I can't stop playing EDF 5
I need help
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No sense, you aren't playing enough if anything
man i fucking love Fencer
No illegal immigration allowed
I am a little disappointed with the fencer look in 5.
i fucking love HAIL missiles
so satisfying
Why inferno droptable ranges look so fucked gor the main missions?
Gonna need to find a good mission fir max out the Hellflame revolver, the base delay us atrocious but the range, oh boy
How do DLC weapon drops work on mission pack missions if you haven't bought the DLC? Do they just not drop or can you get them but not equip them?
Humans are allergic to water
Boy am I glad this game doesnt have a map that is surrounded by water anymore.
DLC2 Fun island doesnt count
thanks user
I think you get them, but they appear red on loadout screens?
This is clearly the mortar team
It used to be worse in 4.1. You could get level 0 trash or something on early inferno stage.
Is there a Spritefall above maximum?
>GPU died so can't play EDF
Kill some frogs for me
There's destroy which fires lots of weaker shots in a huge area and the final shooting mode.
We can duck and cover.
The DLC missions suck. They should just release a level editor instead, I'll even buy that over this shit
EDF games could really use a firing range that lets you swap weapons in the middle of it to test shit out. I end up always just finding something I like and sticking with it for awhile to alleviate the need to have to keep entering/exiting a mission to try things out.
DLC2 missions are ass and are just a case of unfair difficulty challenges. They didn't bother to try and attempt to do a difficulty curve.
The DLC2 missions is just half the missions have a bunch of spawners with very little HP to what they are supposed to have, even the nests, because they want to trick you into thinking the usual method of just killing all the spawners quick is a good idea when in fact killing the spawners just adds even more shit to handle plus the waves of enemies spawned and not taken care of.
In short its gay and unfun and minimal effort was put into these DLC missions compared to 4.1.
Most DLC2 aren't hard, they are just never fucking ending
>spend 50 minutes doing the mission in the euro city with patrols that just never ends
>when mission is finally almost done a fucking golden ant out of nowhere rush and shotgun me for 100% of my hp
Or i really dunno how DLC2 missions works for them taking this long
Firing range seems like a no-brainer, I dunno why it isn't included with how many fucking weapons there are. I think Sandlot has started getting lazy. They need to shelve this franchise for now if D3 will let them.
I wanted a Last Bastion 2.0
What long range WD weapon is recommended for the 110 turrets?
Needs to be fucking long range, or other classes?
>DLC1 underground mission inferno with the waves and chokepoints
>Flame Revolver+Shield
Shit retarded comfy until the ayys with their flamethrower show up snd the 40 meter range of the DC2 start feeling anemic, but the Hellflame doesn't wsnt to drop
The most fun missions in these games are the ones you have a bunch of allied NPCs vs a fuck load of enemies, you cant say I am wrong.
also remove caves
Closed Laser on hard, Monster on hardest+
Closed laser isn't actually that bad, the rest of her gear is just OP
>remove caves
play depth crawler flame user
>only using depth crawler on cave missions
>not using it on hive missions
Please just let me sprint up small slopes and over rubble, I have died shamefully too many times to getting stuck in the city maps, let alone that fucking industrial park shithole.
No this isnt me complaining about them being difficult or annoying, just boring. I play everyone and I dislike them as any class, boring to look at and half the the time result into shooting into some funnel.
I mean if you have fun doing that cool but the KM6 strafe runs destroys the nest and bees as AR for minimal cost, no friendly fire danger with it too really.
>pulse rifle
>drains all your energy instant
>fires for 60 seconds straight
>stunlocks you if you shoot any surface within 20 meters
>but it stops an incoming swarm dead in its tracks
>multi-shot version can crowd control an entire battlefield
What a fantastic gun
Alright fuckers it's time to post your lobbies. I'll start.
Yea Forumsaliant infantry
Mission 40+ but I'm grinding that progress so expect to do missions a few times over.
Stardust Cannon.
