
Yo listen up, here's a story

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Other urls found in this thread:!NH5CTIII!T9zMGhOUMZcm0Lgco9A0IW8fBX50QX9AyvyKyGAdVNE!MD4gTYSJ!5VqbH_O-Bwm4b_F51ljCq2-aGIFKy3VQzxHk2h7uWUI

What's with all the starsector threads, is there a new update?

Attached: easy money.png (359x433, 55K)

I have like 25 million credits from afk orbiting around my colonies in a shuttle, I'm not sure what to do now
do I just start nuking the core worlds?

Originem can really put out some flashy ship systems.

Attached: free missiles.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

sseth is great tough

e-celeb made a video.

Dude what if we really hated the Hegemony lol

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Holy based. Show the Hegemony what it means to receive justice for their horrific war crimes. Never forget Mayasura.

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This, although I’ve heard that he keeps up the persona in casual conversations making it kinda awkward to talk to.

Alright cunts, I have a question:
Just built pic related, what fighters should I use?
Should I go full meme mode and stick 6 Wanzers in that bad boy?

Attached: absolute lad.png (1041x732, 961K)

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Wanzer? You just barely built her!

>found paragon blueprint
fuck, it is so tempting to sell it

This bitch is thirsty, believe me.
I can barely keep her in ch

Got this now for those in the last thread who may have been interested. Seems to hold up pretty well with a no skills officer without feeling overpowered. Had to back off to vent twice to beat the Onslaught, which never vented in either trial I did for some reason.!NH5CTIII!T9zMGhOUMZcm0Lgco9A0IW8fBX50QX9AyvyKyGAdVNE

Attached: Base Profile Screenshot 2019.08.15 - (1920x2156, 2.34M)

Any types on my Astral loadout? Right now I'm going with 3 Daggers, 2 Cobra and 1 Flash
Would spam rockets be good to distract the enemy or focus more on defensive weaponry to keep it alive while the bombers wreck havoc?

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Based and wA.I.fu pilled

8.5/10 laugh
Any more like this?

I’d say that’s quite based, Mr. Bond

>check mods for this game
>one of the most popular ones is an anime portrait mod
of fucking course

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Are you really surprised when vanilla shit looks like I'd rather just replace all portraits with LOGH/Gundam shit.

I like the rough and gritty style

And the game is better off with it

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what the fresh hell is this error

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I do not. Don't be surprised when people don't share your opinion.

What mods are you running?

You only have yourself to blame.


>start game with a hammerhead
>do 1 bounty mission
>fly to corvus to sell off the shit i looted
>decide to fuck around the pirate station in corvus
>fly in with transponder off
>they sell 210 marines
>while their ground strength is 90
what the fuck do i do now
do i just scrape together enough money with delivery contracts for fuel production industry and roll in dosh?
i'm level 4 and my fleet has expanded to hammerhead-kite-vigilance-shepherd

Attached: ss+(2019-08-15+at+10.41.21).jpg (1479x466, 252K)

He just fixed that, redownload.

They could at least pick girls from gundam or any space show not random shit like this

Attached: 87ygUj8.jpg (1062x1165, 1.09M)

>check the thread
>he actually did

I share his opinion.

We could use more themed packs, the degenerate pack speaks for itself.

Attached: D-ExUK5XkAM0GtB[1].jpg (512x512, 45K)

Good for you, fag. It won't stop me from replacing all portraits with LOGH characters,

what kind of gear do i need to take out a pirate base?

What's the format? I'd gladly replace them with the Dungeon Meshi artists Baldur's Gate portraits.

>Vayra splits his mod into three for no good reason

Is this a good starting research composition?

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looks like she has a brainslug

More big guns the better. HE, Reapers and bomber wings will make it faster.

It's enough to kill the shieldless drones, at least.

I'd put my dick in that headpussy


Hope you have the Surveying Equipment hullmod on a bunch of those ships. Also needs more cargo space.


An edit of nexerelin

What kind of fucking audience does this game appeal to?

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>could only find acceptable systems to colonize on the extreme fringes of the sector
>constantly getting harassed by pirate and pather bases that are trivial to destroy but take 30 minutes to travel there and back
this game got real fuckin annoying quick

Attached: 1361748767833.jpg (400x350, 79K)

Nexerelin, just edit diplomacyConfig to make your own.

Where the FUCK can I find pristine nanoforge?

This is going to seem a strange comparison, but i enjoy it for the exact same reasons i play Mount & Blade. It's an open, paint the map game with varied factions and fun combat, with strange interactions to spice things up. Also, both games have varied and absurd "quests" and an early game uphill fight for luck or grind.

>What's the format?

Autists like me

>anime shit
>mod shit
yikes lad, get some taste

Is there a list of "vanilla +" mods?

Do they need to be a specific pixel count, is there a file size limit?

Dont give it heavy armor, its already very slow as it is, and its always behing your main line. As for fighters, the wanzers are good. The blizzalias(?) That transform into a fighter and have little lasers as primary weapons also work well.

Diable, Scy, ORA, Arkgneisis, Ships+Wep pack, speedup, skilledup, upgraded rotary weapons, Imperium, Shadowyards, Sanguinary Defectors, Bladckrock, HMI

>vanilla +
>all that shit

128x128 i think

I would love to turn everyone in the game into cute anime girls, but I absolutely hate how these packs use characters I already know.
It's way too weird when I suddenly bump into a kawaii uguu character who I know has nothing to do with space ships named "Henry No-Credits" riding in a giant space armada telling me to go to hell and die.

Any particular reason as for why the side guns arent in the same spot?

I dropped Heavy Armor, respecced my character to better suit carriers and slapped 6 pic related squadrons on this shit.
It's fucking incredible.

Attached: whatthefuck.png (417x653, 200K)

what mod?

You mean in my loadout? Because only the frontmost large and the frontmost medium can fire forward, and I didn't want 2x anti-shield or 2x anti-armor firing forward for either slot.

Interstellar Imperium, my man

Interstellar Imperium

The apogee has the survey mod by default.


holy fuck lads i just had an amazing yet gruelling experience in this game
>playing nexerellin, starting as pirates
>have a gremlin, buffalo and a modded phase ship from tahlan shipworks which is a pirate phase cruiser of two gremlins crudely weilded to a lasher
>it's actually a pretty good ship though, melts things up close, pic related
>accept a quest to the other side of the sector to scan a planet for 80000 creds
>get two drams, i'd rather have a phaeton but pirate shop didn't have one, and everyone else wouldn't sell to me or shoot me on sight
>get there fine enough
>scan planet, get reward
>oh shit, i've got no fuel left
>scavange what i can from the system, no derelict ship, domain probe or debris field remains untouched
>i've only got about 450 fuel when i need 800
>fuck it i'll book it
>my good side gets the better of me when i accept a distress signal 400 fuel in
>oh wow someone genuinely needs help
>runs away from me because pirate
>murder them in cold blood for what little fuel they have left
>murder all the [REDACTED] in the system too
>scrounge up around 200 extra fuel
>fuck fuck fuck fuck
>run out of fuel in hyperspace
>drift to the nearest system, luckily it's inhabited
>by pathers
>fuck it, no better choice
>go dark as i approach the station
>suddenly i get jumped by some fucking minger with a bounty
>it's a gruelling battle, i spend my remaining supplies on deployment, my gremlin gets destroyed and my flagship is badly busted
>but i won
>shamble towards the luddic station
>cmom cmon cmon i got a bunch of blueprints and an alpha core on my travels, i can't fail now
>get intercepted by pathers
>they attack on sight, no tithe required
>i make my valiant last stand as my 0% CR ship steps to the plate
>think about my life choices as my hull is shattered under holy shells blessed by ludd himself
>i fall in combat
>game over
>so long, space cowboy

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Is this some kind of bizarre bot that tries to mimic people but does a really bad job at it because it can't read posts

Is it possible for me to reignite the flames of war? I am in the hegemony but they recently just called a cease fire against the tech jews. I wasn't done fighting.. I actually don't know what to do with myself because I was roleplaying as a hegemony soldier. WHAT THE FUCK DO SOLDIERS DO WHEN THERE IS NO WAR!?

