Yo Buddy. Still alive?
Yo Buddy. Still alive?
Yo Buddy. Still getting more kills than me?
shit series
cringe quote
someone made a thread about a game they enjoy and you feel the need to go into the thread about a game you don't like. why?
Ace Combat 7 is pretty good but Zero is still the GOAT in my book.
There's always someone like him in every game's fan base, I don't get it.
All the characters in this were fucking trash
I have no fucking clue who this is or what its from but from the thumbnail I always think its LinusTechTips holding a sniper rifle.
Should I finish replaying ac4 and unlock all the skins and the last plane before moving onto ac0 or ac5?
decisions decisions.
Keep saying it
What's his endgame?
Meh, AC5 and Zero have more replayability
sorry i dont watch twitch zoomer streamers. dont know who that is
Yeeeah, um, no sweetie
>hold the left stick opposite to the indicator arrow
>shoot fire and forget missile
>repeat until enemies are all dead
What's the appeal?
Reminder that going into AC5 with a complete AC04 save nets you the X-02 for free.
Zero does something similar, if it detects a save from both AC04 and AC5, it gives you both the X-02 and the Falken.
Hmm... I didn't know that. That gives me some incentive to go through it again.
based when he said that I really wanted someone to make a reaction image for it
>pc cry babies that literraly say the game is too hard when this is like my first ace combat game and I thought it was piss easy
uhhh, yeah the "mastard race of the gaming world" btw lmao
There is a catch with the Falken in Zero though. It doesn't give you the plane right away, but it makes it easier to unlock. Basically, you won't need the supreme ace medals anymore, just finish everything in all ace styles and you're good.
I've never played this but the lore is cool, where can I learn about Strangereal?
will we get a remaster of the other games?
>story DLC still isn't out yet
When is it coming Bamco
It's not really PC players. I have played the series since 2 on console and now that I own a PC, it's good to know it's available on the platform.
I think this is more because of DCSfags/normies thinking that AC is a simulator and getting mad about it being silly over the top, near-anime shit. Add the whole HOTAS debacle and I can understand a lot of people giving it low scores.
Also the IGN reviewer was literally playing the game wrong (no expert controls aka journo mode).
>Just point your "+" at enemies and shoot
>Just hold the trigger and move the stick sometimes
>Just hold the stick right and jump sometimes
>Just hold the fire button and dodge some projectiles
There is a book called Aces at War. I have a digital version and it's all in Japanese though. It details most things in the lore all the way up to AC5. There was a new edition released with AC7 that extends the lore up to that game.
that review page is from the pc review though? Everyone on console likes it. plus I'm surprised nobodys posted the steam reviews its really sad seeing a bunch people crying "its too hard" or they expected a realism
I'm glad AC7 is good. I wish companies would make new games but if you're going to drag out the corpses of old franchises at least make them good. RE2, DMC5, and AC all getting good games in like 2 months was a treat.
nobody knows
there it is
Is it wierd that i kind of miss Infinity?
I know. I'm just pointing out it's not fair to put that on the general PC playerbase. A lot of us have been waiting over a decade for this game and want to support it. Petty platform wars shouldn't really happen when you have something as niche as Ace Combat. I mean, I bought a 360 for AC6. I'm just happy the game actually came out and don't want a repeat of Monster Hunter World.
>He can't finish the mission within the time limits
Man this actually fucking hurts to read. It's like peak casual.
true just have fun
>Ace Combat threads from 2012 to 2018
>comfiest shit on Yea Forums, all discussion and absolutely zero shitposting
>people posting plane porn and their favorite OSTs
>come 2019
>shitposting, spamming of steam reviews written by casuals and people who simply do not care about the franchise
I hate this shitty boomer meme, but the zoomers have finally taken over.
t. HOTAS faggot
Never? Because nobody play this?
These games are trash desu
literally not even remotely comparable.
These games are great. It's an arcade jet game. It doesn't try to be different. What more could you ask for?
You can't be this retarded
I love the AC series but this is essentially the reason that 3, being the only game in the series that actually models gravity and gravitational potential energy along with bore tracking missiles that can lose and re-engage lock, is my favourite.
No, Tabloid was based and he should have been your wingman. Count was a useless cunt.
>bore tracking missiles that can lose and re-engage lock, is my favourite
AC2 had that too. It was absolutely annoying in AC3 though, because the new physics engine made dodging the little shits almost impossible.
>"Nice, I dodged it."
>"Never fucking mind..."
And then you die and hit retry.
Um, yes it is
How strong should my toaster be to emulate AC4?
Playing Ace Combat is literally playing an FPS with an aimbot. The red box plays the game for you.
why are you going on a crusade against this game?
Because people would rather play a fun game like AC than whatever autistic flight sim he prefers
I bet hes mad because he bougth the game thinking it's a flight sim
AC04 has a few issues but you can fix them with a specific build of PCSX2 and a few workarounds. My centuries old GTX 750 ti emulates it just fine. Same goes for AC5 and Zero. Lots of good shit in that fix as well, even includes better FOV for cockpit (though it causes a few glitched textures but nothing serious)
gotta keep in mind who raised up the zoomers though
for them being as inflammatory as possible is normal now
it's not about lulz anymore, it's about not letting anyone enjoy themselves
Full Band should've been spared too.
The banter in the game pretty much dies with him.
AC Zero also had boresight lock, for some reason it isn't in 7.