>Nintendo doesn't understand the internet AGAIN
Nintendo doesn't understand the internet AGAIN
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't game companies upload their own music to youtube?
I would totally understand if they just snatched all the advertising revenue but taking down uploads altogether doesn't really make much sense
Maybe you shouldn't be uploading or streaming pirated music in the first place.
Oh wait I forget gamers can't take any responsibility. Ever.
Half the shit I listen to is vidya music, I'm pissed.
How's that boot taste?
Why don’t they just put their shit on Spotify?
How was church yesterday grandpa?
Heaven forbid a company does what it can to protect its products.
>everything should be free for me! it is mine to consume!!
>church on Wednesday
I hope you work for this company, it would be pretty sad if you were defending immoral actions by them for free
based. Fucking hate pirates.
it's bait
Explain how this is immoral.
blame shitty copyright laws requiring entities to actively defend against all infringements or open themselves to loosing their rights
Why doesn't Nintendo put up their own music channel?
Where can I buy Nintendo game music other than buying the game and getting to the point where the song I want plays?
We aren't their company, are we? Quit acting like you're on their team or something, faggot.
When did Yea Forumsirgins became the lapdogs of companies?
>not knowing church on wednesday has always been a thing
If you didn't archive something you wanted to keep seriously get fucked. How many ehentais do you need to get the hint. You aren't going to have a rich neet save you ever time
Seriously, what's stopping Nintendo from putting up their own music channel or putting the music onto Spotify and Itunes?
It's not like they're making loads of cash by taking these down.
>entire splatoon 2 soundtrack was entirely removed from jewtube
Check it, it's insane!
Yea Forums turning into a bunch of boot-licking fascist puritans definitely wasn't something I saw coming.
you should probably just go back
Nintendo is a weird company. They always innovate and come up with new cool shit that changes the industry but on the other hand the people in charge doesn't care about the internet, cellphone games, etc. It doesn't really matter though nowadays. If you want their music you can just torrent it
>bro just let them steal your IP for profit bro LOOOOOOLE
check any other board, no one would bat an eye at you for pirating other stuff but Yea Forums has become cock hungry for corporations
Fuck Google. I support anything Japan can do to fuck with those assholes at any turn.
There's church every day. Often with the same 10 old people.
You should go back you underage plebbit nigger, /pol/ was massively hostile to the power or whoever was in charge anyway before the drumpf migration.
I don't think they are pro-corporate is just that it's a kotaku article...if it was a *whatever the right wing kotaku is* article they would be agreeing with it
>What Nintendo is doing is wrong, because it will make me and my allies enraged, and we will try to punish them for it!
Nice logic.
Ahh yes, surely they have the alternative other means for us to enjoy-
I'll grant you this, they should release their sound tracks.
That's not their responsibility.
Of course it isn't, silly bootlicker. No one said it was.
>Nintendo doesnt sell their games soundtracks or puts them on an official page
>fans rip the music and upload it online
Don't gather your weasel friends and gang up on me on the internet please! Then I would realize I'm immoral for not doing what you want just because you want it!
They have the right to take them down whether or not they offer an alternative. I think they should sell the music directly, but ultimately it's not my business. When you grow up and run your own business you can show them how it's done, and be a hero.
They have to protect their copyright or they'll lose it
It's that simple you incels
You just know Nintendo is run by a bunch of technophobe boomers
>can't have a functional online platform
>hilariously bad voice chat functionality
>spends thousands of man/hours trying to fight piracy
>nintendo is never wrong! they should never be criticized!
Why is Yea Forums so unique on this topic?
>They have to protect their copyright or they'll lose it
Yeah user, the Mario IP would become public domain if someone uploads the SMB1 soundtrack
Meanwhile at other video game developers
OP has never created anything of value therefore he cannot grasp why someone would want to protect their property.
>Lol you won't do what I want, cuz you're scared! Cmon! Do what I want, or you're chicken! Hey!!! ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION TO ME??
Nah, they are just cunts.
>When you grow up and run your own business you can show them how it's done, and be a hero.
There's dozens of games which full soundtrack is on YT and the devs behind those games could care less about that fact, sounds like you just enjoying sucking corporation dick
Calm down, gibbe
Was it?
>nintendo is a retarded yellow kike company
They make me support sony a little more every year.
Neither did you so you cant comment on anything :)
Cry more.
