Alpha will start soon. I really enjoyed Wasteland 2 and have high hopes for the third one. Hopefully squad size will remain the same and the aesthetics and general feel of Wasteland 2 will also be preserved. What are you hoping to see?
Wasteland 3
I'm hoping for better combat and way more interesting combat environments, like mixing interior and exterior, which basically never happens in Wastemand 2. And that's too bad, cause dfending an interior, firing through windows, or breaching a small cottage is rad. Ideally, they would just copy Jagged alliance 2 combat but it's probably a sweet dream. I would settle for more tactical options such as at least prone option and smoke/flashbang and destructible environment.
Also, less bug at release than the previous one.
>Alpha will start soon
August 21st
I hope it is more interesting than Wasteland 2. Wasteland 2 felt like it was missing a lot in it. Game just felt very minimal and progression wasn't as rewarding as I would have liked it to be.
Combat could be better, yeah, and I also disliked the traveling "minigame".
I'm hoping to see some overwatch settings. I hated that you couldn't do that in the last one. I guess I'm spoiled by XCOM and shadowrun
I'm gonna be an early access supporter, I got the 25 dollar one at a discount since I backed WL2.
This matches my sentiments for the most part. I felt like the game was right on the cusp of being great but it was just okay to good for most of it. The combat was just a bit too shallow and the plot kind of fell apart in the second act. I wanted the combat to be more in line with something like Silent Storm.
Has there been any more footage released aside from that teaser they sent out years ago?
Yes, trailer from E3 and it looks bad.
Ohhh yeah the one with the hillbilly talking. I think I blocked that from my memory
No real footage though. Alpha will be interesting even if everything is subject to change. At least we can see the style of the game.
I'm still hopeful because I liked the first one. I'm just saying that e3 trailer was bad
Is this game first or third person yet or are they still doing the retro thing?
It will remain isometric like Wasteland 2.
Fallout 76 sucked and wanted something post apocalyptic to play.
>not liking isometric games
not him but I also had fun with Wasteland 2
day 1 pirate. fuck kike fargo. reneged on kickstarter goals and released a halfassed game.
it literally seemed like they were trying to channel borderlands/that other cringey borderlands clone game, something worlds, in their trailer. didn't help whatsoever..
It's been 5 years, it looks like ass and they can't even come up with a feature complete game?
I'll pirate when they release the director's cut(aka the actual finished game) like Wasteland 2.
>It's been 5 years
You realize they made like two games after they did WL2 right? In the fig thing they said they were going to make a new bard's tale before they started on WL3. Granted, Tides of Numera and Bard's Tale IV were shit but I'm still holding out for WL3.