FFXIV producer/director's favorite job constantly getting buffed while simultaneously made easier to play

>FFXIV producer/director's favorite job constantly getting buffed while simultaneously made easier to play
Why is this allowed? We should be rioting with torches and pitchforks.

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don't you have a general to post this shit in

BLU should have been a tank. I know all the tanks are the protagonist jobs of FF, but come on, fuck off with this limited job horseshit.

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I hope they remove the damage from energy drain. It feels bad either using aetherflow on it and making your other healer spend more gcds to heal the party, or using your aetherflow on healing and watching your parse go from orange/purple to blue/green

DRK isn't even fucking fun regardless of the buffs. It hasn't been since it got bent over and fucked in the ass last expansion.

why even care about parses

Real talk why you niggers always snitching in the community? How much is the popo paying your nigga narc ass?

>got carpal tunnel from ffxiv
Maybe my keybinds were too hand straining and I was always reluctant to change them because I didn't want to relearn things.
Good thing controller support is very good in this game.

what did she mean by this?

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I don't see an issue, you're basically just using popping tbn, do some edge of darknesses, blood weapon whenever it's off cd til you get full meter and then delirium to do a bunch of blood skills and use ogcds between all that
you expecting tanks to have some exciting rotation like BLM?

You mean what Koji mean by this?

>muh parse
just cut off your dick and become a tranny if you wanna do more dps



>tfw you find her voice really hot for some reason
I feel weird tanking the fight because I feel like she's flirting with me.

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I think that's the point. Well, for jap voice at least.

>it's an Aurum Vale episode

there's nothing wrong with loving our benevolent ruler

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I play in English.
Just the voice line after the add phase perfectly captures it. I'm not sure if she wants to hop on my dick or stab me in the kidney and I think the confusion just makes it better. Is that what liking yanderes is like?

JP strat is so weird, they refuse to have the off tank take 3 charges.

>Finally got to Titan phase 3
Bringing back the old Titan theme for the last phase was a neat touch. I just wish PF wasn't filled with absolute monkeys.

I wanted a modular job that changed roles based off what spells you took with you, or hell the mezzer/debuff side of the job is awesome. They could go all in on that.

I report bots because I don't want to hear about their bullshit RMT stuff get spammed in cities.

I hope every SCH fucking dies

Nothing really wrong with it, only problem is tether working however it wants, so the less interaction with it the better.

t salty whm cuck

The OT strat is 100x better, no reason NOT to do it.

They will, some day.

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JP players don't like to use CDs unless they're absolutely forced to and they always do mechanics the "right" way instead of cheesing them.

The tether is fine, the issue is people not understanding server instancing and moving early to try to trade off the tether not understanding that positions on eachothers' screens won't match up. If the person with the tether stands completely still until they see it swap on their screen then it always works fine.

>ot is called sub tank in nip
haha sub

Fucking spend 1 GCD to shield the raidwide you stupid nigger I'll fucking cut off your fingers and forcefeed them to you

>tfw sick of the crap, old castle

>I wanted a job that took twenty times the effort to make compared to other jobs

There is absolutely no reason to reinvent the wheel.

Is Classic going to kill all the Shadowbringers traffic?

nice fucking faux-png you retard

1~5 get garo set for dark knight
6~9 watch cannon busters

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Fun fact.
You can swap seamlessly by stepping on her directional arrow. People don't seem to get this though and try to stand right in front of the person who currently has it.

no reason to reinvent the wheel when you can just make an air freshener

Where are all the gay Hrothgars?
Why do all the "gay" Hrothgars not know how dicks work?

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go away mtq

There really isn't a difference, if your team is positioned correctly, the melee can stay at melee range and not lose uptime when taking tethers.
Having the OT take 3+ tethers is a crutch for bad parties, FACT.

Except BLM was sort of shit in the last expansion.

>literally haven't seen a Roe in 2 weeks
What the fuck happened?

>not know how dicks work
What do you mean? Examples?

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They all became lion men

Hrothgar happened.

Do people actually follow MTQ guides? I watched her job guide for Ninja and it was just blatantly inaccurate.

>ever being right

Never ever, BLU is FUN and that's all that matters.

I forgot she even existed

They are played by females

>Exarch trust is a beta for nu-BLU
>depending on the spells you've chosen before hand you can become a tankdps or healer

MTQ and MrHappy are meme content that you should avoid whenever possible

they literally make guides for fights before they've cleared them themselves, and guides for classes before they've even played them to 80. Not good sources.

I used too when I was tanking and didn’t want to mess up fights. Now I just free ball it

but the tether will go over your head if you step there! you gotta get your body to intercept the orange line!

They will make BLU a true job eventually, once they figure out how to properly adapt it in with the rest.

It's already one of the largest complaints that they mishandled BLU like crazy, so something is bound to happen eventually.

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Yeah they're the kind of people who go for clicks by being faster rather than being better.

Yes, most everyone in PF will be blindly following whatever MTQ or Mr Happy did.

I will literally never watch Mr.Happy bullshit after encountering him in Weeping City and he was a total fucking cunt. Literally a day into the patch and he was bitching how no one knew how to do it.


One of then legitimately thought the flare on "his" dick head was on the underside...

I'm a retard, what directional arrow?

They should stop being pussies and take some risks. This game is way too fucking streamlined.

i saw a roegadyn black mage in my party once and i legitimately couldn't think of the last time i saw a roe caster since this expansion came out

my first encounter with that faggot was him dying to reflected attacks on ARR leviathan normal mode

The targeting reticle, that user is a dumb dumb.

why does everyone hate elezen males

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Why do people shit on MTQ? I just use her videos to see what attacks are coming up in a fight, tactics and positioning can always change as groups become more experienced.

No they won't, and they shouldn't. it goes against the entire spirit of Blue mage as a job.

>why does everyone hate knife-eared giraffe fucks
Gee, I dunno.

go away mtq you're not fooling anyone

I think the user is talking about her literal directional arrow
she turns toward whoever she's doinking with her staff just stand in front of her where her target circle has the forward arrow on it

MTQ is a girl? I thought MTQ was some sort of FC or group and the girl in the videos was just someone voicing the script for them

i dont

i wanna nibble their ears and bite their long necks

It's actually her. Mizzteq or whatever the fuck she calls herself.

Trannies memed on us, "muh dps is my utility"
Buff cucks on suicide watch

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Nobody cares about how XI did it. If you want to play an "authentic blue mage" then go back to XI, some of us would like to play a real job.

I do the same, just need to see what the mechanics are like beforehand. After that I generally look for pug strats and throw a learning party into the pf. I prefer her videos since they aren't as long and get straight to the point.

It was probably me if you're on Crystal, I never see anyone else either.


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Have they fixed gunbreakers sound and have they fixed how shoah works on Sams?

Nope and nope.

SAM is getting reworks in 5.08 and 5.1

no ETA on gunbreaker sound

>I prefer her videos since they aren't as long and get straight to the point.
Nah you see this is what I disagree with.
The way she presents her strats have 0 focus. Instead of going in order as it appears, she jumps from place to place a bit too often to go back and explain one of the mechanics. Like explain the mechanic as you go along the fight. Instead she's like "first you have to remember these mechanics", goes ahead and does it, then goes back to beginning on how the fight plays out, essentially mentions how to do the mechanic again, and then does the same thing again padding the ever loving shit out of her videos.

I've seen "walkthroughs" from randos where people show their fight and quickly explain and it's more comprehensive then the shit she pulls.

I loved doing 6 people tether phase with friends and screaming/laughing as the tether fucks up and blows up the party.

Of course it's a girl

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XIV's definition of a "real job" aren't even jobs, they're homogenized copy pasted messes that are sacrificed for the formula.

