How does everybody feel about the changes to League...

How does everybody feel about the changes to League? Do you feel that Riot has taken steps to make fun and interactive gameplay? Do you feel that Riot cares anymore? Is Ghostcrawler a hack? Thoughts?

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Yordle porn is top tier, rest is a shit

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SJW moderation has killed all gaming


I just want Nexus Blitz to be a permanent game mode so badly, it was fun...

fuck riot with a rusty spoon for reworking old champions, I want Urgod back

Riot sucks dick, shoving shitty esports down everyones throats and relying way to much on sexy titty babes, and everyone that works at riot get raped in the ass everyday and they can't even do anything about it, swain is cool tho

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I tried to play League for the first time since 2013 last week and was surprised to find AP Yi is no longer a thing. Fuck yes I'm mad.

I miss Old Xerath.

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pedo pls

I find myself agreeing with Hashinshin about literally everything

Kek why? He's not actually good at the game and generally hates what he loses to

this. all the fun game modes are temporary.

The only steps Riot has made as of late is to make more money off of less players.
Lootboxes, pets that do nothing, stat trackers, paid access to streams, emojis. The list grows by the day.
Although the best thing to happen to the game was League auto-chess pulling shitters and devs away from normal queues. Less retards and enforced metas is always good in my book.

>shortstacks = pedo

Got sick of them back in 2011 and haven't looked back since.

Riot seems to be totally obsessed with making heroes as boring and as repetitive as they can.
Everything needs to have a skillshot Q, a shield, a dash, and an ult where there's a rectangle that slowly moves in one direction. Can't we just have some fucking simple heroes like Shaco or Teemo that you have to use creatively with some target unit skills?
Of course not. I guaran-fucking-tee you that Shaco will get a rework next year where his dagger will become a skillshot, his boxes will be a on-hit effect, and his ultimate will just become a clone walking forwards in a direction.

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Looks like human trash

>"Why did they rework X champion? I had much more fun playing them 5 years ago before they were nerfed into uselessness!"

>Highest mastery curve top laner
>Human trash
Who do you main, user? Singed is the only based champion

I fucking hate Riot but their lootbox implementation is kinda fair and well thought if you think about it, specially for a free to play game

you can get skins for free by just playing good or with friends that are good, yeah it's random but it's still free

there's nothing wrong with skillshots though, it makes the game more fair for everyone desu

Despite it's rough edges around LoL can we all agree that it's a fun game? For the most part the game is pretty balanced for what it is. Sure there's always going to be some patching here and there for something that can be OP.

league is fun to play as a kid/teen, but all adults should migrate do dotA

Not really, the game needs point and click moves to be balanced. Not everything needs to be a le epic flashy outplay (broken) champion

last time i played i got upset for two hours because i was trying a new champion in norms and everyone flamed me for doing bad three games in a row

Its shit and it's always been shit. You can fuck off with your worthless genre. Thanks for killing of RTS you fucks

it becomes boring when every single hero has them, it makes the laning phase nothing but hiding behind creeps and the moment you're out of position you get popped, even Dota is more forgiving

God I fucking hate tryhards in norms. You can do that in ranked but in norms? Bunch of faggots.

I just play ARAM like a casual and they've slowly improved it with time.
Back before it had rerolls, or mini redemption pickups, or minion gold sharing.

Back then it was pure cancer, and I loved it. But I'm also fine with how it is now.

>Thanks for killing of RTS you fucks

you can still play your RTS right now

>Boomers hate skillshots but cream about their favorite old champions(some having skillshots) and are usually toggle/point n click early champs.
And they always use ‘learning their radius’ rather than, dodging a skill shit as more in depth. Skill shots are fine, certain champ/item scaling and over tuned kits are to blame. And yes I love new Pantheon.

No, it all went downhill when Zed was released, their more recent philosophy is releasing pixar-tier shit and they did this for like 3 out of 5 recent characters (Zoe, Neeko, Yuumi or whatever the fuck her name is), the only cool thing they did recently was rework Mordekaiser, Sylas is a snowflake faggot

>trusting data provided by riot

HA. youre the type of simp that believe riot when they say more people watched lolesports than lebron in the finals

By playing champions like Singed you need to be very good at dodging skillshots. It's not an issue for me, but not every champion needs skillshots

laning phase with point and click shots is just waiting for the enemy to get in range for you to poke it, what's the difference

Targeted abilities have their place, but not as a primary source of damage. That's the problem most reworked champs had. Buffs and debuffs are a fine place to point and click.
Though there is a problem with Riot's design frontloading damage onto every ability so that there is only room for skillshots.

What about Annie Q, Malzahar, Azir, Ryze, TF or an mid assassin?

Why isn't movement skillshots then?

adults shouldn't be playing dota either

Ghostcrawler works for Riot now?

yeah, i typically mute after first flame but after ending with half of everyone muted last game looks like I'll just /mute all from now on

i really REALLY wish ARAM wasn't just random champs, never bothered with moba part of league, literally started playing ARAM after being hooked on TFT and enjoyed it a lot, but boy do i hate majority of champs i'm given to play.

No they don’t, but to every skill shot there is a point and click CC ability or channel that can fuck you just as if not twice as hard.

Imagine still playing ASSFAGGOTS in 2019...

>playing mobas as an adult


What are you playing user?

