Kingdom Hearts fails most of its women


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Other urls found in this thread:

everyone I heard bitch about the game says such and such character is a jobber, so yeah the article is correct

It fails everyone that isn't Sora or Terra.

Almost entirely, yes.

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Kairi fucking sucks

Which RLM video does that clip come from? One of the paywalled ones?

I think you could easily make this thread without posting fucking Polygon. KH3's quality has been contested for months now.

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The women did jack shit and were just damsels in distress and eyecandy. Everyone knows this, like literally Xion, Kairi, and Namine were all fap bait. There is a shit load of porn of Aqua as well, so the article has a point. The girls did nothing in the end. Larxenne did jack shit as well in the end.

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I'm not gonna click that link, and I don't even care about Kairi that much, but it is absolute garbage that that shitty OC donut steel Xion got to do more than her during the endgame.

>image is a clickbait headline
>unarchived Polygon link
It's time to fucking stop. I'm sick of these headline threads. If you're genuine about wanting to talk about this, do it without mentioning or linking that article or copy-pasting what it says in the OP. If not, go fuck yourself.

KH is a story where most of the main/important characters are boys or men, with female characters playing secondary roles.

You might as well say Shonen Manga fails it's women

Trannie raid, ignore and report

>Caring about the females in KH besides eyecandy, at best
LMAO desune.

>Xion, Kairi, and Namine were all fap bait. There is a shit load of porn of Aqua as well
There's no good porn so obviously they aren't doing their jobs well enough.

it honestly does, kairi was fucking useless and for some reason so was aqua, that shit pissed me off the most

There is a shit ton of KH porn, so you can't just say it's all garbage. I doubt you've seen all of it.

>linking directly to polygon
>no content in the post other than a faggy "Thoughts?"
The absolute state of nu-Yea Forums

Everyone in kh3 is a jobber name one person in ih3 that is not a fucking jobber

My "thought" is I don't give a fuck what polygon thinks about anything, and I shan't be visiting their website.

>linking Polygon

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>unironically linking to polygon

It fails men more than it fails women. Their self-insert didn't get to get together and fuck with the damsel in distress, that's the real outrage. Whatever the real life objects "think" about Kairi doesn't matter.

>A shit load of porn of Aqua
God I wish

You underestimate how often I go check to see if someone finally made anything good, an 9 times out of 10 it's either shit or homoshit.

Not him bur I know I havent seen all of it personally since 95% of it is yaoi.

>direct linking Polygon
why is the not a bannable offense?

Everybody fails in this miresable series from Mickey to Sora And the plot is shit

Roxas, Sulley and Donald.

who cares
who fucking cares
why do you care what some fucking nobodies have to say

the answer is you don't actually care either, you just posted this to rile people up and get (you)s you colossal faggot

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killing kairi was the best and funniest fuck you to the kh autists ever. i fucking died laughing after


Polygon is actually correct for once.

> linking directly to polygon

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Fuck off polygon
Sage and hide

Friendly reminder to report this for advertising. Direct link to Kotaku/Polygon/etc with something like “Thoughts?” is literally always done by the author looking for clicks.

Keep seething, KH3 kairi could have been swapped for KH2 or KH1 kairi and would have resulted in the same outcome

It can be considered advertising. Or spam. Or fanboyism. Just saying.

>Literally stuck watching cutscenes of Axel and Kairi taking breaks during the fucking training that's supposed to make them keyblade masters
>They get fucking whopped during the final world, with Axel losing his blade and Kairi dying
3 was such a fucking shitshow, god damn

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Turning KH from a fantasy adventure to shounenshit with Disney IPs put in was such a huge mistake it's not even funny.

The fuck are you on about? KH3's characters sucked. It has nothing to do with your /pol/ bullshit.

Fuck no, KH1 Kairi with 3's abilities would be broken because she didn't have two years of being a useless fuck during 2 to demolish her character.

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It does fail it's female characters and then turbo autists blame Kairi for being badly written as if she's writing herself.


This would imply that KH was ever simply a fantasy adventure and not shounen trash

Nobody looks good in it, but there are definitely degrees of incompetence.

Axel's blade literally breaks and then he suddenly has it back at the end when everyone is sealing kingdom hearts or whatever. This occurs in the same game Riku breaks his keyblade which forces him to get a new one.

You know what I also fucking hate? How her killer got off scott-free for no reason at all and didn't even tell Sora how to save her, in order to force in quite possibly one of the single worst and most insulting endings in recent history.
Nomura can take his shounenshit-lite with Disney IPs shoved in and shove it up his ass. I'm never playing another Kingdom Hearts game ever again.

