Why do Nintendo games always stay as timeless classics that are talked about and played decades after they have been released, but Playstation games get kinda forgotten over the years? I mean is there a PS2 game that people still play like how GC has Super Smash Bros Melee? Or like Ocarina of Time that still is as popular as it was back in the days
Why do Nintendo games always stay as timeless classics that are talked about and played decades after they have been...
Probably because the franchises those games belongs to are still going, while the same can't be said for most PlayStation games
This thread's gonna go over well.
Brand and IP recognition.
Nintendo fans/players have an extremely high rate of Aspergers/autism compared to Sony - thus you have so many people who still won't stop sperging out/obsessing over a game/franchise for over 10 years.
>Playstation games get kinda forgotten over the years
>PS2 game people still play
ICO and SoC
San Andreas
MGS 2 and 3
I'm talking about exclusives, most people don't play games like GTA on PS2 anymore
Cultural monopolies
playstation games got lots of pc ports so that's bit unfair considering nintendo was a superjew exclusive hoarder.
PS2 had tons of exclusives, way more than any other console ever
third party ps1 and 2 games get talked about all the time you dumb nigger
it was PS2 only initially
GTA 3, vice city and SA were PS2 only. Who cares if the franchise ported over later. You're question was about memorable PS2 game people still play. Stop moving goalposts.
>Why do Nintendo games always stay as timeless classics that are talked about and played decades after they have been released
Nintendo Bonus and a crazy fanbase, Nintendo games that aged well are the 2D ones.
Ocarina of Time aged worse than Metal Gear Solid for instance.
No one remembers games like MGS, Castlevania SOTN, FFVII, Valkyrie Profile, Chrono Cross, Legend of Mana... What a mess of a console, really
I did not say that in an angry or insulting manner.
Nintendo fans do tend to have ASD compared to other systems.
ocarina of time actually had proper first person aiming lmao
I still think it speaks in volumes how ps flagship games metal gear solid and final fantasy 7 both got pc ports while n64 games remain exclusive to this date. if sony had denied ports like a hoarder playstation would be fetishized just the same as n64.
If you don't still occasionally play Final Fantasy Tactics then you're a faggot.
going by the fact console wars still continue on Yea Forums, I think the sony fanbase is just as guilty as nintendo's
>Valkyrie Peofile
Find me 10 people on the street and ask them if they know what this is.
I would say so. They display some of the same symptoms.
It's a matter of perspective user. Besides, half of good brands of Playstation are long gone.
>Soul Reaver
One of many examples.
Let's see the studies then.
Factually This
Imagine being such a fucking fanboy troglodyte that you have deluded yourself into thinking that the PS2 of all consoles doesn't have any classics on it. When did the Nintendo fandom because such a mentally ill cult full of delusional retards?
nintendo fanboys were already bitter about the n64's failure, and then the wii u's failure turned them absolutely rabid. now they're the worst and most delusional corporate bootlickers in all of gaming.
sonyafricans THIS mad because people actually talk about games
Nintendo keeps what it has going and sony axes shit each gen for new and shiny
Most of Nintendo's third party exclusives have been ported to other systems at one point or another. If you're whining about first party Nintendo games never getting ported to 3rd party systems you're pants on head retarded.
what was classic and exclusive to it?
i wanna emulate some good shit
More like you let yourself fall for falseflag bait, dumbass.
you'd be just as hard-pressed to find normalfags who remember perfect dark, mischief makers, blast corps, or any of the other games that n64fags grasp for to pretend that their system wasn't just a glorified mario/zelda/goldeneye machine.
LoM isnt good user
Obvious sonyfag falseflagging aside it's because all of the memorable Sony games aren't made by Sony and either ended up having ports on other systems or just new games for example Crash XS on GBA. In other words people simply stopped associating them with Sony.
>I mean is there a PS2 game that people still play like how GC has Super Smash Bros Melee?