What is the right wing kotaku?
Probably a bit of both
Because no big companies make anything worth producing on other boards.
Why? nincels ITT are already doing a good job on that area
So, go listen to those, and stop crying. Why do you cry when you don't get what you want? Did you get dropped on your head as an infant and stop developing emotionally?
>boot-licking fascist puritans
Saying buzzword soup like that makes you lose credibility.
Does anyone unironically support this? If so I'm willing to discuss if you post your arguments. Try to steer clear of logical fallacies though. Appeal to authority [copyright law] is a popular one I see.
I just personally think a lot of these low effort boot-licking "Fuck pirates" posts are trolls though.
What the fuck are video game music channels? are they even a thing?
user I know it hurts to lose the argument but there's no need to project yourself on me
What about appeal to ownership, as in they own that music, retard? But, you never cared about the truth anyway lol.
I hope you're some middle aged fag, because if you're part of the youth the future will depend on...
The world is fucked
>it's okay to break the law if it's vogue
>not listening to dire dire docks (30 mins)
I'll note your opinion. Thanks. It really means a lot.
>uploads vidja music
>puts ads at start and end of the videos
>upload entire soundtracks from many different games
>make some really easy NEET bucks
SilvaGunner used to do this back in the day, that's why his original channel got taken down, tons of other channels do this, in fact there was this channel that had millions of views from persona 5 music and a devil trigger video with like 20 million views, and it was running ads, it got taken down, honestly what else did you expect?
>ugh, why can't all these entitled manbabies stop "crying" (voicing their opinion as a consumer)? don't they understand that multi-billion-dollar corporations always know what's best for everyone?
I mean that's what the underground railroad was right?
Remember that time Sony started hitting fan channels with copyright? Oh right they never have and never will.
>piracy is now a severe crime
I'm getting what I want though.
this is an incredible comparison. way to go.
Same with the knockout game
>no u
Lol, we are fucking laughing at you guys
What kind of music is this? Thanks
Seething gibbe
Having a comfy YouTube playlist with all my favorite vidya music, I fucking despise this shit. I can just shuffle through randomly, but due to Nintendo doing this shit I constantly need to archive the contents of my playlist, remove the taken down songs and add them again from somewhere else. Nintendo should just offer the music themself, idealy somewhere convientally to access, cause I wont go out of my way to buy the songs from games I have allready bought.
That's reality, it's how copyright law works. It's not going to stop people anyway they'll just have to reupload their videos, big whoop.
I don't think that' was the implication, you might have missed the point.
It's cool how disingenuous you are. I bet you impress all the girls with that level of argumentation.
Don't sweat it. Since neither of your dads are ever gonna be honest with you, someone has to
>but breaking the law is convenient for meeee
pretty sure Sony doesn't own Crash Bandicoot anymore
Every year they have shit like this. Japs can't understand advertisement.
Who do companies region block music videos
You sound like a bitter woman. Maybe you had zero dads?
>If I don't get me fan games and eceleb channels we are FUCKED as a SOCIETY
>pirating video game music
Literally doesn't matter unless you are also making a video game to put on the market.
No one has ever bought a video game so that they could listen to the music and not play the game. That's the only market you would hurt by "pirating" video game music.
You guys would suck some niglets dick if a police officer told you it was the right thing to do.
>not listeing to the best vidya soundstracks
are you some kind of plebian?
> muh niggers
Welp, this made up my mind. I'm going to build a PC and pirate the fuck out of all their games instead of buying a Switch.
Fuck you, Nintendo.
The quality of discussion has really went downhill the last two months, it's just people strwmannjng each other constantly. Can you guys have a normal discussion without making up imaginary arguments that no one is making with a wojak attached to your post?
Imagine being so obsessed with hating a toy company you carry this picture around with you.
it's Yea Forums, what do you expect...
you need to have a switch to run yuzu :^)
This is what happens during a sony drought.
I am not gay
>Fuck you, Nintendo!! FUUUCK YOU!!!
Nintendo - 1
Piratekeks - 0
Why the fuck don't these companies just upload the songs themselves? It's not like they're actually selling Mario ost albums in retail
>Not downloading your OSTs from the raw game rips upon release
>Nintendo removes music you can't find anywhere else
>Well it's their product, their choice. Stop expecting them to do everything you want them to do
>Sony hides anime tits on box art for multiplat shovelware
and here comes the deflection
Pirates aren’t consumers
I'm vouching for the easy access of a fraction of a larger work of art. An upload on Silva Gunner's channel hosts a song in decent quality, and lists it's conposers, and it's arrangers.
