Bow to your queens.
Bow to your queens
Poor man's choice
Why shill this fucking terrible game? Gamefreak has fucking shat on its customers
>b-but the girls
Exactly why these faggots know they can make each game worse. They just shill to retarded waifufags and pokemon by far has the most braindead waifu obsessed fanbase.
>mods dont delete this shilling
>or move it to vp
Fucking ridiculous
quintessentially british
I want them to bully me
They bow to white cocks
Seethe more nigger
Everyone's rightfully mad at Game Freak and I sincerely wish someone would go KyoAni on them BUT Sword and Shield are still going to be better games than the average piece of shit discussed on Yea Forums
Stay in your containment thread on you cuckcel
delet this
Other way around.
Literally worse the blackedfags adding more shitters to derail already shit threads
Stay mad blackie
Cope incel this fetish is literally the “no u” of a shit fetish that only makes it worse
Seethe more for me
ssshhhh, seethe in silence, please