>Do this mission with a bunch of random
>We fuck up and end up doing a last stand in one of the upper tunnel
>Me and another fencer are burning the entrance with hellflame, 95% die trying to get to us
>have to finish the remaining straggler in the center of the cave
>I stop firing
>Wing diver gets burned to death by the second fencer
>Second fencer go for the res
>A spider has jumped near the second fencer
>I immediatly burn it, along with the second fencer
>Ranger start running into the tunnel
>Get burned by my flame despite being 5 meter away
>I dash toward the ashen remain of my group to res them
>Get killed by a spider
Did it just died.
I want to play some DLC 1 or 2 inferno, anybody up for it?
i agree, it's not ugly and doesn't look bad by any means but it's a bit too chunky for my liking
4.1's fencer armour was smooooth
If buyfag sure.
>those pipes on the ground that can't be destroyed no matter what
>the pipes running overhead the roads
>caliban gets stopped by them
Ok, DLC buyfrog room is up vdf, rage
I think you can join if you don't own the DLC, but don't quote me on it.
Skipped leg day a bit though imo.
pirate lobby going up
name: benis
hard mission 106
gonna kill pepsiman and probably won't be here for the rest of the weekend
>not repelling the ayys with a hard hat and repurposed construction equipment
I still don't know how to properly use them. By the time I get one that's upgraded enough to warrant using, it's already outleveled.
Don't forget to bring Barga.
Never be afraid of using "outleveled" equipment on WD. That just means it's operating at an energy discount.
Is there a good use for disruptors? I know you can circumvent the full discharge by switching weapons but anything that can't be reloaded at all feels like a wasted slot.
In single player probably but playing online in a full room with the scaled HP enemies but no scaled ammo or damage for it makes it trash.
Do flame weapons penetrate? It always seems like they do but there's no PT attribute on the menus.
This doesn't really impresses me user
Yes, they do. Also, thunder weapons like bolt shooter and thunder crossbow also have unlisted penetration.
Are any of the artillery weapons worth using? I never see them equipped or talked about.
They're slow as shit compared to bombers / satellites and hard to be precise with.
Request Artillery you mean? You can one-shot Queen Ants on Hardest with Cannon D, haven't used the others as much
if you are talking about the AR call ins no
but actually yes if you are doing 500iq meme strats with helicopters where you jump out of them, throw the thing and then get back in all in like a second before you fall
The good thing about the pulse machine guns is that you don't have to charge it all the way, since it only affects the amount of bullets you'll shoot. It's best on missions where you mostly face small ground monsters.
I've only ever used these on the first shield bearer mission, since it's a short one.
>500iq meme strats
i'm gonna have to "borrow" a ranger's chopper and try that shit out
what? you can do it on your own AR helicopters
also desu its easier doing this with bombers anyway since there is no throw animation to wait out
>AR helicopters
The Cannons are the single most devastating attack in the game bar none and fucking nuke anything that it actually hits, too bad the actual use cases for it are exceedingly scarce.
i'd use them despite the huge delay as potential time can be accounted for anyway if I could target them like bombers
What are the Spine Blasters even for? It's just a weak as shit laser that can penetrate enemies?
>Flying frogs divebombs you as you are firing explosives
>You forgot about inertia so the rockets crash onto the floor and kill you
>An NPC flies in front of you as you fire a heavy mortar
>A drone banzai's you as you fire explosives
Fencer is nice but god damn can you get fucked at times.
They're good because they stunlock multiple enemies at once via penetration, and they don't lose damage as the magazine gets fired. They only lose range, and they're typically usable down to the last bit of energy. Decent as a sidearm against ants and rollers. Like most kinetic weapons, you shouldn't use it as a primary weapon, just as a backup in case you hit zero energy.
>fire HAIL at tadpoles
>tadpoles now divebomb you and your team with explosives tailing behind them
I've made a huge mistake.
pirate lobby still up
name benis
HARDEST mission 2
Fresh autism, autocannon DPS at point-blank and max range. Again take with a pinch of salt, this is the theoretical limit of single target DPS and assumes all shots land.
