Top 10 Failures Sony has made with the PS4

What are they Yea Forums?

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>Nothing but PS3 ports to begin with
>PS4 Pro isn't much of an improvement
>Paid online
>No backwards compatibility
>PSN Store full of trash
>Censorship out the ass these days
>Popularity turned it into the dudebro console
>Pushing VR no one wants
>No fun allowed by skipping E3 and other events these days
>Focusing on movie games and not Ape Escape 4

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PS4 Pro not playing 4K Blu-rays

I bought mine for one sole reason and i feel no remorse.

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you also forgot
>PSN store removing old, small cult games with great gameplay for pretty much no reason, meaning you have to pay $$$ for a physical copy

ps vita
ps tv
ps vr
playstation classic
playstation move
paid online
lack of backwards compatibility
list goes on

The PS4 did nothing wrong.

too bad that danganronpa tech demo is exclusive

I have a feeling Sony haven't completely abandoned the idea of the PSVR yet. It feels like the kinda thing they think they are thiiis close to getting right, despite no one really wanting it.

I hope -HOPE- they bundle it with the PS5 if only to the unique brand of fiasco that would produce.

It's still getting games so i don't think it's anywhere near dead yet

If there is a PSVR that works with PS5 it'll be a totally new model, probably PSVR2 that renders the original totally obsolete.

PSVR has sold around 4.2 million--isn't that more than the other headsets? VR is a niche but I'd hardly call it a mistake, since despite the tracking and controllers being so shit, PSVR still gets games. Astro Bot alone was worth it for me.

They confirmed that the current PSVR hardware would work with PS5, but no new hardware alongside it (at launch). There have been patents for new VR hardware, so I assume Sony is planning on releasing a new iteration a year or two after the PS5. I hope it's sooner rather than later.

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>PSVR dead
Didn't they make their first Nintendo Direct like video some months ago focusing on pretty much the PSVR?
Anyways No Mans Sky got a VR update for the PS4 this week and its kino.

They clearly grasping
Wasn't the buy rate like 4% of PS4 users, then anti VR people were all "Lmao failure only 4% of PS4 users bought this what a mistake"
I pointed out that God of War got was bought by like 10% of people and no one ever brought up the userbase rate ever again.
These people will use information, but they will use it disingenuously to make their point seem legitimate, and then pretend they never brought it up when it gets turned around on them
They refuse to think that a 300$ periphery isn't trying to be sold to the common poor but to enthusiasts, granted if you were really an enthusiast you'd have a PC, but that's splitting hairs

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Still pretty bad that PSVR has had more marketing than the Vita ever had. And the Vita actually had some potential at the start as the 3DS had a really shaky launch.

But the Vita isn't a periphery, it's wasn't made as it's own standalone thing, it quite literally requires a console to even think about purchasing, can only be used in one spot, and requires specialized means to develop games for it.
If we wanted to make unfair comparisons I could compare the Switch to smartphones and talk about how the switch is outclassed in number of games, portability, function, but everyone would get asshurt and start backpedalling about it

>>Nothing but PS3 ports to begin with

pfft, i wish your shitposting was true with this one.

>this thread stays up while the same one about Nintendo gets deleted
Actually makes me think

PSVR had more high quality exclusive releases these past two years than Xbox and PC combined.

PSP, PSVR, PSMove, eyetoy and paid online were highly popular. So why are you pretending that there isn't an audience of passionate fans for them?

not surprising at this point

>>No backwards compatibility
This is the only one that kinda kicks me considering the Xbox One was able to add it and even give proper support. Where as PSN wants me to pay $21 dollars for Star Ocean 3. I wouldn't mind playing my PS3 games that I got sitting around, and I gave my console away.

sony software engineers are borderline retarded. if you're following the news for next gen ps5 and how its back compat is supposed to work with the ps4 and ps4 pro, they literally had to use the exact same amount of compute units (think: cores) as the ps4 pro to have back compat with ps4 which is 36 CUs and because of this decreased amount they've had to go ham with the clocks by clocking it at 2ghz. even if sony tried they won't ever be able to match the xbox's level of back compat in software emulation because of how games are/were made for their consoles.

