Is this the best Final Fantasy?
Is this the best Final Fantasy?
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I'm complete seiben mark, but I've gotta say I gots a lots of respects for 十 bros
>the best shit out of all the other shit
Sure, OP. It's the best one.
I can't play any FF because they're filled with missable bullshit like the zodiac spear
No, it's easily the worst.
No, its one of the worst. Its just Proto-XIII
So this scene was a metaphor for sex right
One of the worst, together with 8
No, that would be Final Fantasy V
X and VIII are the best two though.
does it have him? no?
Best one is Dissidia 012, prove me wrong
>together with 8
8 yes, 10 no.
the dissidia games were great, too bad NT sucked donkey dick. got my hopes up for nothing
Do people still not understand that scene?
I'm doing my first playthrough on PS2 right now for exactly this reason. Is X-2 HD just as bad?
FFX is great if its not the best its pretty damn close. Dont listen to these faggots, also 8 is indeed shit.
10 is the most kino
They are good but 6, 7, 9 and 12 are better
For me it's the FF13 port on Xbox One (4k)
Not the remaster, no.
>Its just Proto-XIII
sick of this zoomer meme
12 would be the best if it had 10's combat system. as it is, x is the best. it's a landmark video game and will never be matched so long as square decides to keep making abysmal design choices. (best most expansive soundtrack in a video game, one of the first games to include fully animated character faces along with extensive voice acting, graphical fidelity is unrivaled, storytelling is paced well every character has personality and unique aesthetic. give it a rest lads it's the best one
Best? No, that's the XIII trilogy, unless you want to count Dissidia 012 and Theatrhythm.
Now, if you asked if X was the worst... Then yes
What the...
>muh cinematic cutscenes
Great argument.
13 trilogy and theatrythm for life bro. I dunno if they're my favorites but they're definitely amazing.
>play ffta fft and ff4 as a kid
>never understand the ff hype, they were alright games i guess
>play through ff6 last winter
>best non tacticsrpg ive ever played probably
Currently on ff7 rn, what should i do after?
I'd kill for 12 to be turn based
I find it hard to comprehend that 8, 10, 13 and 15 are all FF games. In what way do they even fit in with the majority of the games in the series? They are all so irrelevant, i mean how can you look at all the previous FF games and make a game like 8? A school, seriously, in a series that had such a fairy-tale aesthetic you do a complete 180 like that? What were they thinking? It's like mixing baked beans with sweets, those games simply do not belong in the same world as the other FF games. Even FF7 managed to fit very well in the games that came before it, despite the radically different setting.
Funny how they are the minority of FF games, yet they managed to create the normalfag stereotype that FF games are all "gay anime pretty boy shit with waifus" which is completely irrelevant to the rest of the series? How were these games even made? Even 2 makes sense compared to them? They should have been their own series, and have had nothing to do with FF since they don't fit in the series at all and they are all like massive awkward glaring anomalies in the series that belong to their separate world.
Top Tier
>9, 7
Good Tier
>10, 4, 5, 6, 3
Bad Tier
>8, 15
Hallway Tier
ix is my favorite
Swap 7 and 10 then its 10/10.
13 was less a hallway than 10. I liked them both a lot btw.
Hating 8 is a meme. The quality difference between 7/8/9 is negligible. Thinking they're all great or all garbage is normal, but loving one while hating the others is the symptom of a sheep who couldn't form his own opinions so he went along with the majority.
Structurally speaking, most Final Fantasy games are hallways to varying degrees, 13 gets its own tier because it doesn't even try to gussy it up like the others do. 10 at least lets you backtrack eventually.
imo yea
X with a trainer, then X-2
Try VIII. If you don't like it then just skip to IX.
>turn based FF12
This literally could happen, FF12's combat go through so many changes every time it gets ported that it will eventually become a turn base rpg in the future.
Is FF12 the Baldur's Gate of jRPGs? Newcomers to it demand turn based, older fans love RTWP, and both want it their way exclusively cause doing both sucks for everyone?
>A school, seriously, in a series that had such a fairy-tale aesthetic you do a complete 180 like that? What were they thinking?
This. FFX was a corridors simulator already.