Everything seems so low compared to WD numbers.
That's partly because WD weapons are far and away the most powerful in the game and also because I'm factoring in reload and spin-up to give the average DPS you would get for real if you just held the fire button down. To do a similar thing with WD weapons you would need to factor in time for charging up and energy regen or something, it probably gets a bit fuzzy.
The whole game looks like a joke if you compare it to Phalanx numbers, but nearly every weapon in the game is more flexible than WD's biggest DPS hoses. Phalanx can't realistically be fired more than a couple of times without landing, and lances involve dodging/tanking ranged attacks for a long time. Every increase in range is an increase in flexible, safety of use, and ease of use. That's why WD close-range weapons are designed to be one-clip kills on nearly everything. Fencer can safely tank behind his shield with flamer, or bounce around in the air at range with his gats, they're a lot more flexible.
I'd like to see DPS per energy table, just to find weapons that are somewhat balanced.
Is there one for cannons?
Anyone knows if there's a way to transfer saves between steam accounts? I somehow lost mine and copying the files from a friend's save crashes the game.
>Phalanx can't realistically be fired more than a couple of times without landing, and lances involve dodging/tanking ranged attacks for a long time
I really hate this. I wanted to make a lance wielding warrior mother fucker, but late levels do not work with this because WD has no real options for defense, and it's always more efficient to use one of the other WD weapons to take out multiple targets.
1 slot open
HARDEST mission 10
the game saves the steam account number in it so you would have to hex edit that
Are you a ketchup or a onions sauce kinda guy?
Are helicopters actually good?
There is, you might be disappointed with how much lower they are in general than cannons though, level for level.
Mortars not covered yet because I think single-target DPS is a bit too reductive to be a useful measure of their strength.
If I remember to fucking upload it.
Here's the electric weapons, which are good all-rounders for WD. Some of the thunder crossbows will be overvalued because they shoot in a wide spread, so don't be tempted by their numbers.
I figured it'd be that but is there a guide or some easy way to change it?
2 slots just opened
>In order to join Hardest[...]
Also I totally forgot, fencer autocannons let you dual-wield.
Then again cannons come with PT, no damage falloff and hit from way further than the effective range of any autocannon so actually they would probably compare pretty favorably if you looked at the average of the point blank and max range DPS for autocannons.
Cool, thanks
Anyone up for inferno?
Okay, finally got lances autism done. It's not pretty, but I think it explains why I think power lances are so fucking strong.
Also, there's extra firing time on the multi-shot lances, but I can't find a good way of correcting for that, so just assume they're slightly overvalued on DPS
This is pretty cool, thanks for doing these.
Nvm, they fire at 60/s, like the rest of her guns. Here's the corrected version, though all the changes were single digits in the DPS.
Np. It's nearly compulsive for me, so I'm glad someone is enjoying them.
Will sarge ever take me to a safe place?
Will DLC3 come out before EDF6?
>play first missions after gathering some weapons
>lady operating the spritefall asks you for coordinates in a seductive voice
>same lady seconds later in an angry tone
>'why does a civilian know about this line?'
>rinse and repeat 8 times during the same mission
The dialogues in this game are so priceless
Post WebM
fly low to the ground and shoot just over parallel to the enemy. don't be a pussy raider choppers are cheap
N I C E!
Wow, rapier is better than I thought it would be.
Please respond, I don't want to start from 0 again nor resort to cheating.
What the hell is onions sauce? This looks disgusting.
I think I've found the HQ of those damned immigrants.
Hey, look at that lobby! It looks...weird.
Mission 79 hardest, bit of jumping for completion, maybe a little inferno, maybe a little DLC
Buychads, lootbros, retards as long as you can follow simple instructions
NO LIMITS, 80% completion
I want to buy an edf game for PS4 to play couch co-op with my friend.
Should I get 4, 5 or Iron Rain?
Not for long.