This helps people find these musicians and appreciate their work beyond the entire game. You'll still have to buy or torrent to get a physical copy or FLAC/WAV quality, so having it on youtube can only do good
>you can't find anywhere else
Stopped reading
listening to a song on youtube isn't piracy. if nintendo didn't have such an idiotic fear of the internet, they'd upload their music themselves and this wouldn't even be an issue.
>find these musicians and appreciate their work
He was making ad money with those videos. Grow the fuck up kiddo.
>can't find anywhere else
fucking zoomers
Oh yeah I forgot all those soundtracks Nintendo released. Retard. Glad you stopped reading.
Ok. I'm going to need to have your house and car please. You aren't using it how I want it to be used. Thanks
>*beep boop*
>company under threat
>begin swarm protocol
>must defend company
what the fuck Yea Forums, why you gotta be a bunch of boot lickers for toy companies? once upon a time we said "fuck you" to this kind of shit but now it seems you've been collared and house broken
But if that was the only issue, youtube has a copyright option that re-routes the revenue to the original creator. Why not either take the money, or get ads removed from them?
it's literally just nintendo that gets this level of bootlicking. if this was another company like ea or activision doing this instead, nobody would be defending them.
Maybe you retards should look up copyright laws sometime.
Yeah, girlfriend, they're so stupid and afraid unlike you. You really put them in their place.
What song can't you find, dipshit?
Remember when people started uploading porn after youtube was cracking down on music?
That isn't copyright infringement, brainlet
Yeah it was hella fr*ckin epic
Kiketendo fans are so long gone down the rabbit hole. You can't save them.
Oh no! Ha ha. your favorite eceleb got shut down! sowwy!
>look up copyright laws
As long as they arent making money off it, there's no problem with this
How hard are you reporting this thread right now?
They’re within their rights, cope loser.
STOP! you can't share these specific musical notes!
Download and archive your stuff.
My music is in 3 different hard drives. I would make cloud backups if I had the money for premium.
This but unironically.
I know, right? Btw thanks for sharing your anus last night.
What method do you use for downloading quickly?
What product? They don’t sell their music in any way.
See? Sad fucks.
you shills do realize that your attempts to fit in by spamming buzzwords like "e-celeb" aren't working on anyone with a brain, right? nobody who isn't a shill will ever see this as anything other than an anti-consumer move by nintendo.
Lee Ritenour should sue Nintendo for ripping off his music and ask for a million for each game it was used in.
You’re not a consumer if you’re not paying.
Not an argument
>"You're not selling it right this moment, so it's mine!"
Tendies are so fucking stupid that they think you should play the game if you ever want to hear the songs. I think if their god told them to jump off a bridge most of them would.
>this thread again
I hate 3rd world consolewar faggots so goddamn much. They ruin an absolutely valid complain about Nintendo.
That is their right. You are not entitled to have access to their music.
>you shills do realize that your attempts to fit in by spamming buzzwords like "e-celeb" aren't working on anyone with a brain, right? nobody who isn't a shill will ever see this as anything other than an anti-consumer move by nintendo
You wouldn't do what God told you to do?
If it’s not being sold or given out, it’s not a product.
Nintendo has zero released costs tho
If you produced it it’s a product.
>steal music from other artists
>get angry when others steal your music
>people think there are Nintendo songs actually worth listening to
Why the hell would I wanna hear the Mario theme?
Are you actually retarded?
>1+1=3 watch idiots argue against this!
Actually 1+1=2
distribution rights. music companies make mad dollar working out distribution rights with local broadcasters worldwide.
Ok. btw, are you selling your car or house right now. Sweet I'll just take it then
fun fact: ten years ago, falcom - a company that actually sells all their music, unlike nintendo - established a "free music use" declaration that allows fans to use their music in a bunch of different ways, including uploading it to youtube.
nintendo has no excuse for being so anti-consumer, but the fanboys will continue to lick their boots.
Literally who?
Don’t give a shit.
If they aren’t providing it themselves then its there fault when people look for alternatives.
Just because something is legal, doesn’t mean it’s just
There's that word again!
