let your hate flow and tell me which developer you utterly despise the most and why.
Let your hate flow and tell me which developer you utterly despise the most and why
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>hating people who work tirelessly to make pure entertainment products that are fun
I don't really hate any developers. I hate EA and Activision as publishers though.
Stephen Ross for supporting Tr*mp
I hate Squeenix for porting all the Dragon Quest games to mobile instead of a real platform
Team Silent. Silent Hill are overrated shit games praised by retards with no taste.
Todd Howard. He gets constant praise for making buggy unfinished messes and is immensely smug
Before hating someone, please put on you standard-issue cynicism gloves and see that hate actually does contribute nothing useful to your life.
I hate Bethesda for what they did to Fallout but Todd himself is actually not that outwardly smug and assholish as far as I know, he does break promises but he has also admitted to mistakes which is more than he has to considering his rabid 13 year old fan base. Pete Hines is a complete douche though
go back to your commune, hippie
Ubisoft for wasting the potential of For Honor
GameFreak, but to be fair I hate people who still but Pokemon more. GF is grossly incompetent and Pokemon will never be as great as it could be. GF will never improve because the games sell millions every time.
Bethesda for being able to ride on a wave of mediocrity and not making a new fucking engine for years when it's been long overdue and their fans will blindly still give them money/incentive to further encourage this. That and they fucked Fallout up with rights issues like with the Fallout Online MMORPG that got cancelled because Beth told them they could make it and then later said they never specified that they could only use Fallout in the title alone and could literally use no lore from any of the previously established games.
343, fuck them for ruining halo.
For closing down Blizzard North and selling out to Activision.
There's no reason you wouldn't want them to burn.
Just play GTA Online and you'll see.
Ubisoft are the only company who consistently release the same open world garbage, charge $120 for 'gold editions', have microtransactions in all their games (even single player), and get away with it. I hate ubisoft so god damn much.
It makes me feel better
They're wasting a ton of talent on stupid shit.
Fuck you, faggot. My hatred for shitty devs keep me warm at night.
Tied between Zenimax or Activision
Bethesda/sega/Nintendo for openly shutting down fan projects
I hate what Blizzard's become. Somewhere along the way, they decided to chase a different audience, and now they're hemorrhaging everybody. The games they produce are no longer a cut above other devs in quality of gameplay, the stories and lore are nearly always afterthoughts designed to drive sales rather than create a cohesive universe/narrative, even their art has become homogenized from a spinoff of WoW's success, leading to stagnation. It's a complete fall from grace that makes me hold nothing but contempt for them and how much they've declined. I'd feel a modicum of restraint if they at least managed to still carry a large audience, but WoW is on its way out, the SC2 scene is dead, SC1 wants nothing to do with them, and Diablo might as well not exist anymore. HotS is dead, and Hearthstone and Overwatch continue to lose players and viewers every day.
Hate's the driving force behind man. No man does something because he's happy, it's always anger and hate that spurs him to action.
Game Freak.
Not only are they incompetent hacks, they're awful liars. But their fanbase is so used to eating shit from the tap, you'll actually be ridiculed and shunned for not being satisfied, god forbid speaking up against lazily made, mediocre at best products. Ridiculous.
blizzard, at least ea is making new shit even if it takes them 5 years to make it tolerable
EA for destroying Origin Systems.
They created worlds.
>hating people who work tirelessly to make predatory lottery products only paypigs find fun
I think Gearbox and Epic are the only developers I actually bother to dislike for personal reasons.
Mainly because they took awesome IPs and buried them and actively shat on them.
Gearbox with dook and Aliens
Epic for Unreal/UT and Jazz
The active personalities that came from there or are associated doesn't really help their case
Gearbox writers and Randy
Epic spawned Tim Sweeney and Cliffy
Both started and have had their hands on good projects and just fucked up so far down or just devolved into something so twisted.
Well I don't know about hate but I have a complicated relationship with frontier studios/David Braben, the guy(s) responsible for the elite games.
Go right back to 94', I'm 5ish. Frontier III has come out and I don't know enough to know its actually an absolute piece of buggy garbage. It's fucking space, its flying through realistic solar systems and fantasy empires unlocking a mystery of alien origin involving assassination, for some reason art theft and a race across colonized space to deliver the hot new single of a rock band first for a big prize in what has become so legendarily bloody a competition that the winner is generally someone in like 12th place because everyone ahead of them is fucking space debris.