What version of X should I play? Remaster or emulate PS2 version?
zodiac spear isn't missable in the remaster or international version
actually it wasn't missable in the original version it just had a 1/10000 chance of dropping or something stupid
Remaster so you can skip the chocobo minigames
12 is.
Literally Fucking Check Mate.
Best World. Best Gameplay
You having nothing to Retort
Any person with a semblance of taste will tell you FFXII is the best game in the series. But then again this is Yea Forums
PS2 emulation has better graphics, the new textures ruin the faces of the characters for real.
Agreed, but 10 is up there.
The absolute state of gamers.
Yes but it's the international version which isn't translated on PS2, so it's up to you which one you play.
PS2 FFX all the way though.
There's a world of difference between giving you an open area with one optional zone and one story progression zone inside it and just a line with an optional bit along the way. X is good bosses and setting, terrible dungeons and towns.
Also has the worst non-boss battles in the series.
7 +compilation is objectively the best FF experience.
>actually it wasn't missable in the original version
The easy one was.
Both methods are missable, one due to opening chests, the other being a 10% chance to spawn a chest with a 10% chance to open it, and required near 100% completion.
Standard or Expert Sphere Grid?
No. That's a shitty port with terribly remade models.
EU/PAL version is english and has dark aeons and penance.
But 25 fps shit PAL conversion.
but this one makes the remaster look better
I'm about to buy x HD. What's missable and actually important?
Wait, which one has the blocky text? I assumed it was the original, but in this it looks reversed.
You should rethink that decision
There's nothing really missable aside from like 2 pieces of equipment with A very minor ability quirk if you care about collecting that kind of stuff
funny guy
Yuna looks cute either way
>reeee it's not my childhood!
you're sad and pathetic. I've already played the game through 3x when i was 15 years old and don't really care about minor shit like this
>implying you cant play through it another time with a different party
I'm playing through VI again and holy fuck it's even better this time around.
Yes. But not on switch.
Portability and visa features why not
It's not minor, the animations are completely fucked. Every single cutscene looks worse in motion.
What's the best Final Fantasy on Switch then?
for how shit fucking 15s story was it sure is a pissload better than anything that came between 9 and now
10 is dogshit
weak bait
My personal favorite is 12, followed by a tie between 6 and tactics. 10 is probably a close third, so I’d say it’s one of the best yeah. I really liked the dynamic tidus had with his father’s image looming over his head and also the somber nature of the latter half of the game. I feel those are emotions/themes that FF doesn’t do well anymore and hasn’t done well since the PS2 era
FFX's Kingdom hearts-esque look also turns me off from it
I wanted to like 12 but I couldn't bring myself to. I still can't exactly explain why but I get maybe 30-50 hours in and go "why am I playing this?" and stop. I'm not saying its shit, but there's something going on in it that simply does not engage me personally.
Final Fantasy 10 IS the best Final Fantasy.
Anytime a 5fag says something applaud them on understanding that the ff6 fanbase has become more cancerous than ff7, but don't get their quirky contrarian hopes up on being the best
Anytime a 6fag posts the laughing scene, remind them that the opera scene eas the cringiest stuff in ALL FFs
Anytime a 7fag taunts you, remind them that the only reason they sold more is because 9 tanked the confidence in the brand name at the time and to go back playing legos now.
Anytime a 9fag taunts you demand them to thank you, for FF10 saved Square's ass after the commercial failure that was 9
Anytime a 12fag say something tell them that we know you only played 12 faggot
Anytime a 13fag wants to drag you at their same level of misery as a hallway simulator call their zoomer bluff, no sweety, not being open world doesn't make you an hallway simulator like your shitty game
And if ff15fag wants to say something, start by addressing him by his real name "barry"
Only Final Fantasy that stood the test of time, not using fucking lego blocks, a final boss that doesn't have to be an omnicidial maniac but a relatable tragic figure that wanted to protect what's dear to them (both Jecht and Yu Yevon), memorable fights like Sin, Jecht, Yunalesca, Seymour, dark aeons etc, the best and even to this day in FF most original setting instead of the classic medieval or scifi stuff, the best implementation of summoned creatures, the best battle system, the new mixup of job classes, allowing you to do the story mode with the chars classes and then grind endgame to "unlock" 'em all, and finally the best character in the entire franchise Auron, alongside the BOLD move to add a chad protagonist who gets the girl who angers nerd that want someone with no social skills like Cloud and Leon or the waifu shit like Terra or Light. We truly are the chads of FFs.
