Pistol with scope as the only precision weapons. Literally get rid of the rest. Then again Halo is dead in 343 hands anyhow.
A far simpler assumption is that it was just made by an idiot who doesn't understand scale. I'm fairly certain I remember distances between colonies still being measured in terms of tens of light years, not tens of thousands of light years.
The original lore went hard into the covenant just being "out there" with no real front. We had no idea where they were nor any ability to counter attack. They were also strongly implied if not explicitly stated to be far, far larger than humanity.
The Marshall Plan was a mistake.
What I wouldn't give for an underslung shotty or a forty mike-mike.
Just use whatever precision weapons you get with your SUPRISE PACK! only $9.99 for a super SUPRISE PACK!
Why are Forerunner weapons so fucking lame bros? You think the species which built dyson spheres could do better than a shotgun with floaty bits that shoots orange pellets.
I think it's from the render, it's supposed to a lighter tone of blue.
343 games aren’t canon.
because 343 are retards and have not made a single compelling thing for halo ever.
The fucking Sentinal beams were a more intresting forerunner weapon then anything 343 have put out.
Halo Wars 1 is my favorite.
I would tell him that I thought he'd be taller
Sentinel beam is the only canon Forerunner weapon that you can use.
I love them because Aliums, I don't know how practical they were against the Covenant though, I doubt that armor would do fuckall against their weapons
For you.
I blame 343 for being unimaginative retards.
Because you play as a 7 foot tall super soldier.
Probably didn't know a better way to nerf it so they gave us the SMG
Is Infinity one of these? Or is this pre-343?
One brute killed seven fucking Spartans?
>forgetting that you fire the unfinished Halo in 3
How silly of me.
>/k/ niggers with their obnoxious elitism and """"knowledge""""
Only canon ships are in that.
I always liked the idea that you would come across a forerunner pistol and it would be like a fucking spartian laser on steroids.
FUCK 343!
Pre 343. Infinity is way bigger than everything there.
>people are correcting me when i'm wrong!
Infinity is warhammer 40k tier.
Just imagine standing next to a Zebesian or Space Pirate.
energy shields are very new technology in the relative timeline of the Halo universe, and even then you see the efficiency of firearms in breaking them as the games progress.
Are you mad that other people understand what a rifle caliber is?
That I can agree with. The Warthog does have too much shit on it.
What I mostly meant was character models.
Infinity is like 5km long.
yes. it's a video game, i should not have to know what a calibre is to play it
it doesn't dissolve. it combusts. it's the propellant, as opposed to gunpowder.
For me? It's the Halberd-class destroyer
You are now reminded that Spartain 4's exist
How would UNSC Infinity do against a Retribution-class Battleship?
Stupid fucking little zoomers in spartan armor playing soldier near me
You don't have to know that to play it though you're just crying because you don't get enough attention at home.
kigyar have very brittle bones
Reminder that Rookie was killed by terrorists, Mickey is one of those terrorists, and all the other ODST became Spartan IV.
>Not the trusty Halcyon-class with a MKII Light MAC
THREE FUCKING SHOTS OF COVIE KILLIN POWER! It can knock out most covie ships in a single fucking volly!
You don't have to know it play, but it's silly to be mad at people who do understand it. Just don't participate in the discussion if you don't understand what's going on.
Don't jump into the discussion if you don't know what you're talking about, retard.
343 confirmed it was canon.
I really don't have a problem with the concept of retraining marines and ODSTs and giving them better gear, but the logistics of it makes no goddamn sense. They expect you to buy that the UNSC has the time and resources to train and outfit hundreds of these fucks despite like 90% of the human race dying off. Also they all act like college frat bros, and it's really not that endearing.
Retribution-class would dab on Infinity with its void shields and lances but anything smaller would have real trouble knocking out infinity.
As far as I'm concerned, 343 doesn't have any say in what's canon and what's not.
343 is also retarded and not canon.
How many Elites do you think marines regularly fight?
In the lore, they didn't even see an Elite until the fall of Reach.
>buuhhh someone knows shit I don't!!
You're a crybaby.
