OH NO NO NO it's happening all over again
OH NO NO NO it's happening all over again
>considered buying it
>cant make a waifu so i reasoned its shit
glad i trusted my instinct
>focus on VR pandering over adding actual content
>VRfags reviewbomb your game
o im laffin
>No Man's Sky
>Action game
you can make a slim nongendered spacesuit
jusr use your imagination bro
You made me go check. It's real but it's just people review bombing over crashes or because they don't like that you need to power up bases now.
>spend 3 years trying to salvage your game
>finally gets to a point where it has mostly positive reviews
>one patch so shit it tumbles back down again to where it started
>tfw no crashing and didn't pay a cent for this game
Feels good
How can you call this review bombing ? If the game has performance issues then it's reasonable to give it bad reviews.
>listen to your cultish leddit fanbase
>add a bunch of stupid tangential shit that ledditors will lose their minds over but won't actually improve the game at all
>update is poorly received
when will they learn
Is your argument that devs should ignore their fanbases?
a game crashing is a valid reason to give bad reviews
It's official, review bombing is a buzzword for dismissing negative reviews
Just the usual fanboy retard logic
>Any bad reviews are review bombing my game can't possibly be bad
Saying that devs should ignore the majority of their fanbase isn't a novel idea and is proven to be true time and again
>new patch that doubles the size of the game has crashes so I'll give it a permanent bad review
>played the game for 100s of hours but a new patch changed something I do not like, so here's a bad review
By far the most stupid feature on Steam.
I didn't say I disagreed with it; I asked for confirmation.
I agree that devs should strictly follow their own vision, but I think it is prudent for devs to decide their vision while continually consulting their fanbase, even if they ultimately decide "fuck 'em, they're tards".
i refuse
i want tits, or perhaps a cute bulge, or both
nongendered spacesuits just dont do it for me
I don't think even reddit wanted the base power system added, at least not in the form it's been introduced in as of now with the Fallout 4-tier wiring
>Permanenet bad review
>I played the game for 500 hours beofre they made a change but now they altered a mechanic that makes the game grindier and less fun
>Not a legitimate reason
No, I get what he means. When I look at a game's reviews and realise they're all about technical issues I discount them, because I know in a few months they'll be fixed and I'll buy it then.
But the core game won't ever be fixed if that's what's broken.
>game used to be good
>now it's bad
>but I used to like it so I'll say I recommend it anyway
nigger what
>hyped for new patch
>game runs 20 fps worse than it used to
>fiddling with video options literally does not change fps
>lowering resolution makes the game run worse
How the fuck is that even possible
Does this game have content yet?
you can milk aliens now that is if you can launch it or play it long enough without it crashing
What's the new patch?
If that was true every single Valve game would be review bombed after every large update, glitches are to be expected the first few days after a large update
Review bombing is just such a gay thing to do anyway
It's even worse than it sounds, they ported it to a better graphics library specifically so it would run better for VR and somehow made it actually run shittier
Not the consumers fault they are to retarded to do beta testing. experimental builds are there for a reason on steam.
I'm a big VR fag but the short time I played it yesterday, I think it's one of the worst running games I own.
I'll give it another check and fuck with some settings but I'm not too hopeful.
I might refund it and pick up Ion (Maiden) Fury instead.
They should understand that their fanbase is larger than the ones who actually interact with them
>Tfw never bought No Mans Shit
>bought on sale
>can't run on ultra
gtx 1080 - i7 7700k
Game is fucked up
Is the foliage 2d? Has that always been a thing?
I'm so glad someone other than me is witnessing this, I'm not playing until it's restored
The mods make it kinda fun but it is definitely in the "Need Weed to Play" category.
I recently picked it up off the store after I heard they released the biggest patch I've ever seen yesterday. So far I am actually enjoying it. A traveler to a planet made up of a bunch of strange looking jack-shaped rocks. When I get close to them they start glowing purple. Some of them are even alive and roll around all over the place. My scanner also indicates they have 3 hearts apparently. I call it Tali Hollow. It's a terrifying planet and no one should ever go there
Yeah I get that
But now that Tetris Effect is out, my weed game slot is thoroughly filled.
I really can't seem to get down with long form VR games, despite playing VR for several hours at a time.
I can play Pavlov all day but something like Minecraft in VR makes me want to kill myself.