Do I just go make my own wars? Will I get kicked out of the hegemony for attack the tech jews even though there is a cease fire?

Attached: Spec-Ops-The-Line-Art.jpg (1280x720, 725K)

Remove every single faction modo this dumbass offered, disable the IBB content of Ships and weapons pack mod
There, it's good
You can add Diable, Blackrock and ORA when you start like you wanna add more factions that at least fit in somewhat

>female captains
so that's another game to ignore

>no don't mod this singleplayer game!
>implying the Conquest isn't overly situational shit.

>Astral has 7 burn
Is there any way I can make this go faster without wasting a ton of points with augmented drive field

waste a ton of supplies and fuel with an ox or two instead

such is life in sector
he was a good pirate

Such backwards thinking
Assign them to a rustbucket and send them on a suicide charge towards the enemy. Problem solved, faggot

Hmm, i'm not really fond of imperium's fighters, but i'll give it a try

6 of those babies shred Onslaughts like butter.
They're pretty good. Their shields also look aesthetic as fuck.

huh, that's very interesting.

>"just get the "I'M RIGHT HERE" billboard ship

Attached: yikes.jpg (194x260, 24K)

It's like a crossroads for M&B, space, and 4X autists. Add in the modding scene and the potential for smug anime girl space captains and you've basically got a special ed class of focused autism. Although it's not even vaguely in the same genre, I could see it appealing to the factorio crowd because of that.

nexerelin, ships/weapons pack (the IBB submod is up for debate), underworld, speedup, skilledup, upgraded rotary weapons.

Alternate version of Now with
>~230° weapons that can't hit the rear. Now you get all 8 firing wherever. I'd have made it so they all could only shoot at both sides if I could to keep them exclusively side-firing. At least you still lose more range by firing from the front.
>extra venting for extra dakka
>jets back, RIP ammo feed
>default flux:damage on shields (1.4)
>700 higher base venting to keep up with 2x the dakka being fired continuously
If you want the ship to stay in its niche role, use this instead.!MD4gTYSJ!5VqbH_O-Bwm4b_F51ljCq2-aGIFKy3VQzxHk2h7uWUI

Attached: Base Profile Screenshot 2019.08.15 - (1920x1080, 1.98M)

interestellar imperium fits better than any of those mods.

Disassemble Reassemble
Ship/Weapon Pack
Starship Legends
Unknown Skies
Vayra's Ship Pack

Dear diary.


Restoring it gonna cost me tho.

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get the drive field either way. Unless you are stupid enough to deploy the astral in combat, you should have no problem by installing the drive mod.

quick rundown on the other capitals, please. what's a good one for sniping shit other than this?

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it's very common

you can cover an onslaught or legion with long range kinetic weapons & give it integrated targeting systems

>need at least 5mil of savings to develop a colony to the point where pirates won't destroy it
>while supporting a personal fleet with crew, supplies and fuel costing 100k a month to defend baby colony
>while scavenging and doing missions will net you only about 100k a month
This seems impossible.

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I thought XIV is rare?

XIV Legions are pretty common as derelicts. Apparently for lore reasons.

the legion xiv isn't, it's a very common derelict for some reason

You're not guaranteed to find any of the XlV legions

You're also not guaranteed to find your way out of Corvus.

Actually that gives me an idea, playing through the entire game in Corvus.

the paragon has a built in unique hull mod that adds 100% range to it's weapons and can add another hull mod to add a base 200 range

I found one of those "legendary" ships with millions of people a system with toxic worlds, gas giants and other unpleasant places.ut was guarded by a single drone battleship.

I see. Well, I guess now I too got babby's first big ship.
Also, I recently bought a XIV Eagle from black market on a random planet. It was around 280k. Pristine too.

Oh yes I too agree that one shotting a capital is fine, especially with dumb lore behind the faction that lets me do it

I think I saw a face inside the gremlin's phase coil.
Am I tripping on something? or that is what the horror the crewmen was talking about.

Attached: gremlin.png (92x92, 20K)

so where do I get one of those without having to pay millions on interests for the corp?

attacking pirate bases is anywhere from 200 - 300k and certain bounties are also that much, once you have about 6 or so heron carriers with 4 screening ships that can include yourself you are able to easily take down most star bases with only the high tech ones or the massive level 3 ones remaining threatening

Eagles are good by themselves, I imagine XIV variants are even better.
I'd say it's worth the price.

>Implying that deploying an olympus is a good idea.
>Even the mod tells you that its a terrible waste of resources like the other half of the capitals the ii has.

You definitely don't need 5 mil. 1 or 2 is fine. You basically just need the first upgrade from Orbital Station and the patrol fleets to fend off pirates because they have garbage ships. 2 buildings plus an upgrade for under 1.5 mil (can't remember if Orbital Station is 250k or 500k at first. If it's 250k, you're closer to 1 mil). Then spend the rest on whatever industry you want, upgrading to megaport, and/or getting a waystation.

You could also be making more money. Stop doing shitty missions that only pay 50k for a trip across the core worlds. You could probably make much more from simple trading or optimizing your surveying/scavenging by adjusting your fleet comp for it.

Disassemble Reassemble or Stop Gap Measure for vanilla+?

Jesus, the /vg/ threads are autistic.

Hello, newfriend.

hanging out in tri tech territory will eventually get you a 200k+ bounty mission with the dude you need to take out piloting either an astral or a paragon.

As long as you also have the skill to get more wrecks you have a reasonable shot of their ship being recoverable after the fight

Where do I get this game for free so I can test it?

Any fucking torrent.
Or, just use the spoonfeeding from recent video.

watch sseth's video

Yeah I just came from there as well. Oh well, ironically Yea Forums talks about video games more in these threads

Attached: coloknee.png (939x289, 125K)

check Sseth's video on starsector

can confirm that ORA is fun as fuck
broadsides, bitches

What mod is that capital ship from?



There's only once choice. Buy an agent and have them sabotage relations between the two factions. And once more you can purge the godle- err, Domainless heathens.

i set my first colony up on 250k with cruisers, don't give a fuck man


>The 2 angry faces on each side of the ship
I can't fucking unsee that shit the moment I noticed it. It puts me off.

Foundation of Borken, or more accurately, Broken. Their ships are insane.

What's the cutest anime mod. I want to go full weeb.

I think I've 'won' this nexelin playthrough, I'll add a few mods and do a new playthrough, any recommendations?

I was thinking Diable, Arkgneisis, Neutrino and Outer Rim Alliance for more ships and then see how it goes

Wait till you make a few profitable colonies. It'll be chump change

appro light to learn the true meaning of ship superiority.

Its an Astral, not an Atlas dipshit

oh, my mistake. Either way, eat up the points needed for the augmented drive mod because your other options are to buy several oxes or slow down your whole fleet.

How do patrol battles work? If my patrol fleet has 4 Paragons, are they able to field them all at the same time whenever they fight incoming enemies?