All of their reworks except maybe Yi have been terrible. They're trying their hardest to kill their game

based. i reached master last season playing only the bald beauty. my promotion game was against T1

A good game. Maybe you should try it sometime.

Jungle died when they removed devourer. Also the forced lane meta in general is pretty ass and limits the game too much.

>builds triumph, AS to proc as many Q’s as possible, stop watches and GA
>Pentas all game
At least he doesn’t have a skillshots though, they don’t make them like they used to.

Why are you so angry user? Is it because you afraid of telling what game you are playing?

Shitposting isnt a game

Game was decent until s5.
Each season this game gets dramatically worse, the balance team is dogshit and devs are incompetents

When I think of point and click spells I just generally think of shit like Soraka's old silence or something like Bane's Enfeeble. Things that are fairly interesting to use and aren't just shoot a missile to deal damage.
Because that's what every champion's Q is. Shoot a missile in a direction to deal damage. Sometimes a root or a slow is attached.
Riot just needs to be more creative with their skillsets instead of Q damage skillshot, and then having the rest be a dash, a shield, and an AoE ult.
The most interesting heroes in Dota like Rubick or Techies don't even have skillshots.

It's fun when the champions are like are good and it's shit when they're not. All the champions I played over the years and enjoyed either got mini-reworks and don't function as laners, have entirely different playstyles, or are just plain bad. Played Gragas in season 3 and now he's a tank jungler. Then switched to Gangplank who then got reworked from an early game lane bully to a mid/late carry who gets dicked on by all the meta top laners who aren't tanks, then switched to Swain who got reworked 2 years later. After that I just gave up.

dunno I only play ARAM and it's the only fun mode so I guess it's fine

I played about 1000 games back in 2011 and then stopped playing for 8 years, but recently got back into it because I wanted to try TfT. TFT turned out to suck dick but I found real League surprisingly fun again. Normal draft with role queue is a massive improvement from just having to type your role super fast like the old days to try and reserve it. I’ve still never played a ranked game in over 1200 games now.

>Jungle died when they removed Wriggle's Lantern

They give you up to two rerolls (I have so many champs I basically get a reroll every match) and rerolls are stocked for anybody to pick out.

It's not perfect, but there's a lot more choice than there used to be. People would instant roll before the stock was added and decent champs for you just disappeared.

it's getting worse and worse

League objectively became terrible when they introduced plants. They have consistently made awful decisions since then.

>gragas is tank
>gp isnt bully

Everyone says this but it always amounts to nostalgia and/or being too stubborn to admit something was broken as shit.
What EXACTLY about their rework philosophy is wrong to you?

Because top is the only high IQ and volatile role.

It's a way of life.

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I agree, I'm around his rank but I play Singed. I think the issue with him is that he can't admit when his champions are strong and only wants Aatrox's/Jax's counters nerfed. I think the main issue top is ranged top laners like Kennen and Neeko. Real annoying

Stopped playing mid season 3.
Sure, about money.
I don't care, give me more yordle lewds.

>an ult where there's a rectangle that slowly moves in one direction.
name 5, i guarantee youre only saying this because panth just got reworked

Maybe things have changed over the past 2 years but Gragas jungle was traditionally built tank with the AP enchant and new GP's lane bullying is nowhere near as oppressive as it was in Season 3 where also the champions you typically had to deal with in top lane in general were just weaker duelists.

>deletes dominion
>is about to delete 3 vs 3
>gets rid of all gamemodes
just why

this is everyone in this thread
youre all shitters that get embarrassed and cry cause you get flamed
same people that use toxic

Not him but:

Revert Eve. I can write a book about why old Eve (and old League for that matter) was better for the game. With logic and facts.

Pretty much just shuffling resources. No point in maintaining low pop servers when they could use those to prevent login queues for TFT or to hose more featured game modes.

an absolute stretch, but ill give it to you

So i then should just buy lots of cheap champs with spare RP to increase my reroll chances? I've no idea how this system works.

I want fucking triforce jungle fizz back NOW. Stupid piece of shit Riot

>shuffling resources
they're a multibillion company, they have more than enough resources. and that excuse doesn't work for gamemodes when they're always popular

>I play a cancer champion that only works when the enemy team doesnt know jungle clear routes
Do you want to know how I know you're silver/gold

Name one reason why Eve being able to stun on decloak was fair that doesn't boil down to git gud.
Hard Mode: you can't revert all the reductions to wards and vision.

new GP lane bullying sucks. it used to be good but after that nerf to his mana cost where he actually has to worry about resources unlike 90% of the other top laners he goes oom after 5 Qs. also he's just a sitting dick in general for ganks since his escape (orange) is fucking terrible compared to the tools, mobility and lockdown most of the meta champions have. he really only functions as a counterpick and needs a jungle babysit to do well, especially in pro play.

I've been diamond with every single role except Mid and Adc.

Sorry I didn't mean first release Eve. Eve just before her rework.

Why do they need to essentially delete entire champions from the game to put in a place a new one with more or less similar themes, but totally different spells?
Dota's heroes, for the most part since Guinsoo left - oddly enough - have been mostly the same for the last 15 years. Leshrac is the exact same as he was 15 years ago, same with Juggernaut. When there's something wrong with them, they don't throw out the entire hero and start from scratch.
The problem with League, which is eventually why it will die away, it's that it's in a constant state of flux. Have you looked at the wiki page for League's items? There are more items that have been removed through the game's history than there are items in the game now.
Sometimes they rework things to fix some imbalance, which in turn add their own imbalance, and on and on it goes.
The entire game of League of Legends is nothing but band-aid fixes on top of each other, which basically makes the game totally impossible to balance.