It's almost like they should have had an open beta for a few months to wrinkle the problems out.
i'm sure the patch is fine if you got spergs sperging out on Yea Forums
thanks. i'll try out this game since there are no degenerates
>download 30mb patch just now
>game legit runs even worse now
I honestly have no fucking idea whats going on with this game anymore, nothing has baffled me as much as this fucking developer
At the end of the day even with the massive update it's still No Man's Sky, if flying around, exploring planets and base building isn't your thing you're not gonna like it. Personally that's my shit and now it has VR support which is pretty well done.
maybe gamers were a mistake
I might give it a try again in a bit. Sounds like some parts of the game are actually good now, especially the crafting and blueprints stuff. That shit kind of sucked in the past. Gonna wait for the initial problems to die down though.
Also, the stuff with friendly animals is stupid. Is the reward worth the time it takes to bother with animals?
VR could be cool if they can iron out some of the performance issues its currently having.
check these dubs
I agree
>people are now experiencing crashes and performance drops
What the fuck? I have a 2070 and before the Beyond update I was struggling to maintain a constant 60+ FPS on ultra/high.
Now with Beyond I can actually play the game without massive drops.
>bought it on GoG when it was on sale
>downloaded a few mods
>had a blast a few weeks, spent nearly 100 hours on it
>several bases in different sectors
>full with hydroponics for plants and other shit
>eventually drop it
>pick it up for the update
>go to one of my bases
>all my plants are gone
>everything requires power now
>can't scan anything, figure I need a new module for that
>have to search for technology modules to unlock energy source and wiring
>do that
>unlock and build generator
>have to feed it carbon so my shit works for a set amount of hour
>also have to wire all my shit now
I'm just waiting for mods now, fucking hell.
Is there a curse with space games?
No Man's Sky can't fix one thing without breaking another. Space Engineers took about 3 years to get playable and yet it is poorly optimized and full of glitches. Star Citizen is a scam. The Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is only minimally playable with gamepad, which made people revolt.
Is the space theme impossible to do right in games?
At least space games can still exist. Be thankful that they're not as shit as the Superman franchise.
>Space Engineers
Space niggers are the most stupid space game I've seen. compared to it no man's sky have shit ton of content.
What they need to do is add CC options and release a modkit, that way they can get modders to make the game good and I can have tits in space.
Don't forget starbound gutting everything that made it good right before launch and Elite Dangerous thinking more grinding is a good reward for grinding.
The main gripe most people have with NMS is that the core gameplay loop is fucking boring and there are no interesting bits. It's almost like they wanted to simulate really flying around with FTL technology to find a quadrillion empty planets.
It's more a toy than a game.
one last hope
if todd can't do it no one can
>The Exosuit torch can now be turned on whatever the time of day.
>Added an extra slot to the starting Multi-Tool.
>In normal mode, increased the slot storage limit for substances from 250 to 10,000.
Hot damn, they did some good things this update.
>Reworked the Mining Beam overheat mechanic: the beam now cools down correctly rather than instantly resetting; the Mining Beam does more damage as it approaches max heat; the Mining Beam changes colour as it approaches max heat.
And then they take away the only good glitch. Fuck.
they're all scams.
porting to vulkan was a crapshoot, shame since the previous patches vastly improved the game
>doing anything right
That company is done. Nothing good will come from it.
So does this game have enemies and space combat yet
i still have hope bros
bethesda learned from the response to fallout 4 and 76 right?
please bros
Elder Scrolls 6: Skyrim 2; Always Online Battle Royale with microtransactions that are required to play. Sponsored by Hasbro.
What bothers me about these games is that it's never interesting resource management, it's always just fucking annoying inventory management. It's not "oh shit I need more of this resource, lets go get some" it's "oh shit I need to go back and forth between my base just to get enough of what I need because my inventory is fucking tiny for no god damn reason"
It's running fine on my machine albeit with a hiccup here and there when flying to the planet's surface, but my computer was also built purely for VR.
I get that too. I don't want to carry the entire planet in my back pocket, but I would like to be able to carry the shit I need and whatever I find without any issue.
yes but it’s not very good
Then Fallout: New Vegas wouldn't be praised on here, would it?
You don't get any stuttering when looking out the side of your ship while flying around a planet? I also noticed there is a slightly delay on the hand movement. I bring up the steam overlay and can see where my controllers are and the hands movements are lagging behind. also having to rebind stuff yourself to get movement mapped to your head direction is sorta a pain.
>tfw bought it but got a refund
That was a close one.
Can I fly through a big fleet in first person and shoot shit? Alternatively, can I fly a big ship and get up and walk around and do shit while I'm on the way to my next destination?
I really want a game where I can live on my ship and only get out to gather resources and maybe do combat. Starbound is sorta like that but it's not quite right.
Haven't played Beyond yet, waiting for any early bug fixes first. These have both been in the game for a while though.
Break eggs, and spooky scorpion things pop out and jizz on you. You can hide in a building and they can't do shit, or you can fight them for zero drops and infinite respawns for a short time to waste ammo. There's also hostile wildlife that's completely negligible and sentinels that are an absolute joke to fight.
