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if you dont have a trophy from july 2008 you're a confirmed newfag

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My earliest is December 2008, I'm so sorry.

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I got a PS3 in 2011 but had a 360 in 2007

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I got my ps3 in early 2010....

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>tfw you have 123 platinums and don't even use Sony systems anymore and left it all behind (last trophy was 2 years ago)

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I didn't get anything with a trophy-system of sorts until 2014. Only had a Sega Genesis until then.

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>you only had a sega genesis
>until 20-fucking-14

I did have a PC, though.

you are the cancer killing Yea Forums and video games

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Didn't do this myself but had a friend who actually did it, the absolute madman. Spent like 12 hours farming pure bladestone.

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>He actually plays video games
No he isn't. That's phone posters

this is now a post your rarest trophy thread

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I have almost every trophy in Detroit Become Human
Last of Us is my favorite game so I bought it twice

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My 3 and only platinum trophies.

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You just know

My rarest is from a game that was given out with PS+, so the percentage is skewed.

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I didn't get a PS3 until 2012

also, this is not showing Attack on Titan 2

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The online for that game is unplayable. Thank fuck you can grind out the online shit by yourself in an empty lobby. Good job with that trophy though, it's a pain in the arse.


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Dead Space 2

Beating Hardcore felt like a true video game achievement and was one of the most exhilarating things I've ever done in a video game.

I'm not really proud of any of my plats.

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>He limits his games to what is Yea Forums approved rather than what he himself likes.
Heaven forbid that guy like Call of Duty when Yea Forums had daily CoD2 and CoD4 threads when they came out.

current gen only, favorite plat has to be overwatch both rare and hard as fuck to get - takes much skill, most important plat is bloodborne, it's THE must have plat for any ps4 owner, currently working on the witcher 3 plat, basically 2 of the holy trifecta of this gen, breath of the wild, bloodborne and witcher, shame you can't get trophies in zelda

Just recently decided to get into platinum hunting.
My current ones are the 3 spyro remakes and doom 2016.
Currently working on jurassic world evolution.
My todo list is; crash remakes, ctr, spiderman, medievil when it comes out, maybe god of war, destroy all humans when it comes out.
Idk, I’m not gonna overthink it. We’ll see if I stick with it.

These are my rarest/hardest

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I had sum good times playing it online back in the day.


>tfw you get invited to a secret club after getting a platinum

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rarest overall and rarest plat bookends.

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I might add that my proudest on that list is probably Nightmare Princess. NP side stuff was pretty much rocket science to do right, and didn't use guides.

Mugen Souls is definitely the worst thing I ever did though, worst than SO4.

Shiren was just fun and challenging but otherwise not that special.

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>xcom plat on console
You got my respect

>Red Dead, Arkham City, and Fallout 3 were probably the ones that were the most fun.

I used to be a bit of a trophy whore. Not so much anymore. I'll look up cool ones if I feel their task is fun, but I can't justify really grinding anything.

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How long did it take you to perfect Max Payne 3?

>tfw you beat fallout 3 and did everything in it _before_ they added trophies, and then replayed it after they patched it

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Still worth it.

It wasn't that difficult at all, I believe I got it on my fourth attempt. One attempt was ended due to a death in the sniper sequence in the graveyard and the other two were ended due to glitches. It's really not difficult because by that point you have already beat it on Hard, Hardcore, Old School, and NYM, and NYMH is only on (iirc) normal difficulty. The only "difficult" part is avoiding the glitches.

>tfw the only game you played that didn't get platinum for, not because it was tedious, not because of dead online trophies, but because it was legit too hard for you

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>Just 1 more trophy to get in Dragon Ball FighterZ
>It's the 20,000,000 Zeni trophy

literal fucking autism
get a life, jesus christ this is sad
being a gamer is pathetic enough already, being a s0nygroid is just the cherry on top

Favorite: Dark Souls
Rarest: BioShock Infinite

I will never be able to plat this

TPP Plat was hell. Congrats.

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August 2008 for Warhawk... wow thinking back is crazy. fuck time, man.

Drakengard 3. It was my first platinum. I'd never go through the final "battle" or Accord's hardest missions ever again.

Sitting Ducks was really annoying

Lazy to screenshot, but Castlevania LoS where I got 6 trophies, platinum included, by completing the game at the highest difficulty.

I was busy with my PS2 backlog to even give a damn about the PS3 or 360.
360 had rod back then and the PS3 was expensive as hell and barely had games until 2010 or 2011. Also, I always wait for the revisions and half-price

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Sure was, it was the last one I needed and it was by blind luck that I got it

Just logged into my singstar profile and found a video of my ex girlfriend from 9 years ago singing lady gaga, the feels

the ones that require getting to number 1 on the leaderboard of a dead online game

I got plat in gta 5

All kingdom hearts games in 1.5 and 2.5



Binding of isaac

These are the ones iam most proud of i got 28 platinums in total

Rarest trophies don't mean shit
TLG Plat was ten time harder and a bother than Yakuza's plat

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user PS3 doesn't have any games

I kinda regret my trophies.

Me too but its still nice to look back at them from time to time
I stopped caring about trophies nowadays and never want to go back

However i still plan on platting all kingdom hearts games

Crash Nsane was the most fun for me, even the gold time trials.
KH series plat is fun, but BBS is a 90+ hour slog.

>playing late 2000s ps3
>bragging about it

This i guess

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How many playthroughs did this take?

jeez i cant remember now it was 3 years ago. I tell you what though, i do recall 3 run throughs in a row started to send me a little stir crazy

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Holy fuck what a loser