Do you care about achievements Yea Forums?

Do you care about achievements Yea Forums?

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Yes. Only if it is skills related.

I unironically enjoy mastering a mechanic in a game and seeing a rare trophy drop

Dopamine hit

Not even a little bit. Who is a developer to decide what I am to consider an achievement in a video game? Also, when shit like, reach level 10, in a game with 100 levels is an achievement. How is that achieving anything?

Only if they're not a huge pain to get

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not really. hidden achievements for doing obscure things can be a funny novelty, but generally it isn't something that I pay attention to

Depends, when I like a game a lot I use them as an excuse to actually do everything like in FF12, I am the 0.9% that got plat, baby

No. Is one of the most retarded things that happened to video games.


wanted to get back into collecting, yet as soon as I start I don't want the grind and lose interest.

Yes, it's pretty much the only reason why I play games. Having a big e-peen score makes me happy.

I did when I played on PS3 but when I switched to PC I stopping caring as much

No. At the end of the day, videogame achievements are inconsequential. Why should I bother?

why would anyone
shit's fucking irrelevant

I went back and did a 6th playthrough to plat sekiro but that was mainly because I had nothing else to do at the time
think I've only gotten all achievements on one other game since it's usually too much trouble

I like getting the notification on Steam or Xbox when I inadvertently achieve one, but I never hunt for them.

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Back in the day of the Xbox 360 yes, i loved play for getting achievements.
Nowadays i don't fucking care, i rather invest time in others video games instead of grinding achievements.

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Fuck no. That shit is designed for people who can't enjoy vidya without being rewarded for every little thing.

no, but post more of this girl

Only in a game I really really really like, to set some objectives and play it a bit more

Jesus fucking christ I want to throatfuck this girl so badly, I want to fucking shove my cock and hear her gag and suffocate, I want to see the life escape from here eyes as I just slam my dick against her throat.

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very cute nails :3

girls get wet when i show them my achievements

I don't care if a game has them or not. It feels nice to see one pop for something that isn't just the end of chapter though.



No. Besides, these days, modding games on steam tends to disable them, unless there's a mod to enable achievements with modded games. You also miss achievements if you play offline, even if you make the prerequisite(s). Pretty worthless, I'd say.

No. They're retarded and a waste of time.
If you actually got something of value for them then I'd change my opinion, but you don't, so they literally only exist for people who feel they can brag about them but have literally no one to brag to.

Who's the slut?

I only care about my achievements in WoW, and strictly because they correlate to how good you are at the game.

I love beating a game on Very Hard and seeing that I joined a fraternity of less than 1% of the players.

I want a wife like her.

Depends on how they work, some games just throw in achievements for no reason, like "Good job for killing 10000 enemies!"
and then "Good job for killing 100000 enemies!"
Those suck, but some games have less and better ones, I was a completionist on issac wrath of the lamb and Gungeon, because most of the achievements were for either progress or doing something unique and often unlocked new items.

>Asmonbald literally shit at the game
>He hunts achievements

>but have literally no one to brag to.
just because you don't have friends doesn't mean nobody else does.

Yes, it's one of the reasons I buy games. The feeling of 100% game that deserve it is too good and I can show off to my friends

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she's everything I want

Show me your Cutting Edge: Queen Azshara please

Generally no because majority of them are retarded attempts at prolonging gameplay in the worst possible manner.
>Kill 10000 enemies in this game where if you 100% everything else you only kill maybe 2000
>Make and upgrade all these items you'll never use, especially with a limited resource that requires one or multiple NG+ runs to do
Fuck off. Best achievements are the ones you get for having fun with the game, not a fucking chore to do just because muh trophy. Also token trophies like "You started the game XD" are trash.

It's actually 101 now, just finished Omensight like 20 minutes ago. Super short but good.

The only ones I don't really try for are MP-heavy ones, ones i'm just really having a super-shitty time with, and/or would require an obscene amount of grinding or repetition.

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bro, you play nu wow?

Sorry I didn't realize you were 12, I'll stop responding now

No and never will

Not me and I haven’t played retail in a year. Asmongold literally cannot PvP

I hardly care, and when I do it's because I noticed that I'm accidentally close to platinum on a game. So I go "I only have 1/2/3 left? Eh why not."and give them an earnest attempt.


Not really. I used to when I was 16, but I only attempt to get a platinum when I'm bored.