>game gives you a choice you can't undo
>it mocks you if you delete your save
Game gives you a choice you can't undo
as in I actually become a girl, or become a tranny with an e-coli filled stink ditch?
>game gives you a choice with no downsides
How is this a fuckin hard choice?
>not switch sex
No deal. I’m not dealing with dilating or looking like an ape in a wig for a good ass video game.
Lack of specifics, there's a world of difference between magically morphing into a hot school girl with a new identity to match and being forced into modern day surgery to do it.
I like my dick
According to 2019 I only need to call myself a woman to change genders, seems fine to me.
It says gender instead of sex, so stink ditch it is, my dude.
become a girl streamer for said game
You're all past the age where being female is easy mode anyways
What's the catch?
>gender instead of sex
Same thing.
>Switch to ez mode IRL
>Game like civilization except its not strategy but an open world RPG is made
feels good man
>Same thing.
No, sex is the real thing while gender is the social construct that can just be made up now
>same thing
The international consensus of doctors and psychiatrists disagree.
I don't think I want to be a guy but Silent Hills... I might.
Sex is the real thing, gender is the same exact real thing, and """gender""" is a meme that means nothing.
Don't fall for the tranny bullshit.
Hard choice
on one hand life will be 10x easier on the other hand no more penis
i'm gonna have to say no thanks i prefer having my ding dong
>Players kind find extra dialogue and lore in the game by doing creative things like reloading older save files to repeat conversations.
>OP thinks this is a bad thing. because a character that's supposed to be evil says something mean to you and hurts you're fee'fee's
Fuck you, corey, that scene was build up for the ending, not some easter egg to discourage cheating.
Was he right?
Can the tranny meme just die already
>videogame of my dreams
it doesn't exist and i get to become a tranny
it's a lose-lose situation
Hard pass.
gender is a buzzword abused by dumb ass (((educators)))
a girl who acts like a boy is still a girl and that's all that matters
mentally you can pretend to be anything you want but it is irrelevant to reality
>user generated content
What was he expecting?
Gender and sex are synonyms. They both refer to whether you have a penis, or don't have a penis. It's that simple. And cutting off/inverting your penis doesn't make it not a penis, it's just a mutilated penis.
A more reasonable definition would involve chromosomes, otherwise a eunich is a girl.
Image being a girl and having tits, lol, that would be kinda funny, haha.
What about people born with both sex organs? What are they?
>it's just a mutilated penis
Arguable. If you cut off your entire arm, is it just a mutilated arm?
freaks lmao
But they already turned gender into a meme word and changed its meaning,.there's no going back now. You can change your gender now but you can't actually change your sex
At the same time it makes Op's pic stupid because depending on where you live changing your gender could be just some administrative paperwork so it would have no downsides or advantages either way
>If you cut off your entire arm, is it just a mutilated arm?
Gender is some nonsense word invented by a crooked psychologist as a ploy to force a child with a mutilated dick to undergo humiliating sexual acts with his brother under the guise of it being a social experiment.
The sooner we as a society can learn to accept that a boy can like barbie dolls and the color pink without needing to have his penis turned inside out, and a girl can have short hair and like sports without needing to have her tits cut off, the sooner we can evolve as a fucking society.
Video games.
>still bald and fat
not inaccurate
>we lost, bros...
No, fuck off.
Do I get to be cute too?
>be american
>get your penis mutilated for no reason
>get forced to suck off your brother by a pedo doctor
>kill yourself
>your legacy is thousands of other kids being abused too
If you are a guy
>Get your dream game made
>You live life on easy mode (assuming you actually do become a real girl)
If you are a girl
>Your dream game made
>You lose all the advantages of being a female
Seems like an easy choice to me
I'm a fucking cum slut faggot that likes to dress up as a girl so I have no issues
>be european
>be obsessed