No because most people who owned a PS2 dont have autism
the people that grew up with the off-brand console don't have time for hobbies today
they're still, like their parents were when they couldn't afford the name brand systems, working hard blue collar jobs and living paycheck to paycheck
they don't have any time to play games, or talk about them
>Legend of Mana
I didn't even know there was a mana game on ps1 and I love the mana series.
>MGS, Castlevania SOTN, FFVII
these were never ps exclusive
they were until they were ported.
FF7 was for about a year.
Regardless its because by the time the ps1 rocked up everyone knew how to separate the developer from the console manufacturer.
That and Sony had never actually made a good game of their own.
unlike nintendo fags, sony fans grow up user
where do i even start if all i have is a GED and no job experience
Be ethnic and you have a higher chance of being hired.
Seriously if you put mixed race or something you'll get interviews out the ass.
source plz.
>That and Sony had never actually made a good game of their own.
Stuff like SOTC and Ico were good. I don't think Sony has made a good game in house in the past 10 years, but they used to make good games.
>Why do Nintendo games always stay as timeless classics that are talked about and played decades after they have been released, but Playstation games get kinda forgotten over the years? I mean is there a PS2 game that people still play like how GC has Super Smash Bros Melee? Or like Ocarina of Time that still is as popular as it was back in the days
we are too busy playing new games instead of clinging to old ones
feels great winning every generation
SOTC is better than any Nintendo game ever past N64. Bloodborne shits all over Soitch's library of Wii U ports. Gran Turismo is better than bing bing kart. Kys.
>SOTC and Ico
both good games but theyre artsy fartsies you play maybe once every 5 years. not really all night long bing bing wahoo material.
>we are too busy playing new games instead of clinging to old ones
You Sonyfags really are a hive mind.
>implying any Kiketendo game is half as memorable as MGS3
I'd snap your skinnyfat body in half IRL for being such a deluded fanboy.
>Stuff like SOTC and Ico were good
Eh, I mean, they were alright but I wouldn't recommend them to someone who's looking for something mechanically deep.
Ah yes Nintendo. What innovators they are.
based and redpilled
I wouldn't recommend Kiketendo for that either. Just compare the gameplay of GT Sport to babby party trash like MK8. Sony games have always had greater mechanical depth than the bing bing wahoo rehash factory.
MGS3 isn't a Sony game user.
>mistaking good devs for a piece of hardware
Too bad sony doesnt actually make good games themselves anymore
You silly little whore it initially released for the PS2 exclusively. I should know I was like one of the ten people the bought it on release.
they've uninronically released the same fuckign platformer for 20 years but its ok because wahoo bing bing
Grow up Eric.
OP said Playstation not Sony you faglord
I think you accidentally inserted a new line, or a "Reddit Space", where you meant to provide your documentation; no worries though, you can always try again :)
>good games deserve to die
Fuck off, If sony didnt axe every good series they had each gen we wouldnt even have this thread.
Nintendo keeps the ball rolling unless your a metroid or fzero fan, its not always the best but its there.
When they tried to do another sly cooper it was a sham, and well never see any actual sony classics get new games in the series either.
Nincel, GT has had greater depth than toddler party Kart since 1997. It's not about hardware. It's about Sony being fine not having all games be toddler bait trash.
Playstation games were never good
Yes fucking trash Sony. Why are they making new IPs like Death Stranding and Bloodborne? They should like Nintendo just endlessly rehash their 90's platformers.
I dont like driving or party games buddy so both of those are pretty trash to me.
Why so hostile user?
>unless your a metroid or fzero fan
Just F Zero.
Metroid is always a slow roll type.
>Playstation games were never good
Those arent made by sony.
They are a great with second party games but their first party shit is slim pickings
>Why are they making new IPs like Death Stranding and Bloodborne?
Which ironically rehash more than Nintendo. Just goes to show you that an IP and content are two different things.
If you don't like party games, why are you defending Kiketendo? They exclusively make party toddler trash.
>If sony didnt axe every good series they had each gen we wouldnt even have this thread.