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>always popular
As much as I love that mode, wew lad
You need to keep in mind that Riot is a company that follows nu-tech philosophy. They have to constantly collect data and make changes based on what their charts and metrics say, whether anyone wanted change or not.

i didn't say 3 vs 3 was popular, i said gamemodes were. 3 vs 3 is a permanent queue

Been playing since season 4, games been a roller coaster but still playable and enjoyable. Obviously some of the devs are fucking retards (CertaintyT’s space loli) but people usually call them out on it and it gets fixed. They been better about avoiding total FUBAR since the dynamic que Holocaust back in season....5 I think?

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league is a zombie since late 2017. They kept changing the game before but atleast things somewhat settled down after. Then towards the end of the year chinkcent acquired riot and they brought alot of trannies onboard of riot's dev team and they started making those aggressive changes and reworks that no one asked for. Riot has been doing that kind of shit before mind you, like that garbage trashcan juggernigger rework no one asked for, the mage rework, the assassin rework, etc. then they got these bright nigger ideas about jungle plants and removing smite buffs and rainbow dragons, lethality and lots of other garbage followed. the garbage new runes were the nail in the coffin. last two seasons have been a live server betatest by a bunch of outsourced chinksectoid developers being pressured from chinksenct's winnie the pooh division to try to keep the game up with fagnite and bring in more players by casualising shit, injecting shitty waifu skins into the game, breaking the meta with every patch, making the game alot faster and flashy to appease the ADHD zoomzoom crowd, reworking old champs that don't fit the flashy narrative of every champ has to break an established gameplay barrier and possess CC + Mobility and shit damage out the ass, inject lootboxes and fucktons of transactions and meaningless garbage """events"""" targeted at chingoid whales and removing & burying all signs of the old game (removing RGMQ, removing ascension, removing a fucking cursor, removing twisted tree line this year, reworking old champs instead of making new ones to dilate their wounds, etc). Not forgetting the garbage trashcan new client that stayed in beta for 3 years and still has glitches out the fucking ass. Now add in all the other shit like all the forced reworking of classic champions, RP price hiking and BE to force goys to buy boosts or buy champs with RP, the new SR map. League is really a fucking zombie infested with parasitical worms in every inch of it.

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I'm starting to question if the game was ever good, if I was just young and bored enough that any FTP game would've been fine.
They already reworked all my favourite champs into characters that don't resemble anything like their former selves so I have no real vested commitment to the game anymore.

I can respect not liking the complete top-down thematic rebranding approach, but in the reworks most people complain about there was never a chance that their existing kits could be salvaged. Sion was the biggest example of this.

At least you've got enough of a brain to admit that the stun was bullshit.


this is the new generation growing up on hugbox gaming

Reworking champs that have diverse build paths is so dumb. Itemization in league is already braindead stat stick bullshit. Why get rid of different builds. Lazy balancing; can't let the players be creative.

AP Tristana with DFG was the shit. 2012 was 7 years ago bros.....

>zhonya is added
>shut down most characters who rely on burst damage
Why does it still exist


riot is shit. they can't balance for shit. new OP champ everyone buys and only 2 people bother to read the tool tips for gets nerfed as soon as shitters learn how to play or even understand. meanwhile ranked is a fucking mess of trolls, smurfs, and shitters ruining it for everyone else. It would be one thing if a full match only took 20 minutes but it doesn't a full fucking match takes a god damn hour for some asshole to refuse to surrender despite a 5K gold difference and 4 to 0 dragon buffs.

a lot of issues could be addressed by simply doubling the gold and exp rates during laning phase speeding up the transition to actual team based gameplay. the way it currently works is that you have 3 people playing single player games thinking they are going to carry the rest and 2 people forced to work together in bot lane and hope no one else fucks up resulting in snowballing.

shit game still play once a year and regret it like getting caught masturbating in church. that said I would much rather be caught masturbating in church than caught playing this shit.

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Nobody wants to play your RTS autism. Seethe harder :)

>AP trist
>AP Sion
>AP Yi
>AP Trynd
>AD Eve
>AD Fizz
>AP Ezreal
>Anything on Kayle
>Anything on Shaco
>AD Kennen
>Bruiser Akali
>Bruiser Katarina
Yeah league actually used to be a decent game.

Because it counters retards like you that mash the keyboard without paying attention. Also because the game is not based around solo duels and anyone that uses stasis in a 1v5 is still gonna die.


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based af. Literally a brilliant design stuck in a shit game. High APM playstyle that actually resembles Starcraft. So sad.

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if you buy more garbage that's more garbage to get per roll
I stopped caring about who I played

>this is what mageshitters believe

post reddit champions

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Old swain was fun I shat on a streamer and his friend who was playing as vayne

AP Trynd and Yi were just bullshit to the tune of "I can kill you off my base values but you can't kill me because I have a 100% heal!" It doesn't work in a world in which they both can still viably hit and run no matter the outcome of the game.
And AP Sion was bad because his Q was the most retarded idea ever put into the game. Perfect evidence that something in dota does not immediately translate over.

t. bronzie #bigplays assassin

>join top ap yi
>enemy shen can't farm a shit becuase my q deletes all the fucking minion waves
>and, if he get closer, he will be hit too
>cry like a bitach in /all
yup, I remember the good ol days based!!

game is a literall insectoid cuck simulator.
it is exactly the kind of mentality that this game is designed to condition you into. gold era is long over.

