Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-15 Nintendo's 10 Biggest Blunders And Fails.png (693x576, 518K)

the fact that they even exist

1. "If its not fun, why bother?"


The fact they havent killed Movieblob yet

they haven't hired that man yet

Who cares about videogame companies?

>too lazy to think of a thread topic
>pulls headline from clickbait to start one
Is this the new meme?

They got Sony to enter the console market

Seething Snoyboy

Nintendo's biggest blunder was releasing Skyward Sword on the Wii instead of as a Wii U launch exclusive. Otherwise the Wii U would have been saved.


>making run in tropical freeze a motion control
I can't think something worse than that

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Style Savvy still not on Switch.

1. Dropping the love hotels

Easy, it's these
> 10 - Backing out of their negotiation to buy SquareSoft
> 9 - Backing out of their negotiation to buy Sega
> 8 - Backing out of their negotiation to buy Rare
> 7 - Backing out of their negotiation to buy Harry Potter
> 6 - The entire Wii U disaster
> 5 - Being greedy faggots & removing ROMs, Emulator sites, Songs
> 4 - Forcing fans to pay for the same Virtual console games instead of having purchases carry over with their accounts
> 3 - Removing the fucking Virtual Console for no reason
> 2 - Terrible online service & forcing people to pay for online multiplayer
> 1. Directly creating the Playstation brand instead of simply allowing Sony to design Nintendo consoles

>And finally, at number 1: Breath of the Wild

Number 15

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burger king foot lettuce

>Everything about the Wii U except for the gamepad and the Platinum partnership
>Trying to kill ROM sites without providing a viable alternative for playing those games
>Their shitty-ass online that was at least free
>Their shitty-ass online that you now have to pay for
>All of their mobile games
>No multimedia apps for the Switch
>What they did to Paper Mario
>The Virtual Boy
>Killing BrawlBRSTMs
>Still haven't rescued the Sonic franchise

Yea I mean it only sold 20483 million copies, what a fucking blunder amirite

The only blunders Nintendo has made are the Wii U, Zelda II, and VirtuaBoy

This. Nintendo's biggest blunder is backstabbing a large well known electronics company. Yamauchi literally shamed Sony in a public scene and backstabbed them on television. Ohga literally seethed and the PlayStation was born.

PlayStation is the living "fuck you" to nintendo.


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but that was correct

not making a super mario rpg sequel, not putting geno in smash


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Not selling the 3ds with a fucking charger. Seriously that move tops the retard charts.

It wasn't amazing like all the reviewers say but it wasn't like it was a blunder.

What are you on about?

Well it was, both parties don't consider each other competitors anymore.

My good sir, I am sorry if I have confused your undoubtedly astute sensibilities but if I could be allowed to correct you I will say this: "That's the point of the joke."

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Meant 3ds xl, my bad.

It's like an MLP fan saying how much they love friendship. They're making the assumption that they must be the only ones who are into friendship, and if you don't like MLP you're not into friendship.

Nintendo thinks they're the only ones who design games around fun, when that's what almost every game developer is doing. They just didn't come out with a buzz catch phrase.

Still not sure what you are on about

Naming the successor to the Wii WiiU was the dumbest thing they've done in awhile, most normalfags thought it was an add-on for the Wii instead of a new console.

>> 10 - Backing out of their negotiation to buy SquareSoft
>> 9 - Backing out of their negotiation to buy Sega
>> 7 - Backing out of their negotiation to buy Harry Potter
wait when did these happen

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3ds xl and new 3ds xl were sold without AC adapters, are you fucking daft?

>Wanting an even bigger monopoly than there already is
Fuck you

Was that only temporary? I'm pretty sure my 3DS XL came with a charger

Are any of these actual financial blunders or reddit-tier

FUCKING MELEE. Jesus fucking christ that game pisses me off, the fact that faggots actually play it and enjoy it makes me angry to no end. It's such a terrible glitchfest of a game with two matchups, why the FUCK does anyone play it?

Nintendo didn’t say their games wee the only fun ones, autismo prime. They were just throwing shade at microtransactions and games as a service shit that’s been plaguing the industry

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coming from the company that's been shitting out garbage like amiibo festival, 1-2 switch and labo? no, it's not.

They only did it in Burgerland I think. Based nintendo fucking over Amerimutts