Is it worth building more than one patrol HQ per star system?

I did, gotta have that +1 stability.

why wouldn't you. It's free stability and doesn't take up an industry slot. You SHOULD build a high command though since shitty little pickets won't stop much

More patrol HQs = More Patrols = Harder for expeditions to take your shit

Do planetary admins ever level up? Really wanted one with the +30% accessibility> Going to space this one though if they're never going to level up.

You gotta find one already at level 2, or use an AI wife

>the only music mod i found was taken down because apparently someone told the maker he didnt have the rights to a certain track but wont say which one

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play youtube in the background

I'm having trouble getting started. I can't do trade missions because pirate fleets spawn next to me in most faction systems and outrun my 6 ship fleet with their 15 and wipe me out. I've had to start from 0 about 4 times now.
Is it viable for me to just get one strong ship and go take part in big fights?

>he doesn't play this while he crusading around space

but i have the sound on and my other mods have great music
tabbing to youtube kills muh immersion

that's why it's 5hours long

you don't really need to "know" how to code. just look at how the other mods use their audios and kitbash your own audio mod from that. Or if you are lucky, ask for the missing mod in /vg/

is the doom ship supposed to be op? you can literally solo a whole fleet just by phasing and using mines

How far will you get if you use only 1 ship throughout the game?

the doom is exactly as powerful in the hands of the ai

not very, at minimum you require several support vessels just to travel somewhere else and hold your loot

man i had forgotten about this image
gave me a good kek

>trying to make a pirate run
this is fucking painful, there are no bounties, my fleet is ass, exploration missions are too far and most of the smuggling missions for reputation are dependant on luck

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>Wants to live as a pirate
>Discovers that living as a pirate fucking sucks.
What did you expect?

lots of space booty

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>Powerful in the hands of the AI
Lmao no, they are too defensive

get an agressive or reckless office.

How the fuck do I deal with phase ships

>tfw no loving succubus gf
Take me, Ludd

spray bullets at them while phased, it forces them to retreat or get too full on flux so your artillery can dick them down

>get ships I want
>lose interest in the run
Next play through
>get the ships I want
>lose interest in the run
Game really needs some sort of a hook other than ship hunting. Colonies could be it, but they're boring. Quests could be it, but I guess it'll take another decade for lazy dev to actually make some.

How do I remove luddite cell from my colony? Do I really need to destroy their base?

i think you can hire an agent and give him the order to kill the luddites.

Constant pressure. Your best option are usually lots of fighters, since they won't have a chance to phase in safely.
You can also have good weapon coverage so even if they phase in behind or beside you they'll get hit on phasing in. If your ship can't do it, have another ship protect your weak points.
In general the AI is a huge wussy when it comes to phase ships and will retreat at the slightest chance of them getting hit. For the most part you can ignore them if you have good fighter/weapon coverage. They also really, really like trying to get behind you before phasing in and hate approaching from other angles so that can help you too.

My biggest issue with giving the AI phase ships is that they're way too reckless in the safest of situations. The default AI REALLY likes to ram its face into things as it dies, probably to "Ensure" the kill. The thing is that phase ships do this despite having no shields and will kill themselves in the other ship exploding. Every phase ship I've given to the AI inevitably commits suicide in an orbital station or battleship explosion.

What do i need to have to make my invasions easier? Do i just need a truckload of marines? is having heavy armaments helpful in any way?

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Whats a good ship for overwhelming the enemy with beams? (not continuous lasers)

I really agree. I would love extremely rare loot and excursions into unknown space, like wormholes or stuff. Build a fleet just to go see what you can find

What is this?

Hey hey nigger (accessories sold separately) made a vid and gave away his key. Devs kept the key up cause they made more money in a month after it then they had last year.

Paragon or Odyssey

Trying to make the Conquest a serviceable battleship instead of some niche meme. Front two ballistics on either side fire forward. Its got a front shield that reaches 270° with a 1.0 flux:damage ratio. And the maneuvering jets got replaced with EXTRA DAKKA AMMO FEEDER because it's _______fun_______.

Lots of marines and lots of war crimes.

>big gunz
Nope. They're just items.

I was thinking something on the cruiser/destroyer tier

Half of those 'ships' look like blue magic markers.

post jams Yea Forumsirgins

Attached: House of the Dying Sun 2017-06-28 18_15_00 PM.png (1920x1080, 1012K)

Did they get rid of small arms? There was like an item a few years ago when I played that looked like a bunch of halo assault rifles... did heavy arms replace them?

Is scavenger/economic a decent start or is it gimped/advanced like trying to set a trade route on m&b? I'm about to jump on the game blind but also i don't want to fuck myself and get meme'd

Underage fanbase.

I’m trying to find the ammo feeder but I’ve had no luck.


Some meme youtube influencer meme influenced the video game and gave it a hell of a lot of exposure. Considering the game doesn't advertise at all.

why are you replying to 3h old post senpai

If you're using beams, how do you expect to overwhelm enemies without lots of slots?

Which is why the sprite rework can't come soon enough.

Attached: k59C6YB[1].png (1542x916, 1.5M)

What I was listening to earlier. Good for exploring, not so much for combat.

What? It's the activated ability. It's what the Hammerhead has.
this absolutely BASED track

I live in the past because I'm afraid of the future.

Lots of ships

there's nothing to fear but fear

You act like some of us don't sit in threads form start to end, faggot. I've replied to people posting several hours after I've made a post before. Not everyone is some Yea Forumstard with fucking ADHD.

I’m retarded, sorry.
I thought it was something like the expanded mags.


i see that diable freighter,can't hide from me jap!

Most of them look better, but some look worse, like the Victoria, just looks more fat.

imagine being this much of a loser lmao

there's audio plus

Have my seed
3 class V planets in Hera, just southeast of the core worlds, but pretty close. (The background is also really pretty)

Attached: 1562755011858.jpg (1920x1080, 450K)


those ships will just individually get swatted down by cruisers or capitals. Honestly beams aren't great, lances and pulse lasers are much better.

A seed is useless without the mod list though.

I know right? What's even better would be if someone was retarded enough to go on a site full of bored losers and then act surprised when they found them there. HAHAHAHA! Can you imagine?

Attached: 7a3.jpg (307x386, 25K)

>class V
doesn't really mean much if the resources on it are trash
>wooow +1 farmland and low hazard rating

Attached: screenshot083.png (1920x1080, 2.82M)

and the other pixelated ship is from the imperium.

Oh, shit, I didn't know that.

Attached: 1538489565162.jpg (690x639, 122K)

What is a good one for pulse lasers then?

god damn fucking hell I can't keep up with these supply costs

I already have the -25% supply upkeep and am running efficiency overhaul on all these fucking things, but still the cost goes from -5/day to -80/day as soon as I take some damage.

How the fuck, my fleet isn't even that big, makes the game a fucking chore to play

I already explored everything, research station missions don't pop up anymore but there are some weapon and ship blueprints i still don't have, how do i get them?

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The outlander from disassemble reassemble

bcuz they're being used for repairs not upkeep

raid a core planet and savescum until you get the blueprint you want

i think you don't.

Also you can drop "Fix empty planets", that issue has been fixed in 0.9.1.

Suspend fleet repairs you mongaloid

>Vayra's sector now has player-targeted bounties
Shit, now I feel tempted to restart.

Is there a reason or benefits to level rep up to 100? Right now I have rep of 100 with hegemony but what does that help me even do?

raiding really needs to be buffed in terms of loot
sometimes you get no blueprints or just like 1

Yeah, I just took a better look at their bonuses and it turns out they're not really great.