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>ap yi
Ah man i remember. I truly do miss how busted old league was.

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t. woody

Yeah, they share many of the same qualities, some might say its a more acceptable form of pedophilia

>build tank
>it literally doesn't matter because enemy has blade of the ruined king and/or bloodrazor

>Bruiser Akali
>Bruiser Katarina

Fuck you.

Soon you'll be one of those braindead faggots that only builds damage in top lane even if you're 0-10.

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i like playing taliyah, lux and blitzcrank
also kayn and quinn, its very fun and i can still enjoy the game 9 years later
my account is gonna be a decade old soon

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Build more armor, you retard

>literally oldchan the character
newfags begone

Good villains:
They haven't done any other character right, if they touch Shaco they'll sterilize him

I had more fun playing Viktor before that first rework which led to the whole fucking mess where he was too good. He felt unique and had his place. Riot's rework team reworks characters for the masses of players which don't fucking play them as opposed to the few players that do play them. This is retarded. Nobody is going to leave the game because they don't want to play fucking Poppy because they have already found other options. People did leave the game because Poppy effectively ceased to exist.

game balance is quadruple fucked too much broken shit with half assed band aids that stacks up to make the game feel overall less fun

old champions with gimmick playstyles are peak reddit

I play it every couple of days, maybe 2 to 3 ranked game. That's about all I can handle

>Riot's rework team reworks characters for the masses of players which don't fucking play them as opposed to the few players that do play them. This is retarded.
Precisely. This rework culture is so retarded, infecting every game now. Even OW is reworking characters now.

He just whines all game about literally everything. Some tims I was to tell him "dude just quit"

>People did leave the game because Poppy effectively ceased to exist
>still has hammer whack
>still has speed and defense buff
>still has a wall slam
but you're gonna be the little bitch still crying WAH WHY CAN'T I TANK EVERYTHING AND COLLECT FREE KILLS ANYMORE?
Fuck off with this shit of deifying obviously busted shit and talking like the newer and cuter rework is an abomination.

Yea Forums will complain about how riot doesn't make every champion worth playing and also complain about when riot tries to make irrelevant champions worth playing

To be fair Yea Forums is full of contrarians that believe "git gud" is a viable balance strategy. That if a character has any low point, any flaw in their design, that they are allowed to be godlike and it's the other person's fault for not exploiting that one weakness.

>be tank
>die in 2 seconds
>check what kill me
>true damage everywhere

They aren't irrelevant to some people. Reworks are just lazy reused content.

>also complain about when riot tries to make irrelevant champions worth playing
You must be 18 or older to post on this site

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>they aren't irrelevant to some people
only some people is the definition of irrelevant
nice argument fuckhead

>That if a character has any low point, any flaw in their design, that they are allowed to be godlike and it's the other person's fault for not exploiting that one weakness.
You know that it’s almost never the case and it’s 99% Celophane V retards dying to fucking Udyr or Yi and complaining that they are too OP.

>Nice argument fuckhead
The rules are there for a reason, back to the lol forum for you kiddo

The problem is the game cant decide if it wants to be skill or stat based. You can play a tank and have all your success be based on stats and dick "high skill" champs but if the champ doesn't have enough resources to use to fight a newer more stuffed champ with 3 dashes and lifesteal they will get dicked on. It fucking sucks playing a champ that has simple abilities only to die because Irelia zooms through a minion wave slows/stuns heals up all damage and kills you with true damage conqueror when all you can do is simple abilities

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no the problem is riot want game to be for """competitive""" thus removing everything that non meta like user said here hell recently i hear they fuck up pyke he no longer can play solo lanes and now must play only support which is stupid

Urgot is way fucking better now you fucking faggot

yeah I only listed one of the problems but youre right because Riot realizes without a Pro scene the game will die in a year

That's just skill based, Irelia shouldn't be able to 100-0 a tank under any circumstances unless the tank is way way way behind.

Play Morde and fuck her

it's fun if you're winning, it becomes unbearable if you're losing AND have a shit team

died after seaon 3

It's pointless to argue with yourself, because of how completely fucking retarded you are.

nah game wont die but fanbase will continue to degrade see how 60 of players are in bronz-gold rating

i thing irelia rework was stupid old irelia was fun to play new one i just cant take seriously same thing with zac iam fucking glad they return his ult only rework that was needed was taric and ww one rest where all mistakes

what the fuck are you talking about Irelia cuts through any champ like butter


I liked it more when dumb off builds worked better, and every new champion didn't come with three passives and a blink/dash.

I do agree the game is more balanced than anyone will give it credit for. People complain about 'balancing' and an 'op champ' when they are losing against them, but that is only because it is easier to blame the champ than to admit the player might just be better than you are, or more realistically playing better than you are that particular game. The game is a blast when you're winning and smashing another team, for obvious reasons, but can suck and make you want to quit when you're getting railed 30-8 at 20 minutes, and everyone is flaming one another

It's okay to admit you only played Poppy because she was an assassin that didn't require any gold to stay relevant. No one complains about reworks because they HATED how braindead the old abilities were.

top tier taste



>playing games as an adult
lmao just work 24/7 goy
you don't need hobbies or anything
stop having fun, you are an adult after all

I agree with most of that image but Nunu, bowling is fun as fuck.

