You have NO - 0 - excuse to not be retro gaming on a CRT anymore.

Attached: CRTMAN.webm (720x540, 564K)

>retro gaming

just move on

New games are bad.

Old game good

New game bad.

Pretty sure this dude is only doing this to the houses with cameras so he gets attention.

Very unbased.

That's a good idea, he's doing it to be annoying, if you give it to some poorfag house without cameras they'll probably get some use out of it.

Yeah thanks for seeing it the correct way you little bitch.


Attached: initial D.jpg (817x818, 358K)

>not having surveillance cameras
enjoy coming home and having your stuff gone with no signs of entry because they bump keyed your lock

Attached: super meat boy.webm (848x480, 2.99M)

>this is being investigated as illegal dumping

or you could just not live in shithole such as america

Gaming reached its peak in 95' the CRTman knows

I watched the news report and the cops said it's probably just a prank. They hauled away all the CRTs for the people who didn't want them.

>this level of paranoia
american hours must be starting

New game good
Old game bad

Why do you call your peers who see the world the same way as you for little bitches?

>turns around and waves to the camera

Attached: 1374464983066.gif (500x283, 375K)

>Being annoyed that some friendly cryptid dropped off a CRT on your porch

Attached: 1b8.jpg (640x480, 48K)

a wyze camera is like $20, it's cheap insurance, same with having a dash camera

Attached: random encounter.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

whats the story on this one

i have dash camera not because nigger can jump out of nowhere to kick my car but because there are wild animals everywhere
wait, it's the same thing, ok i give up

So fucking glad I live in a first world country where something like this would make national news.

There is no story and if whoever recorded that actually pursued it as a crime they're a racist

If I had to guess, an attempt at insurance fraud.
Monkey got mad the motorist slowed down, so he did what he did best -- chimped out.

The fuck was his problem?

So this is what happens when /vr/ takes matters into it's own hands?

monkey mad so did something he knew would go unpunished
insurance company will pay out and not pursue