Do you have any friends from here, Yea Forums?
Do you have any friends from here, Yea Forums?
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No see, a great many of you people are meme-spouting faggots so the only way I can handle this place is because I and I alone opt into it. If I turned on my PS4 or opened steam and some of you fucking retards popped up with some dumb shit, that wouldn't be cool because who the fuck would want that?
>mfw score is 2
>No puzzle games
What shit addition
add me up losers
>screenshots are a redflag now
dumbest thing ive seen all month
>having any friends who you don't know irl
Oh whatever shall I do without OP's approval. /s
I only have 2-3 am I good?
>hentai puzzle
Nope those belong there
Biggest ree flag is a fag who ends every sentence with an exclamation mark
Fuck no. Though I don't play many multiplayer games these days.
>mfw score is 1, fuck public profiles
Super excessive(50+) and beyond is terrible, yes.
About 6 years ago I added 2 V bro's from steam gift threads. They gave me some cheap games, never spoke again, ya know I should gift them back something randomly....that would be nice.
>noooooooo stop doing thing i dont like!1!
worth 100 points honestly
wish i could block your ip address so i never have to see another one of your posts again
So a red flag for someone on steam is someone on Steam? Okay.
What's wrong with having a private profile?
nothing, it just angers traderfags
typeing shit out like based, cringe, have sex or dilate is worth 1000 points
tomoko-fag, I SUMMON THEE
2100 already user
>game makes you add people as friends to invite them
>tfw 15 years of service invalidates all of these (except VAC ban obviously)
I like him and would love to talk to him :)
he'll show up, he always does.
Seriously, what bitter NEET made this list? You can't have a certain amount of screenshots? I use that feature to upload stuff for me to look back on years later. You can't have more than 50 friends? I've met 50 people at tournaments or online ladders that I've had to add.
It's like this person just wants a template of verified profiles and then when he sees any detail that deviates from this list, he goes apeshit on them. I have never met a person who cared who is on your friends list in terms of something as pointless as Steam levels, and I use my bio for past LAN events and online tournament winnings.
friends as in just some people on a steam list? sure, i got a couple. i don't talk to them though, because i don't know what to say, and they don't talk to me either
you can probably tell if i have actual friends from here or not
>it's too hard go clean out ancient irrelevant screenshots
>HAD to add ""friends"", doesn't remove them when done
>goes apeshit
Oof user.
go back
Literally 1 point.
>Muh 50 and above game dedication
Kill yourself if it's over 100
500 is still casual tier.
With all this projection, you could run a drive-in theater
None of my screenshots are irrelevant, I use that feature for archival purposes, like screenshots from LAN tournaments and the like. I don't have access to those pics anywhere else because a lot of events these days are non-BYOC. And I would consider anyone I've met in real life or ESEA a friend, not a "friend". That's how I usually get to LAN anyways, my truck is a bitch for mileage and I'd rather carpool with other people going. I know replying makes me seem like I care a lot, etc, etc you can ad hominem me to oblivion, but that entire list was most likely made by some 28 year old shut in who doesn't even need the features of Steam anyway because he's too busy playing Yea Forums approved single player games. Might as well not even have your profile set to "Online" at all.
>person i used to know ends up at 35
i'm glad i dropped them when i had the chance
I got 2 points:
>less than 50 games
have 47
>steam level lower than 10
level 9
Noone is gonna read this blogpost, try again
>it's too hard go clean out ancient irrelevant screenshots
Why would you even bother doing this in the first place?
What do you get out of it?
Exactly what I'm talking about. Why the fuck do I even come here?
1 point for having my profile picture be a pig
Shit bait chart though
post a better background
>screenshots are considered a red flag now
huh, i end up at 10, but mainly because of the many screenshots i took years ago when i was super autistic about documenting shit
Yeah, dude was part of the team that leaked 2fort files and other valve stuff, I wanted to just get an interview from him so I could post it here. Turned out the dude is topper notch so we became friends and honesty, he's a really cool guy.
I also have another friend from here who I've met IRL a few times, been tight for around 10 years now. Met on Yea Forums.
Decluttering feels good and actually makes other people feel more invited. Having hundreds of """friends""" and ""screenshots"" ie your shitty topscore in TF2 back in 2009 is exactly == that pic .
Not cleaning up is extremely autistic.
>Yea Forums approved of this exact list last night
>user gets busted
don't worry, friend, summer is almost over
>Haveing a random screenshot saved is the same as hoarding potentially biohazardous waste like the majority of hoarders do
What a absolutely fucking moronic opinion.
I guess the average person is a faggot because they still have a picture of them and their family from 10 years ago.
Whats a friend?