I was never a ranked player.
Back in the day I only played champions like AP Alistar, AP Shaco, AP Cho'Gath mid. Riot removed any big AP scaling the champions had and forced certain play styles.
I love to fuck around with off meta picks and play them AP or AD, while still making them work. You can't do that anymore, not like I used to.
Currently I play ARAM a fuckton. The changes that they made to it were nice but it takes way too long for any is actually implemented. Dominion and Twisted Treeline are now removed because of Riot's neglect. I hope this shit will never happen anymore and they actually do a lot more for ARAM.

the game is straight up poorly designed and every change they make breaks something else while not trying to fix something. Like 90% of the issues in league stem from flash and ranged being inherently better than melee. Instead of fixing those problems riot just slapped on a decade worth of band-aids

Its not even fun when youre winning.

>start losing because some stupid shit, like the jungler getting tilted about getting invaded or the midlaner dying twice to a premade
>slip further and further behind and the entire game is just one, unfun turtling farming up hoping the enemy will slip several consecutive times AND your team will commit in the right moment

>get ahead
>team gets all "lol dont end it :DDD+
>one hour slapfest when they refuse to clump up and roll down mid
>have to be constantly concered about your team fucking up, the enemy coming back and throwing away a free win

League of Legends is literally one of the worst things to ever happen to the industry.
Riot sucks donkey dick
Tencent sucks the big donkey dick

keep your autism in check faggot

tencent bought league faggot they are not original devs

You can't play AP/burst poppy anymore because Riot destroyed her ratios because "she is a tank now" u braindead fuck.
It's like saying "cassio is the same because she still poisons enemies!"

what exactly is your point
riot sucks
tencent sucks
league sucks
you suck
don't @ me

And you can buy almost whatever skin you want instead of praying to RNGESUS and hoping that you don't have to buy 10k worth of lootboxes

Their microtransaction system is unironically a worse version of gacha, the little legends are also actual gacha shit. So tired of the manipulating and abusive microtransaction, fuck tencent man.

lol died when they reworked runes and powercreeped damage

shame they removed bans

Riot only really directly tackles alt builds when it results in
A) The DPS builds survivability and still outkills less safe picks because of base damage
B) The tank builds damage and still outlives squishier picks because of base defenses
Basically the problem arises when a champion can succeed without having to trade off defense and offense.

>don't @ me
cringe insecure faggot when you say something is shit at least say what

what microtransitions you can get skins for free before like 2015 you had to buy in order to get skin

Please explain how spending money to purchase something you pick is worse than a buying lottery tickets that may get you what you want.

There are some things I like, like the new rune system.
But the general approach to nerfs and buffs drives me up the fucking wall, I wish they'd just have the balls to become a buff-only game

shit game made for shit bugpeople, shit developer only interested in farming said bugpeople for money, shitty company bought the whole lot for the same reason (farm bugpeople for money)
if you like/play/follow league, you are getting exactly what you want: chinas little yellow dick

AP Cho’gath is still arguably the best way to play him.

Burst Poppy is still possible, just as more AD now. Her Q and ult have some great ratios and uptime.
AP assassin Poppy would just remain low tier garbage because her passive and ult were degenerate.

Like the monthly events where you see all the currency you're missing out on, just buy the pass for 1450 rp or something lol. The free skins are sort of a meme since you get them rarely and on top of that you need orange essence for some reason.

The normal skins im fine with yes, just a bit weirded out by how much more they cost nowadays. Im more thinking of lootboxes/ little legends/ quest passes/ proview and most recently eternals.

they turned it into a game for bugpeople, there is no fun

fuck Riot and their forced Meta.
I don't want to play a unique off meta role just to get banned despite it worked

They're making some improvements. Like this year they've committed to more transparency about balance and more efforts to balance for four different levels of play (normals, gold, master, and pros)
But yeah it's not like their history of nerfing rather than buffing has changed much. Though they do admit mistakes and revert changes a lot more now.

One other things that gets me really mad: they buff certain champions not because they need it gameplaywise but because they get included in a new fucking skin line.

>tfw they basically removed all the AP builds on melee characters

Is that why Akali got nerfed before she got a Project skin?

This. Nerfs aren't good for games. Example being the Vlad story about how the patch notes said he was nerfed but it didn't actually ship for him and yet his winrate plummeted.

Valve actually tunes EVERY hero when they do patches. Riot just tunes w/e hero they want to be meta at the time.

league classic when

Oh, I dunno how much they cost now and I have no idea what little legends, quest passes, proview or eternals are. I don't play this shit game anymore, but I do like to bitch about Rito on imageboards.

It's only in alpha atm. And Riot will probably shut it down like Blizzard did for WoW private servers.

She got multiple buffs over the past month with her now being able to be played by people who aren't Korean.

Nobody ever said Rito was competent, user.

I heard Mordekaiser doesn't even have his ghost anymore, is that true?

True, and he doesn't have the 30second dot anymore. Shit game shit devs fuck reworks.

>"we make skins for popular champions"
>keeps making skins for the same overrated champions while other popular ones havent gotten a skin since 2016

Maybe they should be honest and say that they are biased as plenty of popular champions have been dry of new skins for a while now

She got one buff. The rest has been net nerfs since her rework took off.
How did they get away with it?