>Nintendo has no excuse
Prove that. There could be a hundred different reasons why they can't post their music publicly.
this, if falcom can figure out spotify even a company as technologically retarded as Nintendo can
Who cares about what some terrorist thinks
>b-but OTHER company!
yeah who cares. nintendo music is way better anyway
If the song isn't being distributed in my country, and I can't listen to it any where without committing piracy or using a vpn, why not just allow that region to view it via official youtube channels to contribute to the revenue? It's basically just intentionally denying demand for the sake of nothing.
there's that shill again!
False equivalence
If they simply don't want to that is an excuse.
>piracy is now terrorism
nincels should stick with playing with their cardboard
They did provide it themselves, retard. In the game you're expected to buy, if you wish to enjoy that games music.
nintendo is still a bastard
I meant the guy in the picture
>nintendo music is way better anyway
that's why they almost never win a best soundtrack of the year
>he didn't know of my obscure fact. EPIC YES! HE FELL INTO MY TRAP!!!!
Nintendo isn't the one who makes those decisions. Music licensing studios do.
>Nice try moralfag shill
You can make a copy from his house and car any time you want.
Why do companies region block music videos
>obscure fact
please stop
No, not really
pretty much this, sadly
Here you go. Enjoy.
Because they're faggots. And so is YouTube and VEVO. Just download it
Still don't know or care what a falcom is. Oh well
Christ almighty if you're gonna crack down like that at least do one of three things
>Upload your OSTs on Spotify or other streaming services like Capcom
>Make an official Music channel on Youtube like Namco
>Fucking sell downloads on Itunes or the Playstore
People fucking love the music from these games so it's a good idea to try and capitalize by giving them what they want but also making a bit of money and having access to advertise your other games to them
>data copied on the internet is the same as a physical house
>Excuse me, but I love the tires on this car. Would you mind if I bought those tires separately for other uses
>”Sorry, but we aren’t selling those tires”
>Well, I guess I will try to buy the tires from another source
Yeah, no thanks. Brb, going to get more of their music without asking for permission. Stay mad kiddies.
even the music industry pulled their head out of their ass on this issue and started supporting convenient legal services like itunes, spotify, vevo, etc. nintendo is stuck in the past like always.
based nintendaddy making pirate fucks SEETHE
Nintendo's got one too many brainlets working for them. They absolutely should have an official youtube channel dedicated to music.
Maybe Nintendo is trying to help you understand that while video game music is fine in, you know, video games, you're not supposed to listen to it in general. It's not real music after all.
I laughed my ass off when DMC had a music box but then uploaded the ost to Spotify a month after the game dropped
>i only listen to the REAL music that fantano picks out for me!
There are other bootlickers but Nintendofags are the worse. They actually clap when Nintendo takes down fan content, music uploads and get mad at roms.
Aries actually
plebbit is on the other side of the internet kid
New generations.
They dont even know how painful it was before hear a soundtrack unless it was in the options of the game(when this was a thing and didnt had to buy on your local internet store). Finding some 90 games osts was a pain even in early 2000s, most of the times they were low quality and others were shitty remixes in midi format
Not trying to console war here but they named a system "Wii U" pronounced "Wheeu" a colloquialism for smelly things and are always behind every other system in terms of specs for 4 goddamn console generations. It's a goddamn miracle they're doing so well and defies logic, God bless em, I wish I could be that lucky
Honestly we should just round up every person with a shitch and fucking remove their pitiful existence
When this board accepted contrarianism.
fuck corporations and companies in the fucking face, you dirty shill. Take your jewery somewhere else
What protection? Its Digital Data. Besides this OP is old as fuck anyway stop falling for it
Just buy a $150 import from Saudi Arabia, goyim.
Daily reminder that Nips have a worse historical record than Jews. I mean shit, Jews may be Jews, but they've got souls, even if they're slaves to the shekel.
Nips had to develop an entire culture around being respectful and honorable without reasoning just to contain their abhorrent basic instinct.
is there any respect cheaper than that which is given by default, with no regard to context or deservedness? Japs are fucking retarded I swear.
I mean shit, considering every game is the exact same fucking thing, it's not a far cry from the truth.
Let me know when Nintendo incidentally develops something new.