Thankfully it doesn't matter what you or idiots on reddit or the OF think. The devs have recognized the need for jobs to expand outside of just being for raiding and have expressed that they have no intention of making Blue mage a "full" job.

So you can cry on Yea Forums all you'd like, I'll enjoy the new content in 5.1 and all of the content to come as the devs listen to people who actually care about the game and not short sighted morons.

You a big mean roe in dressed black darkshadow armor but covers your face in a black moogle mask?

her videos are hot garbage
poorly explained
too long
retarded strats
mechanics with non-obvious solutions might not even get explained
limited entirely to her career off tank perspective
published before she even clears the fight
nonsensical order and priority

Do we have an ETA on 5.1? I thought Yoship would've announced something by now since classic is coming soon

Nah I'm using a mix of lower level caster gear stuff

Because paladin can't do that. Their cool down is too long for the second set. So just get into the habit of doing it normally in case a paladin is the off tank.

WAR rework when? Inb4 PLD cucks screaming about muh balance.


Shut up faggot.

I wish roes were as popular as catgirls.

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Does anyone have the simpsons shoop of Amaurot when Selch opens the door?

I'm enjoying all the BLU content like.....

>in order to make Blue Mage a real job it MUST lose its learning and customization gimmick and acquire spells like every other job

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Except MNK is better than BLM.

>this guy subs to the game just to gather blu skills

>people are dumb and can’t see how it could possibly work
>SE is dumb and couldn’t possibly make it work
pick one

I would say it would need to happen if only because FFXIV players are by large, awful at the game. People be skipping their class quest shit already, I can't imagine how unbearable a bunch of shitty BLU players would be.

Do wowfags? They have two threads up right now asking essentially the exact same question.

Because imagine BLU goes into a dungeon queue and all it has is tank and healing abilities, or nothing but self destruct esque meme spells.

What did they even queue for? Tank? Healer? DPS? So now you have two healers or two tanks in your group, or three DPS?

It completely fucks up the queue system.

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Yoshi P already explained why.
>Hey guys I joined your e2s group as BLU but I don't have Titan's special attack because I'm not very lucky. It's only a 300dps increase so it's not a huge deal
>BLU retard was removed from the party
That is their explanation and if you think that's incorrect you're lying through your fingers

I've done it with a PLD as my OT before.

Here's a crazy idea, make getting blu skills not a retarded RNG shitshow

I fucking hate how she popularized the "run in a circle near your orb" tactic for paradise lost since that never fucking works cleanly in a PF party and people assign orbs fucking randomly and then refuse to switch so all the 4 aoes are clustered in one corner and someone always dies

They'd first have to make Dancer as a whole not a retarded RNG shitshow.

The spells would break encounters, user!
>Runs into monster immunity
It'd solo raids if it were a normal job!
>Can't enter raids period
It would carry baddies through content!
>Needs to be carried to better farm skills
You would ever only want that class in your groups!
>Does less damage than a healer of the same level
People would not have enough skills and inconvenience others!
>Enters dungeon without job crystal or quest skills
it's new and exciting!
>can't participate with everyone in shad


And when they make it not RNG based you'll still see BLU players with missing abilities.
The only answer would be to make it so BLU is required to have every ability unlocked before it can queue for level specific content/raids, and that basically boils down to required job quests for abilities, does it not?

Fuck parsetranny metaslaves. I will continue to play SAM and I will enjoy it.

>People might be bad and not learn spells!
Just kick them. If they pick up a job that can only be unlocked after hitting level 50 as another job, that goes out of its way to tell you that you need to actively pursue spells in order to learn them, then fail/refuse to learn any, they lose every right to bitch when people call them out on it. There's nothing wrong with having a job that requires you to put extra effort into making it workable as long as it clearly advertises itself like that.

This is all before you get to the fact that the job ALREADY HAS A WAY OF TEACHING YOU SPELLS WITHOUT FIGHTING MONSTERS. There is absolutely nothing preventing the game from giving you totems as you level to teach you certain key spells that the job couldn't live without.

Oh so you mean we should just hand out spells? Like through some kind of... job quest? THAT DOESNT SOUND VERY BLU JOB FANTASY TO ME, SIR.

BLU learning spells from shit in the field was entirely unnecessary.

>Enters dungeon without job crystal or quest skills

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Tell me how many times have you used your shiny new ability Shoah, since you got it. Do you think you could count the number on both your hands?

Current class abilities aren't RNG shitshows and yet there are a plethora of people missing vital skills because they can't be bothered to do their job quests.
Never mind the people who just won't put some of their skills, most notably their roles skills, into their hotbars for whatever retarded reason.

What dance is this and how can I get it

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>divide his abilities into 3 categories (DPS, Tank, Healer)
>Can only choose one of the categories and maybe choose a couple of skills from the other 2
>depending on what you have chosen he changes into a Tank, DPS or Healer
>To run higher-level content he must have all of his abilities up to that point (i.e to run 60+ level content he must have every ability up to 50lvl content, to run 70+ he must have every 60+ ability, etc)
There i fixed him, no need to (You) me.

Just don't be that silent retard who notices the 4 orb baiters didn't take the intercardinals and says nothing. Orb baiting is a fine strat. The only thing better is making your melees bait at max melee with a panto rotation so the casters lose nothing but PF would surely fuck that up even more.

looks like hes spamming different black ranger poses

No i mean you learn them from mobs guaranteed dummy

its not a dance

It's true, but so what?
>Hey guys I joined your e2s group as DPS, I don't have decent parses on FFLogs but I can do mechanics and...
>DPS retard was removed from the party
People will always discriminate.
Make BLU half a job like RDM:
you can keep its gimmick mechanic of learning spells (NOT WITH THE RNG FOR FUCKS SAKE), but to use it in serious content it must learn first X specific skills that create some kind of rotation and you can only use these in high level dungeon/trial/raid settings.
Heck, they can make 3 kind of sets for BLU, one for tanking, one for healing, one for DPSing if they want to
All of this and also keep all the """"""""""""""fun"""""""""""""" spells aside that you can use in Undersized content and whatever.

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that isn't a dance, they are spamming the ranger pose skills


Godbless anons, I need these then


>Just kick them
Glad you ignored the entire point of my post and ignored why Yoshi P understandably thinks it's a bad idea. Kicking out players because of the job that they play is the type of situation they have decided to avoid, and you're a retard that thinks it's okay because muh different ability learning style

Literally who gives a shit
It's clear that they never intended it to be part of your standard rotation and was just supposed to be an added bonus for phase transitions
Tsubame-gaeshi and Senei are the real rewards of the expansion but they didn't want you to wait until level 80 to get them

Paradise Lost baiting*

Consistently doing mechanics right >>>>>>> decent parses

The way people should be baiting is for everyone to exit 2 orbs counterclockwise of their final orb and then rotate clockwise to their orb slowly, then it doesn't matter where you're positioned

Even if you're evenly spaced doing it by rotating along the outside is better because it's impossible to fuck up

>boss enrage

>hits enrage with the boss at 10%

Classic threads good XIV threads bad

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You can get 1 tick ocgd every now and then

>it's a job that is known for learning their skills from monsters
>let's remove that whole element so we have another caster that does the exact same shit as the other 3 but with renamed skills

>Literally who gives a shit

1. people who want their ultimate level 80 skill to be something besides a throw away filler skill

2. people who want one of the best SAM animations to not be wasted on a throw away filler skill

>decent parse means 90+
You can clear all fights with blue parses, don't @ me.