Thanks for the tip, user.

Did this game turn out alright?

Patrols won't bother you unless you straight up go to the Black Marked and clean the entire inventory

Get more cargo ships and hold more supplies.
Once you get to end game, you should 100% have a colony. A developed colony will have a humongous amount of supplies and fuel that you can purchase, so you can instantly stock up on thousands of the two whenever you visit.

You can also get bountied upon if you fail to deliver goods in the context of a contract. Not sure if it's a vanilla feature or Nexerelin, I honestly don't know with shit like that at this point.

Is it a bad idea to put planets in your colony in different systems? By which I mean I've already colonized a planet but could get other resources from some planets in a nearby system.

it's a good short game,but it's not space mounted blade

I think I'm going to start a new game, this one's too easy. I really wanna do a Salvager Pirate playthrough where I trade as little as possible and just scavenge everything i use

Attached: big.png (937x303, 136K)

It depends, are those planet that good in comparison to what you have in system?

Get to buy their shit from military markets without a commission and patrols less likely to stop you.

what else does it do? I hear its got crashing problems with nex

I'm largely looking for a good spot to get Volatiles

It looked really nice. I thought it was gonna be a sort of 3D space fighter roguelike but I stopped paying attention awhile back
This one is fine, but I think it's a bit over the top. I've been using audio plus.

If you find a rich deposit and you don't have one in system, of course, you should go for it. It might be hard to develop if it's a gas giant, though.

At this point Alex should make nexerelin part of the base game, but keep the development independent. Basically pay the dude to keep maintaining the mod.

New starting options when used without Nexerelin, including Pirate and Luddic Path starts, plus more when combined with Kadur Remnant and/or Vayra's Ship Pack
Optionally: A new and improved bounty manager with faction-aligned bounty targets, rare flagships, and more background information
Optionally: A separate manager for unique, story-driven bounties that don't expire
Optionally: A system for established factions to put out bounties on the player's head when their crimes become truly egregious
Optionally: Competing upstart colonial factions out for their slice of the galaxy
Optionally: A fix to prevent Pirate, Luddic Path, and Kadur raider bases from spawning once their parent faction is entirely destroyed
Optionally: A system to implement semi-procgen implementation of factions and hidden entities

Attached: screenshot004.png (1920x1080, 976K)

Made this a little while back, might help anons pick out/optimize their freighters.

Attached: Untitled.png (1133x763, 57K)

do you have all the needed libraries?

>pay someone to maintain a mod
>don't pay them, knowing that everybody will install it anyways because the base game is boring as fuck
Hm I wonder what he'll do

I never tried it myself, just hearsay from previous threads

Not a good idea. You get creative conflicts. It's better to have on person deciding how everything works.

Not at all. More locations means more pitstops for you to resupply.
Sticking multiple colonies in one system is mostly for defensive purposes since they can protect each other, which can be helpful early on. That and you can skip out on high command, which is basically mandatory for every colony if it's on its own.
While having your colonies in one system can be nice, it's more important to have good planets for long term growth.

I was thinking the same thing, actually. This could also apply to Arsenal expanded and some faction mods like Imperium, to be fair.

nah you go from mission to mission earning gear and adding ships,everspace is a spacefighter roguelike if you're looking for one

What I read from this is that I might want two colonies in one system to start, then expand with one or two colonies in other, relatively close star systems later?

It's still a good idea to have at least two planets per system, even if the second one is meh. At that point in the game, you should have enough AI cores to have a dozen colonies in total with your administrators, and Nex also lets you hire more the more you grow.

that's fair enough.
i don't know about that one. other than the mods that just add "vanilla ships", a faction mod throws a huge wrench to the machinnery and creates problems like the one said.

then its probably that. nexerelin needs like two or three libraries in order to work correctly. But don't worry, they are listed on the same page.

I feel as though size 6 planets and up should be guaranteed to have at least one hireable officer. I mean really, millions of people live here and not one is looking for a job?

Do you like your core worlds randomized or hand-crafted?

Multiple colonies in one system are also harder to interdict and embargo and they supply each other more easily. Trade fleets between colonies spawn in system and move in-system so they're basically never threatened.

hey, if kerbal space program made mods part of the base game(or DLC in the latest case) and hired the modders to work with them, i'm sure alex could do the same.

hand crafted for the first run and random for later runs.


Attached: portrait_pirate04.png (256x256, 100K)

I actually hate Nexerelin, I would really prefer it wasn't part of the base game.
I absolutely hate the fact that I have significantly less control over my reputation with other factions. The last time I used it, I went from being well-liked by many factions to going to war with four of them simply because my size 4 hick-farmer town of a colony was apparently accused of things like terrorist rings, criminal rings and spy plots. The random reputation swings with other colonies are fine, but there's no reason why my personal reputation should swing so incredibly hard for things completely outside of my control. My personal actions basically might as well not exist when these random reputation swings can be as big as fourty points or so. Yes, I understand that you can hire agents to improve your reputation, but that's just a huge money sink that only exists to minimize the effects of these ginormous reputation swings that shouldn't exist in the first place.
I can see the appeal of Nex if you like playing as a specific member of a faction (Since then you should expect to have specific allies/enemies anyways), and Nex does have some neat features that would be nice to see expanded that could be added to the main game (Like mining), but I absolutely hate how it handles faction reputation, and it has such a major effect on the game.

I prefer hand crafted core worlds

I tried randomized out and it just made a mess of everything. Some systems get flung too far out from the core, every system is a complete mish-mash of 7 different factions, there's no established producing/consuming systems, and aesthetically everything handcrafted looks better.

I think procedural generation might be better off if it added handcrafted systems rather than generating the entire thing.


The more ironic part of this is that Alex reportedly said he's going to implement diplomacy at some point. Kind of a shame, I quite like Nex.

guys - how to make a profitable colony?

I currently have only a 200% hazard planet with ultrarich ore and rare ore which nets me around 17k profit
I have no clue what to build on it in order to make it relevant, as it is over 200% hazard and has negative growth - which building would improve that?
I wanted to establish another colony on a habitable world but there aren't really any near my first colony (it's a volcanic world btw). How to make a viable connection between then? How the hell am i supposed to defend both of them? Should I ditch the volcanic 200+% hazard colony or what?

Attached: Base Profile Screenshot 2019.08.15 - (2560x1080, 1.58M)

all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I started a thread about a game for which no one cares


You can turn random diplomacy events for the player faction off easily.

In the config file set followersdiplomacy to false.

Go back to your smash thread.

>Own a single colony with +2 farm
>I have 20% of the food market
Do these fags not make food

What's the best way to cart around a bunch of capital ships? I like having a fuckhuge surveying/salvaging fleet with big cargo capacity but I just piss fuel out my ass all day. Should I try to get one of those supertankers or just spam the little ones?

they do. it’s just that your colony shills for your crops harder than anyone else.

No, they mostly all make war, sindrian diktat makes shellfish though for some reason.

looks like an easy fight

Attached: java_wmAmhpBKjn.png (959x590, 494K)


No option to set the diplomacy events between other factions to a much lower rate though

What does nexrelin even do, honestly?

Aside from the giant swings in diplomatic relations that makes factions constantly fight each other, there's... what?

I'm just now sort of realizing I've been installing the mod not really knowing what it's doing just because everyone said it's a must have.

They start with a water world when no one else does. Same with volatiles.