Coquerico is the noise french rooster make, user
is this the safe place sarge told me of?
>iron rain
4.1 and 5 are both great. If you plan on playing both games start with 4.1 as 5 has alot of QoL changes that 4.1 lacks, you wont be able to go back to 4.1 if you start with 5.
What's the stage to farm Plasma Big Cannon? Not the M2, the M2 sucks. I recall getting it very early on. Its base radius of 16 blows out any other big weapon for WD where I'm currently at (mission 42).
On that note, where do I farm the base lance for WD? None of the other lances are as satisfying except for the Power Lance LD.
Drop weapon tab should give you a range of viable missions
Yea Forumsdf
Mission 42 (the one where we save the Yuropoors)
password: rage (I'll filter out the normos for today)
Nice! spam a MUST
Please (you) me if you want to join, gotta close the lobby for a bit but can put it back up
Ah fuck it, I'm making a piratefag lobby
>Starting from level 1 on hard mode
>No Illegals Allowed
>Password is benis
I don't quite understand. This is for normal settings, and it's telling me starting at stage 23 I have a chance to get a level 0-7 weapon?
Send word if open.
Yes, normal drops are very bad, and you don't get improved weapons over previous difficulties until level 50. It's better to go to early missions you can do easily on hard than to do higher missions on normal.
2 slots open still
I see. Thank you.
>Do stage 1 hard
>Get a base WD lance upgrade immediately
Jesus how the fuck did it escape new york
>Have system in place for player models to be changed.
>Never bother selling different player models or having unlockables.
Now that's a nice webm.
one spot opened up
I'd pay 5 bucks to get the whole set of previous game skins. Like, at least 12 or something worthwhile
Slots open, 83 hardest
hey user,
do you remember what I told you yesterday?
I'm back if anyone wants to grind some completion rates with me
On mission 46 ATM
Is voice required for this game? I want to play with you guys, but I'm nervous about people finding out that I'm a big homo
No, you just spam "Nice!".
no, nobody uses their mic
the game has a really good voice command list, no one uses their mic
Yeah, I do. I remember you swearing up and down that you just farmed legit, even watched guides on how to do it, and then as soon as I'm in a mission with you you ask if you can use cheats. I appreciate you asking and, presumably, honoring my response in the mission, but why did you spin such a yarn yesterday?
I did it before I knew it!
>tiny girl and giant robot
Focus on the mission!
How to do the 360 quickscope punch?
middle mouse button, left mouse button
I should replay more of the barga missions to get more big robot webms
that fuckin spin
jesus christ
NPC barga performing alien removal
The B in Barga stands for Badass
I bought this a long time ago and you guys's threads made me start playing again. I was like 15 stages in when I stopped.
There's a couple of PS4 posters in here. If you're really desperate you can go to the r/EDF discord they have lots of PS4 players.
Is just making a lobby and waiting for people to join a valid tactic if I'm only going through normal mode? I haven't beaten single player yet but want to play with others
oh i get it, immigrANT
You should probably do that on hard, online players have zero reason to play normal missions. Hard with 2 players is doable, hard with 4 players is easy (most of the time). And yeah, online is the way to experience the game, I'd recommend it over SP.
Yea Forumsdf
dlc 2 mission 1
mind if i play?
jumpan in then.
if you see a man named branch yell something seductive
solo is fine. it's nice to play without everything having double health sometimes
Yeah solo is chill. It's just that in alot of games, you ALWAYS go SP before online, and EDF isn't like that.
EDF 5 posts make me want to reinstall 4.1
Is there something wrong with me?
I've never seen something more human than this
wow i knew the DLCs were hard but this is a bit much
i liked 4.1 more than 5 but it's hard to go back now that i've experienced edf 5.
Story was more intense and character-focused, no hitscan laser from across the map, drones and ships were unique looking instead of generic-saucer shapes and you could call in vehicles from the start of the mission with AR.
Also i miss dragons even if they didnt make sense
I miss Agro.