>Space Combat
I have nothing witty to say about it. You're in a ship that spins like an apple in a wooden bin on Halloween, and you hit them 100x harder than they hit you, no matter the difficulty. Also Sentinels chase you to space, but they're weaker than space pirates.
Also, resources need to have a distribution that makes some sense. For example, certain types of ores are typical of warm, volcanic areas. Others are common in meteors. Others are common on planets with a lot of plant life. Etc.
>bought it last night
>within 15 minutes the game was sperging out and a menu was flashing on my screen repeatedly with no way of actually closing it and spamming a loud as fuck noise
>made 4 characters during this time
>every single one was placed on a planet with a fucked up atmosphere that I couldn't survive in
>during the unskippable intro you have no control over your character your environmental protection is going down
>youre essentially killed by default if you spawn on one of these planets
>"100" fov is more like 50
I have never thought I would refund a game in less than 20 minutes but god damn did i ever
It was designed for ship and base creation mainly, not for ebin space advenchures
Yeah because I literally said it was built purely for VR you downy fuck, I understand not everybody has the same hardware. Plus the issues people are having sound more like a software thing than anything.
The worst I'll get is some microstuttering but it's not enough to detract from the experience.
You can easily survive especially if you play on normal and not survival. I've only died once and that was because i thought i could run to a structure in the distance before my sheilds went down.
So what, you can't make your own ship?
Well congrats, you are part of the minority for whom the game works in a stable fashion, now fuck off back to your meme machine and play some beatsaber
If you play on survival you will instantly get butfucked especially as a new player, over half of your suit will be drained by the time the fucking cutscene ends and you need to know to find yellow plants (and have them close enough)
It's really terrible game design and I cannot understand why they haven't fixed this years ago.
the post that saved Yea Forums
It literally doesn't even run at 80fps on the lowest settings on the most powerful commercially available hardware.
Same. I basically would let myself get sodomized for more VR ports, but I refunded that shit right away.
Only /vrg/ is brain damaged enough to play this shit.
>EvE Online
The problem isn't doing it right, the problem is doing it right while having a fanbase full of professionally offended SJWs eager to find their next microaggression.
The only solution is to mostly not give a fuck, which is why EvE Online is still running even though tumblr would hate it to death if they could.
You perform the action of not buying the game
she was right, it was shitty writing.
>glitches are to be expected
The absolute state of gaming "consumers"
Just play space engineers
Nigga try again without buzzwords.
so what they fucked up this time?
Elite Dangerous.
You only need to be autistic.
House of the Dying Sun.
You only need to enjoy replaying 2 hours games over and over.
Everspace... I dunno.. it's alright I guess?
You get placed on hazardous planets by default, so you are just fucking bad. I survive on HC with no problems, it's even easier than it was before.
>proper writing would be to have her not even mention being trans until after she married the protagonist, had a dozen adopted babies, and was dying of a tragic incurable disease
>except that would still be "shitty writing" to every other tranny on the planet
>because that's not how ZHE would have written it
>and transsexuality is only about ZHER personal experiences, not those of all those other stupid trannies that use the wrong pronouns
>implying ccp doesn't give a fuck
They literally have a conference to felate their fans user
Damn I'm glad I waited, I was really considering on buying this because the current features sound good
Your post doesn't make sense considering the devs did exactly that the last two updates and reddit claimed they made the game amazing. Also this update is getting poor reviews because of the PC performance, which obv nobody asked for.
>Their fanbases
It's less their fanbases and more people who criticized the game. The fanbase mainly wanted multiplayer and better proc gen. They got multiplayer but proc gen could've been leagues beyond where it is now. They focused on story and chores instead, which is how they "turned their game around".
>playing female characters
someone post it
>The game in its current state is not worth buying
>Okay but I liked it in the past so I'll give it a good review anyway so more people will be conned into buying a broken game
Survival requires you already know what resources work where and how to survive on your first planet. Once you get to roughly your third planet you're basically unkillable and have all the materials you need even if you're just scraping by. The material requirements for everything is disgusting though, especially for freighters and bases.
It is if you use your imagination. What's wrong, too much internet porn ruined your brain?
Can you command a fleet or do you have only one ship flying around at all times?
>look everyone I'm retarded and mad
Unironically git gud if you can't survive on the first planet.
>if todd can't do it no one can
>having the slightest faith in bethesda at this point
Why bother when the survival mechanics are so monotonous you'll suffer brain rot
>this nigga
You should try Emyprion
for me it is everything no man sky has promised and in some cases it exceeds it totally
>if todd can't do it no one can
He can't do it. Can still be popular if normies FoTM it.