4X game features in Starsector
Factions will wage war against each other and try to conquer their enemies
Diplomacy events see faction relationships changing over time
Join a faction to gain useful support and represent them in war and peace, or start your own
Mine planets and asteroids for useful resources for trade, or some treasure
Play in a randomly generated Sector, or travel the star systems seen in vanilla and other mods

Thanks, but I don't think an option to turn it off is enough for me to want it added to the base game. If someone likes Nex then they can download it and that's great, but putting it in the base game means that every player will have to deal with it by default.


did you try installing a shitload of AI? the luddic path will investigate you for a long time before they twig onto the fact everything is unreasonably efficient though they'll start investigating you anyway eventually and you can cut resource demands quite well with the gamma cores making trade less of a problem.

>Engaged by a pirate vengeance fleet with 100+ ships
Wish me luck

Attached: ed5[1].png (201x160, 46K)

>demand for drugs is 7 needles for a normal colony
>demand for food is only like 6
Everyone is high out of their minds in the sector.

I don't own anything Nintendo. Not even shitting on a game I don't know. Just thought it was corny funny.

it was nice knowing you, m8

Refineries and Fuel Depos make the most money, Fuel makes insane money if you have a Synchrotron core.

>drugs are measured in 100s
>food are measured in 400s
is it really that hard?

That literally doesn't explain anything
Do you think I can't read the nexrelin OP either?

What the fuck does any of that actually mean in gameplay?

>how do i ogg into bin

are you retarded?


Okay, let me try this slowly:

What does
>Factions will wage war against each other and try to conquer their enemies

Mean? In gameplay? Because this already happens without Nex. What did Nexrelin actually change?

>What does nexrelin even do, honestly?
Breaks your game in subtle ways you'll only discover 30 hours in.

Factions can wipe out each other and conquer planets instead of just raiding industries like vanilla.

>Because this already happens without Nex
no, it doesn't. factions raid each other but they never ACTUALLY take control of other colonies.

I do havea a synchotron core but I still can only have 1 industry on this planet because its growth is negative. How do I change this stuff around?
Also how to use the superrich resources on it?

>Factions will wage war against each other and try to conquer their enemies
You can be a salvager/scavenger that benefits from the fights of other factions
>Diplomacy events see faction relationships changing over time
No faction can be angry at you forever and like wise, a faction that loves you can get angry at you because some of your diplomats decided to fiddle kids.
>Join a faction to gain useful support and represent them in war and peace, or start your own
you can get extra protection, a monthly salary (and enemies) at the start of your game.
>Mine planets and asteroids for useful resources for trade, or some treasure
If fighting isn't your jam, you can be a space miner/trader. It would be cool to have a refinery ship though.
>Play in a randomly generated Sector, or travel the star systems seen in vanilla and other mods
this one explains itself.

Are you really saying that
>Mine planets and asteroids for useful resources for trade, or some treasure
isn't clear enough for you as to what the mod adds?

Okay, so we established that nexrelin:
>Allows AI factions to conquer other colonies
>Randomly swings faction relations around 20-40 points with diplomacy events

What else does it do?

As far as I can tell
1. Faction reputation changes wildly, so sometimes they will treat each other differently. Some allies will start wars with each other and some factions who usually hate each other will suddenly be allies. It's actually not nearly as impactful on gameplay as it sounds though since you normally don't see the effects of war in game, but it can be kinda entertaining at times.
2.The game has more randomized map generation. This one is a little wonky honestly, since I keep ending up with very strange sectors, but it could be interesting if you want weirder sectors.
3. More starting options, mostly this is just good if you want faster or slower starts, like starting with more/less money, more/less ships, etc.
4.Mining is added to the game. It's kind of a neat idea, but it's a bit awkward. Basically if you have specific weapons/ships (Ex. Mining lasers) you can get resources from things like planets. Usually you just get junky ore so it's not terribly profitable, but you can sometimes get some more interesting items so it can be fun in that regard. The most interesting part of this part to me is that NPCs will have mining fleets, which is actually kinda cool.
5. You can hire agents/spies that can directly influence factions/colonies. A minor feature but can be kinda neat.
6. As an optional feature, you can add a "Super store" in the middle of hyperspace which sells rare items at high prices. Might be good if prefer making money over exploring the sector.
Those are the major things added that I can recall from the top of my head. Honestly the mod is pretty overrated, I definitely don't think the mod is "A must have".

>As an optional feature, you can add a "Super store" in the middle of hyperspace which sells rare items at high prices. Might be good if prefer making money over exploring the sector.
The freeport is also a blessing because you can refill your fuel tanks in the middle of Hyperspace instead of going directly into a system.

Pump money into the colony to force growth, and the resources can wait until it's larger.

okay, thanks, that covers most of what I was wondering about

Unless you use the scy faction mod. That nigger puts the spaceport in his special snowflake system and you don't get an option to put it back in its normal place or disable it.

Also the scy faction system is some bullshit. There's tons of floating wrecks, a fucking mining station, and I found a bunch of intel chips in a derelict station worth anywhere from 250k to 1 million credits

I don't mind snowflake systems that much, but they shouldn't be added stuff like this that's basically free money/early game cheats.

wait where's the freeport? I've never found it
Have the Scy faction installed

its on tartarus.

thankies from mcspankies

>tfw addicted to modding

Attached: mods.png (451x1082, 103K)

Because Prism freeport is part of Scy. It was later added to Nexerelin because it's convenient to have and avoids doubles when both mods coexist.

Here's a screenshot of the system

It's in the lower right corner of the core systems. It won't show up if you've got random sector generation though

Attached: Untitled2.png (1920x1080, 859K)

>It won't show up if you've got random sector generation though
i think in that specific case it generates on hyperspace.


Attached: java_2019-08-16_00-32-07.png (584x397, 145K)

Scy's system is fucking obnoxious. Asteroids fucking EVERYWHERE.

Well it's more convenient for it to not be in the special snowflake system and to allow the option of disabling it.

That freeport by itself is a huge buff to the player.

I like scy's ships, but goddamn that home system is ridiculous

It is not mad with you, it is just disappointed...

your first mistake was building on a 200% hazard planet

you should be aiming to start your first colony on habitable worlds with max 150% because otherwise it's going to be a huge money sink

It does, it generates right in the middle of the map in hyperspace. Probably the best place for it considering it restocks every month.

How do you change options for Nex? I didn't get many options, like for this freeport, when I started my game.

>mfw the vg thread goes to shit again

Oh my!

Human brains are evolved for facial pattern recognition. It's a big deal since we're social animals and facial features determine whether someone else wants to do anything from fuck to kill.

So that shit runs on overdrive and you can see faces basically anywhere in anything.

are there any csv editors that support multi-file/pane editing?

i'm updating several faction .csv's for a mining overhaul, and its a slog.

Attached: starsector-4x-mining.png (1031x545, 47K)

now make some yourself

Because an asshole keeps starting threads without the extra mods and pastebin info and then shitposts the everloving fuck out of the thread pretending to be angry about it.

Needs actual mod/admin attention, since the jannies are just deleting the threads made by people trying to get away from that guy

that's because its a general, in here we're actually discussing stuff and answering each other's questions.

Fuck off NGO samefag. You're the stupid nigger creating both OP's to prove your own point.

you aren't looking very hard then because it's all listed in the game start options

You fuck off, I don't even care about the mod but the mod files and pastebin deserve being in the thread.

You don't have a monopoly on deciding where and how people host their mods, dickcheese.