It's true. Kairi did fuck all.

considering they brought back KH1 riku for one of the vessels, they could have easily brought back KH1 kairi


Then even bigger autists get mad and white knight her as if she actually exists.

its right kairi gets cucked super hard

wtf i love polygon now

Lingering Will got one shot off screen, it absolutely fails Terra. And Sora turned into a crybaby little bitch.


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Lingering Will won in the end. He gave Terra what he needed to take his body back.

They would have had to bring back Hayden Panettierre for that, and they'd rather go with that awful skank who does Xion's voice.

I still have a hard time believing that Kingdom Hearts is actually a thing.

Mixing Disney characters with edgy anime characters seems like such a bizarre choice.

>A boy with a magic key goes on a quest to find his friends and fight evil
>KH now
>Everyone has a fucking magic key, a convoluted as fuck backstory that forces you to play shitty handheld games and a mobbage, worthless one note characters being introduced every second and you being ordered to care about them, retcons up the ass, and also the bad guy isn't really the actual bad guy.

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Don't know, but I remember that at some part everyone's standing around saying they're going to help in the final showdown or something and then Kairi says she'll help too and the entire room goes quiet and the camera pans to a shot of everyone just kind of looking at her
That was funny

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KH has failed Sora since DDD. He suddenly became a complete moron.

And I assume you can prove that somehow?

The story wasn't about the girls.

>hire ethics committee
>still fuck up
how is this even possible

Honestly at this point Kairi may end up getting raped in 4 but her rapist manages to get off scott-free for no reason anyway with the ending having Sora enter her womb to kill the rape baby.

Ethics committee is just marketing speak for "a bunch of people scared of sex".

And that's a good thing. Women in any media should only be objects to be acquired or to look at (fapbait etc)

>story wasn't about the girls
>spend the first half of the game trying to rescue Aqua, a girl
>spend the last third of the game trying to rescue Kairi, a girl

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Can you prove that Lingering Will got one-shot? Lingering Will is Terra's soul and he clearly got that back.

Only post in this thread that isn't gay and embarrassing

For once they aren't wrong, but it fails at most of its characters in general not just women

They're right.
Polygon still sucks on eggs tho.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>linking directly to polygon

Then it shouldn't have tried to pretend so hard that Kairi was important. Keeping up that pretense and then doing nothing with it just makes everyone unhappy.

Well he went to fight Terranort off screen, and then wasn't so much as mentioned for the rest of the game while you demolish Terranort yourself later. So yeah, he died bro.

What does it matter how the subject of the thread is presented?


>TFW the "main" trio will never be together again because that wouldn't be fair to those throwaway chucklefucks who should've continued to fuck off but are now permanently part of the cast for no reason at all.

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So every piece of media thats about saving a damsel is "about" that damsel herself and not the the actual main character?

>Linking to polygon

Well when half the scenes are about how important the damsel is to the MC then yes.

No. I bet you think Mario games are "about" Peach too.

Ban screenshots of headlines from polygon/kotaku and also twitter screencaps. Yea Forums will reach a new golden age

Of course they are.

Mario games outside of the Paper series have almost no story to them and the ones that do feature Peach essentially as a trophy.

It's unironically correct tho
>dude Aqua is a keyblade master!
>oh nvm she jobs lol
>dude Kairi is training with a keyblade! maybe she won't be another damsel in dis-
>oh nvm she gets kidnapped again lol

>linking directly to polygon
You're posting in a shill thread.

They are about the journey to get to Peach, not about Peach herself. You could replace Peach with a magic sword or some shit and story would barely change.

Then the game would be about the magic sword.

>Kairi, along with everyone else not named Sora got fucked hard in KH3's story
>Basically, Nomura learned nothing and is doubling down on his bullshit into the new saga
>Disney couldn't give less a fuck as along it sells Frozen to the masses
>Not even decent any decent Kairi/Sora porn to come from any of this.
Y'know I'm thinking I should probably drop this franchise

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But in KH Aqua becomes a Keyblade master and Kairi is shown training with a Keyblade. It does fail its female characters because it tries to suggest that they'll be something more than damsels in distresses but then that exact thing happens again and it's all pointless

>Opinion piece
who cares.


Constantly. Even Aqua was ruined

Exactly, you can't do that with KH because it's all about Sora's connection to others.

>Then it shouldn't have tried to pretend so hard that Kairi was important. Keeping up that pretense and then doing nothing with it just makes everyone unhappy.