Blatantly booting jobs from parties does not happen and has never once happened the entire time I've played this game from late 2011 to present.
Stop being dishonest and maybe try to understand why the current BLU could not be taken into normal parties simply because of the playerbase

>Kicking out players because of the job that they play
You're not kicking people because of the job, you're kicking them because they're fucking retarded. We're talking about the same kind of people who don't get abilities from job quests and ignore picking up their free level 80 gear from Not!Gerolt. Idiots will remain idiots no matter what job they play.

Cool, you made one job for the price of three. You're fired.

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I use meditation almost every time it's up.


Fuck off raidtranny.

Fishing for meditation stacks ANYWHERE else in your rotation besides between your first 2 GCD is a DPS loss.


post cute omega

It's the opposite, Paladin can do both tethers with HG, they can't do Fae Light.

How does this make you feel?

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Bet that 1000 damage feels nice and really cool to use

You gays won't because you are all beyond cucked. Imagine paying money every month for a single player mmo.

They've been doing this shit for months. Every day. An /xivg/ thread on Yea Forums. "But goys our general is so baaaaad". Maybe if these fags would post in there and not here it wouldn't be so bad.

It's a free attack and 10 kenki, looks cool too and you feel lucky when you get it.

I like it.

They can build it off the Exarch or something. Or introduce dual-jobs in the next expac.

>Can't enter raids period
>Needs to be carried to better farm skills
It only makes farming easier and more time efficient. It's not required and it's possible to do all blu farms.
>Does less damage than a healer of the same level
Wrong. Healers were not doing 450 dps at level 50.

>limited entirely to her career off tank perspective
This is my main issue. Last guide I watched she glossed over certain healer mechanics, barely explaining them since she's never actually done them.

Joke's on you i'm a greenlet and don't even run Savage, just shitposting desu.

What the fuck are you meant to do for cycle of chaos if your cleaver position is east or west and the guillotine imp spawns facing you?

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Play male elezen

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Which is funny since she regularly uses video footage from some random healer in her static

pic unrelated

You could probably clear Savage.

considering you can solo ARR primals now, the only content BLU would reasonably want to or be able to farm, it doesn't make farming easier or more time efficient if you consider the time spent getting the skills

Guess what happens when players start to experience the fact that most BLUs they run into in roulette dungeons are missing key abilities? Those same players start making party find groups that say NO BLU in the search comments. Not because of BLU being an underpowered job, but because it's not worth the headache of having some join that are missing certain abilities.
I don't see what's so hard to understand about this

>want a support class
>all dancer does is spam 1 attack buff on 1 person and occasionally uses a AOE buff for party that lasts fuck all time and other then that might as well be the same as the other ranged DPS just shittier
I want an actual fucking support. Defense buffs, Skill speed ups, Attack buffs party wide that actually do shit other then just "its X skill but with a different coat of paint or only applying to one party member"

How is that any better and not just overly complicated
Don't take retarded positions

You've been able to solo ARR primals since HW.

>tfw want to clear e3s but all the clear parties exclude ninja
5.08 is so far away.

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Next attack is slicer so just move into the hitbox and guillotine nyx's formation can actually be walked through, it's not a perfect line.

There's a catch though, every "spec" has almost 1/3 of the usual skills, so it all rounds up to the same amount of skill learned, ez.

You just have to give it a try user.

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>AOE buff for party that lasts fuck all time
It's literally Trick Attack except better in every conceivable way.
It lasts 2 GCDs longer than Trick Attack.

I thought that's what I'd get when they announced DNC but it turns out that it's just a watered down old BRD for e-sluts.
Then again to me the new job don't make any sense, GUB would've been fine as a regular DPS and we could've get something else as a tank, and put DNC in heal.

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move literally into her model as soon as the Nyx leaves, as long as you're even a hair's breadth on the right side, you'll be in the right cleaver position

If you're a historically blue player, like you get blues even while max ilvl, you're going to struggle hard with enrages until you're decked out in tome gear.
I say historical because when it's week even the greys are doing relatively well. Now that its week 3 is much less excusable though.

>I want an actual fucking support. Defense buffs, Skill speed ups, Attack buffs party wide that actually do shit other then just "its X skill but with a different coat of paint or only applying to one party member"
So you want old-BRD?

she sounds like she was dropped on her head multiple times as a baby

>Play the job with 1/3 the buttons of a regular job!

That sounds horrible, user.

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What emotion does this face convey

no, both bad you paranoid loser

Soon you'll rise to the top just as SAMbros will.


old bard, as much as I liked its utility stuff, wasn't what I'd call an actual support class.

Confusion, per the context of the image.

>lower damage buff
>longer cooldown
do you know what "better" means

Pixies, Fuath and Nu Mou technically have NO gender as they are born from the souls of the dead rather than via procreation

A mix of confusion and disgust.

You can fit between nyxs at the intercardinals points of her hitbox, then move to your position as they fly through

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Because the projectile is a delayed meteor and when it lands depends on server ticks, if the server gets fussy at all it can land at a random time that you can't predict or the new aoe can show up too late and too close to a wall for you to have time to move out of it the long way, meaning you need to just guess when the one you just left will go off and hope the server doesn't suddenly correct itself and tick early

I'm new to SCH, just got Broil. What skill should I be using to weave ogcds? I've been doing it on bio and swiftcast broil but that's only 3 in 60 seconds, do I have to just eat the potency loss and use ruin 2?


>it's an Aurum Vale doujin

If you played this game for even a single raid tier, you'd know that a dedicated full support job would completely break the balance of the game and guarantee it a spot in the meta. As it is, dancer may be too good of a support in comparison to the old supports. It's got bard clinging to battle voice, and is choking what little life is left out of ninja.

>find a new hairstyle in PoD
>switch to it
>someone immediately says "oh another sephiroth"
male Elezen are a rare breed why bully...

what animu?

>inb4 mentor tank is the worst person in the party

You're talking about paradise lost baited aoes right? Just move out to the edge when they appear. Don't move until the next one appears under you. Just like pantokrator and stormy horizons.

Does such a thing truly exist? Asking for a friend.

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Kimetsu no Yaiba

>half a job like RDM


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I keep getting AV both as a Tank and as a DPS for some reason and i never have any issues nowadays desu. Although i love running it as a RDM, always get comms for nuking everything.

Pretty much, it used to be a flat 100p so it may not hurt as much to older sch players.

>If you played this game for even a single raid tier, you'd know that a dedicated full support job would completely break the balance of the game and guarantee it a spot in the meta.
Who the fuck cares about raids? Not 90% of players

If everyone is in green, including the healers and tanks, you can beat any savage content. That being said, 9 times out of 10 for some reason most people don't even know how to green parse. So you need people in purple or higher.

except the part where it's the worst job in the game

>getting tentacle raped by morbols

these are comfy

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It's a real shame, that artist makes very hot male elezens but they look nothing like that ingame

Is your friend into gay bara?


>People eat fruits at the first stack

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found a black dude on youtube playing a black male elezen
i felt like I found a unicorn.

>Blatantly booting jobs from parties does not happen

I was once booted for joining as a SAM early last expansion.

If you do that against a wall and have to run back the same direction "moving when the aoe appears" will get you hit by the previous one, the aoes don't resolve immediately after they disappear like other aoes, it's a delayed meteor impact that you have to eyeball, but if the server starts lagging then the meteor explosion stops corresponding to the hit timing so you just have to guess

Are these people forreal?

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there is one face that lets you make a young looking, attractive male elezen instead of one with sharp features

BLM is probably the hardest DPS to perform well on in difficult content.

>lasts twice as long
>buff on the whole party instead of a single enemy
This is also why battle litany is far better than chain strategem.

Might as well get wireless keyboard at this point.

