Fucking masterpiece
Fucking masterpiece
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Agree, although SH4 is still my nr 1.
You misspelled "boring weeb turd".
>escort mission the game
No thanks. The apartment aspect is great though
Honestly silent hill 2 is normie pleb tier. Especially when it comes to survival horror.
The Last Of Us has more gameplay than this turd. you only like it because youre a shitty tasteless cringy weeb.
do I look like your girlfriend?
>mediocre gameplay
>mediocre story
>shit gameplay
>god tier story
A fair assessment.
What is the "god tier story" in this piece of shit? Man sort of kills his wife and feels bad about it?
>god tier story
No lmao
The only thing that's good about SH4 is the apartment. Everything else is lowrent garbage that didn't even get close to matching the quality of the first 3 Silent Hills.
>Movie game
I don't think so, Tim.
Name what isn't fucking normie pleb tier then in your opinion.
Silent Hill 2 is one of those games that not even Yea Forums can shitpost, just looks pathetic when someone tries to make SH2 look bad
yeah because the town was making him stupid
>if you criticise my movie game you're just shitposting!!
Delusion, stop watching anime and develop some taste.
Whoa...that's so deep dude. God tier story 10/10
Objectively as the SH series existed in context, SH2 was one of the most interesting and soulful games of its time.
People forget that before and after this, SH1 and 3 featured heavy occult and supernatural elements. SH2 stood out as a unique thing, a personal, side story in a wider, more traditional narrative of an evil cult trying to bring about the end of the world.
SH2 is clearly rushed however and lacks much of the monster and boss variety, as well as weapons and stuff from the other games. It's not a great game, especially gameplay wise, but as it stands, its story was one of the best in gaming for a LONG time. People shitting on it now because the appeal has long since gone away and because everyone and their mother has watched a Let's Play and knows the twist doesn't make it a bad game objectively.
Stop pretending like people who like it are 'le soi face xd'. Nobody is impressed by your internet contrarianism.
This, it's like a reddit detector.
Nice blog. If you want a story read a book or watch a movie.
idk if the story is god tier, but the atmosphere of sh2 is really the thing I like about it, the music is great and all the people in the town are just weirdos
Reddit loves this shitty non-game.
SH2 is one of the most reddit games ever, though. Not New Vegas or Dark Souls level, but still pretty high up there.
They're not even contrarians. They're just zoomers who literally don't have the patience to appreciate anything with a slow pace. SH2 doesn't make for epic streamer reactions so it's shit.
Is it just me or is shitposting getting worse
Games are for playing not for watching you fucking faggot.
>abloo abloo how can anyone say my favorite game is bad?? it must be shitposting!
SH2 has 10/10 gameplay.
>who literally don't have the patience to appreciate anything with a slow pace
That's pretty funny coming from the type of "people" (term employed loosely) who have clearly never opened a paper book in their lives. Your game is just shit, grandpa, it's not a conspiracy.
I don't care. In literally every thread there are people who talk like you and it's just tiring.
puzzles are 10/10, combat is a 5/10
>imagine playing sh2 for the first fucking time on a stream
If you want a hugbox to discuss your favorite non games without any criticism, Reddit might be more your speed.
>Games are for playing not for watching
I'm sorry that some of us enjoy things besides competitive online shooters.
James did nothing wrong.
literally worse than SH1
>Rip off a 70s funk song for Marios underground theme
>Rip off a russian composer for MGS theme
>Rip off an album about fucking plants for Ocarina Of Time
>Rip off Jacobs Ladder for Silent Hill 2
Japanese frauds, not even once.
>competitive online shooters
Who are you quoting moron?
>Yea Forums hates SH2 now
What the FUCK went wrong?
SH2fags only post on Yea Forums to circlejerk, they're extremely thin-skinned and can't defend even their most basic of claims (notice how received crickets? It's because there is no story let alone a "god tier" one). If you're not getting high on your own farts for playing a mass-marketed walking simulator they'll just call you a zoomer or sagebomb the thread (yes they are that pathetic)
It's not worse than SH1, but SH1 is ultimately the best.
zoomers gotta zoom
SH2 is about Whites in old America.
like clockwork
>Just visited LHOHQ
>Just watched Once In A Lifetime
Don’t worry, summer is almost over and these seething shitposting faggots will disappear for a good while
>"I like this game"
>"this game is shit"
>"no u"
I played SH2 and 3 back to back with the HD collection and was absolutely floored by the experience. I can't recommend them enough, they both have so much going for them if you can tackle the aged gameplay.
>HD collection
>the aged gameplay
What do you mean, not easy as shit?
im playing through it for the first time atm and it has a very compelling atmosphere and story, however the dialogue feels very awkward and stupid, it somehow breaks the immersion when you enter the cutscenes.