That’s fair. 12 isn’t like many other final fantasy games. It’s based heavily on the strength of dialogue, the political world holding, and its thematic structure and less on featuring an iconic cast (except balthier, one of the strongest and most well written FF characters imo), somber notes, etc. so if anything, it’s less like an FF title.
Seriously, wtf Nomura?
>opera is cringier than HAHAHAHAHA
Opinion discarded
The only good thing about FFV is the gameplay, the rest is shit.
Put 6 on top tier and it's fine.
If you're american remaster, the dark aeons and expert grid shouldn't be skipped.
Yes faggot. Not that you even played 6 to know.
>oh oh oh ih oh
N-no! S-stoooop!!!
Jobs were better in tactics / wotl imo
Remaster for the dark aeons and expert sphere grid.
I'm playing 6 right now you fucking faggot
this tbhdesu senpai
Oh wow, you sure showed me, you truly are a Weapon of Magitek destruction!
nice bait dude
I played the opera sequence last night and sure its corny but at least theres no fucking terrible voiceover doing it. Honestly if they remade FF6 it would probably be a pretty great sequence.
Just get the remaster in whatever platform you want. If you never played the original you won't even be phased by the worse animations
>must be bait
Oh, sad little soul, which FF have I reminded you it's trash outside your shit taste? There's a reason newcomers are suggested to play FFX to get hooked on the series, your trash can't be consumed by sane people.
how the fuck do PS2 textures still hold up? That console only had 4mb of VRAM. What the hell are developers doing these days?
Nah. One of the worst. There worst being probably 2.
There will be no remaster because FF6 was a commercial failure. And just like that be happy you will never get voices, because they'd have to take a fucking dog barking for that scene.
Technical limitations drive creative flow since you have to compensate for a lack of raw resources.
Its considered a cult classic at this point so I'm sure they are aware of the potential money to be made. The only reason they won't do it is because they are fucking lazy. If it's taken them this long just to do the fucking terrible job they are doing with FFVIIRemake I can't imagine how fucking awful of a job they would do with an FFVI one.
By who is a cult classic? Japan doesn't give a shit. Yea Forums and it's contrarian culture? Of course they would eat shit like 6 and 9, the average rose colored amerifat's nostalgia googles that started with 6? No. Your game is trash and it's about time you know your place.
My coworker is a gay ass normie and he fucking loves FF6. Eat shit you fucking faggot, you ever even step outside of your parents house in the past 5 years? were serious? HAHAHA
An advice, don't believe the shit you see on the internet, most people don't know or care about Final Fantasy, so they just go with the flow of the hivemind on discussions. That's exactly wht Square decided to do the 7 remake, because they know it sells, it's exactly why they remastered 10 before the others, because it's the only one that stood the test of time, and a perfect entry for newcomers, and it's exactly why there is nothing for 6, you cannot live by artificial hype.
I don't believe the shit I see on the internet, Most people I've spoken to say FFVII is overrated as fuck and usually say 6 and 10 are their favorite.
Were you?
That's all you needed to type to disregard your post, I don't care about your coworker spouting memes he heard on the internet.
>X with a trainer
Why the trainer? The game isn't that hard. The only time I game over'd in my recent playthrough was on Yunalesca, and that's only because of a bullshit spell that instantly kills the entire party unless you intentionally keep a bad status effect on them.
>don't believe the shit you see on the internet
That's exactly why I don't believe any of your shit, X-kun.
>the only good thing about a game is gameplay
It's up there, yes
He actually doesn't even use the internet outside of the film and magic the gathering videos he watches on youtube.
I played X once when I was a preteen and I was bored to tears, although I'm sure if I played it now I would enjoy it greatly.
You don't need to believe me. Square's importance to the game, and newcomers is all you need, why you sleep crying that nobody gives a shit about 6.
You seem to know alot about your "gay normie" coworker. Surely you don't stalk him right? Or better yet, you're not THAT "coworker" trying to shove ff6's self perceived importance, right?
Let's face it, in a JRPG gameplay isn't exactly the strongest selling point.
Big yikes list
If you believe that gameplay is everything in a game I feel bad for you.