I loved them, I begged my dad to teach me his IT ways so I could get the earlier ELITE iterations working on our shitty IBM. Emulation back then existed but it was fucking rudimentary, we used some educational bbc micro software to do it he bent some of it personally to function on our machine. So I'm psyched, I'm desperate for more space fix, my dad tells me there isn't much else like it but he finds stuff and its great, but tells me ultimately I'll have to wait for the next one.
So I wait.
And I wait
Years, decades. The studio itself enters a state of hibernation, I send a letter to David once that I fucking lost the reply to during a move and it still kills me but he sold me the dream too, it'll come.
I waited, I watched and saw frontier put out a side project they told me to look out for, know what it was? Fucking Dog's life. Anyone who has played that or seen that can imagine my fucking face when that shit hits the floor. I wasn't angry so much as experiencing genuine pity and disappointment for what they'd become.
I put it out of my memory mostly, Yet I'm still waiting. Waited longer than most of you have been alive. Elite Dangerous is a complex feel for me. I'd need more posts to cover it and you're only here for this five.
blizzard was always shit
Gamefreak because i love pokemon
Having a series you loved and grew up with belong to someone so hopelessly incompetent isn't very fun
Gearbox - Randy Pitchford more specifically: Pedophile, Twitter sperg, has been strangling Duke Nukem's cock for years, steals money from his own employees, and is just an unlikable crybaby cunt.
Kojima - Untalented hack that piggybacked his stories off of an actual talented writer, but since he's on his own now he has to be an average college film student and make his games 2deep4you to seem like it's a good story. Always hated David Hayter and always tried to replace him right in front of him with Hollywood actors. Hollywood actors also, wasting money on random B-list celebs that no one cares about, wasting money generally, and most likely rushing his 'magnum opus.'
Epic - Tim Sweeny mostly, he did some good for Xbox but other than that he's just been a shitter who thinks Unreal Engine is one of the only good engines out there, has actively lied about the Epic Store's issues on Twitter, and also runs Epic who barely makes games outside of Fucknite and selling the engine.
Blizzard - Forcing employees to do games that they obviously don't want to make, constant issues with how they manage their players in games, and also how they treat their customers.
Mumbo Jumbo, Activision, and Warner Bros. for pretty much killing Ritual Entertainment, Raven Software, and Monolith respectively.
you should've outgrown it when it hit it's peak, once they released the first shit game, gen 5 you should've dropped it
i'm pretty sure bg barely touched duke. They put it out like 3 months after they bought it. They cobbled together what 3dr had and shipped. No clue why you, or anyone else, thought it would be at all a good game.
Pedophile? For jacking off to an 18-year old?
blizzard entertainment
I despise them for squandering the wealth of talent and goodwill they had built up across the years after releasing masterpieces and degenerating to a level of a Korean moneygrubbing company after their merge with activision. I hate them for not becoming what they should be and instead becoming what they shouldn't.
Blizzard was already dead before the merge
Oh wow, forget the lack of hate. There it is. I directly despise whomever was on the "make it simple and cutesy" side of the team.
EA. I hate their "surprise mechanics" and whoever in that god forsaken company thought they were a good thing and pushed them forward.
Anyone that looks up teen porn wants to fuck kids but knows it's illegal. Prove me wrong.
It's just Randy though because he is the pos that makes all of these horrible decisions and the devs are forced to sit through everything and have to bend down and lick his shit covered boots just not get fired.
I bet that Gearbox could get better if they just removed that dumbass from his throne and put someone in that position who at least has a brain and is interested in restoring the companys image and the dev teams morale.I would even bet that if it ever happens that a mob shows up and demands that they hand out Randy Pitchford, will the devs not only personally carry him down they will also give the crowd enough nails and a hammer to nail his degenerate ass to a cross.
The only developer group that I truly hate is the one behind ME 3 especially the ones who worked at the Coop multiplayer.
They where the ones who really showed EA how to milk the players by making that game mode as grindy and unrewarding as possible.
