Oh look, another question I forgot about.
My expectations for the next TES game could not be lower. I would actually have more faith on an indie Kickstarter project.
This is going to be SHIT.
I'm just wondering how they can dumb the series down even more than Skyrim.
Motion sensor transmitting
make it linear as shit with no choices
Why? I thought Skyrim was a huge improvement in most regards over Oblivion. Both are far cries from Morrowind, but that's just how things be now. my only worry is this
I wanna play Skyrim with mods should I buy a brand new RTX 2070 or an used GTX 1080 Ti? both cards are about the same price.
Is there good beacon porn?
Rubbies are pretty boring in terms of porn.
Skyrim is very light weight and doesnt need a lot to drive it
>dumb it down more than Skyrim
You don't have to, Fallout 4 and then Fallout 76 serve well enough as examples, so expect ES6 to be even worse than those.
Fallout 76 is making Bethesda look pretty darn bad.
>the THIRD game in a row set in a human province
Fuck this shit, boring hacks.
Skyrim is one of the best games ever made. I always find myself wanting to go back to it, glitches aside.
GTX 1080 Ti.
Skyrim is VRAM hungry.
>tfw planning to a full playthrough in PSVR, all factions and DLC, etc.
>tfw 40 hours in so far and still really enjoying it
>tfw getting Move controllers soon
Surprised how good of a combo base Skyrim + VR is.
Deet deet
Deet deet
Can't wait to pay for mods!
Why is there no female dragonborn putting the beacon in her pussy
Okay, Todd
Of course, but 4 already accomplished that terribly well, as did 3 in many regards.
I just think, despite it all, Bethesda understands what people want from ES more than Fallout.
If ES6 shits the bed though, that's about it from me. Farewell to my favorite game series...
Because the thing is the size of a basketball.
I hate that quest the fucking necromancer shoots ice storm over and over in a narrow hallway
It could be a few panels of the dragonborn rubbing her pussy on it slowly working it in till it pops inside while merida protests the whole time
>dismissing opinions with this shitty meme
Come at me with an actual argument, retard.
Why did they let some halfway between old and middle aged Midwesterner play a divine being?
>find beacon in dawnstar sanctuary after killing cicero
>fuck this shit I'll do it later
>chests in there spawn out when you finish dark brotherhood quests
>beacon is gone forever
well I guess I'm not doing that quest this time
For Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas anything more powerful than a GTX 980 will be a waste of VRAM and money.
But for Skyrim SE and Fallout 4 at least a 1080 is recommended for 4K texture mods, ENBs and also keep almost solid 60fps.
>daedric prince
It's not as if it is even an interesting "quest" anyway.
Go to a location, press some buttons, kill generic baddie, get mediocre sword.
You know what I mean you pedantic nigger.
If you go to Meridia she'll point you at it
Isn't Dawnbreaker the best one handed sword in the game until Dragonborn with Miraak's sword?
>it's true, Meridia's Beacon doesn't make you sick on its own, Jacob took too small a slice
Calm down, Todd, getting angry won't make you taller.
Oh I know, I've done it before. It's just another easily fixable bug they refuse to address after 20 different re-releases, but at least I got a chuckle out of it.
Level 42+ chillrend is the best until dragonborn.
I'll continue to call you retarded as long as you act like a retard.
The best swords are the ones you create yourself like daedric and dragonbone
I think it's time for you to take a nap, Todd; you're getting quite cranky.
I love spurdo memes.
I really liked her voice. That quest was pretty cool, too bad the sword was kinda shitty and I found a better one real soon.
Kind of weird that only the Thieve's Guild actually has leveled weapons.
Dawnbreaker is as good as it is from the second you can do it, though.
Obviously, but that's also with exploits.
>swords ever
>not just Razor-ing everybody
not really, the best one handed weapon is the nord hero war axe, because it's light, has decent base damage and cheap to create, you can also get it relatively early and only need steel smithing. Other one handed weapons are either heavy, meaning more stamina use and slow attack speed and require much more investment.
The Spurd is eternal
Fuck off Dagon no one wants your potato peeler
Just reskin Fallout 4 into a fantasy game. Boom, done.
>all racial passives are now unlockable perks
>everything is just an unlockable perk
>except for The Crafting System(TM)
>settlement building because We Want the Minecraft Audience
I want to touch her beacons.
>play Skyrim
>an oversized wyvern attacks a small village
>everyone is screaming about some dragon
and he never showed up, what a shame
There needs to be more artwork of her. Meridia is cute.
Still don't get why you guys start TES threads with a picture of the Stone of Jas from Runescape
I'm just going to list one out of the many examples on how it's bad.