PSVR has 50% of the entire VR marker share. Last numbers were 4.2m while all PC VR headsets combined reach about the same number. They've given PSVR a bunch of first party exclusives, confirmed it will continue well into the PS5, are continuing to make more 1st party exclusives(see Iron Man), and most importantly: they continue supporting it with promotion.

Do you follow Playstation on any social network? I see ads and promos specifically mentioning VR or VR games nearly every day. The PSVR tab gets promoted on Playstation Store quite often, too. There are zero signs that they're planning to abandon the idea.

For the first time ever Sony managed to make a successful accessory.

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PSVR sold more than any other vr headset and it's getting games all the time, how is that a failure?

even the dumbest faggots that play on ps4 knows that VR is a meme

Isnt the PSVR the most successful VR device though? Not that Im implying its good.

how can you fit so much COPE in a single thread?

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Look IDGAF about VR but Sony has the only VR shit that is actually selling decently so I don't think it failed.

If the PS5 isnt able to play PS3 games, Sony is going to get some major shit. I'm not sure why people seemed to give them a pass with it on the PS4. Also if the PS5 isnt able to play every game on PSN; Im still fucking confused why the PS4 cant play PSOne Classics.

You forgot that fucking wonder book or whatever it was called.

Kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. If backwards compatibility really was such a big deal Xbox would have sold more.
People want new games in general. Enthusiasts may play Ninja Gaiden or Orta the masses do not.

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The biggest by far was starting to censor games, because it was completely unnecessary and never had any conceivable upside to anyone. All they had to do was nothing, and they somehow fucked that up.

>we what to reach a broader market
>we need experts that are experienced with the industry climate in the west

>moves the HQ to california
Why didn't anyone tell them to never go full retard?

My experience with the normie masses tell me that people only care about:

>whatever sports game is locally popular(FIFA, Madden, NBA, etc)
>certain shooter games like cowadooty, battlefield, etc
>explosive popularity stuff, such as Battle Royales and, before that, MOBAs
>highly hyped and marketed exclusives

Backwards compatibility is about as niche as VR support. As long as you've got these things covered, you won't sink. Reminder that the Xbox division not only exists but it's more successful now than ever before.

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I only use it to jack off.

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that's not irrelevant though. the best product always caters to all niches. right now the ps4 is the consoles which caters to the most niches with western and jap games on one platform even though most of these jap games sell fuck all it doesn't mean it's irrelevant. hell before bloodborne was released for ps+ it had only sold around 3m in 3 years which compared to the ~60m sales of the time was pretty terrible. does that mean they should use that money and invest it in more dlc packs for the next uncharted or something which will inevitably sell 20m+? nah obviously not. back compat will be a selling point to someone and even if it only generates like 1m sales of

good post. The lack of a 4k blu-ray player was the dumbest imo.

VR is a promising technology with lots of untapped potential, while dedicated handhelds like the Vita are a dying tech that was completly pushed from relevance by smartphones
Sony mishandled the Vita very badly but they were sound to drop it early to focus on the PS4, even if they supported it it would have led nowhere

Backwards compatibility only matters when it's available right at launch so people can transition to the new hardware while still purchasing and playing current games. The reason BC didn't matter for the Xbox One was because they deployed it two years after the launch, by that time the market was already looking ahead

This. Every non-Nintendo handheld in history has only achieved one thing: not be a good as a Nintendo handheld. But then smarphones came and not even Nintendo could in against them. The Vita is lucky to have lived as long as it has, even no getting new games.

Meanwhile, Sony had 50% market share of a promising new market magically fall on their lap with nearly zero effort. Them, who are more interested in popularizing technology than actually selling it themselves, would see the appeal of something like this.

One year from now, Sony will plaster the world with PS5 promotion and, right next to it, there will be VR showcased as the next big thing and it's here NOW. Every normie in the free world will be made aware of VR as "a playstation thing".

Damn never cute anime girls can make a headset look less retarded.

Making the vr controller not included with the headset was plain Jewish and market punished them.

>70€ for literally a plastic piece with a horrible led bulb