>it's too hard go clean out ancient irrelevant screenshots
Why? Screenshots are great to look back on. I found some old screens from some shitty mmo I played back in 2004 and it brought back a lot of good memories.
I got 1 point for item showcase. Honestly should have removed it by now, it just attracts scammers.
your tf2 pubscore doesn't impress anyone
Not that guy but I've taken hundreds of screenshots of games that I've played with friends over the past decade that I like to look back on, nobody is taking autistic screenshots of high scores.
>Owns Hentai VNs
>Anime VN background
Does having an item showcase to just show off some foil cards count?
If so 3, if not 2
1 point because my profile picture is Joseph Joestar
>projecting this hard
What's your tf2 pubscore? You seem pretty proud of it
You're like an instragram thot that has to take a photo of everything she does like the food she's eating
i generally top pubs but i dont screencap it because im not a huge faggot
No, the only people I've ever added from here I've either never interacted with beyond that or I spoke to them once, had a fine conversation and never interacted with them again.
>0 points unless a quote from megaman zero somehow counts as philosophical
I literally haven't logged into my steam account in about seven years, what do I win
>both are the ones about private profile.
Not bad.
And I'll still have a 9-5 job in the autumn :)
>people only save screenshots or take pictures because they saw something wacky
biggest retard in the thread if you actually believe this.
Who the fuck cares about screenshots? Are you that autistic, or were you running out of arbitrary criteria?
Private profiles aren't a bad thing, either. If anything, people who treat Steam like Facebook deserve points over someone who doesn't want to deal with e-stalkers. Wouldn't a private profile invalidate half the shit on the list, like collecting friends?
I will agree with that 100% if that instagram thot also uses instagram 5 years later to look back on all of those dishes
>Private Profile
The only one of those I have on that list, set to Friends Only.
>uh Yea Forums say no screenshot is based and redpill!! if u have screenshot you cringe and bluepill
2 but these are retarded , what kind of total autist tries to makes friends based on the steam profile and not based on how you interact with them playing a game lmao
How much of a machiavellian faggot do you have to be?
does this count as a philosophical quote?
"The CIA started a War with God and they must surrender to the IRA." - Terry A. Davis
>score of 1
No, no I don't. The times I have added people they were just a socially retarded as I was so we never talked.
Due to popular demand, here's 1.5.1
I'm a solid 2 points. My account is less than 5 years old and I have less than 50 games.
But that is because I was a console gamer.
I'm...2? I think?
>thousands of hours played ironically and idled on any game
Does this include unironically? I idled clicker heroes for 3k hours just having it run in the background while i did other shit.
If so i get 2:
>private profile
>idle game but unironic
So iapparently im alright, but what's wrong with having a private profile?
Welp I'm cancer.
No, I don't have any friends whatsoever. The hermit's life is the life for me.
Nah you might be alright, see the version 1.5.1 patch
What's wrong with non-vidya avatar?
I don't know If my profile looks cancer or not.
Check the patched version above
4 but only because i don't bother deleting comments on my profile and they're just memes
1.5.2, final version for now, had to fix some typos and added a word or two on some rules
I still don't understand what's wrong with puzzle games.
HENTAI puzzle games
Jojo should be an extra 5 points because Jojofaggots are usually annoying pieces of shit that refuse to stop memeing and they are the most common type of weeb.
You have failed to convey that in your image. "Any porn/hentai game" would suffice.
No, it doesn't suffice because Anons love excuses.
Besides only you have had a problem reading it.
>Besides only you have had a problem reading it.
>red flags
treating steam like a social media website at all. Don't fucking add people unless you're actual going to play vidya with them. If you want to decorate your profile a bit go ahead, but anything beyond that is just autism.
>I still don't
I'm assuming it's the same guy.
No, I'm not. I saw you updated the image and thought you would have changed it, which is why I said "still." And when you said I was the only one I found that other post because I was pretty sure I wasn't.
Well, my bad.
do your worst
"Any" seems pretty exhaustive to me.
1.5.3 Patch Notes: Corrected a typo ;)
what is the purpose of this? what happens if they it are not?
a result of boredom; fun
6000000 points have been added
>has less than 50 games red flag remove them off your friend list
hi gayben
Who unironically uses this 2019?
I got one for ya:
Screenshots of waifu character created in Skyrim/Fallout 4/etc.
Like so.
>3-4 points
>still don't have any friends
People who still play videogames
Nah but I did trade nudes with a guy on here once if that counts.
Most of the anime/VN games are gifts or when I was into anime shit years ago
Only one but technically two but i didn't met the other one from here
Version H2O
this applies as well
Was it necessary to add forced homophobia to make this joke? I think not.
it was. for the juxtaposition of something as pure as water and something as impure as a homosexual intensifies the humour of that joke.