They HAD the manpower of a development team to actually improve or change the combat formula. Instead, they kept it the exact same. Just mash left click and occasionally right click. Just like every Elder Scrolls game.
It's not any better than skyforge steel weapons
>this is the future you chose
That's not how you spell Morrowind
That's how fighting is in real life, deal with it.
fuck off todd
Just look at Fallout 4 and 76. Remove all skills, npcs and quests. You'll also be forced into picking one race (probably Imperial)
Post the trick or treat one.
That would be too racist
does that shitty app add anything to the lore?
But she is divine. Meridia is an outsider among the Princes.
What some Skyrim locations that you wish were possible to make into home(s)?
Why was pretty kitty locked in Todd's room?
Why was she nude?
Lets not play dumb here, user.
No one asked you, fucking onion boy.
what's with the mudcrab...
no. the card game does though
Todd hates Khajit as he thinks they attract degenerates.
He uses them as test NPC because "Abusing Khajit is a victimless crime"
guys I love Skyrim and Oblivion and Morrowind equally and I'm tired of all the hate
If you love something, do not tolerate mediocrity.
Otherwise you get Blades or FO76.
I think about the motion sensor gadget from BC2 every time I see this.
play the "Linear Doom" .wad for Doom. Should give you an idea.
>Lucifer (fallen angel) is sometimes known as morning star (dawnbringer)
>Meridia's statue in skyrim has angel like wings
>Meridia was cast out for consorting with illicit spectra (Lorkhan?)
>Lucifer was cast down
she's my daedra waifu
She is one of the few who aren't complete assholes.
dude what if skyrim had guns??
Come to think of it, why are the daedra princes so intent on fucking with mortals. Some of them I get, like Meridia has a hate boner for the undead, Sanguine is a degenerate who just wants to party with his mortal antfarm, and Azura has the hots for Nerevar, but what about the rest? What does Vaermina get out of giving people nightmares? Why is Molah Bal so intent on enslaving souls and raping vampires into existence?
>All skills are condensed and reduced down to Melee, Ranged and Magic
>Put a point into Melee to increase damage across the board with all melee weapons
Polite reminder that, eight years on, Skyrim still isn't finished.
According to that one Jyggalag user Daedra can expand their sphere's of influence by corrupting nirn. It's like a wager, spend influence to create worshippers in the hopes that they create more influence for you.
8 years later and I still haven't seen every location cause I get bored being a supergod and start a new character
>When you discovered that Skyrim literally level locks dungeons for the entirety of your save the moment you enter it so you spend hours grinding up to Lv50 in the wilderness
So every TES game
A huge open world with a straight line of a plot
>no mods
why are you looking around so slowly I can only imagine the person who recorded this is obese and can't even reach their penis
>When you discovered that Skyrim is piss easy and has no reason to play it so you don't buy it
I think there is a mod that keep them leveling, or at least for most locations.
That's a good way to fuck yourself over if your combat skills aren't maxed first, I always used to get carried away leveling easy magic skills and end up fucked because deathlords and ancient dragons are everywhere all of a sudden.
Merge skills into combat/magic/sneak trees
I didn't know. Fuck. No way I'll grind. I'm either finding a mod to fix this or just cheating.
Morrowind had the right idea.
Make Khajiit the only playable race.
>implying this is bad
Skyrim has a lot of asinine decisions when it comes to levelling. I get why the decision was made, it was so if a dungeon was too tough for you, retreating and coming back later after a few more level increases was an option. Yet the level lock is never purged on completion. So if you come back to the dungeon ten hours later with way more levels, the dungeon is still locked at when you first entered.
I remember user doing a support playthrough. His orc female follower would fight in his place.
user they said dumb down not initiate kino
you can magically swap races at will
you can become a vampire and werewolf and cure yourself whenever you want
you can fast travel mid-combat
you can fast travel anywhere you want on the map, no landmarks
you can fast travel from within dungeons
you can't kill any npc that isn't a bandit or permitted by the quest
Got some Enor Pearls here!
>you can fast travel anywhere you want on the map, no landmarks
Big want!
They added fast traveling from interiors in Fallout 76 so fingers crossed the only restriction will be "Not while in combat"
Because she cant even materialize herself right in tamriel thanks to fucking umaril giving bad rep, and the fact that she lost followers because of it.
Why even have a world at that point? Why not just a sequential chain of rooms?
That would make the game a lot more stable. Not happening.
A more fast travel without landmark would be great as to not waste time walking to your destination in an empty level scaling world world.
It would work great with the npcs giving you direction rather than not saying anything and having to follow a marker in an empty world.
Dggerfall did something like this if I am not mistaken.
Couldn't she do it like Nocturnal did at the Ebonmere? Have a secluded location were she could manifest herself?