Maximum Comfy

Attached: 1565054367858.jpg (1177x1488, 1.08M)

>Yea Forums started off about vidya
>Yea Forums became more and more about shitposting
>/vg/ was made for a return to vidya
>all was well
>now /vg/ is packed full of bullshit threads for generic gacha crap and shitposting levels are as high as anywhere
>Yea Forums is discussing vidya again

We're doing it. We're coming full circle.

How do i increase the deployment limit and what do i to keep the game running smoothly?

Attached: 1515383710670.jpg (1920x1033, 753K)

conquer Sindria then nuke the Hegemony


...and no SS13 threads, what a coinkydink!


No really, remnant ships are amazing good, and there is nothing like seeing 30 baby fighters wreck a capital

Why haven't you increased your battle size to 1000 and fleet size to 50? You do like clusterfucks, don't you?

Its 4x spesh game, it appeals to everyone

Get fucked, you crash the fucking thread just because you can't handle people not seeing your nazi shit

dilate discorcd tranny

Cut that out you cuntrag. You're not fooling anyone.

you've got 3 millions in credits and shitty hauling/surveying fleet what do you do?

the real problem is that it's going to fuck up your deployment limit

I'm hoping that's a remnant raid fleet and you're on a station though
I've killed that many remnant defending a station with two paragons, a doom and condors supplying fighters before but it's still fucking intense

>freedom of speech triggers me
>you MUST include my list of retarded shit that nobody cares about, or ELSE
Fuck off back to the shithole you got banned from, stupid NGO nigger.

Jesus H. Christ user why are you obsessed with this fucking guy and his mod so much?

It's great

But now we're in a perverted situation where you can't talk about a game on Yea Forums too much (unless it's a AAA title...) because assholes want their smash threads and can't stand seeing recurring interest in small games like dwarf fortress, rimworld, ss13, or starsector.

Truth be told I've been here for over a decade and the imageboard format was better without any generals at all. Problem is, people trying to keep a thread on a subject alive even when nobody wanted to talk about it, and that is what eventually turned into generals.

I honest to god thing it either started as, or became, a marketing tactic by advertisers to try and keep products on the front page of the respective boards. /g/ and Yea Forums in particular feel like they are absolutely shilled to high heaven by corporations.

I didn't get banned from anything and I don't use the mod, I'm sick of assholes trying to censor and ban shit though and the pastebin and mod links are useful for people who want to host mods outside the official forum.

Why do you have a stick up your ass so much over that one fucking mod that you're trying to destroy every thread for the game with this bullshit?

Post loot, faggot!

I'm still clearing out the defenses on the probes, will post the take when done

6 cobras in astral good?

if the two spergs could get a room and kindly fuck off, that'd be appreciated.

>people trying to keep a thread on a subject alive even when nobody wanted to talk about it
People have become obsessed with the concept of community and fandoms, for a lot of people on /vg/ shit like the Fire Emblem General is the only connection to other people that have.

replace the shittiest ships for better ones, get rid of the frigates and replace them with a carrier, keep 1 mil for supplies/fuel needs.

Bit of a shit find by itself considering what I came across, but those mothership co-ords could be juicy af

Attached: java_2019-08-16_00-52-38.png (600x96, 87K)

meh. It's overkill on anything that isn't a capital and against capitals they can just shield tank the 6.

the problem is new fleet is gonna be inefficient for making money (heard that bounties are slower so im surveying and looting scrap) and storing will give me 50k in expenses from storage jews

Phase ships have a short cooldown when they pop out of phase. If you are fast, and can be near them once it happens, you unload your heaviest burst weapons into them. Bonus points for keeping their flux high, so they can't just zip away again. Carrying around a phase ship of your own for this purpose is a good idea.

Post results when you find that mothership.

Build a colony or go to corvus or masayura for free storage. Theres 1 more system with free storage whose name i forgot.

I've not yet played with mods, what are some good starters?

Not really, reapers do incredible damage but are useless if they can't get through the targets defenses

Add in longbows and broadswords to help clear out the target's shields and PD

What is the free storage in Masayura?

I wish fighters and bombers weren't so overpowered in this game

The problem is mostly that it's trivial to put a shitload of hangars in a fleet and modded ships don't help in the least when modders do things like stick 3-6 hangars on low cost destroyers/cruisers or make fighter packages with 6-10 fighters in them.

Alex should put some kind of soft restriction on the amount of hangars you can have so fighter spam is reigned in and easier to balance around. Something like 6-10 hangars in a fleet and ~3-5 fighters in a package so that PD weapons can actually handle them.

Also there's still the problem that fighters with their own missiles/bombs never run out of ammo. You're better off with 4 hangars of fighters launching missiles/torpedoes than to mount 4 missile/torpedo turrets on your ship.

IMO free storage should be removed or require an investment into building up the station in question.

>Looking at this or Rebel Galaxy for my space autism itch

My space fantasy is purely to be a dick ass space pirate. How well does Starsector support this?

Its an abadoned station floating around the Persean planet

Attached: planetkiller.png (80x80, 14K)

didn't know you can actually store ships inside these abandoned platforms thanks

Is there any way to do the base-game tutorial in nex? I've heard you can just transverse-jump out of the tutorial system and use it as a place to sell goods for insane prices.

In the sense that you can go around shooting up everyone, it's easy

In the sense that there's some actual structure in place supporting everything about being a pirate, there's nothing

what is a good frigate the ai can handle for pursuing fleeing transports? I have taken to assaulting smugglers and pirate convoys but those smaller transports can outrun even my safety override destroyers

Why though? I think that just ruins the fun and is tantamount to cheating. You may as well use a command console to give yourself free money.

Nexerelin, ships/weapons pack, underworld.

My express expectations in being a space pirate are...

>Opening comms and demanding people drop their ship and occasionally they actually do it.
>Having the popo shoot me on sight
>Some kind of space pirate hub where you can trade illiegal narcotics, only lets you in if you're a dick ass space pirate wanted by the law.

Centurions have done well enough for me just make sure you equip them decently.

Yes, also if you just turn off your transponder so they assume you're a smuggler.

Vapor with heavy armor mod, phase lance, recson v, and a pair of single-use torpedo launchers on the wingtips
Vapor is a frigate from the diable mod. It moves 175, but has a flicker core it'll use to get around that makes it even faster. Realistically it's more like a 200-220 speed ship rather than 175.

Also, you can deploy your ships to side deployment zones when fight a fleet is trying to flee. Just click on the ship you want to deploy more than once and it'll choose which side it deploys to.

A wolf is probably your best bet

but you can do so. You literally approach the fleet, open you comms and tell them to give you money, cargo or crew.

>Find another probe in the system the mothership is in
>grab it because why not
>this happens

I wish I was sitting in a casino right about now.

Attached: java_2019-08-16_01-05-27.png (352x103, 14K)

Do they ever actually do so?

Helpful tip
If you don't like the default campaign map zoom-out range, change the value in pic related.

The default value is 800, but I found 1000 feels a lot better.

Attached: Untitled2.png (537x27, 1K)

>Meanwhile at Anons ships accountants office

depends on your fleet size and maybe your reputation. i'm not sure on the last one.

>/ssg/ has turned into yet another /vg/ autism tornado
Why does /vg/ have to ruin everything? Why do generals attract such absolute subhumans every single time?

Attached: 1565131466816.png (748x758, 599K)

The valkyrie troop transports increase your attack power by 100 each. They can tip the balance when attacking planets.

ooh, and where you find that?

How do I mod the distance that detection rings show up?

