You must complete 3 games in one day, from start to finish, on a new save file.
Online and flash games don't count, since they're generally very short.
What games do you pick?
You must complete 3 games in one day, from start to finish, on a new save file
See you in like an hour.
Smash Bros. Melee
RE 2 Remake
Kingdom Hearts 3
Dark Souls 1, 2, and 3 easy.
3 shmups and just credit feed
Half life 2 ep 1
Left 4 dead
Saints Row 3
Titanfall 2
Portal 1
I picked these because they are shortish and I know them decently enough to complete.
Portal, Half-life ep 1 and 2
Captain toad ~ 1 hour
Undertale ~ 4 to 6 hours
Resident Evil 3 ~ 3 to 4 hours
Metal Slug
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug 3
All 1CC.
Or what?
Or I'll suck your dick and that makes you gay
Call of Duty MW 2019
Death Stranding
Final Fantasy 7 ReMake
Getting your dick sucked doesn't make you gay.
Does arcade mode in a fighting game count? I'd run through Vampire Savior and JoJo HFTF, like I do most days, then I'd play through Resident Evil 2 DualShock edition in a few hours.
Why is everyone going with the easy option and picking games they can beat in no time at all? When did Yea Forums become a bunch of casuals?
do your wheelbarrows have a triangular wheel, city slicker?
it does
I like hard games but I also don't think I could beat three hard games in one day unless two were pretty short.
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Homefront, Splinter Cell Conviction.
Does using one of those mouth fleshlights modeled after men's lips make you gay? No.
Same difference.
Fucking a pussy doesn't make you straight, either.
Is that really a risk you want to take
only if it's a guy
I know I'm straight, getting my dick sucked, even by men, won't change that.
You can't catch gay, user, stop living in the 50s.
Ico, Shadow of the colossus, MGSV Ground Zeroes
Spend the rest of the day shitposting here
3 hentai games on steam.
You will when I'm done with you faggot
101 dalmations for ps1
the other two idk
I’ll 100% every deep space Waifu game one steam in like 3 hours, and there’s like 7 of them lol
When I use a wheelbarrow it's to save myself effort. When I play a video game it's to give myself a challenge.
>When I play a video game it's to give myself a challenge.
What a retarded reason.
Half Life
Half Life 2
All very easy to fly through
Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. Mainline story quests, which is "start to finish" are all laughably short. Hit TGM and even shorter.
World of Warcraft and all its expansions
Final Fantasy XI and all its expansions
Final Fantasy XIV and all its expansions
I'm getting my dick sucked, you fucking faggot
postal 2
new vegas
nuclear throne
Demon's Crest
Buck Bumble
Diablo 2 + Exp
>t. casual
which is completely fine, enjoy your video games
SMB2 is kinda long isnt it? i mean its possible to beat in a day but still
Yeah that's what I said fag
>You must complete 3 games
I can't even think of 2 video games to pick
Dwarf Fortress
>estimated game time beyond my natural life
Hotline Miami
Luigi Mansion
Mario Sunshine
Simpsons hit and run
and i think i got time for half life alongside opposing force.
Pic related, Shadow of the Colossus and Guitar Hero 2
A friend once gifted me his ps2 with a bunch of games but I had no memory card and was too lazy to get one. I'm used to playing those games to completion
You mean like 100% or just beating the game itself? I'd do Ikaruga, Fury, and Fallout 1 since I know how to speed run that in like 20 minutes.
I play video games for entertainment, not because they're difficult.
Note that I haven't once said what types of video games I enjoy, or how difficult they are.
You're retarded because you play video games for their difficulty, and not because you enjoy playing difficult games.
Ones plastic and ones actually a man you fucking retard
Super metroid
Rayman 2
Spyro 2
Video games are not designed for entertainment, go watch a fucking movie or read a book, faggot.
im a bottom though
Well no more bottoming all those women your dick is gonna be sucked fag
Final Fantasy Tactics
Baldurs Gate 2
Guitar Hero
Xenogears 1
Xenogears 2
COD4, WAW and Black Ops
And what happens if I don't?
fuck i meant xenosaga
banjo kazooie
super mario advance 4: smb3
duke nukem 3D
all easily beatable in a few hours and all of them are fun to play
Custom Robo Arena
Ghost Trick
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
I could very easily do this in a day.
Mass Effect trilogy. I know it by heart.
Doom 2016, Quake 1, Super Mario Sunshine
Part of the entertainment comes from the fact that they have some degree of difficulty to them, as opposed to pressing W and winning.
You get turned into a girl.
if you let a dude suck your dick you're gay
Super Mario brothers.