They keep making GT games though
>Nintendo keeps the ball rolling unless your a metroid or fzero fan, its not always the best but its there.
or a Pikmin fan
or a Advance Wars fan
or a Paper Mario fan
They are funded by Sony. Also co-developed by Sony.
I think you are mistaking me for another user.
I never defending nintendo, I just wish sony actually made games themselves
....but PLEASE port them to the switch! they'd be perfect for the switch!
Makes no difference in the end. You play games, not corporate logos.
>Those arent made by sony.
If we go by that rule
Kirby is not Nintendo, its HAL
Pokemon is not Nintendo, its Gamefreak
DK and Metroid arent Nintendo, they are Retro Studios
Mario Party isnt Nintendo, it's Hudson
So second party.
Like I said.
I dont claim nintendo made Metroid prime 1 user, that was literally all retro studios which is a texan studio
pretty much as far from nintendo japan as you could get
No one here is defending Nintendo, he just screams that any time anyone says a fact that isn't portraying Nintendo negatively.
>DK and Metroid arent Nintendo,
Are you retarded?
One, Retro is a Nintendo studio.
Two, Nintendo made the original games in house.
No shit retard.
I dont thank nintendo for paper mario, I thank classic intelligent systems which use to make some good shit before even they got nintendo'd and turned into a FE machine
Its like people are so stupid they want to defend a singular corporate entity rather than actual creators
>new IPs like Bloodborne
user... it's 4 years old.
nintendo makes children's games, the ps1 and ps2 library has much more mature and also good games. there's like 3 good games on any given nintendo system. anytime i hear nintendocucks going on about how mario 64 is just the best platformer ever i wanna pull my teeth out
>One, Retro is a Nintendo studio.
So are the studios that are behind Sony stuff like Santa Monica or Naughty Dog
>that was literally all retro studios which is a texan studio
Well, Retro is a subsidiary of Nintendo so it's still correct to say that Nintendo made it.
Don't delude yourself, tendie. Basedboys only gush about the brand and nothing more.
Tail Concerto
Neither of which made Bloodborne or Death Stranding. That was From and Kojipro neither of which are owned by Sony.
Do you know anything about video games?
They were literally all on Nintendo systems before hand
>souls clone and future multiplat disappointment moviegame
thank god for these original games
Japan Studio created Bloodborne.
Well that explains why sonyfags don't care about the games I suppose.
>Neither of which made Bloodborne or Death Stranding.
BB was made with Japan Studio help
Kojima founded KojiPro and Death Stranding with Sony's money
we're talking about individual games not series. and metal gear wasnt a nintendo game just because it got few shitty games for nes.
Sure dude.
Dont bother thanking the architect or construction workers for the building around you. It was clearly just the company funding it all.
I hope that has enough straw for you
No they didn't. The entire idea was made up by Miyazaki long before even coming to Sony and the development was handled by the rest of the team at From.
No one actually knows what JS did beyond rumors of co-development.
You don't get it. This is a subtle "recommend me godtier Playstation games to play" thread
They probably just got From up to date on the new gens architecture and engine/debug stuff.
I also expect that sony fronted the bill on QA
>Kojima founded KojiPro and Death Stranding with Sony's money
Kojipro has been around since 2005 as a subsidiary of Konami you retard. Sony had nothing to do with it's creation.
I could see that being the case.
Just so you know Kojipro's first game as a studio was on GBA.
In other words Nintendo has a bigger connection to their origins than Sony.
because early 3D aged like piss (although piss suggests that they were never good to begin with).
Nah, this is just an anti Nintendo thread.
It happens every once in a while
Because the games are better made and more polished.
Just compare Mario 64 and it's controls vs any other platformer on PS1 of the time, even of the whole generation, miles apart.
No thanks
Games don't age. If they're shit now they were shit then.
I do
Fuck the rest of the ports
Eh, Crash was alright granted I wouldn't call it a 3d platformer in the same vein as Mario.