>They expect you to buy that the UNSC has the time and resources to train and outfit hundreds of these fucks despite like 90% of the human race dying off
That's what ticks me off about the Infinity. The war has just ended so rather than rebuilding you sink your time into a super special ship?
If 343 says the sky is blue I would still call it fan-fiction.
Why the fuck WOULD the Govenment turn a shitload of people into super troopers when they had about 40 2's and 3's left over that were all loyal? There is no need at all to do it, it makes no sense, hell commission another batch of 3's and make sure its on the down low if you are worried, you litrally don't need an army of Spartans, who the fuck are you planning to fight with them?
Well Metroid threads tend to be good too if you ignore ACfag and ZS posters.
The problem is that they ruin the best parts of both ODST and Spartans.
>Spartans are kidnapped child soldiers put through brutal training and augmentations, even the SIIIs who got to volunteer are basically suicide squads
>ODST drop into the front lines in a metal coffin that occasionally cooks them alive, they get no fancy power armor or energy shields, they are the best of the best but still painfully human
>"oh nvm anyone can be a Spartan augmenting grown adults is easy, also sorry all those ODST died by the thousands we could only upgrade their armor after the 30 year war for the survival of the human race."
Its like if the US had 10 carriers left after a war and then built another 300.
Spartan III were a joke.
>tfw you now remember the Kino that was the Halo commercials
>tfw we almost got a movie like this
Halo 2 campaign was a masterpiece and nothing comes close in video games, there has litrally not been a story told as compelling as Halo 2 in gaming.
god game commercials these days are afraid of being impactful. they all have to be funny, whacky, or have epic pop music to them to keep attention
>TFW was almost an extra for a Halo Commercial and never got sent home for being the wrong hight.
Mac cannons are jobber guns though
>reminder that we finally got a release of the trailer song
>it was in the soundtrack for the fucking king arthur movie of all things
If it fires 7.62 nato its not an assault rifle its a battle rifle.
Its a fucking Forerunner keyship mate, I doubt a covie capital ship could scratch it.
I just realized it also uses the gonarch's theme from Half-life 1 at the 2:28 mark.
Why do you think that? It only took a single explosion to destroy a Forerunner ring world.
Warthog-chan is cute! Cute!
You had to fucking blue the damn thing up though from its nuclear reactor.
I want a version of this, but like, with the pillar of autumn.
For science.
She'd probably be a big girl.
But user, you're video only goes to 1:49! /s
but jungle drums is an absolute banger, so you're okay.
Fairly certain there is one.
Its a shame we never got a Halo game after Reach came out.
They have a lot of say like Bungie since Microsoft owns this series and has owned it since 2001. A bunch of random ass authors who couldn't even stick to game canon, and post-Halo 3 Bungie have no say in canon since they were already nuBungie by then. So as I said, tank flipping is canon, Nylund can eat a dick since tank flipping's been in Halo CE.
Please. I have a mighty need.
Homeworld shipgirls are not enough anymore.
no. 2:28 of video
Still, sounds like a pretty flimsy ring if it can't take a single nuclear explosion on the surface without getting blown to pieces.
>all the half life mods that used this track.
into the trash it goes
It's on Paheal. It's not very good though. search Pillar of autumn.
They do, and they're not that bad. I imagine a modern smokeless powder 8 would probably kick your ass, but the real world version was a black powder cartridge. Modern smokeless 12 Gauge 2-3/4 kick harder.
It's a shame Bungie were still making Halo games after Halo 3 and the series didn't just go to 343 then. You can tell he suits were running Microsoft because 2009-2016 were pure dogshit from Xbox and they face fucked Halo then as well.
gaming in general took a nosedive after 2008 with the recession and the strikes.
that's a five and you're wrong!
Bring back alien guns intact. ONI lives for that shit.
>Master Chief wants to stop Cortana from claiming the Mantle of Responsbility, which he dislikes because it is an "imperial peace"
>is literally brainwashed child soldier for an imperial government who was bred to enforce peace by killing insurrectionists
What a strangely progressive worldview John has.
Yes, if it's in Halo CE-5, it's canon.