>Big yikes list
You're right, updated it
Cringe NPC opinions
Ive worked with him for years and Hes my friend too so of course i know shit about him. You dont know about either of those things since youre a fucking neet
Very nice, I would switch 15 and 13-1, I didn't like 8 as much as 10, but it's probably a close second, I especially liked the farming for abilities and the unorthodox "level" system.
>the unorthodox "level" system
You mean useless?
Butthurt, aren't ya?
The remaster is going to look better most of the time, It's just some scenes will look better in the older style since the game was built around that.
Now now, you're getting riled up for a game. It's true that I don't work like you, but it's not because I'm a neet, I studied enough and got enough money so that I can hire and bully little shits like you and your gay lover. Back to the FF argument. What you pose is impossible to equate, who the hell is your friend? How many FFs has he played, better yet how many plat/all achievements he has? Have you stalked him 24/7 hours to know he never saw a thread discussing FF in all his life? Maybe he just said that to make you happy, seeing your short temper (isn't that sweet?) If so, what is the point in bringing him up, other than you confessimg your sexual love to him in a thailandian basketball forum? While what I propose is more grounded in reality and has no emotional strings attached like your brainlet arguments, Square does not care, Japan does not care, cringiest text and scenes, sad combat, even sadder with no real superbosses, we live in a society main antagonist, and the usual setting done to death in fantasy.
For a oneliner? Come on now. I'm sure you can do better than that, even if your brain is damaged enough to like 6.
>Anytime a 9fag taunts you demand them to thank you, for FF10 saved Square's ass after the commercial failure that was 9
I know your post is bait but why should 9fags care about anything that came after if they got 9 lol
Because your Final Fantasy brought critical conditions to the very same company that created the game you love. So at the very least you should be grateful it sticks around to deliver more products in the hopes you'll like some of them as much or more than that.
>of course I'm not butthurt, but I am
Fine then, I'll allow you to have the last line, if it calms your soul, go ahead.
Everything that came after 7 was shit. Don't even reply to me.
Except it didn't. It was Spirits Within with its 137 million budget, not earning back shit. The failure causing Sakaguchi to resign his position, and later leave the company altogether. The man who saved the company also destroyed it and FF was never the same quality again. There's the truth.
No no no. Not quite
Spirits Within happened long after 10. Long before that, 9 was a failure and brought Square down. You can check it by their reports, stock market at the time, and of course, number of copies ff9 sold (which btw, wasn't even a mainline entry, but they decided to cash in on the brand's name), ff10 saved their asses. Unfortunately some of them had this fixation on making a movie, and the rest is history.
>i'll continue to make shit up to argue with you
yeah I'm done. Later.
I'm not a part of your argument but Spirits Within was screened before FFX even came out in Japan user.
Only by a week, 8 days if you want to be precise, production of FFX was already done by then, and it wasn't enough time to feel the lack of meeting their ends, and there is a great difference in a merging, rather than buying another company with pocket change
R8 & H8
I wish all the other ff9fags would also be done, yet here you fags still desperately counting the sales of all versions of ff9 to this year (w-we did it bros, 6 millions!) and you still can't reach Ps2's era FF10. Maybe with some luck they'll add it to epic store, ps5 and the new xbox. After that you only have to calc the pirated copies of the ps2, steam, ps3, ps4 and switch for 10. Fuck off alongside your giant space flea from nowhere and laggy combat.
its great
>Final Fantasy IX sold over 2.65 million copies in Japan by the end of 2000, making it the second-highest selling game of the year there. Although it was a top-seller in Japan and America, Final Fantasy IX did not sell as well as Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy VIII in either Japan or the United States.
>Final Fantasy IX was released to critical acclaim both in Japan and the US. On the review aggregator Metacritic it has achieved a score of 94/100, the highest score for a Final Fantasy game on the site. On GameRankings it has received a score of 93%, the second highest of any Final Fantasy game, behind Final Fantasy VI for the Super NES
You plebs need to try harder. FFIX was not the cashcow VII was, but it also came at an unfortunate time (very end of the PS1 lifecycle and PS2 just around the corner). Spirits Within rekt the company, and its failure was predicted in their own financial forecasts.
Divinity has great ratings by journos, they mean nothing. Ff12 came at the end of the ps2 era, and isn't even that loved, but lo and behold, even it sold more.