Nintendo games are very cookie cutter and appeal to the lowest common denominator. That's why you fucking retard.
PS2 has Rachet and Clank, Sly, Jak and Daxter, Ape Escape, etc.
What does the Gamecube have? Sunshine? Lol
>Nintendo games are very cookie cutter
Not really. They're more the cutter with third parties and such being the cookies after all a lot of games nowadays are just based on or inspired by Nintendo games.
To me the problem is that they always kill all those gems with the passing of the generation so people forget about the series as a whole.
You cant forget about mario or zelda because there is always a new one for the next batch of 8 year olds.
And why would Sony want that? Seriously.
Nintendo isn’t making any money from N64 consoles and games being sold second hand. They haven’t produced either in decades. Where’s the benefit?
Thanks for the wojak images bros
All literal who games, same with PC gaming that has nothing except Half-Life 2
Dragon Quest 8, Metal Gear Solid 2, Kingdom Hearts, etc.
>If sony didnt axe every good series they had each gen we wouldnt even have this thread.
I'd rather have Sony stop making games from a franchise while the original devs or at least competent people are still on board than take the Nintendo approach and continue a series even after the devs left to work on something else resulting in a mess that ruins the entire legacy like Chibi Robo or in Sony's case GT
>What does the Gamecube have?
Air Ride
Metroid Prime 1 and 2
F Zero GX
Eternal Darkness
And for some reason people associate Soul Calibur 2 with it despite it being a multiplat.
>game (((journalists))) are all pathetic nintendofags
Is this supposed to be surprising?
Sorry but according to Those are literally who games and dont count
I think giving another studio a shot is better than just pretending its the original studio when it has none of the old talent.
There are very few 5th, 6th, or 7th gen console games that anyone still plays.
>And why would Sony want that? Seriously.
Continued sales on their platform after a year?
All shit except for ED.
Like Nintendo did with Fire Emblem?
So you would rather more rehashes and a weak end rather than a risk that can create a good game?
Just like the N64, right?
this and only this
Nintendo is synonymous with both a hardware provider and a game’s brand. They develop their consoles for their games and invite others to do so, while Sony and Microsoft mostly invite other people to develop for their machines while finding a handful of first party titles.
GTA is iterative and aims to be a multiplat, “AAA” experience, so it goes on higher fidelity consoles (though not enough to support frame rates lol)
people talk about ps2 classics all the time. Through emulation, all Nintendo and older PlayStation classics are in cultural circulation. I know zoomers who talk fondly of ps1 games like ape escape
The last time someone took a risk with an existing IP we got Other M and Sticker Star
Can we just get along?
So sony games get to live on while nintendo ones get to rot away on aging hardware?
Not to mention any fan projects designed to move these games to a more permanent platform get sued to death by Nintendo. What a great company.
tendies incessantly talk about the 3 games they get every new gen..
Zelda, Mario, Smash
you could go tit for tat on the others
yes they get to live on. I can play stuff like legend of dragoon, ape escape and demons souls on all kinds of hardware.
user, the last time they took a risk with an IP we got Mario + Rabbids which was an unexpectedly great game.
>So sony games get to live on while nintendo ones get to rot away on aging hardware
Other way around, each gen Sony practically abandons their old games.
I mean, can you see them remaking or even porting something like Wild Arms now?
>we got Mario + Rabbids which was an unexpectedly great game.
That's because the Rabbids werent as annoying as they were on their own games and because it was basically an XCOM clone
At least then you know what team is responsible for what game
You forgot a few like
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Hyrule Warriors
>Puzzle Dragons Mario
>happy home designer
>federation force
>Mario + Rabbids
To name a few.
Needless to say their track record is fairly good with only a few being a miss.
Doesn't look like you know.
was met with overwhelming dissaproval and was a mangled mess of gameplay ideas
XB1 but with a few more gameplay elements
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Hyrule Warriors
No different than the other dozen of 'X Warriors' Koei Tecmo has made
>Puzzle Dragons Mario
same as above, an existing game but with a different theme
>happy home designer
>federation force
user, EVERYONE hated this one, not only Metroid fans
I already know that IS is a shell of itself.