THANK YOU for getting it


You could just as easily make a Mario game where Bowser just steals an artifact or something but for some reason Nintendo has had a fixation with rescuing the princess. She's arguably not even a love interest for Mario. she just gives him a peck as a thank you, making it even more pointless.

>Not even decent any decent Kairi/Sora porn to come from any of this.
I'd almost, ALMOST, be tempted to forgive Nomura for this shit heap if we at least got this but no.

>linking directly to polyonions
Fuck off Natalie

To be fair, what the fuck did anyone do in KH3? The only keyblade wielders who didn't job and be a complete joke were Sora and Terra


>Kairi, along with everyone else not named Sora got fucked hard in KH3's story
The whole final act was just "let's piss on Sora for no reason at all. Hey look at all these forgettable characters we brought back".



fuck polygon and whoever wrote that

at least Aqua has a nice thigh gap

At least Sora did shit, and got to kill the bad guy. Everyone else might as well have been paper cutouts


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who gives a shit - it's a story with characters created specifically to pander to fujos. Any woman in it is inconsequential, ironically, and irrelevant

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Women are big dumb

>The story wasn't about the girls.

Final Fantasy is usually about a guy but almost every female character since FFIV from have had more agency and stronger character than the KH OC females.

The likes of Kairi are some of shittiest you can get. After KH1 she may as well not have existed in the storyline.

Yes because the previous games implied they wouldn't be useless but then just made them useless again
>oh wait she jobs to Vanitas
>oh wait she gets kidnapped then killed

>got to kill the bad guy
If you count "happily fucking off to the afterlife with his BFF, recieving no comeuppance or consequences for his actions" sure.

*killed twice

He's just trying to fit in with /veee/ "culture" These aren't his personal thought, this is what he's just parroting for acceptance on the board.



That's a different way Nomura is a hypocritical hack
KH is shit in so many different ways they can bleed into each other.

dude the characters are there to bait 12 year olds, weebs, and those 14 year old yaoi girls. Nothing more. The characters don't fuckin matter. Take them at face value.


Based post


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Kairi was useless, Aqua was useless, Xion and Namine didn't do anything. Yea they're right.

When faced with certain death KH2 Sora stood back to back with Riku and did impossible shit until it was time to hit their tag team finisher and kill the badguy.
When faced with certain death KH3 Sora knelt on the ground like a little bitch and died.

God I hate this shit
>Kairi didn't do anything important! SEXISM!
Kairi did literally the most important thing outside of Sora defeating Xehanort by keeping Sora and the others from dying completely, keeping them tethered to reality through the sheer force of her heart.
But she didn't swing her sword at anyone so obviously she was useless
This line of thinking is ironically built on sexist notions that only active, masculine contributions to a goal are important, rather than Kairi's passive and feminine-coded moral support

Won't give y'all my view, but yes KH is terrible at writing women, or anyone.
KH1 and KH2 were more fun while also more "grounded"in some semblance of reality. Post-KH2 is up to some Harry Potter-tier shenanigans

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>When faced with certain death KH2 Sora stood back to back with Riku and did impossible shit until it was time to hit their tag team finisher and kill the badguy.
Xemnas' "big attack" that couldn't even kill Axel was "certain death"? Also i must've missed the part where Xemnas killed Sora's friends and love interest right in front of him.

yet another polygon/kotaku article openly advertised on Yea Forums and protected by mods considering you are unable to report it

If that xemnas is past xemnas, does that mean he knows that axel is a traitor before hand and will kill him before he can sabotage Organization 13?

The game fails everyone, not just wahmen. Sora, Riku, everyone is fucking retarded.

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Moral support is for queers.

"OP should kill xirself" sums up my thoughts.

Don't people forget stuff when they time-travel back to their original time? Can't remember.

You lose your memories when you go back to your original time.

So the same people could exist at the same time? Why doesn't xehanort just get past versions of himself from every 5 minutes

Battle for the ages

Because then Nomura couldn't put a boss rush against 13 different enemies.

Cursed bazinga man

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It's a game about Disney characters and faggot OCs with only like three women in the cast of original characters. No one gives a shit about the girls of KH.

You can bet your ass polygons on this list.

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fuck u

You people deserve to be fucking banned for ever linking to any of these news site. Archive, or better yet, don't fucking start these bait threads.

You don't belong on this board reddit. Stop pretending you have a right to be here.


>The men of Kingdom Hearts have always been able to lead their own adventures, form meaningful relationships with each other, and have a role in almost every scene. They are villains who are larger than life, humanized antagonists, leaders of grand operations, and drivers of the narrative.

>Most women in the franchise end up in underdeveloped supporting roles, or are killed off for the sake of the plot.

So...just like for history in real life?