How alive is it? 5 was my first EDF game and I kind of want to explore 4.1
28 people across 9 lobbies right now (cant see full lobbies)
I guess it's good for a thursday night
Better than artifact at least.
>no hitscan lasers
what are deroys and flying vehicles?
also 4 relies way more on tunnel exit and retiarius spam. miss me with that shit.
Feels so fucking ghetto that this sounds great to me
4.1 WD > 5 WD
making most of her weapons require charging seriously disrupted the flow of her playstyle imo
also no Idunn
Allied A.I actually used their weapons in 4.1
What happened?
Just noticed i have 100gb of video files for both 4.1 and 5 on my ps4
can i play this focusing on only a single class or is it a game that requires me to play different classes?
I ask because i can only play females in video games
I have literally never played a class other than fencer.
"maining" anything in this game is fucking dumb and just depriving yourself of content. it's not that sort of game
You should definitely play on hard, I see people playing constantly. Normal is shit and nothing good will ever drop for you. If you are starting mission 15 or so it shouldnt be hard to get people to join. I would be down to play another night.
Not required but it isnt a bad idea to play ahead offline to see what you are up against and be properly equipped for missions. This way you can experiment with weapons without dragging the team down as well as have higher levels ones available as the level cap rises online. The enemies online are over double the health
Its not like i want to, but they seem to have genderlocked classess and so i must pl
actually no, even if classess were not gender locked id have to pick a single one to play, this is the nature of my various layers of mental illness which make it very hard to enjoy anything in life
very good i might be able to play this game
You can totally main shit, and the game actually rewards you for doing it. You'll have weapon and armor drops concentrated on whatever class you playing during the mission, so if you only play 1 class, you'll have 1 really powerful class, and 3 shitters. So you can main a class, but only if you commit hard to it.
It seems like they didn't update the AI to actually work with most of WD's kit requiring charging
If you'll notice AI WDs in 4.1 never used plasma cannons or other weapons that required long button holds to charge, they used point and shoot weapons like lances, rapiers, idunns, etc.
Wing Diver is the best thing, and the most amount of dps you can have while playing EDF5.
It does a trillion damage and can be used to quickly put down problematic targets
Great for any mission where you don't need to use your second loadout for something else and can just go dual disruptors
I'm beat. Is there a way to edit my save and get like 60% online completion? I want to do hardest/inferno, not retread the same easy mode content three more times on the other classes. I know it's a shitter thing to ask for, but I stopped playing over my lack of desire to do the non-challenging content. Better to cheat and skip ahead a bit instead of quit...
I always start on normal. 4 playthrus worth of armor and weapon upgrades is nice to have before starting hard
wait, so the game forces you to complete things with all classess to advance?
now im getting conflicting information
The only thing you need to play other classes for is if you want to increase your completion percentage more
The game tracks how much of the game you have completed on every difficulty with every class, and gives you a percentage of how much you've done
You can only use one class and still do literally everything
You only need to beat the last mission on hard once to unlock them
Not force, but inconveniences you since there's a big reward for 70% completion.
No, you beat the game once on hard with any class and it unlocks all difficulties.
You can probably ask people to carry you through the final mission. You're kinda fucked on loot though.
>there's a big reward for 70% completion.
w..whats the rewrad?
I dont see the point since hard counts as completing the easier difficulties. Feels like it is balanced just right. Playing both online and solo offline, as well as offline coop with my bro I feel like we have plenty of armor as is.
It is only for online completion
Ability to remove level caps.
what does that do, it sounds important
If he gets carried through that, he'll need constant carriea for a while due to no weapons and no armor
well, normal stretches the weapon drop levels through the whole game over levels 1-25, while hard squeezes them in as 1-50
it means you'll have more opportunities to acquire dupes of those first 25 levels of weapons on normal, compared to hard
if you look at the leafierlemon site, a given weapon will remain droppable for like 33 missions on normal, whereas on hard it's 22 missions (or thereabouts)
it's not *that* big a deal for the weapon upgrades, since it's only a difference of 11ish missions. I mostly do it for the armor. people complain about having to farm, and here I am swimming in armor just cuz I did all my class-specific playthroughs before moving up a difficulty
Anyone know why I would have bad framerate issues with this game, despite being able to run any other modern game at max settings? I just bought EDF5 and the first mission runs at like 15-20 FPS. Menus are fine.