I mean like, around your ship when you're flying around, you'll see a detection range of another fleet, but it fades away after a certain distance

I'd like to change it so it either doesn't fade away, or it fades away at a larger distance because it feels too close to my fleet to be useful

There's a file in data/config in the starsector folders

look for settings.json and open it with notepad++ or a similar editor and then change the values

There's other stuff you can tweak in the same file if you want to look around in it

>16 sustained burn
Give me tugs already, game.

Attached: 1536238017152.jpg (600x450, 68K)

>Pristine nanoforge
That along with the usual massive haul of assorted weaponry and generic resources made this worth it. Still have that other Mothership to check out, too.

Attached: java_2019-08-16_01-18-55.png (402x96, 50K)

Anything under 18 burn is practically unusably slow desu

There's rough and gritty, and then there's just fucking ass like that image. It looks like a monkey and not a human.

>No blueprints
Sad for you

thanks f a m

Yeah, I'm itching for the higher-end stuff at this point. Ah well. Might just raid Trihard for it, they hate me anyway.

Did they make alpha cores rarer in the recent update? I remember finding more of them before 0.9.1

The hell is a mothership?

a ship that has daughterships, duh.

>Raid diable because I want wanzer blueprints
>Get 1 shitty weapon blueprint
Make sure to savescum it

automated probe that terraforms planets

Like a survey ship, but bigger and with better stuff but better defended.
A survey ship is like a probe, but bigger and with better stuff but better defended.

I found a fucking Astral blueprint on my first probe in my current game. I love Astrals.

Domain-era Motherships are basically the motherlode (hue) of pre-collapse loot. Survey ships and probes sometimes offer the location of one.

Why not just raid them again?

raid their other planets

>all of these high quality mods
fucking hell where do I start

Nex and a portrait mod you like.

wherever you greedy little heart desires.

I'm on the Nex page and other then diplomacy what does it do?

What does mining asteroids and planets do function-wise?


So people say youre supposed to be able to see billions of stars in the night sky, but you can't because of light pollution, right?
Howcome when I watched moon landing documentaries, all those old farts kept saying when they were on the dark side of the moon they saw nothing but pure blackness? Shouldnt they have had a better view of the stars than anyone ever has?
>inb4 it was fake

Its the same reason as for why you can't see the stars on plain daylight; exposure. the sun's light is so bright that the little, tiny, far away, diluted lights of every other star gets erased.

Categorizing what I've played with:

For looks:
Green Knights
Outer Rim Alliance

For Vanilla balance:
Diable (A little underpowered)
Scy (A little underpowered)
Shadowyards (A little overpowered)
Blackrock (A little overpowered)
Ineterstellar Imperium (A little overpowered)

For I don't give a fuck about balance gimme some OP shit:
Green Knights (maybe outdated? I haven't touched it in like 1.5 years)

Right now I exclusively run combat ships with heavy PD and advanced countermeasures on all of my officers. It is absolutely cathartic seeing all enemy fighters and missiles disappear when fly too close to my fleet.

Attached: immersed in the carnage.jpg (1152x864, 37K)

The dark side of the moon is the 'dark side' not because it's out of sunlight, but because the moon is tidally locked with Earth and the 'Dark side' is always facing away from the earth, making it difficult to contact anyone on that side without communication relays, e.g. it's 'dark'.

The moon has a "day/night" cycle of about 2 tweeks, iirc.

Dark side of the moon = Side not facing Earth, not Side not facing the Sun.

Diable is most definitely not underpowered, they're just hyper specialized.

interdasting, i thought it was cause the light reflected off the atmosphere or some shit. So i figured since theres no atmosphere they should have been able to see everything clearly. And just to clarify, i didnt mean they were on the dark side of the moon, but while on the spaceship traveling past the dark side, if that even matters. Which apparently it doesnt.

adding to this, its called dark because there was no way to get a radio transmission from that side, hence, dark. why are we talking about this on the starsector thread? not that i mind, but its weird.

I got no place to ask these questions and the game has star in the title. I asked in a starcitizen thread last night and an user got mad at me :'(

I would get mad too if I sunk my money in a pyramid scheme.

Eh, fair enough. the best threads about some topic are the best when they are made on an completely unrelated board.

The moon doesn't have an actual atmosphere. What does exist is just an extremely sparse haze of dust created by interaction with solar wind, and by meteorite impacts.

How many faction mods is too much? I'm looking at the modlist and i kind of want to download all of them for nexerelin that are lore friendly.

Holy shit, I think those are battleship forever ships. How amazing that ancient spess ship creator game still manages to live on as a sprites in a starsector game mod.

Attached: randomforumships.png (808x646, 502K)

You can play as the ISS? neat.

Attached: iss.jpg (2500x1545, 475K)

Religious cults usually get upset when you bring up anything science related, yes.

because it attracts the freaks who think they can use generals to make "friends".

I mean if you want to create it out of little sprites, sure. Do note the sprites themselves are mods themselves for BF, stock sprites are neony

Attached: fuckcolors.png (653x475, 68K)

Also more pretties from BF because I can

Attached: SMscreen0137.png (774x516, 180K)

so, does anybody knows if there is a mod that adds a refinery ship? I'd like to make my mining runs a little bit more profitable.

mining isn't vanilla to begin with, if anything adds refinery ships, it'll be future versions of Nex.

>"Oh hey, we are sending this expedition to disrupt your colony, its cool right?"
>"Woah wtf you destroyed our fleet??????"

I mean, the USA didn't just suddenly grow fonder of Castro after the Bay of Pigs.

oh that sucks. Well, at least the lore of the infernus says that it was a refinery before the pirates modified it. Maybe there is hope.

man, the starsector website looks like it was made in the early 2000s. I like it

>tfw can't even buy the game because I have no way of actually paying for it

Try Vayra's Sector, it expands the bounty board so that pirates will give you bounties against other factions.

Ran some experiments. I think my hypothesis is correct, but a fleet that is "preparing to patrol" won't care if you're transponder is off. So you can just waltz up to a planet to do illegal trading if they aren't actively patrolling.

Literally using this to get fat stacks of cash by running everything to Luddic Path since their routes are garbage

Attached: source.gif (500x361, 1023K)

>mfw I just realized your colonies can trade with each other and you don't have to build mining, refining, and heavy industry on the same planet

Attached: 1545777347943.jpg (188x282, 21K)

Pather Patrols don't care if you have a transponder on or not, user. They're likely to run away from you if your fleet isn't absolute garbage.

I've been looking at it, too. You also don't get the transponder off penalty unless they catch you, even if they have already started chasing you (that one is pretty obvious). They also won't chase you if they saw you enter a planet without transponder, and then see you leave the planet with the transponder quickly turned on.

Oh, I didn't mean the pathers. They tend to run away regardless.

I've gotten it where a fleet that is just ready to enter the "patrol prep phase" watched as I went in and out, transponder off the whole time

I think you are reffering to the -1 penalty for "trading on the black market". That one you get always, I was talking about the -6 whenever the picket catches you. If you are quick enough in turing the transponder on when leaving the planet, or get to the gravity well before they catch, you will only get the -1.

If your fleet is big enough, they'll avoid you altogether

Had a look at ApproLight mod pack. The good news is that the primary keys for the most part are in English so running a quick machine translate plugin should yield some legible yet hilarious descriptions. Might do it myself but the retarded forum mods will never let me publish that.

Is more than one High Command per system redundant?

quick rundown on Sylphon?

Does raiding a colony with heavy industry give blueprint packages or just a blueprint for one thing?

whats the best way to get blueprints?
I hear just going into the fringes is a good place to start.