>break the balance of the game
In what way? You can either make them do really poor DPS like DNC but shit out so many buffs it makes up for it, or you can make it a mediocre/regular DPS that it builds up meter VERY SLOWLY over the course of a fight to use 1-2 big buffs of varying variety.

Yeah but I'm talking about the necks as well

To be honest, I think having the grouped combo actions you get in PvP could be really fucking handy.

t. has never played BLM

you get around that by wearing glams that make it look normal

>she doesn't turn giant after saying this
Was disappointed desu

>just finished the story
>realize best boy is gone
>all that's left is boringdoofus
>everything with the Garleans
everything about this story was so good up until the ending. Yoship better pull something out of his ass to make this story interesting again

You just reading battle logs there bud?

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I mean, summon bahamut and enkindle bahamut being two different buttons is fucking asinine, user.

It is a lot, and if you don't want to spend your entire day fucking around with the keybinds it's a pain.

Hell, I bought one of those fucking MMO mice just for this game and I really don't regret it.

He may have a taste for Galka mayo.

But then you have to change batteries or plug in another power outlet instead of it getting its charge from the controller.

First of all, I think you're vastly overestimating the problem, both in just how many retards there actually are, and also because the same people who would be stupid with Blue Mage would be equally stupid with other jobs.
Second of all, as I've already explained, there is already a method of teaching abilities outside of fighting monsters and it can easily be co-opted into teach you key abilities you might have missed.
Lastly, you can always look for a group that is willing to accomodate you. Statics take """suboptimal""" jobs all the time, because most statics really don't care about orange parses as long as they clear. Both ultimate clears had a Dark Knight, despite it being far and away worse than both other tanks at the time. MMOs are inherently social games. Be social. Make friends.

People being stupid is not a reason to make every job retard-proof. If anything, idiots need an incentive to improve and become better at the game, something which this game desperately needs right now in this era where people can't even do Alliance Raids outside of Crystal Tower.

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as opposed to what?
dancer is irredeemably bad and actively detrimental to your party if you're running savage.

Them making draw on a different fucking cast than play was also fucking asinine.

Fuck hell just kill AST please.

Except I literally do. Name one harder, I'll wait, and probably laugh too.

I play blm and set up my hot bars to chronologically go through each button press of my opener and rotation. That's 26-28 buttons to press. It does tend to get slightly tedious

you have to put a lot of buttons on your bars but you press most of them like 3x a fight max, you're only pressing 9 or so frequently

They already majorly cut down on the buttons in Stormblood and Shadowbringers. The amount of buttons we have now are fine. What wasn't fine was the bloat back in Heavensward when you needed like 40 slots.

You can but green is relative. Take a party of players that beat the fight on week 20 with green parses and full gear back to week 2 with mostly crafted gear. They will not be able to do it any time soon. Take the grey players with week 2 kills and they will do better than green on week 20.
This is what I meant by historically blue and it's the only way to put any sort of perspective on you saying blue is enough to clear.

Hell, DWT, Deathflare, Summon Bahamut and Enkindle Bahamut all being separate buttons is asinine since you're literally unable to use Deathflare outside of DWT, and unable to use DWT when you're ready to summon Bahamut.

any suggestions?

>raidtrannies ruining the game for everyone else with their autism

You know a pretty small percentage of the players actually do hardcore raiding right? Why should the devs insist on making jobs boring and homogenized to cater to less than 20% of the player base?

Then you're shit.
BLM really isn't harder than any of the other jobs to play in endgame content.

I ain't saying it's complicated or hard, just annoying at times.

Why would you run back the same direction... Just drop all five in a corner like
3 4 5
You have plenty of room to fuck around

I'm overwhelming with the amount of abilities for MNK and how all these forms work
>use an ability
>entering opo-opo
>use another ability
>exiting opo-opo entering raptor
>don't know if I made a mistake or if I should just continue hitting abilities that light up

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Macro discussion aside, paladin still has some bad ability bloat.

depends on your job but anything with a collar works really, necklaces also give the illusion of a shorter neck

Dude I play PLD and I need way more than 9.

Next expac will have a new healer and ranged DPS job, bringing each role to 4 jobs. From then on out they'll work on making BLU fit as a proper job while not adding any new jobs to the game, except a fourth DoL known as BUG to compliment FSH

MNK is Dance Dance revolution but you're just dumb, you're SUPPOSED to flow from one form to another.

Monk is so easy dude. The combos are completely linear

>lasts twice as long
that just means TF and TA have the same uptime over the same amount of time
>buff on the whole party instead of a single enemy
that only matters in fights with adds, which is a whole one fight this tier

no you don't
BLM gets at least 7 on demand instants every minute and its rotation is the easiest in the game the only "difficulty" is knowing fight mechanics which woah everyone needs to know those
you can even not know mechanics and let other people move for you then just am to them and you only clip a little bit at worst if you massively fucked up you drop 1 f4 down to f1 and you're still top dps

>, except a fourth DoL known as BUG to compliment FSH
FSH is fucking rng ridden CANCER. I don't need another one. The world doesn't need another one.

Read the tooltips.

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You can't use any of your weaponskills that require any other form besides Opo-opo if you're not in that form.
You can't use True Strike or Twin Snakes if you're not in Raptor.
You can't use Demolish or Snap Punch if you're not in Coeurl.
And when I say you can't, I mean you're LITERALLY incapable of pressing the button.
So yes, in essence, Monk is just hitting abilities that light up.


jobs being boring and homogenized has nothing to do with raiders, that's just tab target mmo class design in general.

>dungeon roulettes become more exciting with a wild card BLU

Based. This games dungeons are fucking trash and should be removed.

If you're always moving clockwise then you're doing the exact thing I said everyone should do initially, just that doesn't work when everyone starts and runs somewhere random

honestly, NIN difficulty is exaggerated.
the opener is like playing the piano but past that it's smooth sailing

no one wants to post in a general and they don't fucking have to. These threads aren't up 24/7. People can discuss games on Yea Forums.

I've been playing blm since ARR. They've made it literally the easiest dps to play. Like even if you have to move, you have swift cast AND triple cast to accommodate

That's cheating

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If I see another speedreading story skipping faggot wearing leveling gear instead of their AF4 in Expert roulette I'm fucking done.

not really, Trick windows are absurd

>Maybe if these fags would post in there and not here it wouldn't be so bad.

Dude have you been to those threads
If you actually try to have a proper discussion about anything they call you some random namefag that you don't even know and pretend they're better than you because they don't actually play the game.

I think the only questions I've ever gotten answered there properly were about crafting.

Just make it so you hunt the mobs you learn the skills from without the RNG.

>playing dark knight on controller
>either have to angle my view all the way at my feet for salted earth or macro it which doesn't allow it to queue for double weaving, losing a gcd in blood weapon window

>still hasn't named one
BLM gets 7 instants every minute because the job would b eliterally unplayable if it didn't.

BLM has a simple rotation but not an easy one, because their windows are so short even missing one second in a phase can throw your shit off completely. You need to be on your toes and quick to make adjustments especially if you don't know a fight 100%.

This is actually a fair nomination, but it's partially due to how reliant the job is on JP level ping for Mudras and how much they've forced them even further into your rotation.

>I've been playing blm since ARR.
So have I.
>They've made it literally the easiest dps to play.
Completely disagree. Anything that's capable of moving whenever it wants to is significantly easier.
>you have swift cast AND triple cast to accommodate
Because without those tools the job would be unplayable and nobody would want it, just like I said earlier. The game demands movement and if BLM didn't have some tools to let it readjust it wouldn't work.

I was talking about Mentaiko's latest doujin by the way.