Shit optimization.
COOL. Maybe actually make a fucking game instead of a dwelling simulator
The survival mechanics are just there to get you moving around the planets you land on. The game is about exploring and the survival mechanics will practically take care of themselves if you're doing that.
>Elite Dangerous
I will never not be mad. Such great mechanics and everything, stuck in such a shitty gameplay. CQC is fucking dead and there aren't even bots or PvE.
I would like to play this game but honestly I just have no idea what the fuck to do. Do I just gather money to upgrade my ship etc?
do you really have to have your hand held in every game? jesus
>I think that anyone supports these extreme positions, im so reasonable and am totally arguing in good faith, I didn't come from /pol/ I swear
Go back to your containment board
A scoring system and a wining condition are the main requirements of a game.
rent free
okay thanks.
It was killed by its fanbase. Most of them are autistic furries that will eat up any shit the dev teams shitout.
>nooooo don't leave a negative review just because the game doesn't work noooooo it's not fair
Mind boggling
>that post
thank god you stay away from normal people by yourselves
Yes, you literally just fly around and mine resources. There's also very light combat but it's so shit you'll mostly avoid it. Making it into a walking sim would've been an improvement.
Cool meme it's so original XD
Meanwhile lets trannies live rent free in his head
Cum. Brain.
Steam reviews are a joke. People are too stupid to get a game running so they give a game a negative review and these affect the overall rating.
>everyone on Yea Forums bought the game to leave negative reviews
okay user
No Man's Sky is a joke*
It is in no way an action game under any circumstances.
>review bombing over crashes
God I fucking hate this place.
>you can milk aliens now
Why the fuck would anyone want to do that?
Can you at least be a cool space-pirate or bounty hunter?
Redpill on what happened this time? I thought Sean was fixing this game and it was coming together pretty well
>install game
>it doesn't work and you have to sit around jerking it trying to fix the devs mistakes
>this is somehow something the customer should accept
Jesus Christ. This attitude is literally why we have all these rushed bug ridden games and you should just fucking kill yourself for accepting such shit quality.
What about Elite Dangerous?
You see those planets in the distance? You can walk around on them.
>bethesda learned from the response to fallout 4 and 76
Are you retarded?
Worth 20 euros?
NMS has always been buggy. Even when they release patches that contain only bug fixes, those patches still manage to introduce new bugs. Not long after Next came out, one of their bug fix patches caused an entire inventory column to go missing. Even the simple fetch quests had problems. Some of the aliens would ask for item X. You'd bring them X and the mission would complete, but the dialog would say something like "thanks for bringing me Y" and list a completely different item. The camera bug where sometimes entering a ship caused the camera to dip below the cockpit was there for years.
Loaded with furfags that defend every bad design choice and gankers that claim that claim they want a challenge but won't play CQC where they'd actually get one due to everyone being on the same playing field.
Fuck off shill
but Yea Forums trannies said that if you like girls in games you are faggot, you should be staring at ripped dudes asses
Even CQC isn't safe anymore bro.Hackers can buff their own shields and weapons without getting detected by anti-cheat now.
its the best we have right now.
The problem with PC gaming in a nutshell. When a company we hate does it it's unacceptable, but when a company we like does it it's fine. Until they become hated (see: Bethesda).
3rd pillar reveal when?
it broke some savegames and vr is buggy
Outer Wilds turned out amazing at least.
It's fun for the first couple of ten hours but then you realize the rest of the game is just autistic grind, and you might not do almost any progress for several hours because of bad rng.
It's not even just PC gaming anymore, with the advent of console connections and hard drives they will consistently do it to
My storage boxes don't work even when powered
If you try and rebind controls the game closes itself so I can't even rebind my fucking keys
Power is also used while you aren't playing? I logged off with 8 minutes of fuel in my generator came back on when they did a patch that I hoped fixed my storage and nothing was powered. And after fuelling the generator I found my storage box STILL doesn't work
That's not even a space game, it's a TES game in a space setting.
The 'game' isn't being review bombed enough
> The Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is only minimally playable with gamepad
Rebel Galaxy's primary control scheme is gamepad.
So you are stupid but just smart enough to get a refund? Based.
Anyone with half a brain cell could have told you this game was going to be shit.
I don't remember when I've had this problem last time. Don't buy shit unoptimized games.
Outer Wilds was good, Underspace looks good, Everspace is about to announce a non-roguelike space game.
