Ys VIII is free this weekend on Steam, do you think it's possible to complete it before the offer ends?

Ys VIII is free this weekend on Steam, do you think it's possible to complete it before the offer ends?

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>it's true
holy shit

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Yes. It took me 37 hours to clear the entire game on my first try.

It's one of the longer Ys games. But It's still an Ys game. You could probably knock it out over a weekend or so yeah. I think it only took me somewhere around the 40 hour mark. And that's just me taking my time and trying to do as much as I could.

>40 hours over a weekend
Even if I have nothing to do I don't think I can manage 12 hours in a day, I need to take breaks. How do you guys do it?

By buying the game and playing for 3~4 hours a day.

if you blaze through without stopping to do optional stuff then yeah probably

the "optional" stuff isn't really optional if you want the true ending though

Did they fix the PC port? I was actually wanting to buy this but was just gonna get it on PS4 instead because supposedly that version has fewer problems.

Are the Ys games fun? They seem incredibly simple. Kind of like how shmups survived despite changing very little, it looks like these games came out of the NES era with very little changes. It's all just dpad movement and mashing 1-3 buttons.

I can go for like 4-6 hours if Im into a game.

I bought it on PS4 because the PC port is very barebones and offers nothing over the PS4 version while being digital only.

It's playable. As in. It won't crash to desktop on you at least. But it doesn't matter too much which version you play.


I have it pirated on the vita, haha
It’s any good?

the ending you get is determined based off total affection of the castaways and you get affection by doing their sidequests and giving them gifts

>start on inferno
>get btfo pretty often

I like it. It's really comfy.


It's one of the best games I played in 2018. The soundtrack's an absolute banger as always.

Is it temporary free or "free" free?

Is it just a cutscene at the end or am I missing on boss fights and dungeons if I don't do filler stuff?

weekend free

From my understanding, there are 3 different styles of gameplay.

Bumper Car Era where you run into enemies to kill them, Action Platformer Era where you play a more fast-paced Zelda-like game with jumping and most recently the Teammates Era where you switch between 3 different active playstyles in 3D environments for action.

I've only played the first 2 styles personally but they're a joy if you've got the patience for some really challenging boss fights.

you're missing a small dungeon and true final boss, not to mention having an ending that actually doesn't end like shit true ending ends arguably worse

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Damn. I mean, that's still cool but I got Amnesia the Dark Descent for "free" free and I'll never complain about that.

Okay. This is all in the vita version too, right? I heard that was missing something.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that maybe try avoiding Ys III Wanderers of Ys (the 2D platforming one) since its heavily inferior to the remake that came out years later (Oath in Felghana).

Why does every bluehair have to suffer in Ys?

The Vita versions are missing the Dana dungeons aka the best part of the game if you're an oldfag

I cried like a faggot at the end, she got shat on by life really hard.

You can it's like 30-40 hour game, you can just download it and use goldberg steam emulator (look it up on google, the thing is on gitlab) to play it afterwards

Friendly reminder; if you have the game open when the free weekend ends at 1 PM PST, you can still continue to play it until you close the game. This can get you a little extra time on Sunday if you need it.

Start from Ark of Napishtim and then play in release order.

At least Dogi comes out of the games alright. Seems to be only blue haired heroines that get draw the short straw.

they are simple and straightforward games, but a bit more complex than dpad+3 buttons.

ys 8 gameplay is based around moving around, hitting things, guarding and dodging things that try to hit you and spending magic points you get by attacking on stronger attacks, and spending a second magic point you get with stronger attack on a super attack.

Unless you do nothing besides playing the game I don't think so. It's much longer than the previous games.

Not sure if this is new to anyone, but playing Ys games on an arcade stick multiplies the fun factor by like 8. Give it a try if you have one laying around.

Best one didn't stuffer much

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But that's not Dana.

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Hey Kraut, Activate Windows.

breaking news:

every game ever is free all the time on thepiratebay

fuck I hate normies you guys made me so mad I just threw my metal evangelion mug from japan down but it hit me in the balls and it actually hurt

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Is this game playable with an arcade stick? I built one only to find that I will never be good at fighting games.

But user, Falcom needs your money to make more poorly animated cartoons.

That's true but I like to support PC gaming.

By the way, where are you pirating your shit? The pirate bay is lacking, a Spanish site I use lacks many games and fitgirl lacks older games

It's about 40-50 hours long, it's not impossible but you'll probably have to pissbottle it. The game's pretty mediocre outside of the soundtrack, honestly.

Game is amazing my bros, go try it.


I'm not going to the listen to the opinion of vapid females who play video games by sticking joysticks up their cunt and leaning in whatever direction they want the character to go

Nothing is free

Dogi is such a bro.
prove me wrong. walls can't.