It's not. Basically the game is balanced around certain enemy healths matching certain weapon DPS, and removing limits lets you take big dick weapons against enemies that melt in seconds to them. The most powerful gun in the game cranks out 122k damage per second. One of the bosses in the midgame on the highest difficulty would die to that gun in less than 5 seconds. It turns the game into a clownfest, and it's fun, but you shouldn't do it until you beat the whole game on inferno properly first.
some people say they have issues with fullscreen mode, and say to use Borderless Gaming
my game ran choppily at first. I turned off G-Sync to fix that. if you have that, try turning it off
That's a cute human person.
frogs are big cuties, look at this sweetheart
Yea Forumsdf
lvl 36
The only help you'll get is me, helping you play co-op online.
>Easy medals for playing on Easy
>Easy+Normal medals for playing on Normal
>Easy+Normal+Hard medals for playing on Hard
>Hardest medals only for playing on Hardest
who thought this was a good idea?
Anyone know where the "I'm coming to help" voice command is
I swear I had it hotkeyed like a week ago and now I forgot where it's located.
easy, normal, hard = new game
hardest and inferno = new game+
hardest and inferno have different mission structures compared to hard and lower, so they don't count the same. by that I mean, different shit happens on most missions in hardest and inferno that doesnt happen in easy/normal/hard
The real question should be why completing Inferno not count for Hardest? That's clearly what they were going for with Hard-Normal-Easy. So why not Inferno-Hardest too?
cuz there are occasional differences between those, too
you would be surprised that hardest is indeed the hardest difficulty. if you play through the game hard > hardest > inferno. the majority of inferno will feel easier than hardest with your OP weapons.
I wouldn't mind this line as anything other than funny b-actor lines, but you're literally fighting frogs. Why did they say that?
It's a callback to a mission where they talk about sci-fi movie plots, like the aliens dying to bacteria in War of the Worlds, or Signs where they die to water.
>they look just like humans
they're frogs
>they look like they're afraid of water
they're frogs
because like 5 missions before he says that, a soldier remarks that "if this was a sci-fi movie, the aliens would be afraid of water!" and another says that "it's possible. once it rains, they'll all drop dead!"
w-what is this
on that note, holy fuck I never noticed how the weather on Iron Wall gradually changes from rain to snow
How so? If you go online undergeared as fuck you are gonna make things harder for everyone
Yeah, but you can go from starter gear to hard no problem. Maybe one or two missions to figure out the basic mechanics, but you won't be a burden in Mission 1 hard online if you only have rank 0 gear.
To be fair, turning off weapon limits doesn't just let you use super OP shit, but also let's you use a lot of stuff that isn't really normally viable. Grapes for example. They're fun, but kinda suck unless you're using ones that are over the weapon limit.
Thanks. This was a lifesaver. Totally fixed the whole problem. It was so bad that I was almost about to refund this shit.
Is there an engine that lets you fly and pewpew near indefinitely as a Wing Diver? That's the whole fucking appeal, but very few setups allow for this and are more geared towards being a quick on your feet Ranger.
at mission 75
get in here buyfrogs
That's a golden ant mother. The golden ants have glowing eyes that you can see in the dark cave missions.
Mission 68
2 slots opened, 89 hardest
Remember what I told you yesterday
flying forever isn't the point, so no. suck it up and fight on the ground every now and then like you're meant to
any core + power lance
just fly high up, spam boosts, and pop off with your extremely energy efficient high dps lance
Now THAT'S the fucking shit I'm talking about. Thank you user.
Eat a fucking dick lmao
There are few end game hard engines that recovers at an insane speed when you release the trigger, otherwise no
get fucked
Did you tell her you love her?