I can't believe it was even allowed to be released.
Not really doing yourself any favors with disproving your thin skin there champ.
>u mad
Quite original there, champ
Silent Hill 2 is my favorite game ever.
Judge my taste in games
SH3 is where it's at. It doesn't try to appeal to story fags and focus on the visuals.
You lot are pathetic. Every single one of you. Fucking hell.
It has the scariest enemies and best locations for sure
That's a really retarded assessment of SH3.
well at least half of it is on point.
trips of projection
SH3 is the most of a slog to replay in spite of being good and SH4 is the worst outside of the apartment. SH1 is the best, and SH2 is different but basically equally as good.
So now that konami has renewed the silent hill trademark what do you think will happen?
The late game locations of SH2 are unparallelled.
meant for
I played this last year for the first time and holy shit the gameplay and puzzles are so fucking atrocious. Complete batshit.
That music though, that opressive atomsphere, and James's goofy ass self reacting to the world around him and the story absolutely hitting hard as it keeps going, made the struggle worth it.
Don't think I'll ever play it again though, and the gameplay makes it hard to recommend.
>the gameplay and puzzles are so fucking atrocious.
>more than capable
>swinging a fucking bit of wood around like a spaz with 20 minutes of windup
call me a zoomer all you want but you know it's true
Metal Gear Solid 2 came out at bascially the same time and it's completely playable, Silent Hill 2 was a mess
>one tries to be an experience more than a game
>the other doesnt know what the fuck it wants to be so it has half assed gameplay elements mixed in with a generic zombie story
Maybe if you're referring to Historical society and then the wacky labyrinth but the hotel is the worst part of the game for me.
Do people just like sh3 because of heather?
It was just doing what silent hill 1 and 2 did but worse.
Not as scary as sh1, sorry not as good as sh2.
I thought heather had potential as a protagonist but when she and the detective, can't remember his name, were driving to silent hill and she just started talking about how her father defeated god and all the stuff that happened in sh1 it just ruined her for me, she never felt like a normal teenage girl from that point onwards, she felt like the hero. But that's not what silebt hill is about I don't think
It's nice to know that no matter how much cancer there is on Yea Forums(nel), there's still Yea Forums threads gushing over games like Silent Hill 2, Knights of the Old Republic 2, Skies of Arcadia, etc.
I really like this game, but I hesitate to call it a masterpiece when it's not all that engaging to play a lot of the time. If it had the tight level design and survival elements of Resident Evil then I'd absolutely agree, as it stands it's a great game with numerous issues that are overshadowed by its strong points.
I don't really get the love for SH3 either. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but it was kind of.... uninspired?
yeah shes weird ngl i think its preteen women that like her and trannies bcus of her sleazy lazy scumbag lifestyle
the revenge shit never made sense to me why would a child go after a fucking killer i dont get it
You don't get it at all. Sadly for you, it's not something you can explain, it's just not for you. Sorry, enjoy another franchise.
harry should've been the MC of SH3
Yeah, if you don't care that 3/4 of discussion of SH is heather waifufags or ''dude they don't make em like they did back then''. Besides, everything has been discussed to death already.
Honestly I think they should have continued the trend of having new characters dealing with different traumas. That being said SH2 dealt with a number of broader traumas and still managed to make the main character sympathetic.
>Fucking masterpiece
>posts a literal walking simulator
Okay, got any other retard, nostalgia filled opinions?
Tell me a game that you consider a masterpiece, then, fag.
>People enjoy a game.
>Game is too convoluted to understand.
SH2 is one of those rare games that managed to land in both camps.
>not easy as shit?
Why would he mean that when SH2 is easy as shit?
Duck Tales on NES.
Gears of War
Yeah and it still meleelocks every enemy in the game into submission because lolcombat in SH2. Utter meme of a game.
How can SH2 be too convulted for anyone understand? Why is every game with decent story convulted to understand? Are people who play videogames really this dumb?
Over 50% of people who played MGS2 did not understand it.
Kojima barely understands it.
Kojima is a hack fraud, so of course.
Smells like Yea Forumsirgin in here.
The story isn't convoluted, though. It's just lolpurgatory but real.
What isnt there to understand? Metal Gear games have a simple and straightforward story, its more complex than most stories, but definitely not hard to understand. I just dont get it, what dont you understand? People spout that its some convulted mess that no one understands when its not even remotely true, unless you didnt play all games.
>decent story
There is literally no story. There's nothing convoluted about it other than the game length because there's nothing there.
this is a based opinion.
What exactly qualiefies as a story to you? Because Silent Hill 2 definitely has a story from beginning to end.
