It's na unpopoular opinion thread for a reason so don't be surprised by the DS2 or DS3 fags
I'll start.
>Great Shinobi Owl us the single greatest boss in the franchise
It's na unpopoular opinion thread for a reason so don't be surprised by the DS2 or DS3 fags
I'll start.
>Great Shinobi Owl us the single greatest boss in the franchise
sekiro is not a souls game
I feel like Gascoigne is more of a skillcheck boss; I've beat the game multiple times but he still manages to fuck me good sometimes
sekisoulsborne is the new name of the franchise
Bloodborne is a good game but its mostly overrated and only really shilled so heavily because its an exclusive. If it had been released on PC as well it would not be nearly as shilled. The framerates are horrible, the loading times atrocious and the replay ability is very minimal.
Midir is overrated as fuck
Kalameet and Sinh are some of the best bosses of the series
Gascgoine is definitely a casual filter but a skill check boss is more towards the mid-game
DS1 > Sekiro > DeS > DS3 > BB > DS2
All of them are good tho
How can you like Kalameet and not Midir?
They're all garbage
setup, music, cutable tail, design, doesn't zoom around the arena half as much as Midir
most of dark souls 2 bosses being big dudes with weapons was not a bad thing
>Curse-rotted Greatwood isn't that bad of a boss fight, nowhere near shit like Bed of Chaos
>Post-Lordvessel areas honestly don't drag DS1 down that much, Izalith and Crystal Caves are awful but are some of the shortest areas in the game, even compared to the other Lordvessel areas
>Tomb of the Giants and Blighttown are some of my favorite areas
>The DLC for DS2 isn't all that spectacular, nowhere near good enough to redeem the rest of the game
>DS2 having the best PvP means fuckall when the PvP/netcode in all three games is mechanically busted
>DS2 dlc doesn't redeem the rest of the game
idk, I usually start a 2 run again just in anticipation for Sunken City
Sunken City fucking sucks ball, I can only remember soloing those 3 niggers like holy fucking shit the most frustrating nigger fights of all time. Then I fought the sunken boss which dies like 3 hit or something I can't even fucking remember the fight.
DeS > DaS = DaS3 > BB > DaS2 = Sekiro
DaS = DaS2 > DaS3 = BB > DeS >>>>> Sekiro
Dark Souls has better gameplay than 2 and 3. There's a significant difference between heavy and fast weapons, and the same goes for armor. Enemies having poise is the most consistent and fair way to handle staggering. Stamina management actually matters unlike 3, and it feels good to play as action game unlike 2. Most importantly though, positioning actually matters in combat. Bosses don't flail all over the arena so you can avoid their attacks and counterattack instead of just waiting your turn, making it a more active game than DaS3 or even Bloodborne. Backstabs are worthwhile and so are ripostes. It's the perfect balance of thoughtful movement where you have to commit to your actions and satisfying controls and movement. Dark Souls 2 and 3 fail to achieve anything at all with their systems, only abandoning what made DaS good.
>not appreciating the level design and Sinh
How can you appreciate things when you getting 3 nigger cocks up your ass?
start appreciating that you lost your virginity. Then you go on from there.
Bed of Chaos isn't that bad, it's at least over with quicker than Ancient Dragon.
>Dark Souls 2 has the best combat after Sekiro
>On average DS2 has better bossfights than DS1
>DS3 and BB bosses on average aren't that great, the latter specifically
>Sekiro is their most well made and even game but it being a poorly-replayable non-RPG action game brings it down
>Not Sword Saint
>Not Slave Knight
>Not Orphan or Ludwig
Shit opinion tbqh my famalamadingdong.
>Dark Souls 2 has the best combat after Sekiro
Don't say this or the autists will rage.
Ornstein isn't special because of his equipment, he's special because he's the captain but stupid assholes won't budge and assume his armor/weapon are unique and that somehow he's in all three Souls games despite how much it doesn't make any sense at all.
Trial and error gameplay isn't hard or fun
Souls games are probably super fun on NG+ but after a few hours the gameplay loop offers too little reward and progress so I've never finished the drowned city with the ghosts
Sekiro combat should be the base for From going forward. Give us more weapon types in that system and we're golden -- so much more fun than Souls combat