How much new gear do the DLC packs add? Is it actually good stuff or just stupidly OP stuff meant for fun like the rangers laser rifle?
Playing with WD DLC.weapons is just unfun
Everything else is fun
Will she come back?
>Sure as shit the sergeant is Tom Kenny
>Turns out it isn't
picking up boxes is not fun
Sorry Derp, I was afk for a bit
Don't worry!
Mission 71
Ok, i bought it.
Wish me luck
The answer is yes
>tfw want to fight aliens but there's a fern 10 feet behind you
E D F!
Is the buyfag online a lot more active than the pirate one?
it's a small population so there's no guarantees, but it's bigger on the legit copy
Holy shit, Air Raider vehicles are fucking garbage.
They don't even have the durability of tissue paper. Half the time they're basically dead by the time I can even get in them.
Just spam the 150mm cannon.
You're either just starting or shit at the game.
I was at level 40-ish on Hard and trying to summon the red Nyx since that's the only one that can actually move around. Unfortunately, it also has no health.
My vehicle options so far are vehicles that move so slowly that they die before I can even target enemies, or vehicles that have such low health that they die before I can even get in them.
Room finished
get in here buyfrogs
Maybe you should try getting vehicle right when monsters are riding your ass.
The blacker tanks are pretty good if you want mobility.
Do the Fencer Exoskeletons stack? Could I in theory just stack Gale Exoskeleton and another speed one and just backpedal with Dispersal Mortars?
Grape is fast and has decent HP. Lacks offensive options, but it's a thing. Caliban also has decent speed and health, but isn't that good at healing yet.
Remember to thank your sky maidens for collecting boxes.
i use an auto loot bro
Isn't Wingdiver brunette?
The Wing Diver precursor, Pale Wing, was blonde.
Does the drop rate for the weapon you have equipped increase? It sure as hell seems so.
Why is Wing Diver the only class that isn't awful to play?
Because you have never once tried fencer.
>wang diver
>not funcer
your loadout options are like...lance and lance lol nigga how do you even play this class lmao
51% bros
Feeling fucking great.
Didn't do it for me. In fact it felt like the opposite. I almost never get drops for the guns I'm using.
Webm related.
Also Ranger is really, really fun if you put yourself in the mindset. Probably the most fun you can have: An average soldier taking on an alien menace.
I did try Fencer.
Too slow when you're on the ground waiting for jumps to reset, and not enough firepower. Better than Air Raider and Ranger, at least.
Just reinstalled 4.1 and getting a gamepad to work is fucking infuriating
Yeah, fencer is lower DPS that's safer to play. It's neat, but it feels like settling after playing WD.
>too slow
You arent fencering hard enough
EDF battle royale. The other classes are pickups, everyone spawns as a ranger. When the circle shifts, a horde of bugs come outside of the circle.
I actually think ranger is the second most fun class in the game. He's so underpowered that the entire game changes, and he has a lot of weird little niche toys like WD has.
Spark Vine is super underrated. The ability to pierce multiple enemies with each click, hearing all the gibbing, low energy consumption, good DPS; super satisfying stuff.
my favorite way to play ranger is napalm
napalm is so fuckijng fun and op
How efficient is it to use a burst plasma cannon's recoil to help keep yourself in the air? You know, by shooting down when you're high in the air.
uh oh internet shit out
Depends. If you're running a cannon that matches your max weapon level, it's not going to be efficient at all. I bet you could get efficient flight time out of a trash tier burst cannon though, they get really cheap compared to the cost of flight time on high level cores. I'll test it out.
internet shit out on me
get in here buyfrogs
How to kill teleportation ships reliably as solo air raider
I think, if my memory from threads early in 5's jap release is correct, that that particular interaction was quickly nerfed because it was capable of truly infinite flight.
This is Spritefall-chan. Say something nice to her.
