>tfw had a blast with dmc5
>craving for more dmc
>never played this
im considering buying this Yea Forums, why does everyone shit on it? aside from the story, how is the combat supposedly a downgrade from dmc4?
Tfw had a blast with dmc5
Other urls found in this thread:
if you dont get why then you are shit at DMC
how could I know I just said i never played DmC
>The combat is a downgrad-
>im considering buying this Yea Forums, why does everyone shit on it?
30fps at launch
dumbed down score and style system
too much platforming and "puzzles"
cringe dialogue and story compared to the cheesiness of previous DMC games
donte is an obnoxious asshole and vorgil is a fedoralord
weapons are shit and uninspired
no different styles
>Implying playing as an optional character styling on a starting zone enemy is indicative of the majority of the game's combat
Most people complain about the shitty bosses, shitty DT, and shitty free style points.
now compare it to vergil's gameplay in 4
>no different styles
so what, are shredder and gun rain just gone then?
barry coming in with the same webm again
im think those became skills you can buy
proof that DmC haters are just babbies who shit on it to fit in with the board
everyone IIT should leave before they miss their daily dmc3 SSSuckoff session
Never played it myself, but I remember a lot of people complaining about color coded enemies. Something about angel and devil alignments and how certain enemies are only hurt by certain weapons
Wow that's almost half as fast and deep as 3 or 4!
>Something about angel and devil alignments and how certain enemies are only hurt by certain weapons
Yes that is true, at least Rebellion is a "neutral" weapon so you can use it for any enemy
>S rank in under 10s
>braindead infinite air juggling
>Can count the button presses
>Supposed to be impressive
It's like this nigger hasn't seen a single truestyle video
i mean, shit like the shadows and blood gargoyles and the exploding cunts pretty much force yout to gun them down so i dont get how color coded enemies are much of a deviation from that
>the shadows and blood gargoyles and the exploding cunts pretty much force yout to gun them down so i dont get how color coded enemies are much of a deviation from that
>3 enemies that go down easily or only need to be gun down so you can slash them afterwards
>half of the existing enemy roster
The control scheme is fucked up. You hold a shoulder button to turn on a certain weapon and release it/press another to switch. The weapons themselves are also pretty damn bad; Eryx is the worst set of gauntlets in the series, Revenant is shit compared to the previous shotguns of the series despite a good design, E&I are the inverse in that their redesign is awful, and all the others are mediocre at best. Also there's 1, maybe 2 bosses that don't suck and the way you're scored is fucked and relies too much on damage dealt and finding secrets. Vorgil's Downfall is like a mediocre version of 3 Vergil gameplay that also rips off Bleach for some reason.
Oh, and if you're on PC then definitely don't bother because only Definitive Edition is playable and it's not on PC. Original release runs at half the framerate, has an even worse story, doesn't have all the DLC included, and forces you to use certain weapon types on certain enemies or else you'll be put into hitstun.
God look at all those fucking terrible animations. The way Vergin swings his sword completely lacks any sense of impact.
Both are still in, many aspects of styles are just adapted for different weapons or built into weapon movesets. Rebellion doesn't have shredder anymore, it's a launcher attack for the scythe
Stiff ass animations.
...are you actually impressed by that?
The combat's decent but it's not as good as DmC apologists will tell you.
>hello Yea Forums, I literally can't use google or any other search engine
The combat is better than Nier: Automata's, but that game gets a pass for some reason.
right user why the fuck would anyone bother discussing vidya here let's go back to the usual waifu, feet and gigachad threads instead
>The combat is better than Nier: Automata's, but that game gets a pass for some reason.
It had better combat than MGR's too, which was Yea Forums's FOTM game when DmC was coming out.
It's got over the shoulder camera which is a HUGE plus for a game like this. Don't know how many times I was fighting some gay little puppet in the previous games only to walk forward 2 feet and have the camera zoom out 200 feet away and on top of a building. Fuck that
the thing about mgr is that it was a harmless spinoff that could not be compared to any previous entries in the franchies
dmc had to measure up to dmc3 and 4 and failed to keep up
They didn't bother to release the Definitive Edition for PC because it's literally just the original PC version a few mods built in. The only decent contribution was Must Style mode
>half the framerate on pc
Not refuting your other points but the game can ruin at any framerate on pc.
What I want to know is which was worse? I finished 1 and going through 3 but I hear so much shit about 2.
While the combat by virtue of being core gameplay having depth is the main reason an action game is good, you also need to consider the total package of a game when you decide if it's worth your time. Revengeance & Automata have two of Platinum's weaker combat systems but are all-around good games with nothing outright terrible about them. Revengeance has a great cast of characters, memorable boss fights, and a very satisfying gameplay loop with feedback that helps mask its repetitiveness (as well as two completely different characters that get DLC campaigns of a couple hours in length whereas DmC only got the one). I haven't played Automata myself but the draw from the beginning outside of 2B herself was the story, world, and music brought it being a game in the Nier/Drakengard franchise. I'm not super interested in playing it but that's mainly because I don't have experience with Taro's games so a game carried by those aspects that just has passable combat doesn't interest me, but it's clearly stronger as a total package than DmC despite having worse combat.