Swear to god its like I never left /pol/ and their nonsensical bullshit
Nobody said this isn't legally Nintendo's right to go apeshit againt these YT channel, just that it's retard and they do understand their public again. There's a clear demand for OST and rather than exploiting it by selling them or making them available, they just go full retard.
>Free advertisement for your video game
This is a bad thing? I mean you don't sell music, Nintendo, baka desu senpai, the fuck you angry about?
It's almost like people care about the games and not a spec sheet
>taking down uploads altogether doesn't really make much sense
Boy I sure would love to see my company music posted on Youtube by somebody with a anthropomorphous animal on the avatar.
oy vey i wonder who's behind this post
They rarely even sell soundtracks. The cost of uploading a soundtrack to iTunes can’t be high, even smaller games would make a decent buck off of their OST.
They basically announced the intent a while back (Brawl BRSTM drama, remember?), this is just the hammer falling, whether we like it or not. I mean it sucks, and it probably won't change shit anyway, but it wasn't exactly out of nowhere.
It's almost as if general opinions on scumbag behavior aren't limited to a singular board on a Yemenite farrier's forum.
Also the tracks that are sold usually aren't looped for 15 Minutes/30 Minutes/2 Hours straight, for obvious reasons. Thankfully youtube.com
>not the company's responsibility to supply its own product
I hate this idea of every opinion being equal. They're really not, yours is based off a bunch of lies and no research into culture at all.
you lost it at the end with that farrier nonsense, bro.
so you'll buy the game and listen to the music
It's called Spotify.
no one buys a game for its music, its people who paid for the game/games listening to it again
So long as it's channels that monetize their videos, that's fine.
Does it even cost anything to list your music on itunes?
I mean obviously Apple gets a cut, but just the hosting aspect I imagine has no intrinsic fee. I know local musicians who make a living just playing local bars/restaurants and record albums for fun, and they list their shit on itunes for convenience.
Fucking Xenoblade 2's soundtrack went up on the NA itunes store and it was listed as a best seller for the week.
I mean is Nintendo just fucking retarded?
>Miyamoto still on payroll
>Bored of the Wild 2: Ruse Cruise for Zero Characters Boogaloo
>Star Fox 64: 3
>Metroid Prime MIA
>lmao just remake it bro, it's free money for zero effort
>Ethernet port sold separately
>Seal of Quality? Accountability for our subsidiary's trash? no speekah da engrish, sory fuk u, hop u rike it
Nevermind, the question seems redundant.
Every publishing company/overlord is dumb as fuck or just blatantly evil. Nintendo seems like they've got two feet in each race.
Fuck video games. Shit died when it became a business instead of a hobby. Fucking industry shoulda died in 1983 and never been an industry.
Daily reminder that Iwata was a literal asscancer who ruined your hobby and sold the world for bananas and his final act was to go back on everything he preached and sold Nintendo to freemium games and post-release DLC wallet gouging.
Burn in Hell you bloated faggot.
If Nintendo was a cool company and cared about its consumers and it's gaming scene, they would allow fans to make fan-games and let them listen to music from their franchise's wherever they like for free, and wouldnt pull out their support from LetsPlayers and such for giving a genuine critique of a bad game they made.
Sony, as far as I can tell, don't go to such ridiculous lengths to do this. They even let you play PS1 games from their stores on 3 different kinds of consoles and let you play them without charging your extra.
Who of these really cares about their gaming scene more over the other?
Nintendo was the villain all along and you guys are helping it, you deserve it.
>I hate the idea of opinions being equal
and you have every right to exert yours in opposition if you so will it.
Instead you're just rambling, angry that people are allowed to have opinions.
Hey I'm open to discussion. So your stance is that Jews are historically far worse a culture than Japan? Lets follow this line of reasoning, said the /po- I mean pot to the kettle.
They didn't monetize.
But what if i already have the game and want the music available on another device for my convenience or looped in a smooth manner?
Let's be real here, Most of the people who gonna listen to the soundtrack of Persona probably own games, most of the people who gonna listen to the soundtrack of Smash Bros probably own the game. I mean, there are obvious exceptions, like DQ where you just probably pirate the game and/or music since you basically have to to get the intended experiece because the whole situation there is idiotic to start with.
If anything there are probably people who stumble over songs on Jewtube or whatever and get motivated to buy games because they find a song that seems interesting and want to know the context of it.