Game will forever be terrible until Draven bleed comes back. Don't @ me

What the fuck.

They replaced his ghost ult with a new one that sucks him and his target into the shadow realm to weaken and 1v1 them.
The good news is that he no longer has that cucked juggernaut kit from when Riot wanted to force him to duo lane.

She's a total fucking mess to balance, she fucking shits on everyone on high competitive level. Her kit is bloated.

I lost interest in League when the direction of the game became "every ability must be a skillshot", it brutally damaged the potential for new champions to have unique mechanics.

Yuumi's the closest we have to an Abathur.

Q - Skillshot
W - Utility
E - Point and Click damage

Point and click mechanics are not unique and are more broken than skillshots.
Nidalee was a perfect example

You're talking out of your ass. It's actually
Q - Skillshot
W - Shield
E - Dash

Skillshots aren't bad as a balancing tool for individual, powerful abilities but Riot took it too far and made it impossible to fight people unless you land a linear skillshot first, it's not fun.

Intersting why all the new designs all have their own self sustain.
Are they trying to ditch supports?

Nah, they just forgot to include the concept of balance.

They want players that duel to feel more rewarded. Like their skill keeps them alive, especially in a close fight with the enemy team on their heels. No one want to be the carry that fights hard 1v1 only to lose a teamfight :^)
I don't think they want to kill supports but a side effect of a lot of recent changes is a lot of roles swapping lanes and teams with no true support class. At least in low level play. Pros still take supports because of gold efficiency and teamfights.

Lmao try getting high elo with Singed, he's fucking hard as hell. Despite him not being really mechanical besides goo-flings, he has a really unique playstyle and requires immense macro

>too afraid to drop the name

Based, NA then? You should add me

>gets another free flash
>stuns you
>resets his health

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Ornn, maokai

Probably the only interesting character in league

>Remove the League of Legends entirely from the League of Legends lore
>Still have voice lines directly referencing it.
Does the gameplay have any lore explanation or is now like Overwatch where the game and lore are two different entities?

Only you can hear me, summoner~

Even old league soul was all assets being copied from dota2 and trying to cover up their tracks by deleting the old webpages

This is your god now.

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It's funny, I actually made it an unwritten rule to never play black champions.
Taliyah is the ugliest champion. Literally looks like a Tumblr nose character

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Stopped playing two months ago. Got tired of them not baning troll players. Best decition ever. I am actually playing games that don't consist of other players dragging me down.

I agree, I only play him and just dodge if I can't

Should've been an item

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Dota 2 DABBING on the mass grave that is League of Legends

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The Rift does not exist.
all ""Lore"" only exists outside the game now

dabbing on your skeletal remains, nigger. blizzchads win again

The explanation is:
new voiceovers are expensive please understand

I will never truly like League because of the god awful client. The way Dota handles loading into the game by loading the map during pick/ban is fucking perfect. Plus you can't even see how skins actually look in League's client, whether its a 3D model you can spin or a small practice area to click around in and attack shit to see new particles

an item with shit stats like Ohmwrecker

Items with interesting effects and little stats? Never for league. ME WANT DAMAGE UNGA

Literally no dev is shittier at balance and has as many years perfecting the art of shit. They're like an inverse Icefrog.

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Runes don't need to be grinded for anymore and they have a spell steal champ now.

>spell steal champ
>can only steal ults
>can steal ults that haven't been leveled up
lmao it's spaghetti coded and you know it

shitty rubick. shitty Murky when?

>The Rift does not exist.
So why are they fighting?

It's sad that you've been shitposting this so long that more than half the points are objectively false now.
You should take a moment to consider how many years you've been parroting outdated shite.

Morde rework is way better than before. You're a snowflake dipshit if you think old Morde was anything but a cheese pick for top lane. Fuck off

violence is cool

You are asking too many questions user.

because its a video game

LoL is still shit, don't make me come over there

Baindead overpowered champs like Irelia and Akali ruin it. HURR INFINITE MOBILITY AND KILL YOU WITH ONE ABILITY

keep sucking rework dick. Can't wait for Zed to become a ranged AP auto attack carry but his ult is now stuns instead of pops.

i never understood why they just dont make flash universal if it has 100% pick rate. just fucking give it to everyone for free so they can actually have two summoners to choose

just make flash a tier 3 boots upgrade? or tier 2?

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LoL is shit

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What's the point of talking shit on a game if you're wrong? Wouldn't you rather have the truth about why it's bad?

>you're wrong
what am I WRONG about lolbabboon? That your game is shit?

Only interesting champs are ones that don't need to rely on flash/ghost.

>Old Eve
>Shyvana if you're ballsy enough

Good rebuttal. If you can give me a reason as to why old Morde was better besides NEW GOOD OLD BAD then maybe you're not a complete scumfuck retard. But I doubt it.

Why are people so triggered over reworks? Morde plays the same if not better than Morde classic. No more of this niggernaut shit he's an AP bruiser again.

Why be mad over a rework?
Morde had worse reworks and the only redeeming factor of his last kit was his dragon ghost that's only used as cannon fodder for turrets.
Now he actually makes a difference in teamfights at key objectives like Baron and dragons by ulting the jungler to deny enemy smiting
How the flying fuck is this worse?