2 is worse. DmC is arguably the best western hack-and-slash that came out in the 7th gen, because its only competition is GoWIII which has less depth in its combat but is better in most other aspects.
DMC2 is possibly the biggest drop in quality a sequel has ever had in video games. Its art design and music (and I guess Trish but fuck playing the game enough to unlock her) are what keep it from being a legit 0/10 game.
>with nothing outright terrible about them.
The combat.
If you're on PC then play Assault Spy instead.
2 Is miles fucking worse than DmC, DmC is a shitty reboot but it is still a game that you can play through, fucking 2 is a horrid slog that drains you every time you play
You know how people hate DMC2? DMC2 is better than DmC Devil may Dino
>spam e&i from a distance against argosax
haha this game is so bad you can just stand still and the boss wont punish you
>spam e&i from a distance against cerberus
NOOOOOOOO youre playing the game WRON youre just cheesing because youre BAD
Yeah? You can cheese Griffon in 1 with Alstors devil trigger electric attack and the grenade launcher for building devil trigger. What about the combat and stuff? Are all bosses this cheeseable? Is the combat simplified?
>All this whataboutism
I didn't even know 2cucks existed.
Every fight is like that.
I havent played 2, I just rather a explanation then a possibly cherry picked webm. Also im not either.
The whole game is like that; DMC2 is more of a TPS than an action game.
The guns are way too strong. There's no incentive to go melee.
i havent even played the game retard, but since there's plenty of bosses in the good dmc games that can be cheesed by gunspam using this argument as if it only applies to dmc2 is retarded
unless the melee combat is severly downgraded from 1 and the bosses ai significantely more retarded then these webms prove nothing
Wow that is pretty gay.
If you've ever asked yourself why guns do chip damage in action games look no further.
i thought only shitty players spammed the pistols and bazooka to get by a boss
why is there not a single webm of someone going up against a dmc2 boss in melee
Revengeance combat lacks depth but it's not bad. I'd say Raiden is too tied to Metal Gear mechanics, which is why they shoehorned in stealth mechanics and sub-menus, but in combat the flow and raw "game feel" is really strong and the basic mechanics are intuitive. Sam is a step up and Wolf is an interesting glimpse into a game with a greater stealth focus.
I can't speak too deeply on Automata but as far as I can tell it's really more of an ARPG with controls/movelists closer to other Platinum games because they were the ones brought in to polish it up. The combat doesn't seem to be the core focus unlike every other Platinum game (barring Madworld & Infinite Space).
If you want specifics, yes to all of those questions. There are three weapons in the whole game, all of them swords, and all of them have the exact same combos and animations. Most of the enemies are basically pushovers and your guns are so overpowered you won't find much reason to not mindlessly shoot at them until they're down.
Most bosses in the game are exactly like what the webm shows, where the game gives you way too much space in the boss arena that, combined with how boring melee is, gives you incentive to attack them directly so the best strategy is to shoot them until they die. There's the infamous Infected Helicopter fight in which you shoot an offscreen helicopter for about 5 minutes, and the only strategy is to shoot them enough to build up DT so you can do a little more damage for a few seconds, then keep shooting. DMC2 is not even worth experiencing out of curiosity.
>that fucking weak ass killer bee kick that only slightly nudges the enemy
Because there's no reason to. In dmc1 and 3 melee is way faster but guns are an option. In 2 the shooting is just as fast or faster and the melee is very clunky. I've beaten it several times man, it's just not good.
that's not a discussion, this is spoonfeeding
Because Yea Forums is full of faggots. That's it, no other reason.
>a story-based RPG with shmup mechanics, VN dialogue, and leveling/stat micromanagement is evaluated with different standards than a hack-and-slash action game made by a different studio
My shock is just unimaginable.
Also Automata's combat is fine even if you're going to compare the two.
>The combat doesn't seem to be the core focus
Then why is 90% of the game spent fighting enemies?
>using the DLC that plays differently from the main game
>dmc had to measure up to dmc3 and 4 and failed to keep up
not to mention the devs themselves said that it would be on par with DMC3 and DMC4 and that was an outright lie
You can get an S rank easily in any other DMC game and 5's air juggling is a joke compared to 3 and 4.
>melee is boring
>so the only alternative is to spam lt until enemies drop
nigger you cant seriously be saying that the swordplay is more boring than tapping one button it just isnt possible
>infested chopper
yeah and nelo angelo 2 has a shitty arena, griffon 2 is unplayable and arkham sucks cock. so what most shitty bosses have always been around in dmc
Seems to be about on par with 4.
>The combat is better than Nier: Automata's, but that game gets a pass for some reason.
because Automata is a good game.
DmC is a horrid reboot and all the PR stuff from Ninja Theory was just openly attacking the DMC fanbase and outright mocking them with shit like >special trick for one fight
not really helping with your cherrypicking
>nigger you cant seriously be saying that the swordplay is more boring than tapping one button it just isnt possible
Melee is exactly that but slower and somehow less effective than shooting. There's no high time, million stabs, helmet breaker or any move that made melee exciting in the last game.
