>destroys gaming communities
Destroys gaming communities
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I miss Teamspeak 3.
I enjoy it, dunno what people are getting upset about.
i creates them
True for FFXIV. Everything is forced through Discord by special snowflake cliques.
more like they are already dead as fuck and everyone just re-posts memes they found on reddit and twitter.
only thing that got destroyed were my balls after being sucked off dry by a faggot that i met off of there
Come join if you want a comfy server to discuss vidya
discord is a literal virus and also a mind virus
OP's probably just buttmad because he got banned from a server or some shit.
At least it outs all the worthless impressionable retards in any given community who are subhuman enough to use it.
It's just a chatroom program, I don't know how it can destroy a community
What's the difference between Discord and IRC
shit logo
Fuck off
>switch from mumble to discord
>half your friend group turns into hysterical hardcore leftist trannies/furries
I've been informed I'm not alone. What is it about this platform?
>t. gdi cuck
Cancer that's the difference just look at the users
Maybe it's because I'm over 30 now but every discord group I've joined for games like FFXI or XIV seems full of dumb memes and even dumber 'adults.'
these retards hated IRC too, t. oldfag
wait a minute, you don't have a small server of 10-15 close friends to hang out in?
oh my....how pathetic.....hehe
there are secret brainwashing subliminal signals embedded in the audio software of discord that slowly convince you that you're a leftist tranny/furry
my source is my dad works for nintendo and programed discord
>destroys gaming communities
I'm glad it's dead holy shit
>Joined a discord server recently on a whim
>Everything is disorganized and/or the group members are completely autistic
This is why I stick to friend only servers
discord literally ruined my life
>This is my "small server" of people to hang out with.
Oh god, where are the cyanide pills.
>destroys gaming communities
Don't fucking pretend IRC wasn't complete fucking shitshows as well you cunts.
>b-b-b-b-b-but its good if you have a small server of friends
Just a reminder that e-friends are not real friends and will never replace irl friends.
It also destroyed Yea Forums
Those discord trannies are fucking everywhere
I thought it was just me
why the fuck are there so many trannies in discord?
I remember using it only once in my life for a few weeks to video chat with my then GF who ended up cutting her fucking wrists on camera and then talking about how she hopes she bleeds to death and dies.
haha remember that furry Yea Forums discord with the kasfag and it went to shit when everyone started leaving
>tfw I don't even have e-friends
I don't even have an image for this post, that's how little I have
Easily accessible. Not to mention all someone has to do is drop a link and anyone can join their server
dang man same :(
what if those e-friends are also irl-friends?
Did she bleed to death and die?
>disconnects every 5 fucking seconds
you have pics?
>Implying this board hasnt been destroyed already
GG was the nail in the coffin
every single chatroom for anything with loads of users has always been shit, the use case for discord is small private servers for about 20 people, not some ungodly abomination of chatrooms, permissions, and admin approvals like most discord servers are
>spies on you
>steals your data
>allows anybody to make a server for “free”
>ease of use allows absolute degenerate hangout servers to exist (discord trannies)
>has a stupid logo
Just hang out irl
They were trash anyway; nothing of value was lost.
people complaining about discord trannies are retarded. The problem isn't discord, but America enabling those degenerates in the last 2 years. Nuke america and you'll get rid of kikes, trannies and niggers in a second. Stop blaming a shitty app for that.
Discord is for zoomers. Just don't use it.
what the hell is this the 2000s?
no one hangs out anymore oldman
t. Chang
I fucking hated this but every goddamn person used it.
lmao, Asia is full of trannies too
how else are you supposed to have sex?
>its good if you have a small server of friends
This is entirely correct. Why the fuck would you try to be nice to dozens of other people you don’t even know?
..anyone wanna be my discord friend?
that's not sex, and it will be many years before artificial sex is even close to real sex
>spies and steals your data
idk man are you using the internet rn, your isp has prolly just sold your data to a advertising agency
>complaining about trannies
absolutely rent free, wait for them to kill themselves
>friended some guy on discord i met on a server for a game i played with
>now "h" has an anime style drawing of a female version of himself
Its a disease spread through discord
only if you will send me pics of your shaved boipussy getting pounded by big dildos every day
Real friends talk face to face not over the internet. I wouldn't expect a retarded child like you to understand.
Dude what if we want to play games together? O N LI N E
How many people here you think are able to have casual sex?
theres nothing wrong with discord only except making many small reddit communities
My only real problem with Discord is that it moves a lot of discussion about games from easily searchable webpages into semi-private chat communities. I didn’t like it when Reddit killed regular game forums, but at least Reddit discussions show up in web search results if you are looking up some game related questions, with Discord those discussions are much harder to find and will be lost in time.
Of course, most game discussions aren’t anything worth saving, but it sucks if some tweaks or answers will be lost due to Discord-ization.
Reminder that any "discord tranny" threads are nothing more than shill threads for discord tranny servers.
real friends don't live all in my house tho.
Use the in game chat.
>great server
>legendary server
>best community you've ever come across
>admin is super chill too
>admin is actually a tranny, who one day decides that the good times have been going on for too long
You know who you are. Burn in hell.
Real friends enjoy your company no matter where you are. I don’t expect you to understand that feeling either
having e-friends and having irl-friends are not mutually exclusive things
Try going outside once in a while.
i have a black boipussy made for dick if you want to see it
>admin is super chill too
That's codeword for "the admin is a cunt, but only if you get on their bad side teehee"
>>steals your data
I do the same thing, I join as many discord servers as possible and look at everything everybody's posting for free and never say a word
>believing people on the internet can't be real friends
Ive met 3 of my friends from discord irl all from different states and we're getting together again this year to go to a festival and we play pretty much most nights of the week. FeelsGoodMan try not to be a sperg and give online friends a chance.
I'll just say what everyone is thinking now.
Chat rooms are and will always be cancer.
>admin is actually a tranny, who one day decides that the good times have been going on for too long
Cmon now user you can’t wrap up the story like that, gimme the details of this unexpected and unnecessary drama
Are all the incels who cry about Discord the same faggots who join public servers instead of making a small server for people you personally know? like this guy, how are the last three points even applicable? My server doesn't have any trannies because I don't associate with them and I'm glad it's free so I don't have to pay for a Mumble server.
>join /vg/ server
>the first thing you see in the sfw(general) section is people posting their dildo collection and prostate milking
stay classy /utg/
Not so fast terrorist!
Public chat rooms are. If I wanted to talk to a bunch of random strangers I’d do it here
never seen this.
i joined a server run by my sister and her close friends so we could play video games together and its just them saying nigger over and over again, posting shitty edgy reddit memes and calling every single mainstream vidoe game shit.
theres even a text channel dedicated to a porn bot that posts anime tiddes.
it feels just like Yea Forums and its so uncanny.
what makes you think I don't do that already? Also can't play videogames outside.
I bet you're all unwashed scrawny fucking FREAKS who suck each-others cocks when you're drinking "ooh it was just one time bro haha let's not tell anybody but let's also meet up and do the same thing again next year haha teehee" CUNT!