The reason MGS4 is the way it is, is because almost nobody understood MGS2, and asked a billion questions.
I played through RE:CVX the week before I got the HD collection and had no problem controlling playing through it. I played SH2 and was found the controls and combat of 2 offputting at first, it took a bit of a commitment to get used to them. SH2 was easy anyway, in many ways it's like a visual novel. SH3 on the other hand was more true survival horror, but the controls felt much smoother.
But you didnt answer my question. What is the exact thing that people dont understand, that you dont understand.
No, 4 has other issues
Easy, boring, pretentious, overrated shit
The first SH was good though
Final fantasy is for retarded potato diggers
>Comparing MGS2 with SH2
Holy fucking kek the absolute state of this faggot
the town is making him stupid
Still the greatest horror game made...after Silent Hill 1.
the town really did make him stupid though... the game isn't as good as people say
Its not uncommon to suppress traumatic memory
keep sucking eceleb cock dumb kids
That comment was retarded but joseph was otherwise right. Story is nothing special and the gameplay is shit. It was probably a good game when it came out but there's by far better horror games.
never played it so it's shit and boomer trash
Only kids that watchest shitcelebs are the ones that praise this second rate plot driven story. The puzzles were good tho
I unironically do agree
Played it for the first time and liked it a lot, but I wished the hotel would've had more going for it. The monster variety basically drops off halfway through the game with the exception of the recycled boss enemy there, and it's disappointing that things don't get more and more unhinged as you enter the heart of James's psyche
i'm mad that they left cybil's fate ambiguous
The "plot" is that a man who we have no reason to care about discovers he killed his wife. I can't call it a twist because unlike the Sixth Sense we're never led to believe or assume that he couldn't've killed her, on the contrary the game drones on and on about how he was a bad husband and it's one of the only things we know about the character. I also say "discovers" even though it's never explained why he has amnesia and the game just alludes to the pseudoscience of memory repression
>drones on about how he was a bad husband
please cite
What have we come to? What’s the point in being needlessly contrarian with games like SH2? We don’t even get games like these anymore...
this board has been dogshit for years
We get movie games all the time, user.
It'll notably improve when you faggots fuck off to reddit where you belong.
t. reddit tourist
>t. newfag
overrated, third is better
Doesn't know what a quote is newfag detected
Wrong, the plot is that a man gets a letter from his presumably dead wife which tells him to go to their special place where they spend vacation before she died from sickness. If that doesnt intrigue you right away then the game really isnt for you. Silent Hill 1 sets up the town perfectly and you already know its a hellish town hidden under its ordinary surface. You meet other people during the game who were brought to the place for similiar reasons and you get the see their visions of personal hell. You also encounter Maria that is there to stray you away from the path and basically seduce you. Pyramid Head is the opposite of her and sort of a guardian for James that guides him to the right path. Once James confronts himself and discovers he was the one who killed his wife Pyramid Head is no longer neccesary and kills himself. The game never says James was a bad husband or that he did a bad thing for that matter. He just felt insanely guilty because he didnt kill her out of mercy, but because he hated how she made him feel. Its up to the player how James deals with this.
The only part of this that's accurate is that James gets a letter from his wife. The rest is pure fanwank and nothing I said was wrong in the slightest. Maria never affects the "plot" (such as it is) and probably doesn't exist (though I really don't know nor care enough either way).
i always thought it was interesting how different sh2 was from sh1 in its horror themes. sh1 is very japanese in the way it presents its horror and the type of horror it is, wheras sh2 feels much more western stylistically with its horror being personal metaphors for each characters story arc.i wonder what caused such a sudden shift in style for just that game
I like SH4's intro apartment sections a lot, but think the premise is stronger than the execution the further in you get.
Next time when you want to discuss a game you dont understand at all, just dont post.
user, just stop taking the bait. Legitimate discussions on Yea Forums hasn’t been a thing for years.
Doubt its bait, people are that stupid. If you never confront the retards they will start to feel right at home.
>I don't really get the love for SH3 either. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but it was kind of.... uninspired?
Some people have said it felt like they were copying Dante, with the times that Heather starts joking around with the monsters.
I think it's also just that they tried to do too much and it was more unfocused than uninspired. They tried to make her like a typical teenage girl who would be afraid but also a sassy teenage girl but also Alessa but also a revenge character after Harry dies, and most of it felt rushed. 3 still had some good visuals and horror elements, but on top of those issues I think enemy design was also poor to the point where most enemies were just annoying, and it also feels like it's the most cinematic out of the first 3 which I didn't enjoy much either.
SH1 and SH2 start to seem more similar once you realize SH1's horror is Alessa's personal torment, like SH2's is James'.