SEGA did this before
People buy games because of dumbfucking CGI trailers. Just look at the millions of tasteless shitters who have bought Square-Enix productions for the last 20 years.
is it that much of a reach that somebody buys a game off the music? I mean there's an entire subgenre relating to rhythmic video games.
Not trying to play a rhythm game to the sound of nails on a blackboard.
>weebcuck image
>terrible post
The sky is blue
And that's why they are good, yes they done some mistake, but they atleast are nice to fans and consumers and the best part about this is that they are ok with fangames, hell they hire some fans to do some great shit, like Sonic Mania!
I'm making a Pokemon romhack right now, as far as nintendo is concerned I'm probably the scum of the earth.
I can't remember the last time I listened to Nintendo music.
Konami, Capcom, Vanillaware, SE, sure. Maybe I heard a Metroid tune last year maybe. Not that it matters, since it was the Relics of the Chozo arrangement.
You should be used to the occasional /pol/ schizo by now.
>Capcom has ninety original, full-length OSTs available on Spotify
Why the fuck are ya'll niggas even playing kidshit anymore?
I get it, you bing-wahoo'd when you were eight, we all did, but fuck I mean it never changes or gets better my man. You played SM64, go back a replay it, but for Christ's sake stop giving money for these sequelitis releases.
Play a game made by a company with development teams that try new things, for better or for worse, and then listen to their bomb-ass music.
>inb4 muh Breath of the Wild was new... well new for the series anyway
Shame it only has one (1) fucking musical track worth listening to.
It's an Action-Adventure game, not Goddamn Hyrule ASMR. That OST was fucking shit and the main theme was plagiarized, so fuck outta here you have no excuse to continue supporting this busted company and their destitute executives.
Play an actual video game for once, before this decade's out.
>church on Wednesday
Evening weekday church is great. No parking problems, and it frees up Sunday for sleeping in.
Wow how does this affect your life in the long run? Please tell us. Such a non-problem.
Let me guess, you think From Software games are good
>worshiping sky Santa
>BOTW main theme plagiarised
If they don't provide a way to acquire it, guess what...
>not worshipping the power of Santa within you
Sure, within reason.
I wouldn't say they're some mystical godsend, but the emphasis they place on enemy design is respectable to say the least.
Didn't care much for the DaS sequels, but DeS/DaS/BB make for a solid trilogy, each with their own unique gameplay and lore elements.
Fucking BASED. God I hate those slit-eyed mongs. At least the nips have that artificial code of conduct. The chinks are fucking animals.
except gilva does mashups now
>*tips over trying to bend forward*
It's ironic you're posting a pokemon image considering the Pokemon Super Music Collections are some of the few Nintendo soundtracks that actually get commercially released in the west.
god's an asshole, stephen hawking said so
I think BOTW depends on how you count, there is basically Kass Theme (I do not love Kass) and Hyrule Castle, the later that that has like 12 layers and is basically just a remix of two old songs anyway. So even being generous the Soundtrack is indeed shit.
And i just like BEEP BEEP BING BING WAHOO ear rape because i have Autism, please be patient. And SMB2 Overworld is among the best ensuing comedy music out there.
Pretty sure i actually spent more on Remix Albums like The OneUps and The Megas then actual Vidya OSTs unless you count ones bundled with Collectors Editions and shit.
>Play Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Well that was shit, but some of the music was bumpin', even with the anachronistic wub
>No posting on itunes/spotify/soundcloud
>Just the ten track sampler that came with the overpriced edition
Kass Theme is the absolute worst
That bara birdbrain has nothing on pic related
Only real thing worth listening to are Phases 1-2 of Dark Beast. Gotta make sure to cut it there, though, because Phase 3 is fucking awful, much like the "fight" itself.
There's nothing worse than corporate bootlickers.
Except retarded liberals who are socialist retards but buy in to corporate identity politics with their products, and the fags then eat it all up, proclaiming they're rebelling against the (white) "man".
One of the biggest strawman I've seen on Yea Forums. Congrats.
I can still find all music no problem
This is clickbait
Friendly reminder that people who claim that this is actually good are
>90% contrarian fags just trying to troll and stir up shit
>10% actual retards
Friendly reminder to ignore both.
Such a basic bitch response
>I don't care about this issue so nobody else should, but instead of ignoring said issue, I'm going to go out my way and tell them all not to care too
I like both, but Song of Storms is indeed better, i just really like accordions so im soft on Kass Theme, it is a nice "Grandpa" instrument with a comfy feel in general.