They'll soon be coming to me as Ludd incarnate with how awfully bad they need my shit

Attached: Capture.png (363x777, 97K)


I did get most of my blueprints this way. Mostly from research stations, mining stations, and vast ruins. I only have a fourth of the sector left to explore so I've been thinking of farming blueprints via raiding.

Research stations

Attached: ss.png (843x794, 333K)

The ships and weapons seem balanced on face value, but I haven't fought with/against them extensively to know for sure.

From a lore/setting standpoint it's a garbage faction. All I need to see was one of their planets with a whole bunch of alpha/beta cores installed and everyone you talk to is an AI.

It doesn't fit the setting at all and I'm really close to removing them from my mods list entirely.

Rakia is one of the most broken ships in the entire game right up there with the Doom. The Equilbrium packs a fucking punch for it's DP price. Their logistics ships are way better than the vanilla ones. Everything else is just better but a bit more expensive than vanilla.


fucking hell a dreadnaught a bunch of battlecruisers

Attached: Base Profile Screenshot 2019.08.16 - (2560x1080, 1.37M)

and an apt portrait

>want a diable fleet
>they get eliminated in just two years
>no bounties to farm and salvage
I'm actually jealous.

Take scavenger and explore random systems.

If you have Nex installed, just colonise/steal a planet and give it to them. You can revive a dead faction that way.

take a look at black holes system, there is a lot of shit at the edge of the event horizon, some people have said here.


Attached: 1553998804450.gif (350x300, 1.99M)

I've been invading pirate bases with heavy industry and giving it to them. No bounties from them still so I'm tempted to start raiding them.

It should be fine no matter how many, the game handles new factions well.

Any problems with factions wont come from conflicts between mod files, it will be because the mod file is poorly made like Neut Corp.

Find a military base one, so you can open that market.

>Yeah, I'm itching for the higher-end stuff at this point. Ah well. Might just raid Trihard for it,
Do you not have scavenger 3

It gives you more blueprints than you can use

>download console command mod
>use it to give myself every single blueprint, including all of the Imperium, Diable, Blackrock, ORA and Neutrino hulls and weapons
>sold them all to the pirates
And now, we wait.

Which skill is better for damage at level 3, Targeting Analysis or Ordnance Expertise?

Speaking of, is there any difference between selling to the black market or to the pirates specifically?
At least for them getting upgrades.

No difference, normal and black give blueprints to that faction.

>user's got a deathwish

Maybe I missed a tutorial or something but is there any way to save your fleet loadout? I'd like to have one saved for my exploration/salvaging fleet and another for my battle fleet.

Seems more like a better Apogee than anything I expected.
And, is it bad if I use a carrier with limited range if I just want it to for interceptors and fighters to defend my fleet?

Attached: screenshot019.png (1366x768, 966K)

yeah when you're in the refit section you can customize a ship and save its specific loadout so you can throw it on another ship.

unless your talking about fleet comp.
in which case maybe mods?

I meant the whole fleet comp. Thanks though.

What I do is use 2 planets that are next to each other as storage. One has my salvage/exploration fleet, the other has my combat fleet.

I wish free traders allowed drugs I understand banning harvested organs as by definition they violate the NAP.

Good idea. Guess I'll do this until a mod comes out or the feature is introduced officially.

flying while high and running into other ships is a violation of the NAP

What buildings actually consume harvested organs?
What buildings make them?
I found cryopods in one system and it says they can be used for a colony in-system, what can they do? Just grow my population?

the ordinance ability effects more things but both of those abilities stack, especially with targeting analysis level 3 ability

colonize planet
build corpsicle thawer
get huge boost to popgrowth


Attached: tempting.png (3024x2268, 2.41M)

I hope it eats you.


Attached: wewlad.png (1920x1080, 967K)


Attached: escape.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

Did you remember to scan for extra salvage? You can sometimes get some more blueprints.

Anyone know how to tell what you're getting from tech salvaging, or whether your ruins are tech-salvaged-out? I swear there was an indicator for that somewhere?

I wish there was a way to increase actual max burn.
I could realistically get to like 26 burn if it wasn't for that pesky cap.

>50 supplies

Attached: images.jpg (285x177, 5K)

The description changes as it gets more and more stripped out

Attached: 1559062759188.png (465x512, 224K)

Each month you get a notice alongside your income of what items were added. In that contains what you got from tech salvage.

>the absolute fucking state of /vg/'s thread
holy shit
do we talk about the game here? is this the safe spot?

Thank you, Captains.

I was too scared to stay there at all, I went in on emergency burn and just kept fuckin going.

It was fine bro my crew are used to showing up to the nearest core world exactly as I run out of supplies so they only go hungry for like.. 12 hours..

There is already one. Ask the dude that posted on the thread, I'm playing with it right now.

dont talk about /vg/ here we actually talk about the game and have been for a couple of weeks

Yes. Talk about the game here. Let the /vg/ niggers sort their shit out

Invalidated already you ignorant nigger. Go read a book

You can scavenge while in pause.

Is there any reason to keep a tech-mining industry up if the mine is stripped?

yo whats with all the hostility

>is there any reason to keep operating a mine if the mine has been stripped clean?

Attached: shit.png (501x304, 4K)

I read somewhere that it still produces income.
I guess not.

What's the best method for fucking up a ludic path base?

It does but it's basically fuckall, rip that shit out


Anyone who shit talks Diable ships clearly havent used their carriers/fighters holy shit I was able to clear a high risk system completely by bringing 4 carriers and a pandemonium and have 15 fucking wanzer squads that kill everything


Well yeah, fighters are the part of Diable that's OP
Some of their weapons and ships underperform otherwise

That's where diable goes from weak-ass underpowered to OP as fuck

Their wanzers have the firepower of frigates. Once you start using carriers and wanzers you will destroy everything with diable.

It's the ships that don't lean on wanzer spam which suck unfortunately

>do a mission to survey a remnant probe
>gives me information for ruins
>go to system with the ruins
>get an Alpha Core
>500k money
Well shit. What do I buy? I'm flyin' a Hammerhead right now

get a small/med freighter, salvage rig, and a fuel tanker so you have more fleet versatility

>Selling an Alpha core
You disgust me

Easiest way to increase pirate rep to neutral? I've been doing every pirate exploration mission that comes up but it's not reliable.

Prisoner extradition is the easiest way to gain rep with anyone.

Is that in vanilla?


>playing vanilla
Oh no no no no no no hahahahahaha

new threw please, the /vg/ thread is still shit.

do that and buy large quantities of stuff from them

you sold your waifu into slavery to buy fucking ships?

well, if you want to go fast and smuggle shit to make more money, the pirate variant of the falcon is the only cruiser i'm aware of that can hit 12 burn, and it's fast as fuck on the field, too
it makes a decent flagship for a smuggling fleet

however, it's absolutely undergunned compared to, like, every other cruiser
but it's also cheap as fuck to deploy, at just 15 points, where most cruisers are 20-30 points

If you want to sell cores, go to a tritachyon base and turn them in instead.

I feel like I made a mistake selling the Alpha Core for some quick bucks now.

You did, user, you did. Some other faction is going to tie her up and use her to enhance their planets. You fucked up.

oh yes, it's one of the rarest items

Oh no.
Does she have a sister I can care for? What will the Perseans do with her?

If you must sell Alpha cores at all, and don't do that, give them to a Tritachyon person, they bay 3x normal price for them. Note, give it to a person, don't sell it on their market.

But in truth? Save alpha cores. Horde them somewhere secret, and use them when you start making your own colonies.