>so what most shitty bosses have always been around in dmc
nigga every boss in DMC2 is shitty, infested helicopter is just the shittiest of them all.
Again, I couldn't tell you anything about actually playing the game. I was mostly using it as an example for "total package" mattering, and hence why Automata is so popular while DmC wasn't so much (2B's ass drove sales but people are still high on it to this day and I assumed it was how everything came together more than any individual mechanics).
>First boss vs last boss
RPG elements in a hack and slash are terrible. In Automata you can get to level 99 and kill everything in 2 hits making me wonder why there are even combos in the game.
If you don't believe us just play it. You'll be back here agreeing with us, I fucking guarantee it. I was obsessed with the Matrix when I first played DMC2 and even that wasn't enough to save it.
It's honestly alright, even the PC version without the definitive upgrade. The controls are shittier, but you get used to them. It's worth playing once.
>DMC fanbase and outright mocking them with shit like (Cross-thread)
Was that really mocking them? Seems like a harmless reference to Dante's old style and plus there's artwork out there that had Donte looking closer to the original design that Capcom shot down because it's too familiar.
I swear people only parrot what they hear on Yea Forums.
It's actually almost the last boss. Not him but that's my only beef with it, that Dante is just Nero backwards but also shorter and far easier.
Still better than DmC though.
There's also interviews with Tameem before DmC came out and that presentation they did that was nonstop shitting on the original Dante's style. "Dante looking like he does would get kicked out of any bar outside of Japan," superimposing DMC4 renders over Brokeback Mountain, etc.
Dante is a fag though, it's why you all relate to him.
The latter was for a gaming art expo it was some random dude showing off his port folio.
>no high time and helm breaker
Literally lying out of your ass, just looked it up and they're still there
Be honest and tell us how far you got into the game user
The main problem is the red/blue weapon system, with that removed then it's a perfectly serviceable action game with a cringefest story
That's actually pretty based, not gonna lie.
PS4 version would crash like a motherfucker, game sucked anyway - too busy "lol, look at how dumb the other games were". Be careful not to cut yourself on the edge.
One scene. At the start. With the wig joke. Over 6 fucking years ago.
Get over it already.
shit nigga i don't know I played the game once like 6 years ago and have no plans to replay it ever. All I remember about the melee is the dumb air kicks that Dante does in the air, stinger looking like shit and not having million stabs which is still inexcusable.
Million stabs was in it though.
This. Most of the shit the dev game the old games was in the PR before release. The story itself is mostly self-contained outside of adapting basic elements of the originals; the problem is that it's a nonsensical edgy mess with flat comedy and uninteresting lore. DmC Sparda is more of a joke than anything that comes out of Donte's mouth. Plus, need I remind people of:
>Bigger dick
>Squirrel semen
>Wet chunks
>I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit
Doesn't change the fact that the game is shit. DmC is like Prince of Persia 2008
I’ll never not be mad.
looks like a chinese version of dmc
people might argue that dmc4 dante is the weakest the character has ever been in terms of damage, but gameplay wise he is the one with the highest skill ceiling mechanically if you're not taking the CE in dmc5 into consideration. DmC is alright but it never comes close to the gameplay in any of the videos i've posted.
Because you dont start at level 99?
Slower, simpler and easier than DMC4. Somehow worse bosses as well.
this. none of the dialogue is clever, witty or funny, aside from the succubus scene which is only because it's so cringy that it's funny, and it only really starts to shine in spanish, as posted.
compare to some other cutscenes in 4, for example:
No, THIS is a chinese version of DMC.
Remember when Capcom announced this like 5-6 months before 5 got revealed, and how it's not even out yet?
What am I looking at here?
DMC: Pinnacle of Combat
It's a remake/reimagining of 3 from some Chinese company for mobile. It was announced like 18 months ago. "Pinnacle of Combat" is the most "Chinese-to-English translated" subtitle I've ever seen.
Oh my god
You can play trish using a password. Even the devs said "fuck playing the whole shit to unlock her"
God I hope that title sounds better in hunger hieroglyphics
>the biggest drop in quality a sequel has ever had in video games.
Not even close.
Go back and play DMC1 and then DMC2.
I have.
You've obviously not played Bayo 2, even DmC: SE has better combat.
>Worse combat/enemy design
>Better or the same in every other way
Bayo 2 is a downgrade but far from a massive drop in quality; it's the difference between an 8.5/10 and a 7 or 7.5/10. The best thing you can say about DMC2 is that its soundtrack is about as good as the original's. It's a drop from like a 9 to a 2.
ah the old "if I play like a retard I get retarded results"
It's worth playing for the environmental art alone, ignore the assblasted weeaboos.
>Actually defending bosses being intangible outside of Witch Time
pic unrelated
DMC1 literally created a subgenre and set a standard so high that to this day only a handful of devs on earth could ever hope to approach it, meanwhile DMC2 is an borderline unplayable joke game and the poster child for bad sequels
>Shoot the works
Skip to 0:48 for sexy synth