Looking back at it Capcom put alot of working into these characters...

Looking back at it Capcom put alot of working into these characters, just to ruin it all with a gay ass gem system and that cringy pandora shit. This shit could of been amazing, but its just wasted potential now.

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Damn no one remembers this game?

Let it be a warning to all ye rosterfigs. That's the reason they went with 30/60/90, they didn't budget the time to balance and instead went with quantity.

definitely underrated for its time, but i hate tag games and couldn't really get into it as a result. the retarded gen system just made things worse.

All they could of did was take out the gem system. They only have it for dlc and microtransactions which was a scumbag move of their part.

Personally i hated how the game isn't acualy SFxTekken but just SFIV tag with juggle.
The tekken cast didn't play like tekken characters but just like SFIV characters.
They somehow took links a mechanic made for autists and made them even more frustrating.

Hell only viable tekken characters in the game played exactly like SF characters.

Pandora was the fans fault people hated iltras as they felt they were to cheap but capcom demanded a comeback mechanic so pandora was made to meet that requirement

Then people complained that the comeback mechanic sucked

I mean that was somewhat the point - this was the Capcom skew of the crossover and TekkenxStreetFighter would be Namco's take on it. but I guess that's not happening any more

>alot of working

>liked the visual of SFIV
>thought the characters were cool
>huge roster
>mvc2 style linking attacks

was pretty fun. pirated it before it even went live on Steam. Wish more people played it. Gems were stupid. You can turn them off though I'm pretty sure.

>alot of work

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King and Kazuya were so fucking fun in this game

>tfw we only got to experience of the magic of a 2vs2 SFxT tournament once

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Attached: sfxt 2.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

with few exception, everyone's L/M/H buttons do 30/60/90 damage. it's so fucked.

I completely agree, this game had so much potential but it was burried down under a ton of shit.

are you dumb or something? there were going to be two games one that played like tekken and one like street fighter of course they felt like street fighter characters.

>Capcom put alot of working into these characters
heh lol

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Should have put more work in making a functional game

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Can someone explain what was wrong with the gem system? I completely missed out on this game due to me not getting into Tekken until I played Tag 2 and had alot of fun with it

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It was basically an equipment system that gave you ridiculous buffs and all the most powerful ones were from paid DLC. A lot of them negated character specific weaknesses and/or buffed moves to the extreme.

I really enjoyed the game but Capcom made some dumb choices with it

>It was basically an equipment system
i hate equipment systems in fighting games, i want a character to be static, and the only nonstatic ones are custom ones that you can select from a custom character field like in soul cal

Gay buffs that you equped before the match that impact the game in whacky ways. Every fighting game that has implemented something like it has insta-died. Keep the decision making for within the match.

I wonder if it was Bamco's idea because Tekken Revolution had those stupid ass buffs too. What the fuck are they smoking over there in Japan?

I enjoyed playing this on Vita but online was dead

It also committed the cardinal sin of fighting games: console exclusive characters.

The movesets for the Tekken characters were so cool. But we will never see those in another game. I want to use Jin's fireball again.

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It's because this game was developed as a fun party game. Literally watch ANY interview with Ono. He constantly says that Smash Bros was the main inspiration for the game which also lead to scramble mode being implemented. People that actually thought it was going to be a competitive fighter fell for it hook line and sinker

Also why in the name of God would they release this game the exact same day as Mass Effect 3? It's like they wanted it to fail

Maybe they knew ME3 was a massive pile of shit.

doesnt matter if there was gems or not, youd all be trash at it and stop playing after a week anyway

MvC3 was a better party game than this.