>In the lore, they didn't even see an Elite until the fall of Reach.
They met Elites in like second planetary invasion
>It's not very good though.
Holy shit that is an understatement.
I don't know what to be surprised by more- that it exists, that there's eight pictures drawn by the same guy about his pillar of autumn mechmusume OC, or that one of them, she's being railed by fucking Michigan J. Frog
Did I stutter, I swear we need to do more than build a wall to keep you spics out.
You don't seem to understand. Anything that was published after Halo Reach is not canon, that's just how it is.
That was a retcon that didn't last very long. Elites were first encountered at the Battle of Harvest. However, Jackals were the first Covenant species ever encountered by humanity.
That's true, you can't argue with that.
I am pretty sure those are marines, or just fan art being fucky
>or that one of them, she's being railed by fucking Michigan J. Frog
My fucking lungs holy shit I can't breath. Please tell me this is real
Here's the full!
You don't seem to understand, the only reason Halo CE-3 were as good as they were was because Microsoft Game Studios were heavily involved in them, after Halo 3 Bungie were on their own and they made games only lorefags, Spics, fags that never liked Halo, and newfags would love as far as I can tell ODST ad Reach never happened.
fucking why
>ODST and Reach
Bungie didn't give a fuck about lorefags. If they did, they wouldn't have created an OC squad of Spartan-IIIs that wear MJOLNIR armor for some reason. If they did care, they would have created a campaign following Red Team as they went through the worst orbital insertion in history, nuked a covenant carrier by chucking the bomb up its grav well, and defended the orbital MAC generators from a ridiculous Covenant onslaught with the help of a shattered Marine platoon. Also a Blue Team mission trying to start the self-destruct sequence of an ONI Prowler before the Covenant find the location of Earth from it.
I'm building a new PC just for halo 2 and 3. Hype.
You're building a new PC for games released almost twenty years ago?
If Bungie didn't care about them they wouldn't humanize the Covenant in Halo 2, made a story about ODSTs, and shoved a bunch of OC donut steel Spartan IIIs in a Halo game, only lorefags asked for that shit. Now look 343 created their own shitty Spartan IV OC donut steels and you can thank Bungie for that, the lore of Halo has always been cancer because Bungie and 343 didn't know how to handle it.
For a space born force though, its useless.
You can fire a gun in space. All the materials needed to fire the bullet are already in the casing, atmospheric oxygen is not required.
Russians actually fired a regular anti-aircraft machine gun in space in 1974.
Wouldn't she be futa because of her big mac gun?
Should I click to find out?
How would you guys feel on a Halo prequel game where you play as the UNSC rookie getting their first taste at combat against Insurrectionists? Maybe have early prototype spartans in some missions to show the power they have over normal soldiers. Also a final mission where you investigate a possible "innie" attack only to find out the covenant is here with their ship, the Minor Transgression.
Yes, I have a 2013 build, and only played old games on it @ 1080p
Now I want to make a 4k 60 capable machine and these 2 will be the benchmark.
If you actually came here from 2010, before 2010 and up to maybe 2015 or 2016 it wasn't like this at all. The Halo haters would drown out any potential for a fun thread.
Son of a bitch, you're right
Huh. How weird. Maybe Jungle Drums is royalty free?
No offense but I'm tired of Halo lore, in general, and non-Chief games, it doesn't help that can't even differentiate the gameplay.
So like the Alien rifle?
The Aliens one has a 20mm grenade launcher, the one from Starship Troopers has the shotgun.
>how to design gun
I honestly think a Halo game where you play as a baseline human would work, but not how Bungie did ODST.
You need to either completely change how it plays as an FPS or make a TPS.
Fuck I got into this thread way to late.
Any thoughts on the Halo books? I loved the first one, especially because it has such great lore and leads directly into the start of Halo 1. How are the other books?
Also say what you want about Halo being a dudebro shooter but the lore is massive.
I really don't know what Bungie and 343's problems are with changing gameplay.
They could've hired an actual gunsmith to design a rifle that would actually work. That looks just ridiculous.
That design uses the thompson sub-machine gun, and it actually works, you dumb retard.