Yes the mode had potential but I have seen some of these bastards waltz around and acting as if they have created not only a great game mode but also did the players a favour by introducing lootboxes in a game mode for a fully priced AAA that didn't need it and how much money they made by fucking over the players.
Those people deserve every bit of hate they get because they are cancer personified.
Fine, fine! I'll just restrict my searches to lolis. Jeez louis.
>casino exploit gives you free money with minimal effort
The game is actually fun now that everything is essentially free.
Question, Do voodoo dolls work on buildings? Like can someone make a replica of a building as a voodoo doll, using a piece of rebar or whatever as the building version of hair, and crush it to cause a structural collapse in the corresponding building? Does the way you crush the building voodoo doll affect the collapse? Does smashing it with a hammer cause the building to collapse as if struck by a hammer? Does swinging at the foundation cause the foundation to give in first? Can the voodoo building doll be empty or do you have to fill in the floor plan 1:1? Even deeper, Do you have to create a staff of voodoo dolls related to the staff of the real building, Do the dolls have to be in their exact place at their exact time or is there room for error? There's some real fucking questions here, dude. Its mind bending, I need to know. I really need to.
I'm sorry, user. I'm so sorry.
christ the levels of onions in this thread are off the charts
rockstar isnt nearly as bad comparatively to pretty much every other major company that has multiple games release every year with the same practices
Real pain? Real pain is that before ED the last big thing they did? Won whole awards and everything?
Gearbox, because Randy Pitchford is such a sack of shit. I can't bring myself to play any of the Borderlands games cuz of that fucking prick.
Respawn, for going to EA instead of microsoft. As well as for not making titanfall 3. For also making titanfall 2 revolve around a shitty meta, and for making apex because proto-titanfall 3 was 'too fast' for the beta testers.
Put them on yourself. If you did, you would see I have no fucking reason to care about your pretentious faggotry.
The fact that Randy gets so much hate from everyone gives me warm and fuzzies.
Fuck Valve, and fuck everyone who thinks they're a great company because they made Half-Life.
If TF2 and CSGO didn't popularize them, lootboxes wouldn't be nearly as big of a problem.
And these
In the long run Valve did more damage that good with Half Life and now they wont make more good games since the style of work they got is fucking shit and doesnt produce jack
EA games, i mean do i even need to explain? They killed deadspace and the studio behind it (just like countless other examples) which is one of my favorite franchises.
That said Konami is a close 2nd but at least their fuckery is more recent, they have not been destroying the industry for over 20 years.
I would put activision on here too but at least they remade the spyro and crash games and occationally publish some non shit stuff like sekiro. Dont get be wrong they are shit but it still feels like they have at least some investment in what they are putting out, but this is compared to the unfiltered corporate greed of EA
I hate many execs and some asshole directors/indie devs. I also hate a lot of porn/doujin artists, more so than game devs, so I wish I could make them suffer.
The dev I want to suffer most is Toby Fox.
Tie between EA (purely for killing titanfall 3 I dont give a shit about memeboxes) or gearbox (purely for randy pitchford)
What do you have against porn?
Without a doubt EA. They have done, by far, the greatest long term damage to the industry. Sheer headcount of many studios they've killed and deprived us of future games should be a war crime. Pic related can't be updated fast enough.
They literally ported them to the DS and 3DS user
Would be way faster to list the ones I don't fucking hate
EA and Activison are basically Chaotic Evil and Lawful Evil respectively. It's not Activision isn't as scummy, they're just better at placating their audience and seem to have a plan. EA flip flops on decision and doesn't learn shit.
>people who work tirelessly to make pure entertainment products that are fun
Name one and I will gladly dispel your false illusion.
They got bought out by Activision.
You can always pinpoint the moment a company turns to shit when it gets bought out.
Best post itt
Bethesda for ruining Fallout by turning it into happy fun wasteland adventure and then turning it into a shitty lifeless cash-grab mmo.
Elder Scrolls 6 is going to be a disappointment with more base building, no nexus mod support, and probably some kind of cheap multiplayer game mode to supplement the lack of content. I will hate them for that too. They are committing suicide and no one seems to care because Todd Howard makes fat ass losers with no taste cum in their pants at every E3.
are you retarded?
there is objectively no one worse than EA