Far cry 4
Fire emblem sacred stones
>Fun pick
Megaman X1
>Fast pick
>Surprise pick
Ori and the blind forest
Contra Hard Corps (Genesis)
Hyper Iria (SNES)
The Firemen (SNES)
OP is retarded. Completely forgot how short 8 and 16 bit games are.
Slay the Spire
Papers Please (never played it, but i think it`s rather short)
Skullgirls (story mode)
Sonic 1 Sonic 2 Sonic 3
>Complete Papers, Please
It has like 30 endings or so
Have fun
>Video games are not designed for entertainment
Mega Man X4, Sonic CD, and Katamari Damacy.
>credit feeding
I think OP was intending to exclude thirty minute games based on the OP, but I could do Daifukkatsu, Danmaku Unlimited 3, and Shikhindo real quick if that's allowed.
Yo, my man.
>new vegas
>far cry 4
3 hours tops
Well, "from start to finish" is a bit different from "100%".
LIMBO, INSIDE, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
The whole ace attorney trilogy.
Skipping all text and a guide for investigations/presenting means it would only take a couple hours max.
WH40K: Space Marine
Hotline Miami
Parappa the rapper 1
Parappa the rapper 2
Um jammer lammy
3 games and i have fun doing so too
Kind of a shit thread op since theres tons of super short games to pick
Resident evil 1,2,3. I’ll llay 4,5,7 and remakes with the remaining 18 hours.
Resident Evil Director's Cut (PS)
Resident Evil 2 Dual Shock Edition (PS)
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (PC)
I just need 10.5 hours.
hehhehe... I like a challenge
Could bang those 3 out in about 10 hours or less
Any Resident Evil, though I can pretty confidently speed run RE 1,2, 3 and 0.
Parappa the Rapper 1 and 2 and Gitaroo Man, Since I'm kinda good at button hammering I would need like 4 hours
I like you
Donkey Kong Country
Sonic the hedgehog 1
Sonic the hedgehog 2
>in one day
Max Payne trilogy, you can easily squeeze it into one day
Was meant for OP
the first 3 MGS
or all 3 STALKER (I have soft spot for CS)
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
I could probably do this tomorrow with no practice just from how many times I've beat those already, and they're each only a couple hours long.
>Full complete three GTAs in 10 hours
So why don't you hold the 100% on all three, user?
Getting to the credits =/= 100% you daft twat
OP says "complete" you illiterate.
Portal 1
Super Mario Kart
Master of Orion 2
I wish this bait got more attention, because it's already hooked one
katamari damacy
>Demon's Crest
You're okay in my book.
Far Cry 4 & 5
If secret endings / skipping most of the game doesn't count, then DMC4, RE4, and I'm stealing another user's idea if Titanfall 2. Could probably do each of those in under 6 hours.
Until Morrowind blocks your MQ progression by sending you to do side quests for guilds, houses and ashlanders
Did you actually like that? I played it for 5 minutes and couldn't dig it. I loved HM though
Halo CE, 2, and 3.
Nice wax figures, where'd you get them?
Atom Zombie Smasher
Crypt of the Necro Dancer
Nuclear Throne
Slay the spire for the remaining hours
Megaman X1, X2 and Zero 3, I could do it in 5 hours tops
Sonic Mania
Sonic Adventure 2
Max Payne 3
Gone Home
One Way Heriocs
thats what like 15minutes total
Already did that once.
RE 4
GoW 2
Street Fighter 4
King of Fighters 2001
Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha
I have all titles, and have all achievements in all of them.
Because there's a point where stuff stops being fun and becomes bullshit. Do I like challenges? Yes, but challenges of SKILL not challenges of PATIENCE. Put me to fight a very hard boss in the hardest difficulty and I will find it a cathartic experience, put me to pass hours speedrunning, skipping dialog, or collecting trash, and I will start to question if I like videogames or not.
Mega Man X
Super Metroid
Morrowind and just skip all the side quests and factions and go straight through the main quest.
My nigger
Nox is such a great game that I rarely see mentioned. I wish any other game did movement and spellcasting that smooth.
RE1, RE2 and RE3
It's going to be a good day.
I'm already gay so suck away
Super Mario 64
Zone of the Enders
Zone of the Enders 2
I get tired too easily so I pick 3 racing games or something.
Ruiner gets fucking great when you level more your character and the Triad Killers start coming. Play on hard.
Portal 1, Portal 2, Steamworld Dig.
any resident evil besides 6 since I would not be able to force myself to finish that
honestly that's all, I take my time with games
Oregon Trail Deluxe
Touhou 6
Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner
Dragon's Dogma
Gone Home (speed run ofc)
Super Smash Bros
3 megamans from classic or X
>Dragon's Dogma
>all that running around without strategic Portcrystals
Fuck that