Set up some solar panels and a few batteries
>refused to believe the "you gotta wear glasses for VR" meme
>put on my glasses and the picture actually sharpens
Fucking hell
I've suprisingly enough had 0 crashes in the two days i fucked around with VR on ps4
Not being able to move/do shit while the inventory's open is pretty dumb though
vr is insane get mad fag im playing RIGHT NOW
charging my controller right now
isnt that a given if you need glasses ?
I don't, the problem is shitloads of dipshits do, so the market is now filled to the brim with "quality" triple a games that are just bug fiestas, the good consumers get drowned out by all these dipshits who will gobble up any shit their favorite dev decides to excrete into their mouth
What the fuck, you thought it was a meme? Can't believe that you're that stupid. The devkits had multiple lenses so you could get away without glasses if you used the right ones, but all the commercial headsets you need glasses just like you do in real life.
It's good but looks much more neat in VR.
It's time bros
>gets a shitty update or discount
>propelled to the top of global sellers
Why do they keep buying this piece of dogshit? Fucking subhumans
Sean Murray how are you still allowed to show your face around anywhere after this steaming pile of shit scam that you produced
fuck off you slimy cunt and die
>being stupid for assuming looking at a screen inches away from your eyes wouldn't need glasses
Too bad the latest update was fucking garbage
Are you enjoying Fallout76 now that the bugs have been fixed?
>finally get a headset
>fire up ED, the game I'm most excited to see in VR
>controls don't work
>controls to configure the controls don't work
>none of the help I could find online fixed the problem
>built purely for VR
This means nothing other than "I have expensive hardware". You're not the only jackass with a 2080ti.
The scale is goddamn insane but you really have to make your own journey and game out off it because there is no story. It's just a sandbox.
Are you using some ancient DirectInput controller or something? And it uses a mouse, so there shouldn't be any reason you can't get to the controls menu.
its shit
works in you're machine faggot
but the update is SHIT, used to play on stable 90 fps, now i have popping issues, 20-40 fps in planets. No crashes. Im still not reviewing bad this game, im just gonna wait, i believe
Hey hey people
Even shallower than NMS
The Virgin nongendered spacesuit versus the Chad futanari spacesuit with XXXL tits and bulge
>change game
>you are not allowed to change your opinion
>Not a form-fitting sock
The negative reviews are 90%
>the game is unplayable now
What the fuck happened? Was interested in getting it since its on sale and expected actually content at this point, but the feedback is terrible.
This was a while ago but from memory: I typically used M+KB but when I plugged in the headset ED automatically swapped to an invisible cursor placed somewhere in the "center" of my view. Only for ED, that center was calibrated to some weird, disproportionate plane compared to the menus (meaningly I couldn't look at what I wanted to click), and seemingly the cursor had to be on the dead center pixel of a button or field to interact with it.
I bought it just to see since it was on sale and did they change the camera from first person to third? Is there a way to change it back? Because if not I'm just returning it now because TP camera controls are ass with M+KB.
>put my grasses on
>everything go right
>can't argue trannies aren't actually all like that
>because they are, and are proud of it
>just yells something about another board and runs away
It doesn't need glasses to see the screen, it just needs glasses to see the screen IN FOCUS. Just like you don't need glasses to see things IRL, unless you're legally blind or something.
Yes you can swap. It's in the down menu on gamepad I think, not sure about keyboard. The same menu as your flashlight and shit.
The review is only valid for 2.03 then. For 2.04, 2.05 and so on the review must bei updated or discarded.
It's NMS without planets but better graphics and you need to dogfight other players for fun. Not fighting other players = literally absolutely nothing interesting to do.
>The negative reviews are 90%
Que? Today's reviews are like 540 positive to 360 negative. Yesterday's were even more positive-leaning.
Fuck that's a good upgrade. It might not be airtight for space, but if she gets a plump enough erection, it should seal the edges of the cockhole in her suit. Plus she can wear different patterned socks for fun. Hope devs add this next
X3 with Litcube’s Universe mod, if you add Mayhem you get a great X4
so is the game crap? its on sale on ps4 and i have vr. yes or no?
How much?
I like it, it's space subnautica.
its 25 burgers, halve off
>Retards on Yea Forums bought no man's sky
you retards always fall for the shills
easy goyim, better luck next game :^)
No Man's Sky is the space version of Minecraft with better graphics.
No, it isn't, but you should only get it if you like the idea of exploring a proc gen universe because that's what the game is. Most of the heat today is coming from poor PC optimization but there are still gameplay bugs in ps4.
There's a setting "in-game panel based cursor" that will make it show up in VR.
also, even though I knew this from memory, I found it by googling "elite mouse cursor vr" easily so you're lying about no one else having that issue, lazy fag.
It's good with PC biome generation mods and friends, but right now it doesn't matter as the update broke the game. Gotta wait for a couple more patches to fully fix the damage they somehow caused. It's worse on consoles.