>you have swift cast AND triple cast to accommodate
B-b-b-b-but using triplecast for movement is a DPS loss!
Despite there being literally no difference whether you move or not during your triple casts unless moving brings you out of your ley lines. Not that you'd use TC during Ley Lines anyway

>you're vastly overestimating the problem, both in just how many retards there actually are
The entirety of the SKIP SOAR movement on every US datacenter would like to have a word with you.
Despite never even trying the soar mechanic, most players opted to skip it entirely because of the words of one man as well as seeing other players advertising it, and it would go similarly with BLU.
It's not that some players having a bad time and discriminating based off those few experiences. It's the fact that the entire braindead playerbase hops on a bandwagon and will do the same as everyone else despite maybe not even experiencing it at all.

This isn't about statics or being suboptimal. I'm talking about player created groups, the way a great majority of the playerbase plays this game and experiences content. NO BLUE would be everywhere in almost every kind of PUG for "hard" content.

no they aren't, as long as you remember to press your ninjutsu every 20 seconds it lines up easily and you just use DWAD and kassatsu inside it.
the only part that's hard is lining up bunshin but it's hardly worth it considering bunshin is maybe 3% of your damage.

Optimizing NIN is a fucking nightmare because of the gcd clipping and the really fast ninki build. I'd personally like to see ninki go back to 6, have mug cd reduced to 60s and have it give 20 ninki for greater control and less times where you just passed 50 and you have to hold onto mug.

Yes and I told you to make sure the baiters are assigned to corner orbs to prevent that
If someone decides to leave their corner and walk over to someone else's or under the boss while they're baiting orbs they just have to be trolling or some shit.
You don't have to move clockwise or in the specific pattern like I described. There's so much space I never even thought it was possible to fuck up outside of two people being in the same spot.

using TC for anything other than Fire IV is a DPS loss, and if you have to use it for movement, you're probably not using it solely for Fire IV

>everyone saying that SMN is awful to play
>currently leveling it and it's fine so far
when is it supposed to get bad?

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Can't you just pre-position the cursor (holding L1 + right stick or something, don't really remember atm)? That's what i used to do, it's just that you have to do it every time you log in i think.

Finally got SCH to 80 after dropping AST. I was meaning to add a ranged dps class to my rotation, is it even worth equipping a summoner weapon and trying it out? I heard it sucks, is it getting fixed in 5.1?

>hey just triple weave your GCDs during Trick, it's easy!

You sound so fucking bad at BLM

you never have to triple weave, at most you double weave and past your opener you never really have to even do that.

you're actually fucking retarded and I don't believe you've been playing since arr at all lmao
oh nooooo you have to use your tools to play your job? poor fucking baby
there's zero way you played through when neverreap was the expert dungeon w/ original enochian and swiftcast and am and think current blm is remotely hard

Sure this Eustiss

>you're probably not using it solely for Fire IV
What excludes using TC exclusively for Fire IVs during movement?

How was that remotely implied

It's just the one retard crying about it being very buttonsy by the end because they think more buttons should = mote damage

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post your character

It doesn't suck as much as it's just pretty underwhelming for all the work you're going to be doing.

They're actually not as bad now as they were in stormblood, the changes to kassatsu are great for TA damage and keeping your mudra timer consistent. Also the suiton extension makes it far easier to pre-plan with kassatsu and true north, as well as raises the frequency that you'll line up TCJ suiton in that 20s window.

Movement isn't guaranteed to happen during your fire IVs and holding it for those times means you lost uses and thus lost using it on fire IV

I've been topping unless there's a MNK or BLM with better gear than me.

I've been playing the game since 1.0. I play everything but I played DRG and BLM as my DPS in ARR, BLM as my DPS in Heavensward, didn't play BLM in Stormblood because I was playing SAM and RDM since I made relics for them at the time because I try to have a relic for every job.

Original Enochian wasn't that hard to upkeep. I loved playing BLM in Heavensward.

>oh nooooo you have to use your tools to play your job? poor fucking baby
Are you retarded by some chance?

you have to triple weave for Kassatsu ninjutsu, and if you're not double weaving in TA you're not getting all of your OGCDs in

>Underwhelming for all the work you're going to be doing

That's exactly why I dropped AST.

When you realize Bahamut misses a wyrm wave cast if you use a gcd too early after summoning it, and it doubles down with phoenix

No one's advocating saving Triplecast for movement phases.

Every PF I join all 4 ranged want to go something like W SW S SE and then alternate left and right so everyone is right ontop of eachother

Even if everyone is evenly spaced though people will regularly run into the same corner and then you have to double back or drop one halfway into middle

I didn't even consider this, thank you user

The opener is a goddamn mess, but in a good way. Ruin 4 procs need to be separated from the ruin 2 button though.

why don't people get that it's two fruits and not three on the first boss holy shit
If someone says three I go along with it but even attempting to heal when they try it is excruciating.

Why the hell do the bosses go down in difficulty in that dungeon anyways? I've wiped to the first dude at least seven or eight times, Coincutter twice, but never to the final boss.

Sure you are

Aurum Vale is fucking great, I don’t get the hate. So much experience.

you're playing wrong then, you double weave kassatsu with DWAD, use ninjutsu on the GCD after, then assassinate and anything else is just a bonus

that's literally what people are arguing when they say "BLM has 7 instant casts"

You're welcome, enjoy DRKbro.

Hey user, I'm gonna blow your mind.
Suiton is a mandatory quad weave, and ranryu is a mandatory triple weave.

ninjutsu is a triple weave, though, and you've got Baklava to throw in at some point too

so we've established that you're totally lying now since early hw was the strictest the rotation has ever been with fights that required near constant movement cool

you should go look up how enochian used to work and be glad you didn't actually have to do neverreap 100 times kid

Never had any trouble with 3 stacks.

They're not.
There is no downside to moving during Triplecast. That's quite literally it.
Just because you CAN do something (moving during TC) doesn't mean you SHOULD, or even have to.

that's not how it works my dudes

The kassatsu shuriken mudra is a triple weave.

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so do you just not play NIN

well I'm coming off of really only playing WHM so the more buttons the better. I dunno why a complex rotation would be a huge negative as long as the bloat isn't ridiculous and the moves are flashy and fun to use

I’m crying right now bros. When will SAMchads get their chance to rise up again?

No wonder nips can't beat the west in raiding. They play too proper and don't optimize shit.

It's literally how it works, you can't chop up that triple weave or you'll bunny.

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>No wonder nips can't beat the west in raiding.

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I know how it used to work. You used to have to use Blizzard IV to refresh it.

I'm the rat

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Are MCH just supposed to meld nothing but skillspeed or what


Yes and I told you to make sure the baiters are assigned to corner orbs to prevent that

>No wonder nips can't beat the west in raiding.
>nips clear UCOB like a week or two after release
>the west struggles for a month
Sure thing buddy!

After nin gets their turn on the xbox


Based desune.

>No wonder nips

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I guess you have much better runs
there's no fucking point to doing three stacks on the first boss though. T

would /pet

Moving during Triplecast if you're not casting Fire IV has a downside, though. A DPS loss. Same for Swiftcast and Despair.

Be honest with me, should I give up on SAM and go back to MNK? I like both equally but I went with SAM due to being a fan of it in 5 and Tactics.


Yeah 2 or 3 stacks doesn't make any differences, I'm just saying that it's not consequential enough to blow a gasket over it.
To me, at least, and I've ran it as Tank, DPS, Heal, you name it

SkS is your lowest priority. Crit > DH > Det >SkS

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What would the 4th ranged class even be?

Alright bros, I finally have a PC that's not total shit so I can stop being a ps4 pleb, how do I parser?

how do we fix crystal?

