Japanese women are dumb as rocks

Japanese women are dumb as rocks

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and that's a good thing

most women are dumb as rocks.
hell, most people are dumb as rocks.

>women are dumb as rocks
Checks out

All women are stupid. The only thing that matters is finding the stupid you can tolerate and then dealing with it if their sexual attractiveness outdoes their stupidity.

No, Japanese women act dumb as rocks around me because men are insecure otherwise
See: almost all of their male catering porn, neets, and “herbivore men”

>women are dumb as rocks

I legitimately do not know what type of women you’re talking about. I did engineering and all the women are pretty great, and I’ve had good experiences with women in HR as well. I legitimately think you guys either stay at home all day or you adhere to like this schoolchildren experience you had as a kid

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>Japanese "people" are dumb as rocks

And yet they still won't fuck you

t. tranny or a woman

Either way you're a liar and your post screams projection. What's your degree, user?

I’m a male (male)
My degree is EE, and my career is in RF

And they love white cocks!

wish i was white to get easy asian pussy

Japan ugly.

>tfw no dumb japanese gf

I remember they did a study a few years back that proved that men were more intelligent than women but they quickly went back on it after feminists lost their shit.

they look like men

They make my peepee hard as roc ks desu

Attached: AggressiveLateFairyfly.webm (1920x1080, 2.22M)


dont post the metals here

Aren't girls more cute when they're borderline retarded?

Asian women are for white men only

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Intelligence is a hard thing to quantify and say somebody has “more of it.” Even IQ isn’t a reliable measure of general domain intelligence. Sure g correlates with the ability to perform specific cognitive tasks, but by design IQ fails to capture
1) context for domain specific cognitive tasks
2) the meaningfulness of a “good score”
That is to say, IQ tests are great at diagnosing unironic mental retardation, but they don’t actually speak to even domain specific “intelligence,” and certainly not in the context of learning

Babymetal is the most Yea Forums-related thing itt


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>I legitimately think you guys either stay at home all day
how did you come to this brainbusting conclusion

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