Bullshit. Because it doesnt go down after 20 rounds and require continuous maintenance
Fall of Reach is great to get a feel for the characterization of Keyes, Chief, and Halsey (and by extension Cortana). It has some odd lore decisions like making Reach the first battle where Elites were encountered, but that's not really important.
First Strike is surprisingly good, and provides an interesting explanation for Johnson being an unkillable son of a bitch.
Contact Harvest is alright, though it has some odd retcons like Jenkins being there at the start of the fucking Human-Covenant War.
Ghosts of Onyx might still be my favorite, even though i'm middling on Spartan-IIIs as a concept.
Well yeah, it fires, but when you look at it, does it look like something a soldier could efficiently use? So much weird shit in it, like the ammo counter on the side, the horrible shotgun hand grip, the awkward magazine latch, huge amounts of unnecessary plastic filler materials and it definitely doesn't look like something you can easily field strip.
The M41A is supposed to use electronic pulse action to fire. That's definitely gas recoil powered.
What do you mean sci fi future gun looks like a sci fi future gun?
Compare it to OP's picture. Halo's AR at least looks like a real rifle.
wrong board, user
Quit being autistic.
The Infinity is as big as a Covenant assault carrier. So it will be bigger than any human ship that existed in Halo. Pic related. The Big ass cov ship is the one from reach that you blow up with the wormhole bomb.
Blocky pieces of shit with electronics all over?
People made fun of the M16 too, said it was like a toy and all that. I mean it's fiction and you're not the person using it, so whatever. At least it's not some literally impossible Borderlands bullshit.
probably because by that point the insurgents were lobbing nukes meaning any attempt to limit escalation has been thrown out the window, not to mention plasma guns would likely be more acceptable since its likely they will kill you much quicker and if not your nerves would likely be non functional by that point.
short answer, it doesn't stop anybody especially since Geneva has been violated multiple times over, its just really there so countries can point fingers at each other
>look at me everyone I know about gunz ;) am I cool yet?
Yeah, kinda like FN F2000.
>twice the diameter
The image sure, but it's a 9.5mm vs a 7.62mm (.308) soreally it shouldn't be at all. Plus that overall cartridge is roughly the same size as the VSS Vintorez's ammunition, which is very much a low-trajectory subsonic round.
short answer, a few lore writers didn't want to deal with it, that being said it is possible for at least a good portion of the UNSC fleet to be rebuilt within a few years do to the fact most of its remains were still floating in space, that and there were still a few planets that were untouched by the war and with every business looking for jobs since most of their employees are dead, its likely unemployment was probably the lowest it has been for a while
Fair enough.
mp yes but not story, honestly the nu rocket design isn't that terrible though the fact that it was trying to replace the old design is atrocious
There's only one fishgun in that picture.
>humanity beats the covenant in countless wars
>they never once harvest and reverse engineer their energy weapons
Where do you think the energy shields for the mjolnir armor come from?
This thing has massive recoil. and doesn't look very comfortable to use.
to be fair, the closer you are to the center of the galaxy the more fucked it usually is, that and its likely the vast majority of those planets have permanent populations and are at best used for outposts our resource extraction
Slug throwers > plasma bolts
>Also they all act like college frat bros
Have you not been any military situation?
could be the evacuation wasn't complete and there was still a significant amount of people left for those terminals
Bungie stopped being consistent with themselves after Halo 3, it's better if you just ignored ODST and Reach.
Infinity is by far the largest ship the UNSC has to the point it can easily fit frigates inside of it, which it does from what I remember
Halo 2 never had that shit, Bungie were a bunch of inconsistent retards after Halo 3.
>didn't point out that M249 uses 5.56
Guess we got another "military enthusiast" here.
>why would the gov want more spartans
Likely because insurgents were popping up again along with the fact there were still covenant splinter groups along with there alliance with other factions being shaky. As for why not make more Spartan twos and threes, time constraints along with the fact there was fear that trying restart those programs would lead to a leak which would fuel another an even larger insurgency. That said, however thought making Spartan fours act like college kids and not grizzled veterans who fought hundreds of battles should be blacklisted from writing.
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