My boyfriend just broke one of my fucking controllers because I beat him in Street Fighter. Why are fucking people like this?
My boyfriend just broke one of my fucking controllers because I beat him in Street Fighter...
Other urls found in this thread:
he should break your fucking face next
Rape him
>My boyfriend
You fucking faggot
Doesn't that faggot realize that those cost like 70 dollars?
have sex
That's what you get for dating a nigger.
>Street Fighter
OP is a fag
No. Who hurt you
Have sex, or actually don't. I wouldn't want the escort to end up in a bodybag.
Only people with the self control of a toddler get angry enough at games to break shit.
>my boyfriend
go LARP somewhere else faggot
You know what we used to do with homosexuals, before Jewry normalized it through cultural marxism? We drowned people like you in swamps. Because you're a defective lifeform, unwanted by Nature.
Read this:
You must be a blast at parties
Because this is a gay and fake thread, I'll go ahead and proclaim my adoration for the one and only, little Princess Sparkle
What if it's a woman you autist
>roleplay thread
Why does twitter attract so many faggots?
I do this, but don't know why.
This year I've broken
>5 controllers
>2 keyboards
>3 mice
>A monitor
>2 hedsets
>A table
good post, brightened up my shite day
Pozz him as revenge. That should be easy since you're a faggot.
Stop being a sperg
My brother broke his mouse and keyboard raging at Fortnite. He's 33
I broke my mouse and keyboard raging at Yea Forums. I'm 28
>what if the sky was green?
No actual women read Yea Forums. The ones claiming they are trannies/gays. Femanon's stay on /ck/ where they belong. Keep up.
Did someone tell you to have sex?
Because people like you let them get away with it, you retarded fucking gutter slag. Dump him.
Was about to post this. Stupid fucking OP
disown him
Why are you guys so hostile whenever one of us women mentions that we have a boyfriend?
>implying it's a woman
you can. every time you get angry, just don't. it's that simple. stop and think about the fact that you're getting emotional over pixel-toys. would someone you look up to or respect get angry over video games? frustration is one thing, legitimate anger to the point of destruction is another. you just have to stop and think. i used to get unreasonably angry at games too, coming from a competitive player who competed in a few leagues and had actual money on the line. they're just games though, save that energy for something important.
everytime you're angry just stop and think about how dumb you look. the only person you're hurting by breaking your shit is yourself. 30 seconds of rage isn't worth $60
kinda reminds me off something that happened when i used to see my cousins every other week and play xbox at their house
i only owned play stations 1-3 at the time, but used my money to buy an xbox game so we could all play
younger cousin is like in the 3rd - 5th grade or something, obsessed with parkour. he accidentally kicks over the xbox with the game in the disc drive and it shuts off. my other cousin slammed the controller into the ground, assuming his xbox was broken now
turns out the xbox was fine, controller sustained no damage, but the fucking disc i bought was rendered unreadable.
i wish you fags would stop replying to bait threads and learn how to reverse search or even better just not fall for obvious bait in the first place
>street fighter
>possibly sfv
I'm glad that controller is broker. But yeah what a dumb fuck
Kill yourself retard Im willing to bet you think more about male sexuality than the average faggot you absolute autist