Nah, it's pretty bad actually. The cheapest cannon with decent physics pushback I could find was the level 69 4D, and it's way too expensive. If you spaced it out with 10 seconds or so of correctly-timed boosts between shots you could probably maintain altitude, but mess up a little bit and you'll hit zero energy pretty fast. It's a surprisingly efficient way to perform a strafing run, but it's not a permanent flight technique.
we;re at 88 now
Grab a Nyx
If you don't have one
Farm the dropships enemies and then call one in
Stop having your minions melt me when I'm slapping faces as a Fencer. Thanks.
Very cute
both games have wing divers using monsters/rajins on specific missions tho
Will I be able to die soon
Will things ever be good?
You know what the actual permanent flight technique is? Picking Sky-High core, which gives you cheap boosts, flying to your max altitude, spamming boosts for 2 minutes straight, and then flying slightly higher with the energy you saved from the plasma core. It's really boring and it doesn't scale to higher difficulties, but it is technically permanent flight.
Damn. I've just had trouble using burst cannons on buildings because I always got kicked off from the recoil. Was worth an ask, since I still need to unlock higher level plascannons.
If you plan on using it, you could always just charge it up on the ground, and wait for your energy to recharge, then fire it off during your flight. That's a good way to increase your max altitude, which increases your overall flight time. It's not a bad idea at all, I just don't often use those cannons.
You could actually fly indefinitely with Wing Divers on 5 near release but the devs dont like that and it was patched out. Was related to spamming rolls and aiming plasma cannon shots to the ground which would actually push you a bit into the air.
To be honest, that's kind of broken. I'd rather have some kind of rocketjump-style mechanic where you can trade a small amount of health for a large amount of altitude and/or speed. That could be really fun. And it would force you to interact with the terrain, but without needing to do full recharges.
I'm just looking for a reliable long range weapon to snipe with. The plascannons don't seem to feel reliable enough against armored ayys and the lasers feel like a big energy commitment. I want to have a good weapon to hang back with if I have guys on my team getting bomb happy so I can't get in with a lance or a phalanx.
Pirate room
search "forwardslash"
Rangers only
I'm new and rarely played Ranger so this seems fun.
Oh, mission 9. Where the red ants first appear.
I'd say to go with the bolt shooter. Bolt shooter's DPS is only a little bit behind the Monster, and it's a nice battery powered weapon with all the convenience that brings. It can also hit multiple targets, even though it's not listed as having penetration. Honestly it'll struggle against ayys, but it's easy to use and has reliable long-range damage. Dragoon surgery is really the best option against heavies, but sometimes you're not allowed to do it.
Power Lance LD.
Sorry, I meant damage/energy, not DPS. Monster is a lot better DPS, but your Bolt Shooter tails it in efficiency. Your limitation at long range is energy, not time.
Fuck you, caves are great. Autopilot missions with tons of AI are also half as good as being outnumbered with no shit tier help.
What a shitty reddit tier costume
i too enjoy shooting into a bottleneck for 3 minutes before moving onto the next one
Anyone wanna do DLC missions in Inferno or there is a buyfag lobby active already doing it?
I really want to farm the Hellflame
I got the star on the range but the delay is still at 6 seconds
Yeah to the former Question. I still gotta beat DLC 1's 12/13.
I got mine at 0.51 delay :)
If i host i am gonna from DLC1 mission 1
Just starting now moving to Inferno, in a solo one now so gonna finish it first
Yea Forumsdf
lets farm DLC shit
3/4, one guy just left.
My game froze and I can't find the lobby now for some reason.
You're wrecking everything with nothing but small arms fire.
We're still going if you or anyone else wants a crack.
Whilst we're doing a sperg duet I thought it would be interesting to see what DPS at each range was like for autocannons.
Caveat: damage falloff for dexters is way too generous unless you're fighting something as big as erginus, it would be some kind of inverse square law otherwise depending on the cross-sectional area of the target and the spread angle.
Ty for this list.
>Both your drawings get posted in the same thread
feels fucking nice, I'm being honest.