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Yes, we've been over this.
Using Triplecast solely for Fire IVs is the EXPECTATION.
Moving during said Triplecast used for Fire IVs has no downside, IF it aligns with movement phases. If it doesn't then you either don't have to move or you lose DPS regardless.
How hard is this for you to understand?

fucking do it
shoot faster, nigger

You want as many dcrit drills as you possibly can.

it's super easy to work out when saving triple a little bit for movement is a good idea or not, and this is going to blow your mind but while using triplecast for f4 is a small gain, not casting anything is a huge loss so using triplecast for a mechanic you need to move multiple gcds for is a much bigger net gain than using it for f4, and as you get comfortable with a fight you'll slide stuff around so you're still using it for f4/despair as much as possible by doing thing like figuring out when you can get away w/ just holding a polyglot instead

Hopefully, they finally separate Archer and Bard entirely.

Pure Gunner? Maybe a Juggler with a focus on blitzballs?

Yeah I know but right now I'm assuming everyone in this thread is retarded because of this guy

Maybe I should move to Crystal because I'm a shitter who can only blue parse clear in EX primals.

>blitzball juggler

I don't think we really need a pure gunner and separating MCH from guns would be pretty hard. I can't really think of another class though or even another ranged weapon deal. Maybe some kind of cross bow?

If you move to crystal you'll still be a blueshitter

increase server capacity across the board so the people who actually want to raid can get the fuck off the containment data center

Shove MCH into a more machine and tech aesthetic, remove cards from AST, introduce Corsair.

Post your e4s clears

You would have to rework the entire MCH quest line. Also fortune telling cards on AST is cool don't do that.

How new are you? This had gone on for over a decade in MMOs. Devs always play favorites with classes/jobs and relentlessly shit on the ones they hate.

Beastmaster with tomahawks.

honestly though the only big ones you really want to have line up is triple + leylines + dual despair cycle, and ideally triple with your halfway raid cd point leylines too, triple in leylines is a decent gain, if you're not using it in leylines it only puts you ahead like 0.25s at sps most people are playing at and that's so negligable that using those ones for movement are usually better and most fights seem tuned around you doing that anyways

>I can't really think of another class though or even another ranged weapon deal. Maybe some kind of cross bow?
Traditionally, FF archers and bards have never been the same things and it's fucking baffling how they're fused into the same job in FFXIV.
Just make Archer more along the lines of Machinist, but with a bow, and a party buff, and make Bard into more of a support akin to Dancer, and they'd attack with soundwaves from their instruments.
Bard starts at level 30 and everyone who had previously leveled Archer/Bard gets both at the level their current Bard is.

Crossbow Boyz, we like making noise

Why do SCHs feel so self-important about their paltry damage when they get carried in by WHMs and ASTs? Why does SCH only attract DPS rejects that are so brainless they can't learn a fight and have to rely on their damage and reactive heals to feel they are contributing to a fight?

Gambler, and you throw cards and dice at enemies

When does crafted gear fall off?

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Salted Earth is at most 300 potency on a single target and doesn't even line up with Blood Weapon because it's a 90s cooldown. Just wait until after Blood Weapon if it's that much of a hassle. There's no reason to fit it into that window.

>remove cards from AST
Might as well just delete AST then because AST without cards is white mage.

>it's a limited job
>its attacks are based on what Triple Triad cards you have

Not too much, it's got the focus on the skysteel manufactory for a majority of it. Corsair could be involved with the Yellowjackets, I remember there being a gun user among them.

>attacks expend Triple Triad cards
>have a chance after defeating enemies of gaining some cards back, or entirely new cards, or any combination of the two

You've got the gun training in the opening quests and half their abilities are guns. You'd have to gut so much to get it to not use guns.

I mean obviously it's more important for pulls rather than a single target

Limited Class: Judge
You go around in the vein of the postmoogle quests and just click on a dialogue decision to gain exp

Rework it, because it's currently stuck in limbo after having it's main difference from white mage homogenized.

Yeah but I'll be with other shitters.

such as?

Change MCH to rifles, have Corsair use pistols and hand-cannons. It's like having PLD use a sword and having NIN use two small swords, it's all in the animations.

which is stupid because there is so much lore they could use for astrologian. Like the whole journey one makes when studying the art where you ascend into the heavens. Or literally ANYTHING relating to time.

But no, here read these cards

As someone who forgets how many stacks for both bosses, what's the indicator that 2 or 3 are the right amount to eat fruit at? Just trial and error?
I've been trying to go through the game blind (at HW right now), but I find on occasion the mechanics of certain bosses are hard to fathom.

What if I want to be a mahjong gambler? I wanna slap Ascians with 9 Gates and Big Three Dragons.

>my uptime is more important than a tanks

he got killed by my dark fire because he didn't move to the open safe spot where he wouldn't hit anyone because he wanted to hit his DRG positionals
and blames me for wanting my uptime when I'm doing 3/4ths of his DPS

burger king hat btw

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So we go back to Blitzball Juggler. FFX expac when?
>Yuna-esque healer (Miko?)
>Anima Trial
>Seymour (+all of his forms) Raid

I don't think I've heard anyone say it's awful to play. I have a max SMN, and I don't think it's awful, I just don't think it's rewarding enough for the amount of work you have to put in compared to Snooze Mage.

why would MCH have to give up guns? PLD, SAM, DRK, NIN, and GNB all use a variation on "sword"

If this post ends in 0 BLU gets a full remake and it’s shit

>because it's currently stuck in limbo after having it's main difference from white mage homogenized.
WHM doesn't have raid buffs which is AST main identity. AST base toolkit was always the same shit as WHM base toolkit.

The amount of stacks you can take is entirely dependent on your healer.
3 stacks on the first boss is generally on the very edge of being manageable for a synced healer, 4 goes overboard.

If you're taking a bunch of damage you have too many stacks.

>WHM slowly losing elements
>AST slowly losing time magic

>my uptime is more important than a tanks
Literally correct.

Playing on crystal is so exhausting.
Every day I have to take off all my equipment before queuing for things like trial roulette and raid roulette because the majority of the people are so bad that you wiple regularly to things like Ravana and Bismark normal modes, Rahmu normal. Things like World of Darkness and every single 24 man beyond that besides void ark are wipefests.
Titania normal mode took me almost 3 hours to clear for the first time because of how genuinely awful everyone seems to be. Even reclearing e1s every week takes multiple hours some times.

Please save yourself and do not come here. RPers and ERPers alike are all dreadful players and i don't know why I keep doing this to myself

Frontier shitstorms are fun

Shield bash, spirits within, clemency, confiteor being a button you press once occasionally.
I know clemency is big for aesthetic, but you'll only miss it if your party is dying in casual content and you want to smugly carry your surviving party members to victory for the commendations.

Goring Blade
Riot Blade
Royal Authority
Fast Blade
Spirits within
CIrcle of Scorn
Shield Lob
Passage of Arms
Arm's Length
Divine Veil

gaining half a second of uptime for Dark Fire isn't going to make them crack 10K

The biggest insult was removing the ZA WARUDO from opposition, but letting whm keep their spammable mitigation.

he'd be right if his DPS wasn't complete dick

and if we didn't need tank DPS to actually clear the DPS check on E2S

If you ain't pressing Spirit's Within off CD in between GCDs I don't know what the fuck you're doing

Homey two double a's in a wireless keyboard lasts like a year.

>Goring Blade
Funny, because it makes Rage of Halone completely useless until you get Royal Authority.

Spirits Within and Confiteor are part of your core rotation, not "occasionally"


I was talking more in a general sense that a DPS' uptime is infinitely more important than a tank's.