How ironic that a 9fag uses that word, when your game wasn't even a numbered title, but Squaresoft thought they could cash in more money if they called it 9.
Have you no shame?
Nice work completely skipping over that first line. Its budget was also much lower than for example VII's, so less sales were even needed to make even or make profit out of it (which they did).
12 is my favourite, the optional content is fucking insane and so damn cool. Story, music and graphics are all top notch. It's the only 3D FF with actual dungeon crawling. SMT is the better JRPG series though.
I skipped no lines. I already said that 9 was a low effort cashcow, and that your excuse about it being late in the game cycle doesn't fly with 12 performing better, I could even reverse that, saying that since FF10 was early PS2 the playerbase suffered from it since they had to buy a full priced ps2.
have you played he mmos and are you just not rating them because they are special, or do they come under 'haven't played' but you also felt the need to mention mmos?
>"low effort cashcow"
>Sakaguchi actually well involved unlike VII and VIII, let alone X
>B-but FFXII sold more!
>PS2 best selling console of all time
>PS3 600 bucks at launch, meaning people held on to their PS2 longer
Fucking science yo
Look up Al bed primer lists, be sure to get the destruction sphere(might as well look this up as well) before you leave the towns/areas with temples otherwise when you go back to those place, they'll be blocked by super bosses which prevent you from grabbing items you've missed.
Damn what the fuck are you even on?
1 So what? You don't know shit about the time Sagakuchi worked on the games, also look at the failures he did after he left Square, a single man does NOT make a game, miss me with that Kojima cult shit
2 You're talking as if the PS1 hadn't very strong sales as well
3: Same argument can be said for the ps2, but most importantly, the ps4 as well, that didn't launch with the same price as the ps3, yet games that came at the very end of the ps3 cycle like The Last of Us or GTAV broke records.
Nope, you need to try harder than that to make others believe it wasn't 9's fault.
>try harder
This sums up (you) more than anything, It's well known Spirits Within was the catalyst, I don't need to convince anyone, it's fairly well known.
I'm happy to see you already backed off answering me. That SW was a failure does not mean that 9 doesn't share the same fate.
There's nothing to add. IX made more than its estimated budget, meaning it was a financial success. Spirits Within bombed hard and almost ruined the company.
Ok retard, time to dispel this myth
It's 40 million
>b-but 5 mil x 50
Very cute, but it doesn't take into consideration the amount of time spent and the pay for the devs.
Ff9 costed Square more than 10, and isn't that far from 7. And mind you, Wikipedia doesn't know the cost for advertisement, so it's even more than that.
Spirits Within cost them 137 million, it made them 30 million back instead of the expected 80. Meanwhile you keep bitching that they lost money over a game they have contiously ported and re-released over the past years and are even giving a full toy line dedicated to it. Get with reality, retard.
If anyone's interested, 10 was 32 millions, and since it's the second best there is no confrontation. 9 ruined Square and 10 helped greatly.
>B-but why aren't you focusing only on SW s-stop touching my favorite please!
You claimed that ff9 had a weak budget. False. You claimed it was because of the end cycle of the ps1. False. You claimed it was a grest game. False.
>muh remastrr
It took them how many years to do a ff9 remaster with trophy support after 10 got it? Oh right, half a fucking decade.
I dont care if you have criticism to FFIX, it’s my favorite but it has some real flaws. I’m just fighting your retarded notion that IX was what got them in trouble financially, because it’s false.
For me? It's FF7.
Oh, it definitely has flaws, well beyond the cash it made, but that's for another time. How do you exactly plan to "fight" my notion about it damaging Square, exactly? You said that it made its budget because it wasn't that much, but now you got proof that 9 was the most costly ff to make behind only 7, how do you exactly think it helped them. Sure, you could say that SW was worse, and I agree, surely, but why 9 gets a free pass, because it didn't bomb as much as SW who set the records for bombing in itself? That's not much to go on.
Don't tease us like that user.
I'm gonna need the full version of this STAT
There is no evidence to suggest they made a loss on IX, that’s why. But if you want to believe it that badly, be my guest. I’m off to bed. Good night.
Found it:
Based. Thank you.
Yes. No evidence outside of the weakest by far ps1, ps2, ps3 and ps4 entry and second highest budget. Goodnight