Thresh, Lux, Zed and Yasuo still exist

So no, Riot doesn't care about balance

Holy mother fuck
>dating a short women is a form of pedophilia.
I really wish I hadn't read that. My disdain for room temperature iq subhumans is flaring up once again. At this rate I'll spend the rest of my days creating a virus strain that kills everyone with autism.

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I recently got a ban for saying
"polish peanut brain hussars"

Shyvana only needs to ult if the enemy used flash.
Otherwise using it to get away is a waste unless you have no other choice and its better to live than die

Include me too, please.

>300 second cooldown
>400 distance

>3.5 second cooldown
>1550 distance

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taliyah isn't even black, she's vaguely middle-eastern

>2 second stun

>feels like eternity stun

cooldowns are typically much longer in Dota lmao. that's what makes the game better than league. abilities actually matter when you use them and aren't just permaspammed.

>winning doesn't feel good
>losing feels fucking awful

what is it about this game that causes this? i have never played a multiplayer game other than league with this issue.

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Assassins ruined this game. You can't deny it.

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Mainly referring to W being good enough, similar to old Eve W

>its another game where the enemy just straight up has better champs than us
getting really tired of these zoomer champs just having more stats and stuffed with dashes and self heal out the ass

Then why are you here complaining about the "inferior" competition instead of playing or discussing your game?

I know, it was unrelated to the black thing. She stands out for me because of how ugly she is.

League used to be decent when matches actually lasted 50minutes. Now it's a coin flip ff@15 bullshit game. Don't play this trash, don't even play team games period.

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waiting for TI, retard
know your place thirdie

Havent played since they fucked up Skarner in S2

shits an actual coinflip where you can't really carry, usually the team with the guy feeding the most in the early game is the team that loses.

She has a body made for BBC

>bitch about new champs being too good
>meanwhile OG nigga Ryze has been top pick for almost 10 years
>even after being reworked like 7 times

Reworks are new champs. Look at Galio, Eve, Poppy. The only good rework has been Warwick.

Is this some kind of admission that the game isn't worth playing until you can grind for more hats or something? I don't know why tournaments have anything to do with it otherwise.

Her W is pretty good to engage in fights.
I go W>E>auto>Q and R if they try to escape by using any sort of dash

I hope they only touch her ultimate kit for the rework considering they said they would be only looking at her dragon kit if they were to make a change in her kit.
the dragon abilities are just empowered regular ones,shame.

reworks are stupid because they're inherently imbalanced
>take design that's been changed constantly supposedly in the NAME OF BALANCE
I mean, the whole point of patches is that the devs "Think" what they're changing is good balance
Because nothing says insecure about design like just GETTING RID OF EVERYTHING, "we just can't balance it!"

then they toss in some new fundamentally unbalanced gimmick to replace it because lmao maybe better luck with this

>Q W E R
jesus christ it's true, LoL retards can't remember ability names besides QWER
this is fucking pathetic

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What makes Warwick different aside from never having a linear gimmick to cut?
I legit don't see what makes the WW rework better than the other 3. It should be worse if this is all about builds because all his old on-hit items are gone.

This. all i do in the game now is shitpick and shitbuild in normals, but the balance is increasingly going to shit and half of the builds are becoming useless
>crit becoming weaker and weaker, adcs picked for their in-kit dps since crits nowadays deal like 500 to squishies
>mages get stats out the ass, 1300g to ignore mana problems, ap items give a billion defensive stats, cdr so common that mages have as much dps as adcs
>damage+defense items are also ridiculous, GA, maw, mercurial, steraks, BC, bruisers (and assassins after some lethality) get these items and become unkillable
>building in-fight sustain (lifesteal, spellvamp) is worthless unless it's built into your kit and you have a billion heals to compensate the fact that healing reduction is so acessible and the riot solution was to double the designated sustain champs' sustain to compensate

i miss morello so much

just wanted to drop in to say teamfight tactics is absolute dog shit and the fact that it has a ranked mode is the biggest joke in video games

So are Evelynn's AD and bruiser builds. Reworks are always trash.

why don't they ever nerf illaoi?

I don't want to derail this shit for some e-celeb cunt but I have been wondering: what race is she?

because she's useless after laning

>lets just say the entire ability name instead of simplifying it for convenience
Autist detected


forgot to mention
>scalings cut down everywhere, build the champ the way riot wants to or don't play it
>pure tank items are worthless because you will get melted anyways and at least with damage+defense items you can melt your enemies before getting melted
kind of unrelated but the events also went to shit, it's just whale milking now

tft is a terrible game and the fact that you can already notice its nu-riot game design since launch means the mode wont last much

But by the time laning is over she's so fed she can cuck anyone anyway

riot reworks my 3 main champions into the same unfun overloaded champions that nobody likes to play or play against.
morde akali aatrox

fucking genius. actually brilliant.

you won't catch me saying this shit aloud ever

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old Nunu and Yorick were not fun to play against either.
Doesn't stop shitters to complain that their cancer champion got reworked into something we can enjoy laning against.

I'll give you Aatrox. Despite actually being able to drain tank now his kit feels so derivative. But Morde plays just like his old AP self and Akali has literally the same effect on the game except she has a skill floor now. Only difference in the latter is the lack of skill-check passive because those are for retards.