>I'm doing 3/4 of his DPS
He fucking died because you didn't want to move, that's why you did 3/4 of his dps.

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Shield bash is the only correct answer, the rest are retarded
>lose clemency
seriously kys

it is. But not when you're shit.


>leveling my SCH
>every tank is single pulling

in any serious content you should never touch Clemency

yeah except the SAM also died and is doing 11k
we wiped right after to reset my dude

It's because you have to get gud to finish it

They know you're blowing stacks on ED instead of healing.

Do people on Crystal just not upload? I always see a ton of people in savage gear in eulmore

Actually if you’re partied with a WHM who knows what they’re doing, using clemency so that they can get in more glares is a dps gain

Yikes. That is a seriously retarded over generalization that makes it clear you've never done "serious content."

That's not the point. Spirits within is a hotbar spot for just damage, absolutely nobody would keep it off cd for emergency mp. It looks nice, but it fills the bar. Requiescat should change into confiteor during the window, and change back after it ends, I thought they were on top of this for shadowbringers with the likes of verholy/flare and the dances.

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The main reason this happened is that there was the perception that Crystal wouldn't be a raiding DC so all of the raid statics left it, thus making it not a raiding DC. Self-fulfilling prophecy.

That’s a great reason to have Clemency though, and why I like PLD over every other tank. It’s a safety net for shitty healers.

You could argue over what bloat means, but there’s really nothing wrong with an ability having more situational uses, that’s not bloat to me. Bloat are abilities that are completely redundant or absolutely useless.

Has that actually been proven, and if so is that with or without requiescat?

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>Do a couple of runs with the party, everything works fine
>Say early that I'm feeling a bit of lag.
>Lagging a bit
>Fuck up brambles because I went a bit late and we both got 1 vulnerability
>OT kept lecturing me on the mechanic throughout the whole fight

I'm gonna get blisted by the entire party, aren't I? :(

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It would have to be extremely situational, as in you would have to be 100% sure that you will have enough MP for requiescat.

I miss Sole Survivor

It's been proven to be totally retarded and never useful in any practical situation (a real fight), yes

the post i was originally responding to mentioned removing guns from mch so that a corsair could have it.


Progression (see more of a fight faster to work out how to beat it) and a run saver after a mistake (clear the fight even though you had a healer death at a key moment)

I'm not saying they're bloat abilities, I'm saying that PLD especially has enough abilities to fill 3 full hotbars. They need to look at ways to combine effects while still keeping the aesthetic.


Hironobu Kagayama and Lotus Juice for XIV when?

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I've saved my own life with a clemency or 2 multiple times, and furthermore
>if it's not usable in this one part of the game it should be pruned
Please, PLEASE kys

It’s not practical because you’d have to change the way the h aler reacts, but it is an 1800 potency heal.

Post a single example of a DPS gain from using clemency

feel free to play rdm

Even RDM might have too many buttons for him. Having to choose between a single target or an aoe? Let's merge Verfire and Verstone while we're at it. Call it Verjolt.

RDM isn't the simplest DPS and doesn't have the least abilities. That was quite the random suggestion.

idea: game auto detects 3 or more enemies are near you and auto switches your attacks to the aoe equivalents
helps cut down on bloat

Bloated =/= Complex. In fact, paladin is ironically the most simple tank to play.

>RDM isn't the simplest DPS
on what planet

Ignore the parse trannie
He's going to demand your orange splits pretty soon if you keep responding to him.
Let him seeth in his gay baby corner while he mumbles about optimuhzayshun to himself

Tankbuster hits during your req window so you replace at least 1 holy spirit with a clemency to top yourself off instead of letting the WHM do it so they can keep glaring

didnt they remove the garo sets with ShB launched?


The one with the current redesigned ranged DPS jobs that have free movement and dead simple priority systems

Every class should only have 1 button that does 1k potency aoe damage and nothing else

2 for the first boss, 3 for the third. There's no real reason to go to 3 for the first boss except if you wanna go fast, which I guess is valid.

You could also solo every ARR ex trial since SB with every job

Garo is leaving in 5.1.

>PLD mentioned specifically by the developers as having a skill bloat problem in stormblood
>ends up with roughly the same amount of skills in shadowbringers

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An example, like a log of a fight or something
Not your nonsensical theory crafting

This but unironically
It just cuts down on excess

That's not WAR

Actually. Who even needs buttons
Have it automatically proc whenever you get close to an enemy

can you solo HW EXes now? I tried to solo Thordan but I got fucking destroyed. I was playing MNK though so maybe I should try SCH or a tank.

WAR is basically a reskin of PLD.

Most of PLD's abilities have a use while at the same time you'll generally only be using a handful of your abilities. Having a ton of situationals and more mitigation than all of the rest is a good thing. Removing skills or function is how you get a fucking shitshow like Ninja, or a boring show like Bard.

maybe if you're on a team with a healer you trust and have voice chat, but otherwise it's probably never going to be worth it

should be around october. but nothing official yet.

Why is XIV so filled with passive aggressive pricks?

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alright calm down parsetranny just because an ability doesnt see regular use in 100 percentile logs doesnt mean its useless. go dilate please, and stop trying to ruin jobs that other people like

should get rid of mana
it's just arbitrary shit that gates dps and healing

You're replacing a 525 potency instant cast holy spirit for a 300 potency casted glare.

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Thordan, Ravana and Bismarck can all be solo'd pretty easily. Sophia too. Sephirot and Zurvan cannot because they have mechanics that require multiple people or it's a death.

well that's dumb

all of them can be solo'd by PLD with echo and high ilvl gear. but it's still not easy since you have to use your cooldowns appropriately since mistiming it can kill you.

DRK - Jin
PLD - Kazuya
WAR - Heihachi
GNB - Devil Jin

Have I got this right?

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A single example, that's all I'm asking for.
Provide a single example of a time where clemency has been a DPS gain for a group or stop shitting up threads with your misinfo.
Clemency is definitely a useful ability for these reasons and I never claimed otherwise.


The worst is that I don't know why but people are so filled with passive aggressive cunts here. You ask a question and it's always they have the tone that you're fucking stupid.

Seriously. What the fuck is up with these people? You aren't god. Fuck off.

PLD is one long rotation, WAR is 123 fell cleave

>>Every day I have to take off all my equipment before queuing for things like trial roulette and raid roulette because the majority of the people are so bad that you wiple regularly to things like Ravana and Bismark normal modes, Rahmu normal. Things like World of Darkness and every single 24 man beyond that besides void ark are wipefests.
this has almost never happened to me
>Titania normal mode took me almost 3 hours to clear for the first time because of how genuinely awful everyone seems to be. Even reclearing e1s every week takes multiple hours some times.
Holy shit, how bad are you? I cleared titania normal on the first pull and e1s takes maybe 3 or 4 pulls to clear

PLD and NIN had the same number of skills removed in ShB

Just Aether problems

the one where DNC exists

it happened again

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How can you solo Bismarck? Don't the Sanuwas get a 99% defense buff if they're next to each other? Do you have to be a Summoner?

You underestimate the average player.
>doing the level 77 dungeon with someone when it’s brand new
>DPS says “oh god this dungeon never had any group not wipe to the last boss”
>team proceeds to not stand in the obvious telegraphs and we own it
>wtf you guys are gods
>our face when

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And? Ninja lost everything that made it worth it and is now at the bottom of the pack, while Paladin retained all of its essentials and its situationals and still functions great.

>getting fucked by the cunny
doin it wrong

No stay Ps4 player forever

I think this game just has a hardcore group of lifers. They devote everything to it so it's "their thing", and it's literally their only thing. So they have to be smug about it but take it too far and aren't even being smug anymore, they're just being dicks.