I just want more Brandish remakes, man.

I'm a man but if I was a female I would indeed play games that way.

I dunno, you can definitely get the occasional free game on Steam. Beggars can't be choosers but it does occasionally happen.

>just steal the games lmao


Remember not to cry about the game crashing if you're running anything other than Windows 10. It's been known to be unstable on those for over a year.

They tried and gave it their best. NISA fucked it up beyond repair and the guy working on it gave up halfway.

i have 3 free days

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if you play the game for free on steam you are also stealing it

remember to suck the developer's dicks or you're a thief

>giving NISA money

If I buy all their games they'll make Zwei 3 someday, r-right?

Can confirm. Shit crashes at the drop of a feather on my laptop with Windows 7 but runs flawlessly on my desktop running Windows Server 2016.


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Only if you buy more of Rean's games.

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They're not bad, but they're very overrated. Don't expect any depth you normally would from a good ARPG.
Ys is more like a shmup or something, especially at higher difficultues it's all about flawless execution and dodging bullets and other attacks, except bosses aren't really designed well and hitboxes of everything including yourself are all over the place.

I can only speak for the ones before Seven though. The newer ones might be really good.
The ones with the most tight gameplay design are definitely Ys I and II.

I put off playing Ys for the longest until an irl friend convinced me to try his copy of VIII. That music was a great way to start the game. I’m looking forward to playing the rest of the series.

Maybe after the proper sequels to Xanadu Next and Gurumin.

>and II

Eh, I didn't like Solomon Shrine so much and bosses turning into "fireball to win" wasn't my favorite thing either. I's legit but I'll gladly take isometric Ys over II.

well, memories of Celceta is shit anyway.
Dawn of Ys, heck, even Mask of the Sun is superior.

>haven't bought and played seven or celceta yet
>dana is finally on sale for a more reasonable price

guess i'm playing dana before the others

pls enjoy.

dana's not a bad place to start. it's definitely the one with the most quality of life stuff. kinda feels like a modern game.

the game took me a little over 20 hours to casually beat.
probably another 10 doing everything.

I don't know, man. I enjoyed it. Only thing that brought ut down for me was the constant 'enter new village, hear problem, complete dungeon' cycle they kept doing, and the village introductions brought down the otherwise excellent pace

Speaking of Celceta is there any news on Kai coming west?

Yeah, you've got a point.
II gives you magic and it's all you can use from that point on. And again the challenge is really only that the controls don't allow aiming without running into that direction too, so setting up shots without getting hit is just annoying.

to me the experience got horrendous thanks to the soundtrack.
I want a good blend so I can keep pumped up while playing.

>barely any humanoid boss fights
why the fuck did every villain have to transform?

Playing through Oath of Felghana and beat 5th boss. So far I think it's pretty overhyped by fans since the old series. Music is so bland, especially compared to the other Ark-engine games, the boss theme especially. Doesn't get me pumped or excited at all. Bosses are fun and hard but I liked Origins' bosses better that the same point in the game. Finally beating Nytilgyr with Yunica the first time is something I'll never forget.

oathboomers are a plague upon the franchise desu. The final boss is pretty good though

the reach garland.
literal suffering but great song.

I'm similarly far in and that's the impression I got too. Gyalva especially is peak trashy Ys boss design. It's probably worsened because I play on Nightmare too.

he was easy as fuck to me.
I rather had problems with the second Chester fight, Istersiva (incredibly bullshit), the Death Faleon, Garland and to some extend Galbalan.
played on Nightmare, too.

That's the dragon right? Definitely raged at that boss quite a few times.

Also, I think I like Origins boss fights better as well but I do have nostalgia for the SNES version of the Oath in Felghana story and would say I prefer the old OST more.

He is definitely the worst out of the first 5 bosses fought. But it's matter of watching out for his charge attacks to gtfo to the side and dodging his fireballs.

>all three main girls are top tier
How did they do it?

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I am still puzzled why this hailed so highly - I played the first hour and it just felt like a typical low-budget JRPG.

Is the story any good?

I've been playing this all summer during the weekends for about 4-6 hours every day and probably will finish it this weekend. Stellar fucking game, wish I could have saved Eternia though

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eternia might be dead but at least you saved Dana

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>get cucked from your main girl Dana by a scarlet vision
>fall back on your side girl Laxia
>then your daughter says this
My peanus weanus has become the big PEANUS WEANUS

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God, Sunshine Coastline is some good shit.

Doing a run on inferno sounds like a neat idea, maybe I'll do that for this weekend deal.

Play it and find out, fool.