What's the correct move in a situation like this?
What's the correct move in a situation like this?
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Masturbate to the fantasy you concocted for yourself
Admit that yeah it would make me pretty happy but still, calm her down.
Comfort her and let her know that there is more to life than just sexual abusement
Tell her that she had the worst chapter and trial in the entire series.
>muh despair disease :D
Shitty concept that Kodaka came with because he needed a reason for Mikan to be a killer. The anime turned her into some weird ass slut, just like how they made Mukuro lust over Junko out of nowhere. Fuck Mikan and Fuck DR3
Find the nearest dumpster to deposit the trash in front of me.
>he needed a reason for Mikan to be a killer
It was literal foreshadowing of the big twist of the game.
>retard still thinks the despair disease was real
Did you not finish the game?
Fuck her
Seriously why is it that every anime protag acts like some faggot around girls
Grade A retard
>just like how they made Mukuro lust over Junko out of nowhere
Mikanfags mad that their trash tier waifu is shit. Dilate
I'd be too busy mourning best girl
and cursing the japs for having the shittest taste
They just act like any normal teenager would
thats not Peko
You're right it isn't.
Yeah I posted a jpg of best girl
fuck OFF im glad Peko killed your shit waifu
You dont get to tell people they have shit taste when you like Peko of all things
Hug and say it's going to be okay
lmao, incel
I am starting V3 today.
That demo was a trip man.
Damn, pretty sure I could feel my pupils dilating at that image. Happy Mikan heals my soul.
I hope she's living a happy life with her friends now that everything is over.
I love my gorgeous wife!
mahirufags are the worst posters
Why does she hate men so much?
Based MKO
Actual daddy issues
tsumiki mikans are the best in the world
Feel the mikans in your body
Some handle mikans without respect
If you do that to a mikan, you should die
She is so cute!
playing kimi ga shine instead
I feel like the demo spoils you of meeting the characters.
Give her assertiveness training.
Imagine your game being so shit you need to shill it in unrelated threads just to make people talk about it
just like this one during the sale?
or every other day?
just look at this pathetic thread
At least we have our own threads you parasite. how long do yours last? 50 posts?
Okay but what the fuck was the point of the Necronomicon motive?
It really worked.
>daily threads of RPing and waifu posting are an accomplishment now
>even when they either last several hours because of page 10 bumping to reignite the idiocy or have up to 5 threads up at the same time for no fucking reason other than to circlejerk a dead character
Really reaching trying to get the 4channies Award for most degenrate fanbase aren't you?
I assume whoever used it would have just become a blackened, easiest trial ever. Unless Monokuma counts that as an even trade.
This seems to be a Danganronpa thread though, it's in the OP and everything, see? What a fucking retard
Monokuma usually doesn't lie about stuff like that, so surely it would've done SOMETHING. It didn't even ultimately motivate anyone to kill.
Cry more fanbaselet.
Faggot if you looked at the catalog for five seconds, you’d know we’ve had thread after thread, and DR is only rarely mentioned.
>game with tons of good looking girls
>barely any straight doujins, most of which are pretty mediocre
Just report them you fucking retard. Mods delete shitronpa threads anyways. You don't need to bring YTTD into this.
Tbh guys, i like em both...
But i prefer the cosplayer from v3
Seething samenigger.
Yes, because we talk in our own threads instead of spamming unrelated stuff in threads about a different game. What the fuck is your point?
Oh, absolutely, no-one has EVER recommended DR in a YTTD thread.
No argument
Cry more waifunigger, IF isn't canon.