>77 dungeon
That's Malikha right? I still don't get how people die to it, it's one of the easiest and most fun bosses desu.

In 445-450 gear you should do enough damage to kill them even through defensive buff. You can jank them around a bit too to make it a little easier.

I unironically believe with an East Coast DC performance would increase across the board.

>ninja lost everything that made it worth it
Hold on there, the enmity control was nice but it wasn't central to the job's identity. Their biggest problem is low potency and general jankiness that's been present since 2.4.

It doesn't help discord is the main source of the community and it's filled with a huge group of circlejerking. Almost every third party software or the balance is filled with passive aggressive pricks. Fuck poison ivi you fucking twat.

>someone lb's a small cloud in WoD
what the fuck is wrong with these people

Just finished all the story content and got the jobs I like to cap, any point in staying subbed if I don't really want to keep up with the savage raids? Seems like everything revolves around that including crafting and gil-making since I don't care about housing or glamors.

I heard there is going to be a nier raid. I'm just now finishing up Heavensward. Will I be able to make it on time?

HP as well.
Attacks either kill you if you fuck up positioning, or they don't.
This would allow the removal of healing abilities, and most of the mitigation from tanks.
Tanks should keep a single mitigation skill on a 25 second cooldown for tankbusters. If the tank doesn't have it's mitigation up for the tankbuster, the tank dies.

I'm not sure how you read any of that post and jumped to the conclusion that I was talking about myself and not the players of Crystal.


Game was better before they moved the servers to Cali

fuck cloud

Alright, let's just ignore how most statics preferred to have a Ninja with them for the entirety of Stormblood I guess.

Yes, unless you slack. 5.1 isn't for a good while.

Enmity control being useful =/= enmity control being the identity of the job

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t. Seph

There was a guy in a thread yesterday talking about how one of his friend likes trolling parties by doing that so a bunch of people said it was some brilliant shit.

Because dancer didn't exist and they still held their monopoly on mass damage boost windows, yes.

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there's zero reason for servers not to be in either chicago or texas

You're the only constant, so you're either a shitter who whines when he doesn't get carried or greatly exaggerating

Yeah. I like it too. I can understand a melee eating shit if they never saw the alex lasers before but more than once? C’mon now.

The entirety of stormblood, the expansion that introduced shirk, massively buffed enmity reduction abilities, had IR equilibrium pulling WARs, and invalidated NIN's aggro tools completely?
Get a fucking clue

speaking of Nier raid I really doubt I'll be able to play anything but Automata in time, will I be spoiled

this was back when tank stances still came with a damage debuff, and when NIN didn't require the skills of a professional freestyle jazz pianist to play properly.

>PLEASE heap me with platitudes to validate the decision I already made I'll get pissy and push back if you don't praise my lazy wisdom

Blue mage is not changing at all, screencap this.

The only times I can think of where ninjas were asked to use their enmity utility were forsaken and the first patch.

probably not but Taro might definitely do something weird

>on thin ice with this game
>servers move from east coast
>wtf I’m not playing this shit anymore
>other mmos still somehow worse
>friend starts playing and gets super addicted so can’t quit on them
>still can’t melee a moving target years later

I first run it as a tank with trusts so there was no pressure and i never did Alex (recently started) and i never stopped attacking. I did get hit the first time but after that it was easy to keep up my damage desu.

NINs should have always been using their enmity tools pre-pull so the MT could pull in attack stance

You being the only constant is the entire problem dumpass retard

You can play flawlessly and carry and it doesn't matter if you have a couple of shitters, if anyone leaves everyone is going to leave regardless of how well you were doing, it's just a complete diceroll to clear anything in PF

Please give MCH a 2B modelswap for Queen Automaton.

Right, bad players don't exist anywhere and definitely not on RP servers.
I trannie parsed with purple numbers on e1s if that means anything to you dude. I spent 12 hours collectively attempting to clear the fight for my first time clear. The first hour of that was spent reaching enrage. The remaining 11 hours of game time was spent joining different groups and rarely getting beyond add phase 9/10 times.
Crystal has god awful players and having bad party memeber can and will hold you back from doing anything and everything if you rely on pugging.

Would you like some more stories because I have lots and lots of examples if you you're so hard-pressed to believe that one single player doing what they should can make the difference between clearing and not clearing in a group full of mouthbreathers named Naruto with their RP info linked in their search info

If you were in a coordinated group, you were pulling as warrior and that invalidates the usage of enmity tools.
If you weren't in a coordinated group, good fucking luck getting the tank to trust you enough to do that.

>running Malikah's and Mt. Gulg
>see melee constantly going too far for the last boss' abilities so they can't keep uptime
There literally isn't a single moment on the last of Malikah's that requires you to disengage from melee range.

NIN's job defining ability: a one time instance of 100 tank potency
Get a fucking clue

True but that’s definitely a gotcha, you can stand inside the balls which is very unintuitive.

This is stormblood we're talking about, warrior didn't need a ninja or aggro combos when they had equilibrium and thrill.

lets just replace playing the game with taking an IQ test, and then you can to a website and see your score compared to everyone else, and send everyone below you on the list hatemail, and then log off and do something meaningful for the day

I'd play MCH if this was the case, the only thing putting me off is all the double weaving and how ugly Queen Automaton is

You're right but
Ackshually thrill doesn't generate any enmity. Only equilibrium does.

>replace playing the game with taking an IQ test
So you'd get to send hatemail regardless?

Thrill raises your max hp by 20% and heals the amount raised, which generates enmity.

Can Divine Veil be made to act like Heart of Light because I constantly forget it fucking exists due to how jank it is

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It'll probably happen, but on the modder's end rather than SE.

Not unless DRK gets an AoE TBN

Well it doesn't actually generate enmity. You can go test it if you don't believe me. Whatever it's doing doesn't count as a real heal or something. I heavily abused equilibrium pulls in dungeons and thoroughly tried to use thrill to do the same.


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I'm still trying to fucking clear on crystal, a minimum of 2 people die to every major mechanic in every "enrage" party I join and it takes us 10 wipes to even get back to enrage once then everyone wants to quit

When I was joining learning parties week 1 "past adds" meant "doesn't know delta" and now "enrage" means "forgot everything past adds, will forget to interrupt mana boost the first 3 add phases"

Is it any good?

Also thrill was used in the opener just to buff upheaval. Technically that does add enmity, I guess.

be slightly more official but yeah

I haven't actually watched the anime, and I haven't kept up with the manga for a month, but it's pretty fun, actually.

I was talking more about the fact that the game actually doesn't require a modicum of intellect, meaning you'd pass the IQ test regardless of your actual mental faculties.

In 5.1 smn will put them back in the shed like SB

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If you do clear e1s I recommend just stopping there. e2s is similar except you will never see enrage or even past 50% boss health
After a dozen or so groups I have yet to see anything after the first set of flares.

e1s chest parties are not much better than "enrage" parties, so you'll never truly experience a clean first pull clear unless you're extraordinarily lucky. It took me 3 and a half hours yesterday just to get my page.

Good luck to you

Sounds to me like i did the right thing and never tried Savage desu, sounds so annoying trying to run it without a static/friends.

Arcanist should be deleted. Biggest babies in this fucking game.

I'll run it with you in 5.1, user!

Thankfully this is just filler while I wait for my static to be ready, but with how casual half of them are there's no way e2s doesn't burn us out and I have to go back to PF

Look on the bright side, by the time your static burns out, PF parties will have geared up, even if it was through tomestone gear, so your runs should theoretically be a bit easier!

Bought runs user. They bought their clears and content sellers don't upload logs.