Glitches aren't to be expected, you fucking nigger
What did it do?
A literal indie czech upstart outTES'd TES at this point, what are you even talking about
Damn, you're fucking stupid.
mining is way faster now if you hover in the 'red' zone of heat
Minecraft has some sense of challenge though.
What's that, dig for diamonds?
Should I make a new character for this update?
And Minecraft has more varied procedural generation that is actually capable of suprising you once in a while
I said "none of the help worked for me" because I found solutions which didn't work for me. It's not like I couldn't find anything relevant, it's that my game was somewhat differently busted.
I'll remember your advice if I ever try again but if you found it that easily it's likely I already tried it.
U gotta elaborate my man
Yeah because most straight guys look at their male PC as a sexual object right? It's not that your mind is poisoned by porn addiction and you can't think about anything except sex, no way.
depends, did you play NEXT? if you did then nah
No that would be the turd that was procedurally generated out of Sean Murray's ass
>And Minecraft has more varied procedural generation that is actually capable of suprising you once in a while
This is just inaccurate. You have to look for neat shit in Minecraft, give the same courtesy to NMS and you'll be more surprised. Plus even though NMS doesn't have as much variety as an "infinite universe" should have it's still more varied than minecraft.
I make a new character for every update and couldn't imagine not. The game is a lot more involved when you have a lot of shit to work on.
hehe comfy bug
Snug bug posters shouldn't be this rude. Shameful.
Based carpet rat.
what is that, it's cute.
Nah, Minecraft has rivers, waterfalls, villages, mineshafts, actual ruins, ice, canyons, actual jungles etc. while No Man's Sky is just the same forest and hills in different colors. The mobs in Minecraft actually pose a threat too.
Are you literally 10?
Base buildings pretty hot.
Otherwise theres a series of fetch and "go look at that thing" types of quests that are disguised as a story.
Approach it how you would Minecraft
Point me to one AI in No Man's Sky that poses as much of a threat as creepers.
Tip: make an argument instead of getting offended like a little bitch.
Creepers are literally the only enemies that pose a threat. Everything else is a joke, especially once you get iron gear.
Whens the last time you played Minecraft?
Im all about defending No Man's Sky, but if it had the same terrain gen as Minecraft itd be golden.
I've been playing and I like it but I do have some gripes.
I think bases needing power is okay, but the wires just make everything hideous. I wish they would make the wires invisible or have just wireless charging. The wires worked in FO4 because it was a fucking wasteland, but this is the future. It just looks really bad.
The story seems to be far more heavily pushed. On my previous character, I spent 50+ hours in just the first two galaxies I found because you had everything you really needed to do your own thing from the outset. On my new character I made for this update, I'm already on my 6th galaxy after 10 hours because the story arbitrarily locks away certain features like storage containers for your base and other extremely useful things until you find the Nexus. I'm not a fan but its not the end of the world.
They shuffled around loot and now the signal booster doesn't use the Nav. Data to find distress signals anymore. This has been artificially moved to the cartographer for some reason. It just makes things more of a hassle when you're looking for stuff on planets. As for the loot, I don't know why but I have yet to find a planet that has Ancient Bones. In all 6 galaxies I have so far, none of them have ancient bones. Meanwhile on my previous character and the character before it, bones were abundant. Meaning money is a lot harder to come by than before early game. I don't know if its just bad luck on my part but this seems over the top.
And finally, the thing that has infuriated me the most, mandatory tutorial pop-ups. If there's a way to turn it off, I would love to know. But the game hassles me every 2 minutes to install an upgrade module. Please fucking stop. I looked through all the settings and I can't find a way to turn this off. It is fucking infuriating. I know how to install upgrade modules, hell my character is in fact wearing a couple, but it still insists on trying to baby me.
Other than that, I really like most of the changes.
>Creepers are literally the only enemies that pose a threat.
One mob is enough to make it more challenging than the whole of No Man's Sky, which has literally no challenging mobs.
It's actually not as bad as Yea Forums likes to makes things out to be
If you like games like Minecraft, you'll likely enjoy this as well.
The core gameplay of FO76 is shit you dunce.
Even SimEarth from 1990 was able to procedurally generate a planet with biomes, weather and diverse biosphere. Should be easy enough to implement that into NMS. But seems like HG aren't competent enough for that.
And? i don't remember arguing that NMS was challenging
>while No Man's Sky is just the same forest and hills in different colors.
Yeah so you played it for 10 mintues. Or you're being extremely reductive while giving Minecraft total generosity.
I've played both games hundreds of hours and play them the exact same way, uninhibited exploring, and NMS is a straight upgrade.
