Was Dunkey right?

Was Dunkey right?

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game was shit from the start, the nintenyearsolds were trying to hide the fact by spamming Yea Forums all day, like they always do.

No, but he has ADHD.
He also flat out misrepresented the game on purpose to make it look bad by using a single low level character in an area they don't start in which isn't something that would EVER happen unless you do it on purpose

While I think he exaggerated the flaws a little I think he was right, especially about the KEEP SAYING IT KEEP SAYING IT KEEP SAYING IT, which really turned me off of the game.

still not cracked after 50 days

He wasnt right, but the game is not worth $60. At most $30.

Also; keep saying it

He's right in the fact that its a pretty bog-standard JRPG but he's a comedy E-Celeb who can't make videos longer then 5 minutes lest his ADD audience gets bored. He's not good at making serious points and should go back to shouting at bing bing wahoos and masturbating to his own jokes.
I do love it when he doubles down and insults his own room temperate IQ fanbase. Just keep saying

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>coping this hard
He addressed this in his follow up video that I KNOW you watched because faggots like you can't resist watching stuff you disagree with. Sorry user, but it's you deliberately misrepresenting things.

Not when he intentionally goes out of his way to make the game look bad.

I started this last week and have only played a bit, but as Cyrus I wandered into a bit of a high level area and actually got a win off of one of the enemies (I think it was called a Cait, it was a cat thief) and my level jumped from 7 to 14. The game has been rather easy since then (I've only done the starting chapters for two other characters). But I guess Cyrus' level will stabilize soon enough.

keep saying it

I tried so hard to love this game. It's ass. Playable ass but ass still leaves a bad aftertaste. Generic JRPG: The Game.

It's fun and cute and has a goat ost.

Caits aren't really high level, they're metal slimes. They're literally meant to let you get lucky and chest your way to a higher level than you should have

Got it on Steam after hearing all the hype. I've been playing jrpgs since I was a kid so this seemed like a natural draw.
Was very disappointed, shallow characters and motives. I don't always need a grand adventure, but there is zero chemistry between characters and how they interact with each other stories.
I guess it's good for millennials with low attention spans and autistic grinders.

Oh, I guess that explains how I was able to beat it and why I never saw any in the area afterwards.

you shouldn't worry about it too much, your characters only level up when they are in the party, so only half of them are growing at any given time.

I agree this is a real bummer. I expected it to be more interconnected. At least the battle system is fun, IMO it is an improvement over Bravely.

People keep saying the opinion of popular people as if it’s fact. I never get this ideology
Also fuck cuckfags

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Dunkey the guy who play platformer and is garbage at everything else?

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Maybe we'll get more interaction in Decasexopath Traveler

I thought it was all right but it wasn't as revolutionary as everyone acted

Was Dunkey the main antagonist of BLACKED 2 BAYBEE

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The game feels like it was intended to be for a rated M audience but at the last second suits told the devs they wanted a Teen rating so they hastily rewrote half the stories then shipped it.
Combat is decent if not a little easy.

keep saying it

yes, and I'll keep sayin it until the end of time

No. Most of the things he said about the game were lies or exaggerated. Also, the vast majority of the people who hate this game are shitters who unironically play games for story and also spread misinformation about the game to make it look a lot worse than it actually is.

t. 100 hours, 100% and beat the final boss on first try.

Keep saying it.

Report all eceleb threads

He was right that he doesn't like JRPGs in general, yes.

>doesn't explain why

No, but for the wrong reasons. His DMCV and KH3 reviews and Sekiro vid were also trash. He's been falling off since 2017.

No. Octopath is flawed but not for any of the reasons he mentioned. The combat system is one of it's greatest strengths and he went far out of his way to make it seem more boring than it actually is to try to make a point.

KH3 and Octopath Traveler videos were shit. I didn't watch the DMC5 video, and I'm not going to, but what did he say? I'm 90% it's something related to the fact he doesn't know how to play video games or that he has low attention span.

He liked it, but it was pretty shallow and not very entertaining.