Thats why I said its better to create a new team when the original talent is no longer a part of it.
Then we could at least blame the right people instead of a logo
>and was a mangled mess of gameplay ideas
Not him but what? Gameplay wise #FE was anything but a mangled mess and ended up just being SJ with a weapon triangle.
I guess I didnt phrase it correctly, #FE was trying to be Persona in both style and gameplay but at the same with elements of other SMT series along with FE features which in the end comes off as convoluted IMO
>Hyrule Warriors
>No different than the other dozen of 'X Warriors' Koei Tecmo has made
>>Puzzle Dragons Mario
>same as above, an existing game but with a different theme
user, you do realise that a risk in this sense is simply using an IP in a new way that has no guarantee for success, right?
Whether or not the genre existed prior doesn't make it inherently less risky.
Also you seem to be under the impression that gameplay is the only risky change that can be made to an IP. XCX and #FE are games that didn't change much from previous games in their series, although in the case of #FE it borrows more from Strange Journey, anyway its the theme. Those two games are huge departures from their predecessors despite being fairly solid games in their own right.
#FE was hit particularly hard in that regard because everyone thought it was a persona clone due to the theme.
>EVERYONE hated this one
Pay attention next time. It was never about them all being good, it was about pointing out risky ventures with existing IPs.
>#FE was trying to be Persona in both style and gameplay
The fuck are you talking about? Nothing about it was persona like especially not the gameplay. Hell I literally just told you it played more like SJ than anything. Were it anything like Persona it would have any 80 hours of cutscenes, a dating sim take place mostly in a high school.
>but at the same with elements of other SMT series along with FE features which in the end comes off as convoluted
I think you may just be retarded because the SMT and FE elements were contained to mostly names of characters and attacks along with a few references like Jack Frost. They don't clash with each other because they played an incredibly minor part.
>user, you do realise that a risk in this sense is simply using an IP in a new way that has no guarantee for success, right?
I mean Warriors spin-offs are mostly made for cheap so they tend to make profit whether the sales are good or not, that's why there's so many of them for different IPs same with other games series that lend themselves to make 'same game but featuring X series'
As for #FE, it was presented as a crossover between SMT and FE and the end result was something that might as well be its own new IP given the setting and characters used
>Also you seem to be under the impression that gameplay is the only risky change that can be made to an IP.
Because its mostly true, otherwise they are treated as a reboot or at least a soft one, for example GOW4 continues with the storyline of previous games but feels like a different game altogether with a different gameplay scheme, setting, characters, etc.
>for example GOW4 continues with the storyline of previous games but feels like a different game altogether with a different gameplay scheme, setting, characters, etc.
That's a bad example you know seeing as setting and characters have nothing to do with the gameplay.
Read again, I said the new GOW has different gameplay compared to the previous ones which is a risk
The NSMB series and the Pokémon series are the only ones really guilty of this. Even N1ntoddlers shit on NSMB though and everyone’s been shitting on sword and shield constantly.
>muh ubisoft
>2 and a half(2.5) years later and S0nyggers are still clinging to this meme
I really wish I could see the world they do, just for a few days.
Cool where's my metroid prime ps4 port?
Nintendo had the best games is why.
Mega Man
Battle Arena Toshindin
Resident evil
Silent Hill
Tony Hawk
Medal of Honor
Chrono Cross/trigger
Wipe Out
Grand Turismo
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
Tomb Raider
Odd World
Legacy of Kain
Twisted Metal
Ridge Racer
and Golden Eye
What did Sony offer?
god hand
>WipEOut 64
Link and Mario have been synonymous with Nintendo since the companies inception. I don't think Sony or PlayStation have had a character that has been on every one of their platforms since the beggining. It's also why smash bros is so popular yet sony's take on the same game (Sony all stars) was not, and will never be made again