Rock and Stone, brother!
The worlds are empty and boring because of fast travel. Fast travel means you no longer have to design landmarks and proper roads, you can just shit out generic structures and call it a day.
Poor Punished Meridia...
Wanna know a secret?
Worldbuilding and lore aside, TES has always been mediocre at best.
I wish there was more porn like that
TES games were always like this. I rather the devs would focus on a limited number of location and give them depth.
Walking around for ten minutes doing nothibg exept stop to fight the occasional wolf before you finnaly get to a dungeon isn't the best.
meridia is by far the worst prince by any possible standard
Now I feel nostalgic
>instead of level scaling, monsters get more powerful the further along you are in the main story
>therefore in order to face death lords and ancient dragons you would have to beat equivalently powerful foes in the main story
Better y/n?????
This user gets it.
This user is a straight up faggot. Probably a fucking draugr.
except the main story is ass and requires you to become a stinky furfag to progress
>His orc female follower
He made good choices as far as I can tell
Literally Morrowind, dude.
> Probably a fucking draugr.
More like eating in the name n*mira.
I member making an ancor to that one shrine you offer a potion to and get levitate 100 for half an hour just to avoid dealing with walking to my quest destination (and swear every minute beacause a fucking cliff racer hit me in the back).
What has the main story to do with the companions?
>More like eating in the name n*mira
Absolutely fetid and vile.
Vaermina isn’t really handing out nightmares, she’s just taking dreams; nightmares are just the things left behind.
As for why she’s taking them, I have no idea.
No it doesn't
Skyrim does many stupid things, especially the nonsense that is Dawnguard, but that's not one of them
Should I join the vampires or the Dawnguard?
If you join the vamps you get a castle.
Dawnguard. Cooler armor, armored huskies, get to keep being a based werewolf, pretty good quests, still have vampire waifu with you, and fuck Molag Bal.
but get amorous adventure and porn mods for Serana and Mommy Valerica.
Wait what, elaborate please.
> amorous adventure
Doesn't it turns Serana into a priestress of Dibella like that one slut in Riften?
I don't think so. But you do perform rites of Dibella (aka sex).
Is there actually any more of this or just the one page?
the difference is that haelga is a whore, while Senna and her sisters from Markath are technically Blades of Dibella aka a Knight Priestess.
Is this thread a Jojo reference? ROLLING STONES
nice blogpost
Just keep in mind that being a vampire has its weaknesses and strengths. You get a significant bonus to illusion and stealth so if you aren't spec'd out for that you'll be wasting it
>I thought Skyrim was a huge improvement in most regards over Oblivion.
Skyrim was inferior in quest storyline quality, town atmosphere, magic, RPG stats and armour design.
Most of Oblivion's armor was ugly except the unique empire sets like the one Talos wore and the one you get at the end
Does she fucks other people or does she makes other people fuck?
You have threesome with her and mommy Valerica at one point.
They kept it the same because that's what the bulk of their audience wants. TES games are RPGs and most people play them for the exploration, story, character building, etc. They don't want to be forced to learn and master a complex high-skill melee system. Personally I wouldn't mind better combat, I've seen somebody suggest that something similar to Vermintide's would be a good balance for TES, but I also understand that Bethesda would probably be shooting themselves in the foot by doing it.
pls respond
If you enter a dungeon at level 4 the loot and enemies will be set to according to a level 4 character. Even if you turn around and leave and come back at level 40 the loot and enemies will still be set to level 4.
>hates Pelinal
>Gives birth to someone in hopes to replicate him because of guilt and regret.
There is a mod that fixes that, maskar and oscuro did that to oblivion.
>There is a mod that fixes that
Is there? Doesn't it just set the dungeons to a fixed level?
Daggerfall aimed for the stars
oblivion/skyrim bethesda aimed for the foothills
>Doesn't it just set the dungeons to a fixed level?
Yes, the enemies are still randomly generated although the loot is fixed. I don't really care for it honestly. If I wanted Morrowind I'd just play Morrowind, Skyrim is my go to game for when I want to chill out, put on a podcast, and mindlessly kill shit for a few hours.
>Shilling indigogarbage
this is the asshole who shits on TES games shill on Obsidian SJW crap.
He and Hboomer are the same stink in a hunk of shit.
I hope bethesda adds back the skills from morrowind and oblivion
You don't even need to clear a third of the dungeons to level up high and most aren't worth returning to
Yeah so that mod will just postpone the problem.
Ultimately this is my main gripe with the elder scrolls games, eventually you're too powerful to have any fun.
People have made hardcore mods that make combat hyper lethal if you want to try that, but I think maybe these games aren't really for you. Eventually becoming an omnipotent god hero is half the fun.