I think the deal is that some of the most notable channels (Like BrawlBRSTM) got wiped yesterday, as was said was going to happen weeks ago. and BRSTM was pretty popular, even though it hadn't uploaded shit in ages anyway and actualy had gone on a deletining spree of Nintendo shit on their own before hand to try to "cooperate".
I mean, it IS clickbait since it is "news" in 2019, but it does say "Delete Popular YouTube Channels" not "Delete every channel that ever had a song featuring their game" It is just a "Antelope got too fat to run away from the Lion" moment for the biggest and most obvious ones.
>Free advertisement
More like illegal distribution of pirated content.
Well it isn't an issue. This time next week nobody's going to be talking about this, nobody I know in the real world is talking about it now. It's only an issue to a handful of bedwetters on the internet.
>thread with 274 replies
>n-nobody cares
Clearly they do, if you don't, that's fine, but do us and yourself a favour and fuck off?
274? That's like the whole wide world! Half the posters are mocking you clowns.
Reminder Nintendo wasn't going to mess with youtube anymore until dude, who was in favor of more phone games, took over from where the bald dude was as president.
is that minus8 porn soundtrack one still up?
>is it that much of a reach that somebody buys a game off the music?
Yes, it is that much of a reach. If you think it isn't then you're either not very bright or really having a lapse in logic here. If anything a game having a fucking bumping soundtrack and then having that bumping soundtrack being ripped from the game and uploaded without any editing whatsoever is only going to advertise the game to people because it will let people who would otherwise never know the game existed be exposed to an aspect of it.
Even for games that are selling the soundtrack as a separate product, which is actually a thing that some developers do on steam, having that music also freely available will only net the company more money because, as it so happens, people actually LIKE compensating companies and individuals for things they enjoy if it's within their means.
Yea Forums is full of idiots that don't understand that piracy is actually beneficial for content creators in most cases
they sell soundtracks on CD and only release small sampler albums digitally because they're boomers
>downloading rips
>not downloading the game and ripping it yourself
>wtf now there's no way to listen to it because nintendo won't sell it
do you guys think nintendo doesn't sell soundtracks just because they aren't on itunes
So true.
Don't be obtuse user, of course it won't matter outside this "space", Yea Forums is a place where people vent about pointless video game shit all the time, and even if a problem or peeve is silly and of no big consequence it can be nice to get how shit annoys you off your chest, it isn't like people are slamming their heads into walls in frustration in this thread. Just taking shit on Nintendo and eachother for taking shits on Nintendo and like you taking shits for giving shit.
Look at it from the bright side, at least some bitching about DRM practices isn't yet another thread bitching about E-Celeb streamer, and i think there has been some nice discussion about how soundtracks being readily available may or may not impact sales.
I mean, when i was a kid all i had was pushing up a tape recorder to the TV when the game was running to get my Beeps, so the situation is still leagues better for me since there are just better tools for DIY by default even should Nintendo Ninjas kill all uploaders and rippers.
If people REALLY want something, they will try finding ways to get it even if it is obtuse, it is called "Problem Solving".
>forget nintendo account password and ID because it's been like a year since i last needed them for my switch
>have BOTW downloaded so think that i can just reopen it on the new account and everything will be fine
>delete the original account from the switch, put my new one on it, BOTW is still on there
>"This game has not been purchased."
Fuck, bros, 60 + tax to rebuy a game I already bought.
Nintendo has always been anti-consumer.
nice post user.
>use jewtube
>get jew'd
Nintendo are way behind when it comes to digital stuff.
Remember when they released an official album of Smash 4 but only made it available as a CD for people who registered both versions of the game on Club Nintendo?
Piracy is free advertisement
>but they've got souls
Nice try, jew.
it pisses me off that one guy just uploads the Eva soundtrack every time it gets pulled but I love the music from that show just as much as any band I listen too.
where's all the nintendo stuff though?
It's okay when Nintendo does it.
>can find all my favorite bands' music on YT, you know people who actually depend on selling music for a profit
>Nintendo takes down all of their games music even though they don't depend on the game's music to make a profit
Nitenkikes will still defend this
Same, user.
What is Ubisoft? youtube.com
Nintendo did literally nothing wrong in this