Haven't touched a video game in years

>haven't touched a video game in years
>post on Yea Forums every day

Attached: imagine actually liking traps.png (899x1329, 1.36M)

Based tranny


>trannies are only okay when they're anime

This but unironically

irl ones are hardly ever cute


that neck tho

But once they reach a certain level of cuteness you can't discern them anymore and they don't tell random people they're trans.

people who actually play games post on /vg/, Yea Forums has just been a place of turf war between different groups who don't care about games for years

>Don't post on Yea Forums for about 3 months
>Play videogames every day
We are keeping the balance

Makes sense, a lot of you fags are the same I'm sure.


I don't think trans women are actually women, but even I can admit that if the majority of trans women were passable instead of autistic fat guys in grandma clothes sporting patchy neckbeards there'd be almost no backlash to the trans rights movement outside fundamentalists.

There's nothing gay about fucking a twink guy with a fantastic ass and tight boy pussy

Its only fucking gay when you yourself are the bottom

Source: most ancient civilisations

Also we'd have high quality boypussy and a lot more people going mtf

>trans rights
what rights are they being denied anyway?

Astolfo fucks women, but only bottoms for men.

Attached: 1527019068121742428.jpg (1600x1053, 403K)

Imagine not loving Astolfo

Attached: 74453732_p0.png (837x1250, 807K)


he's my wife


They blame their mental illness on people not accepting their mental illness

Yes it's okay when Japan does it. You should know this by now.

That's not a tranny, learn what rule 63 is retard

The right for lesbian women to be required to diddle their stinkholes. Literal left-wing incels.

>draw rule 63 of a character
>REEE tranny
When did us oldfags all die out?

It's the same person who always posts him changing IPs so he can bump his own gayness