Why does it suck so much, Yea Forums?
Regenerating Health
it makes it too easy to cheese certain missions
regenerating health, like health kits, can be done well and it can be done poorly. you're a complete pleb if you think otherwise.
No, I'm talking about a game giving you back your health if you don't get hit after a certain amount of time. Not health kits
you are a retard. "regenerating health, like health kits," is meant in the sense of "spaniards, like englishmen," not "painters, like michelangelo,"
But CoD2 was good
How can it be done well?
Real life has regenerating health.
But why does every shooter need the same health system as CoD2?
It promotes being a coward.
Simple, make it so you die very quickly. Basically, if you fuck up hard enough, you always die. Otherwise you escape to get another chance.
Also the enemy AI should be good enough to flank you, destroy your cover and flush you out so you can't just camp in one spot regenerating your HP after popping out for every kill.
It incentivizes players blueballing one another by running away like pussies. Most devs opt to gut the movement system as a way to counter it (it doesn't work).
In something like titanfall the skill is in staying on target while keeping up with the guy you're chasing and in outrunning your chaser. Headshots don't matter that much due to their low multiplier. The movement is so erratic headshots are mostly due to luck. You don't tank on your health, you tank on dodging and health is there just to provide you time to react and as a slight buffer before death. Also the lack of health packs spawns cuts down on camping. So thanks to all of those regenerating health works.
In something like siege you don't tank on your health you tank on your aim, information and teamplay. Ideally you don't even want the enemy you kill to see you so there's no chance of a lucky bullet hitting your dome for an instant kill. If some fucker gets away and I know I put 3 bullets into him, if me or my team track them again they're gonna get sprayed and prayed instead of the usual "try to headshot all the time". So non-regenerating health work there
Different strokes etc
Like Halo.
it destroys the strategic aspect of an fps, where health is a ressource you have to manage through the level
But it's shit in Halo.
>the lack of health packs spawns cuts down on camping
It does?
Yeah but not in the same way it is in video games.
You can't shake off getting shot a dozen times by just hiding behind a wall for 12 seconds.
best CoD
change my mind
Wipe that jam off your face SOLDIER!
It's the only game that's done it right.
Resistance did this well in some areas having enemies come and flush you out of cover.
Same as any other game. Only difference is that half of your total health pool regenerates slower, but that half is practically meaningless when it's all drained at once by certain weapons.
Uncharted 4 does it really well too
Far Cry 2 as well, with the medkit-regenerating health hybrid
My favorite health systems usually employ some kind of middle ground, like notched health bars that will regenerate to a point until you go below a certain threshold. Or games with health AND shields. Of course there's always games like Stalker where you can barely take 4 bullets without dying which are also great.
It doesn't.
>pic related on veteran difficulty
>no health packs; Sgt. Waters doesn't hand you any if you're low on health
>can't move other than crouch
>hitscan enemies
Yes. A health pack spawn is a point of interest, people are gonna go there, people that don't have full health. So it's a perfect place to camp, not only you get increased traffic you get weaker targets. Without it either the amount of places good for camping increases, which makes those places more dangerous for campers, or the camper is stuck hoping someone comes to his trap with no bait
In theory regenerating health allows you to stay in action most of the time instead of having to creep forward hoping for a health back. But in reality it just encourages players to crouch behind cover and play whack-a-mole with enemies.
maybe you can't, you casual plebeian. Start soaking bullets to build up an immunity any time soon
>Without it either the amount of places good for camping increases,
And the need to move when you're hurt plummets. Camping only happens in games where there are no on-map items to draw a player's attention. It's unheard of in games with health packs.
Perhaps the same could be said of DLC
Like The Division 2.
a good regenerating health game wont allow you to play whack-a-mole due to flankers, rushers, grenades, your cover getting destroyed, etc
A good regenerating health game is a pipe dream.
the bigger problem is regenerating health paired with hitscan weapons because you get zero defensive options except sit and wait like a cockfucker.
Shut up fag
Such systems are cool.
It was only done well in Halo 1, shields recovered while health didn't unless you got a medkit. ODST and Reach had regenerating health but to only a certain amount.
ODST had a very similar system to CE. Health packs in that game recovered your shield as well.
I mean, if you don't have regenerating health with hitscan, you're punished for literally doing nothing wrong, since you can't dodge a hitscan weapon
Like Far Cry 2's hybrid system.
Yes, but if you were at 1% health and didn't take any damage your health would recover slightly and it returned in Halo Reach. Not that it's a bad thing but I misworded it in the previous post.
Hitscanners are important for target prioritization.
explain yourself.
Play on a harder difficulty?
it works pretty well with cover shooters since you can push back hard without exposing yourself to the hitscan by using blind-fire
this, but unironically
Hitscan enemies are designed to draw your attention. Focus them down first before dealing with anything else. Good games will have hitscanners with a distinct tell before dealing damage.
too bad most cover shooters are just glorified whack a mole as some other user said. what game is that, though, looks pretty good desu
You heal men’s souls!