Aatrox is unironically what riven was supposed to be, riven got co-opted by animation canceling turboautists and instead of being about weaving combos it's about doing your entire combo in 0.95 seconds so the enemy cant react to it

but he's not fun anymore, so why should I bother?

did you start playing in 2016 or what?

Bold of you to think anyone let alone Yea Forums considers being on the receiving end in terms of balance.
There are plenty of dumbasses that think point and click nukes on stuns, free passive damage reduction, long term invulns, and decloaking stuns are fair if you just "balance them better."

Im just here for yordle pics tbqh

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More champs need to be like Riven though. With combos and things you can actually practice and see improvement; not mastering a kit in a day. Nidalee jungle used to be like this with proper anim cancels you'd have a very fast clear, it wasn't easy.

>literal shotgun knees
>Cyrax fatality as an ult
>these are not fun
I'll give you a chance to explain why mashing Q and fucking up body swaps was more fun.

How casual of a player are you? Sona 2.0 but maybe easier

kill yourself pedo scum

>How does everybody feel about the changes to League
I lost interest a few months after Kench. Only really passively paid attention to League up until Zoe hit the scene. Started playing the game around when Leona dropped, so a little over a year and a half since it initially went live. Cho'Gath has been my main since the start.
Game sucks ass.

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>saying this when actual children like Annie and Zoe exist


I have 6k rift games, 2k aram games, 600 TT games and 100 bot games. The only casual nigger here is you. Only respond if you're high elo (gold 4+)

I'm d4 currently but have been higher

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Ranks mean nothing without stating which region.
this is very true for NA since how bad still people are in what's considered high elo.

Who are you abusing?

Singed, not sure if he's considered abusing honestly

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eh, i really dont like how her kit looks very bruiser-ish and her gameplay is to play her as an assassin

River Shen.

Are you some gold EUW player that thinks he's diamond NA? Git gud

>run away man
stopped reading there

I mean he's one of the hardest top laners, and is hardly considered abuse-worthy. Who do you main?

No I don't actually play ranked as I want to keep my sanity.
It's just true that certain ranks are in a different skill ceiling when it comes to comparing regions

I agree but it's not really worth comparing until high diamond, I've played a bit on EUW in mid/high plat and it's about the same. The ping is aids to play on though

run away man as well

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AP Yi was the champ I liked the most in league, still, he was fucking OP, but I would wish they tried to make him "fair" there a bunch of others OP champ now anyway


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>Do you feel that Riot has taken steps to make fun and interactive gameplay?
No, all they've done is reduce fun and variety by forcing a meta and reworking champions into cookie cutter roles

>Do you feel that Riot cares anymore?

>Is Ghostcrawler a hack?

Game's ass but I still love Teemo

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Old Aatrox main here. He was getting good before his rehaul, riot was actually going in the right direction with him before the edge memelord shit. Aatrox is not Astrid anymore an entirely different champion that has no aspect of the character anymore.
>the last thing that made him unique was his revive, and it’s gone.



Remembered them gutting AP Nidalee because it wasn't interactive to play against and here we are with Zoe, which is even more infuriating.

just dodge

Here's your (you)

I miss old Karma

Riot keeps nerfing her and soon enough people will call for a rework because she is "too niche and hard to master" thanks to those nerfs :)


the RNG of your teammates and who you end up facing off against, alongside them gradually removing the ability for one champ to hard carry, makes it feel generally like ass

It's like how Hearthstone sucks because when you win your deck just did what it was supposed to do or you got lucky and you know it, but when you lose it's the worst feeling in the world because you feel like you didn't get outplayed, your opponent just got better cards or had better RNG than you

Based and Juggpilled

She's doesn't need to be mastered to carry players, look at her pickrate/winrate the last few patches. Average joes that don't main her maintain a positive winrate with how dumb she has been. She needs to be nerfed so great Rivens shine and the baddies can't crutch on her.

Why play this game over DOTA? Are you fucking retarded? Is it so hard for you? Do you breath in and out of your mouth?

tiny range on low impact abilities, need to have item advantage to roll enemy. need for item advantage+shit abilities=no hope when behind

CHINKED past few years.

ironically play HoTs its nexus blitz with more than 1 map

>All heroes are either banned or picked IN THE FIRST DAY
>If you dont pick one of the 20 viable heroes you will get banned

based my friend

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I quit in 2014 because the games was breakneck spiraling into not being fun for me
I reinstalled last year but they fucking deleted dominion so I played one game of aram and decided I didnt need to look back despite owning like 98 fucking champions

defend this lolbabbies

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Theres a lot of this kind of art, but hardly any hardcore

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yordles are the best

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this but only the boys

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You'll never get to mate press poppy all night long until there's a dent with her shape on the bed

I will murder you

fuck no, getting exploded aint fun

I want to impregnate Irelia.

Jesus Christ, you need to learn how to argue because you're fucking terrible at it. Retard.

>let's make every new hero hypermobile
>let's buff every mobile hero we already have further
>Let's get rid of targeted abilities and replace them with clunky skillshots

Bravo riot. I fucking love how nobody plays hero's that don't have a mullion built in blinks.

So now that everyone deals true damage or max hp damage, how do I play sion

hi fren

Old school league player here. What drew me in were the super chill and long games. I stopped playing in 2013 back in season 3 when everyone started taking adderall and hyper fast 20-30 min games. It's probably much worse now. The way I remember LoL is locking in your team and playing the game strategically into late game slow and steadily.