>game is bad
>you love it anyways
What's her name, Yea Forums?
>game is bad
>you love it anyways
What's her name, Yea Forums?
Second sight
Space Station 13
Ace Combat
block and load is fine
all pretty good examples of bad games that are still fun
yeah, really fine, that's why it's bleeding players you dumb fuck
can't even find a match anymore
Heroes of the Storm
I love to talk shit about this game any day, but it's not a bad game per se. It just falls short of its series' legacy. I'm certain I'm in the majority here.
second sight is good though
mgs5, almost 100 hours in that game on ps4
unlocked raiden
>it's dying so it is bad!
dumb fuck
I wouldn’t say love, but Fallout 76
it checks literally ALL the boxes of objectively bad game-design
but I love it to death
1200 hours here, unlocked basically everything, can play the game in my mind 1:1 and then apply strategies my mind comes up with in game.
Musou games in general.
Dark Souls 2 is still a fine game, a game can be glitchy and ugly but still be fun to play.
Glitchy and ugly means its bad user
It can still be fun
planetside 2
This and Driv3r