splatoon 2's single-player campaign is by a considerable margin the single most unpleasant experience i have ever had with a video game. pic related, it's kriby
Splatoon 2's single-player campaign is by a considerable margin the single most unpleasant experience i have ever had...
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>inb4 git gud
A game should be accessible to all skill levels.
>inb4 you just want an easy game
Wrong, easy games aren't accessible to players too skilled to enjoy them. A game should be enjoyable for people not skilled enough to play it optimally because they still get to experience the game and move through it, but also enjoyable for people who ARE skilled enough to play it optimally because they're rewarded in some way for demonstrating their skill.
so...are you going to say why you didn't like it?
Invisible platforms are bullshit.
The motion controls are bullshit.
The right analog stick controls are also bullshit; the vertical axis feels disproportionately sensitive compared to the horizontal axis, and both axes feel too sensitive in any case.
Every weapon is garbage except the dual wield. Especially the sniper.
Absurd difficulty spikes seemingly at random.
Tentakooks are pure sadism.
Missing a single jump carries the same effective penalty as getting the shit beaten out of you for a minute straight.
Speaking of getting the shit beaten out of you, there's no way of seeing your health. You don't know to retreat until it's pretty much too late.
They love to give you a weapon and then pit you against enemies you pretty much can't do fuckall to with that weapon.
That's about as many reasons as I can list off the top of my head.
it's literally a fucking game made for small children holy shit lol
you can adjust the stick sensitivity for both axes but i know you didnt even think to look considering you're too fucking stupid to even beat a child's game
>you can adjust the stick sensitivity for both axes
You can adjust the motion control sensitivity. There's no way to adjust the stick sensitivity.
>you're too fucking stupid to even beat a child's game
A) I did beat it. Unfortunately.
B) Even before I beat it, it's impossible that the reason was because I was too stupid, because I was smart enough to graduate college and learn eight programming languages.
>Invisible platforms are bullshit
paint them to see them
>The motion controls are bullshit
you can turn them off entirely, although I recommend giving it time to get used to it as movements are easier with them
>The right analog stick controls are also bullshit
as another user said, you can change the sensitivity yourself
>Every weapon is garbage except the dual wield. Especially the sniper.
how so?
>Absurd difficulty spikes seemingly at random.
the main story mode is really easy though, only octo expansion is actually challenging. No idea what you were struggling at
>Tentakooks are pure sadism.
just corner them
>Missing a single jump carries the same effective penalty as getting the shit beaten out of you for a minute straight.
don't miss jumps, it's as much a platformer as it is a shooter
>Speaking of getting the shit beaten out of you, there's no way of seeing your health.
the amount of ink covering you indicates your 'health', the more enemy ink on you the closer you are to being splatted. This is also reflected by the ink surrounding the edges of the screen - if you see those, back away.
>They love to give you a weapon and then pit you against enemies you pretty much can't do fuckall to with that weapon.
that's the point, you're supposed to learn how to counter difficult weapon matchups
>There's no way to adjust the stick sensitivity.
but that's wrong, there's separate sensitivity settings for motion and right stick respectively.
I can understand how there are things to learn in the game and it's important to learn them before complaining, but man, learning them is just not fun, and honestly, I did learn a few of these things in the process of beating the game, and using the skills I learned wasn't fun either. Maybe I just don't know how to have fun anymore.
or you're just retarded, given that you couldn't even find the aim sensitivity options apparently. How embarrassing.
Wow Gross
Splatoon Plays Like shit. Have fun shriveling your own dick while white knighting a horrible TPS
Given my previous life accomplishments it's simply not possible that the explanation is that I'm retarded.
given that you're on Yea Forums, that is clearly a lie.
You are clearly not retarded, and yet you're here too. Explain you're (you are) self
I meant the life accomplishments part, nobody accomplished browses Yea Forums
I didn't say I'm accomplished, I said I have had previous life accomplishments, particularly of the variety that would preclude the possibility that I'm retarded. I won't consider myself "accomplished" until I have a job and a home.
The simple explanation is that you are just bad ad video games.
you sound autistic
But I've enjoyed other games before, including games I had a harder time with.
Honestly Kriby it sucks because there's no way in Kike's Hell the Motion Mojo Multiplayer will be any Fun honestly the best thing to do is turn off motion control and enjoy the Single Player Mode the best you can. but if it's really designed that bad then i don't know what to tell you Flub.
I actually thought the level design in the campaign looked dope but the game still plays weird unless you turn off motion and then Online is unplayable because people actually sweat this game's meta of flopping your fucking wrists and plastic around.
But i honestly wouldn't know because im too busy owning literally any other switch game
the fuck is "Kriby"
>think the thread is about how the single player mode is overly drawn out, incredibly repetitive, and in general is super barebones especially when compared to the Octo Expansion
>it's about the single player mode being difficult
false alarm i've been thinking it over and i'm pretty sure the reason i couldn't enjoy this game is because i can't enjoy things right now in general and hate everything. it could be a good game for all i know but i can't tell at the moment because good games and bad games both feel bad to me
I dunno if I'd call it the single player worst experience I've ever had, but I agree that it was fucking boring. I gave up on it in the 2nd world. Octo Expansion is solid, at least.
pretty much my thought process as well when entering this thread, was expecting discussion about how the splatoon campaign feels a bit cookie-cutter and doesn't challenge you nor mix things up enough, but instead get OP being a complete retard beyond belief that can't even figure out where the aim sensitivity settings are.
why do you keep insisting there are aim sensitivity settings
There are literally aim sensitivity settings.
>handheld mode
nice bait
The same options are in tv/tabletop mode, you dunce.
You can stop any time.
it has separate settings for handheld mode and TV mode, since most people want it to be more sensitive in handheld.
how is it possible to be this bad at splatoon? like not even the octo expansion, just the base game. you're basically coming here and complaining the tutorial mode of the game is too hard for you to learn and you expect people to take you seriously.
But I did learn it, and I beat it, and I didn't enjoy it.
>and I didn't enjoy it
Most people didn't, but that's because it was boring. You didn't enjoy it because you're so bad at video games, you found it difficult.
But I've enjoyed games that I found more difficult.
But were those difficult because of actual challenge or because you couldn't find the options there either?
Because of actual challenge obviously.
splatoon 2's story mode is literally easier than splatoon 1's
like this is baby mode stuff
it's really fucking boring
>wtf how am i supposed to see the invisible floor????
>why are there no sensitivity settings?
>wtf why you die when fall in pit???
>doesn't even let you turn of motion controls? shit game!
I honestly hope OP has just been pretending this whole time and hasn't played the game first-hand or something, as this is really pathetic.
It's just not fun, lol.
>having trouble with the singleplayer campaign of Splatoon 2, which is basically the tutorial mode
Oh my god, I'm dying.
This is far better though, this is hilarious.
That's not what accessible means but points for at least trying to sound smart instead of posting some dumb meme
I've never played splatoon but I always thought it was weird that pretty much nobody talks about the single player. I guess it must be shit or something. Just another reason to ignore the splatoon series though i was most likely never gonna get splatoon anyway despite having a switch
>invisible platforms
Stopped reading there
Holy fuck yer bad
It's a multiplayer focused game, how is that weird?