ITT post vidya images you never have a reason to post

ITT post vidya images you never have a reason to post

Attached: tumblr_nnhm1tyQWH1qfelsio1_1280.jpg (965x827, 157K)

>video game

Attached: 1565422758425.png (1218x661, 725K)

Attached: 1549121438430.jpg (1000x1000, 211K)

Attached: dhd Screenshot 2018-12-20 23-30-10.png (1920x1080, 3.7M)

Attached: d981e47d1c30b874c5cf161e25dab080.jpg (1052x1488, 1.57M)

What the actual fuck

>senran kagura

Attached: D144F1E9-059E-46C2-861E-74E1CD9CFCD7.jpg (474x348, 22K)

Attached: pikachu chin hold.png (867x884, 198K)

Attached: 1446060304558.gif (480x360, 1.21M)


Attached: 1562768082948.png (445x472, 360K)


Attached: 1564353372785.jpg (686x741, 293K)

My girl Tali bound to a pole.

Attached: da3b9fe.jpg (778x1617, 142K)

Attached: 1549901442307.png (610x122, 21K)

Why are PS4 games playing the Switch?

tes threads are fun
at least sometimes

Attached: 1565372422974.png (1055x885, 743K)

don't tell me you paid for this

Attached: spurdo (1).jpg (3024x2675, 2.05M)

Wow, the two worst waifushit fanbases

Divisive opinion, mister president. I'm forced to agree with you, though.

Attached: 1558622287546.png (927x390, 765K)

I'm from the Norf and have a hearty kek at each of these memes even though I'm dying inside

Attached: ff584531144347029200d46e569b0379d8ce208ff28ab3dc4e263928360b5433.png (772x1228, 97K)

I didnt

I found it on the r34 porn site

Attached: typical v thread.jpg (857x300, 108K)

Attached: 1544550443040.jpg (1600x900, 315K)

Attached: 27254.jpg (650x731, 166K)

Attached: 1538276657270.jpg (800x1025, 413K)

Attached: 1530694154791.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

Attached: 6B7FA3C1-7EDC-4684-AD06-576561A2EF02.jpg (1024x845, 155K)

Attached: C022F541-18F8-40E9-8810-BDF90330EE71.jpg (617x714, 111K)

Attached: 0EA84D42-6E3B-4664-82D0-EA8DB4A8AAEF.jpg (1027x497, 189K)

Attached: 53439817_p0.jpg (678x640, 394K)

I never understood the whole VA thing, how hard is it to get into or i have better luck asking in /jp/?

Attached: 1456352509331.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

Attached: 20170317013516_1.jpg (1920x1080, 424K)

Attached: 1502565596348.png (168x273, 11K)

Attached: cancelled.jpg (640x640, 117K)

Attached: 1540010783335.png (942x797, 1.23M)

How can you never have any reason to post that? If I had to guess at least 90% of the posts you respond to give you a reason to post that.

Ah yes, Pistachio. Each plate of his armor took over 100 years to form, but now that it is complete he has a near impregnable defense. Truly he is one tough nut to crack[/spoiler

Attached: pixel-art-wallpaper7.png (1920x1080, 76K)

Katie actually browses Yea Forums.

Attached: 1413849818417.png (1885x583, 187K)

Who the fuck is that?

both QA testing parts are flat out wrong lmao


Attached: 1428300617666.png (630x1024, 666K)

Attached: unleashed prestige.jpg (1024x720, 150K)

wish she still had long hair

Long hair is annoying and now she is married so she could care less about it.

Attached: E97FF3F2-D69B-44E5-9C39-F0540805F2BB.jpg (566x800, 109K)

Why is she pissing herself?

Attached: 1550330831434.png (256x218, 47K)

Attached: 1552932530739.gif (475x362, 468K)

Attached: PS triple-500x432.jpg (500x432, 32K)

Attached: 1564699623428.jpg (562x1422, 119K)

Attached: 254cfd7dffdb1918dbe0ced1d901a8bd.png (720x1656, 717K)

Attached: 1de.png (702x1137, 1.11M)

Attached: 1552833374227.jpg (800x1000, 127K)


That's not piss user.

Attached: 1553254031918.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

Attached: C515A0ED-4932-4BC4-BF23-A486E1AED4D5.png (500x281, 294K)

Attached: DvJPo-uXcAAbbDu.jpg (1200x900, 94K)

Attached: 1564891701304.png (790x814, 225K)

Same bro, same

Attached: Top 10 pictures taken before disaster.png (900x670, 981K)

Attached: forward.jpg (1080x608, 69K)

Attached: 1562643745119.png (500x350, 245K)

Attached: 1565638613442.jpg (829x1024, 51K)