Why does minecraft get a pass on all of its problems but NMS is dogged down into oblivion...

why does minecraft get a pass on all of its problems but NMS is dogged down into oblivion? MC literally suffers all the same problems as NMS but is praised while NMS is constantly shit on for its problems.
>The animals/enemies are too similar!
Literally the same thing in Minecraft, you get like 4 common enemies to fight with, what, 3 bosses. whats the issue here?
>The worlds are all the same!
Minecraft biomes are literally just recolors with different trees. NMS at least offers more pleasing graphics.
>It's too grindy!
Minecraft is built upon grinding for food and materials to get to end game, what's the difference?
>the story sucks!
who the fuck cares? Minecraft has no story either, yet people dont complain about it.

Attached: no mans sky.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

>still trying to save this dead game by comparing it to the autism legos

see name

Based and Atlaspilled

Because Minecraft is LEGO with videogame elements.

i think you're smarter than this.

The answer is "lies". People don't like being lied to about a game in development.

Minecraft never dips below 60 fps

Attached: 1552386121816.png (128x128, 28K)

NMS went through a development cycle that was full of bullshit and lies and failed to deliver on its final product, requiring severe walkbacks and aggressively defense posturing from the dickhead who oversold it. It was an overblown piece of shit on arrival and necessitated a practical reboot just to salvage what reputation the dev had left, and it's still dull and grindy for a space-sim.
Minecraft is boring autismoblocks with a survival aspect thrown in. By default, NMS should be more engaging because space exploration, but it fucked up so hard on its initial launch that it just can't escape the black hole of its own failure.

Minecraft was made by one guy
NMS had sony money

only true if you never start the game. For anything else, it dips below 10 fps every 10 seconds.

Notch lied his head off. He promised that he'd release the game opensource if he ever stopped working on it, he promised that early access buyers would have full access to any future updates, he promised to work on the game (and instead took most of the later years off), etc.

These are much better points.

This. Minecraft is virtual legos and No Man's Shit is trying to be a big deep mindthink while at the same time it looks like this

Attached: 4456564456564.jpg (1920x1080, 315K)

I never realized how much they were alike. No wonder I never got into NMS. I have no clue how people find this kind of thing fun. Minecraft is and always was the most boring shit.

Notch lied so much during his chats on Yea Forums, features that he promised were never delivered.

Minecraft wasn't 60 dollars on release and it had mods

Mods for NMS would be no harder to make than for minecraft. Minecraft mods were not due to mod support but basically what amounts to dll injection (though because it was java it was easier to extract the information necessary to perform the injection, but injection sites had to be found and updated at every game update).
Also are you sure it was $60 at launch (that is, out of beta)?

I have really low fps
my game was running way better before the update
if my CPU is at 10% use while playing the game, is it worthwile to try that thread numbers tweak?

It shouldn't. If the CPU isn't at 100% use that means something else is bottlenecking you. Could be GPU or hard drive. for example.

>Started out as nothing
>Added stuff
>People liked it
>Adding new things also added some bugs
>Nobody complains because its getting better
>Sellout after it was successful

No Mans Sky
>Huge campaign about how amazing it will be
>Take ton of money from people
>Sell out to before it even started
>Released completely broken
>Promises go up in smoke
>Slowly fixed it over 2 years

Looks pretty good now, but this is how it should have been from the start.

>Patchnotes say inventory limitations have been relaxed
>Think they finally fixed my biggest gripe with these kinds of games, where I want to be going around without having to dump my inventory every 10 minutes
>Open game
>Inventory on permadeath mode is exactly the same as it used to be
What the fuck is this retarded bullshit?



Attached: 1560217551326.png (419x494, 413K)

hard drive is also low
don't know how to check the GPU activity tho

make sure you disable vsync and max out the fps cap in the options, that did a massive difference for me, if that doesn't solve it then try the config file tweaks


how ya doing

Minecraft was what 20$ when it finally got out of beta? and it was popular way before it became full price. Even for the 30$ scam that is nu-Minecraft is still a more quality experience than NMS


>caring about a dead game
why do you care so much about it? just let it die already.
obviously MC is still alive because of the sandbox element it brings unlike NMS. Plus NMS is boring af and un appealing. So do what this game is alright.

Forcing bases to need bulky cables for power was such a fucking stupid decision.

>le dead game meme

I like no man's sky
More like non-men lie (about the game) ((because only betas get triggered over the game))