>caring about no mans sky
>in 2019
>implying I'm not here forever
>implying a tranny hasn't already been posted in this thread that doesn't have your extreme straw man opinions
>implying implications
I miss SimX games, Maxis was truly on a mission from Elvis
Mixed is better than overwhelmingly negative.
They do got weather and weather-specific materials, but beyond that its mostly "Ow the air hurts".
Id personally love to see ice caps and flowing water.
Hopefully their next update overhauls generation now that almost everything else's box has been checked.
Just tried it with my rift.
Flying through the space in VR is comfy as fuck, but the crafting/repairing part is tedious as hell.
The non VR gamemode is probably just boring
If a game has a single bug, you delay that shit till its fixed. Fuck lazy ass modern game devs.
it's almost as if crafting/repairing is pointless and not any fun in any game ever
i wanna squash it. bugs are so gross
Hows your vagina, you pussy-person?
Last night for like 5 hours since my NMS patch needed to download. And I disagree. I will say that for the first few hours of each of the games, minecraft is a lot more rewarding. You can walk 10 minutes in any direction and see something totally new constantly for hours on end. After that point though, you have to really fuckin look for interesting generations in the landscape as the deformations are very rigidly defined. In NMS it's a bit sloppier. You might have seen the landscape with big holes in the ground before, but it's more likely than in Minecraft to generate something unique to that particular instance. After playing them both a bunch I can still find new looking shit in NMS a lot easier than I can in Minecraft.
You have to make your own fun. The thing I like about it the most is the great sound design. Ships all sound amazing and it makes combat a lot more engaging.
>Check it
>see pic related
Probably some dedicated Yea Forums shitposting discord at it again.
Sad no life people who buy a game, install, play like 30 mins then uninstall, give it a bad review and request a refund.
Just because they hate the game for whatever reason.
This is why steam is shit.
That clip alone is better than anything NMS had to offer.
>retard hits the asteroid
> but the wires just make everything hideous
Use a prefab and everything inside it will be powered if you connect a single wire to it.
How the fuck are you on the 6th galaxy? Do you mean solar systems?
As for bones, get to the nexus and check missions, there's probably gonna be one to gather bones and it'll warp you to a solar system that has it.
the fact that those losers are still trying to make people like their game is pathetic. they clearly have never experienced failure before. just move on, faggots.
>glitches are to be expected the first few days after a large update
Name one circumstance in which it's acceptable that opening the key binding menu crashes the game 100% of the time for 100% of users.
Does any human being actually care sbout the story in this game?
>Name one circumstance in which it's acceptable that opening the key binding menu crashes the game 100% of the time for 100% of users.
Doesn't crash for me.
I have yet to have the game crash on me and I've been playing for 15 hours.
no, only travellers
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
If you change your game I'm allowed to change my opinion of it, nigger.
Because they've patched it now, idiot.
It didn't crash for me even 30 minutes after the update was live, idiot.
>Consumer's ability to express themselves should be limited to prevent some shitposters from abusing the system and leaving bad reviews for the lulz.
The fucking irony of posting this on Yea Forums. Fuck off to reddit you god damn corporate cock sucking disgrace.
Half the people with issues are people that can't even fucking read.
After the update went up yesterday, there were dozens of threads on the Steam forum complaining about the pop-up the game gives you if your drivers don't support Vulkan.
Keep in mind, this message literally tells you to fucking update your driver and people were still fucking baffled on the forum.
Not even considering the people who actually could read, but don't know how to properly uninstall a driver with DDU because they're 14 and haven't been in PC gaming for long.
why are you complaining about a glitch that was fixed in less than 24 hours you only had one day off this year or what the fuck?
if its no longer a problem why are you still mad you faggot? we happy few has been out for 2 years and has pay for DLC and is 100% unplayingable and their still selling it
Because it happened in the first place and is a prime example of the complete lack of QA. A much more pressing issue is the servers still being down preventing the uploading of discoveries and thus not being able to get the nanites for doing so.
>CPU only at 10%
>gpu at 45-47% max
>VRAM use is 2,3gb
>still awful fps with a 1060
why is this happening? I want to play the game already but the shitty fps is annoying as fuck
I just saw in the Beyond update post that one of the improvements was meant to be making the early game more intuitive with better tutorials and making the story more coherent in regards to the anomaly and Artemis. I can't imagine how bad these things were before because I only started playing now and the early game was a clusterfuck and the story is pretty fucking unintuitive.
yeah shit is working for me on a cracked copy, the people complaining must be normies who use windows as admin 24/7, use "anti-viruses", no ad-block, "performance tweaks" and other brainlet normie shit and never update drivers
>tfw get solid 60fps but the game keeps crashing like a drunk old lady driving a car
I don't how they managed to make it even more unstable, but they did
nobody fucking cares
>nothing should ever inconvience me
who the fuck are you? nobody you faggot
noone gives a shit about you or how you feel so stfu
move on and live in the present and try and enjoy whats left of your pathetic life you sad ass grown man child
>noone gives a shit about you
Thanks Noone.
A lot of younger PC gamers don't know anything about drivers nowadays because it's been so streamlined on Windows 10. Windows 10 just does everything for you, which is great to an extent. But now you have this generation of PC gamers that don't realize that Windows Update is not the primary way to get drivers.
i just refunded it
Check reddit about a thread for the cpu threads you need to change something in one of the files to 0
im hungry
>"Have you tried updating your drivers?"
>It's actually the solution
I already did with several combinations but nothing happens
I'm with the other guy, I've so far seen like three enemies that actually attacked me and every planet has been functionally identical with marginally different aesthetics. I'm actually astounded by how poor the visual variety is for what was supposed to be its selling point. And it was especially bad when I was flying towards what looked like a barren grey rock planet from space only for it to suddenly turn into a lush forests and lakes planet as soon as I entered the atmosphere.
fucking faggot, minecraft generates way cooler terrain than this piece of garbage by sean murray, especially the new amplified mode, every fucking planet in no man sky is the same with different colors, all the planets look the fucking same after mere 5h playing you just KNOW every single planet is going to play the same, ugly alien plants will give you carbon, rocks will give you iron, caves will look the same, there will be caves near drop pods, alien buildings will be the same, npcs will fly around doing fuck all in pre-determined paths its just cosmetic dude lmao, all the freighters and big ships in the system will just sit there doing nothing forever, its just cosmetic
fuck your retard game faggot nigger
>But now you have this generation of PC gamers that don't realize that Windows Update is not the primary way to get drivers.
Fucking disgusting.
>when your 12yo neighbour posts on the internet
Dark Souls 2: SotFS for me.
The game worked but every NPC and enemy, including my own character, were T posing.
Mine isn't crashing at all but performance is pretty shit. Shame since I'm enjoying it so far.
runs better than ever on my base ps4
aside from the crashes
>all the freighters and big ships in the system will just sit there doing nothing forever
I haven't even seen any of those yet.
fuck you retarded tranny nigger cuck soiboy etc
I don't like space games but it applies to a shitload
>Payday 2
>KF 2
>Vermintide 2
>Destiny 2
Just off the top of my head
This game's inventory system can go fuck itself, it's like playing Terraria with 1/5 of the inventory space.
Nobody asked for this like literally
Ironically the only crash I've had so far with this new patch was a few seconds after doing a very quick Pulse Jump over a planet and thinking "Wow I'm surprised it didn't crash"
I think he is talking about Kingdom Come but that's a dumbfuck thing to say.
Compare it to fantasy games. In fantasy you have one area. In space games you have multiple planets so either playable area on every one of them is much smaller, they are copypaste or they are empty as fuck.
>can launch the game properly
>the game seems to load even faster
>no crashes
>still can't play due terrible performance
>same engine as Skyrim and F4
Is there any color of eyes more erection inducing than purple?
post your graphic options
vsync off
changing from enhanced to standard might drop my fps to 5 with no reason at all
it ran way way better before the update
what about the fps cap
i bet half of those negative review are nvidiafag crying because they need to use VULKAN
tried with 60, 50, 40, 100, the max (I think it was 160) etc
>no one posted it
Feels bad bruh. You were ready for the internet to rally behind you.
if I use a nvidia gpu do I need to download some shit or am I good with my updated drivers?
Anyone playing no mans sky!!
i keep getting a pop up about engine upgrade
press O to close, it but it keeps coming back
arghhhhhhhhhhhh also its buggy as hell this game
try the file tweak then I guess, seth both low and high to 0
people that bitch on reddit & twitter are not a fanbase
someone come on ps4 perma and invite me ill come and kill you and destroy your base if your into that
>No Man's Lie
noone on the internet is afucking fan base for any game like 99.99% of normal people just shut the fuck up and play games alone in quiet noone gives a shit about any of you faggots yelling at each other
i miss my units glitch
i got 1 billion units and now i cant make more :(
What's the point of having that much? I can respect people not wanting to grind, but that's overkill
freighters cost a lot
Capital Freighters have 24-34 slots and a price range of 88M to 465M from C to S class
I saw a negative review for Skullgirls once over the fact that he didn't like the keyboard control layout and felt like he was being forced to purchase a controller/stick. Truly a clown town.