Kind of immature in my opinion...
Kind of immature in my opinion
pretty based to desu honest
It worked
all the streamers fucked off to Faerlina or whatever
>We should make a thread about everything every random fag posts on the internet
now thats some full blown autism, holy fuck.
they are really trying very hard to beat the cringe of streamers all by themselves.
A whole year of spamming "WE'RE GOING HOME BROS". Get fucked, boomers. You're too old for video games anyway
>begging for streamer-free servers for the "authentic vanilla experience"
Holy fuck this proves without a shadow of a doubt that these people should give up on this concept.
The early-mid 2000's have come and gone. You can't go back to that point in time no matter how hard you try. You're never gonna escape the atmosphere of the current time period.
These people are so fucking sad.
And so the pink glasses begin to crack when you realize that the community that made the game great back in the day is pretty much extinct.
The policies themselves are pretty based desu, but the kid's posting is absolute cringe
Cringy tranny detected. Seethe, cope and dilate.
>we want authentic classic experience
>by doing these shit that defy it in the first fucking place
How. Fucking. Retarded. Are. You.
Also streamers is not the issue, the issue here is the retards that follow them.
Streamer is just another player with a lot of friends, just fucking ignore them.
Sounds good tbqh. If the clappers don't want obnoxious streamers and their retarded fanbase ruining everything, they should take the necessary precautions.
have sex
how is griefing based?
i like what he's saying but he says it in such a childish and autistic way it makes me not want to agree with him
>2905 cheevo points
Based. Gotta respect dudes willing to take initiative and take control of something on their own, and it's fascinating from a social study perspective
Actually based. Funnel all the streamers and their autistic zoomer audiences to a few servers and let everyone else play on whatever they want. They probably won't do 90% of this shit but it is enough to scare them away.
can't blame him for wanting to play without attentionwhores attentionwhoring
Fucking based, kill those scumfucks
You tell me, how is one streamer griefing an entire server based?
this is incredibly based and the type of classic shenanigans i was looking forward to
Right, by giving attentionwhore MORE attention.
Nigger the only streamer that would really disrupt a server is Asmon.
Soda is doing field leveling off stream and will only stream the dungeon spam.
Others is annoyance at most and can be easily ignored.
Just avoid Asmon server and you're good.
>seething faggots on here that don't want to bully retailfaggots and streamers
Stay off stalagg, faggots. no ass sex allowed.
no trannies
>Streamers are bad because they create gigantic communities of thralls to do their bidding
>How do we combat this?
>We create a gigantic community of thralls to do the exact same thing and end up in the exact same fucking spot
You can't win.
Pretty based, some obvious twitch shills in this thread saying otherwise
People working together to keep attentionwhores and their shitty following out is a great thing
But they aren't?
Stop getting entitled
absolutely based
we're still here bro, lets make WoW great again :^)
Please elaborate in what way these people are the same as the retarded twitch followers? They aren't following some person mindlessly, they work on their own and don't worship some dude.
t. asmonbaby
this is video games like i remember them
fellow bastards working together and coming up with schemes to troll the fuck out of dumb kids and attention whores
who's bidding are they doing in ganking streamers exactly?
Streamers are faggots and all deserve it
Glad u agree
Streamers have as much of a right to play on a streamer-free server as anyone else. Quit being hypocrites.
le ebin memers but of course
blacklist was always a thing during classic wow user, do your research right
Better be entertaining
shut the fuck up bitch
>aren't following some person mindlessly
>they work on their own and don't worship some dude
Take a step back, and re read this part.
Then try to apply this to a griefer.
Then realize that you're just the same as the retarded twitch follower.
What's worse is that you let a person you hate the most dictate what you do.
But they are the streamers, what you are saying makes no sense you retarded streamer shill. If they want to play on a steamer-free server like anyone else then all they need to do is not stream and invite that aids onto the server.
No u.
>just fucking ignore them
>can't use trade chat because it's 24/8 nothing but spam
>can't use ANY forms of in-game communication to make friends or enter guilds for the same reason
>2008 laptop will burn whenever going into town if a retard has his army of zoomers in
>kill streamer late night when he's alone, even worse if it's a girl with around 50 viewers, will get reported and most certainly banned for "griefing" because I was playing the game
>general will turn into friendlesszoomerchat2.0
>guilds will almost always have at least one grill streamer, guild drama will reach peaks it hasn't seen before
>top guild balance gets fucked, actually aiming to be one becomes outright fucking impossible
>questing for the first two weeks will be hell
and more
you can't just ignore them, that's the fucking problem
Hi I'd like to preface this post by saying I'm sorry with the way people treated you yesterday by asking if the game was an April fool's joke. That was really inappropriate of them.
>white people doing more to defend video game than their race
If 200 whites attacked minorities everytime they caused problem the world would be a better place.
lol the drama is starting before servers are even live.
In what way? By opposing them i'm somehow the same as a twitch follower that does literally everything for this one twitch streamer and ruins the economy?
It makes perfect sense. Playing on a server with a streamer will be a pain in the ass, so any person would want to avoid it. It's like when starbucks got retarded and let the homeless into their bathrooms. You think it was just normal folk that didn't want to pee someplace some dirty homeless fuck had blown up? Nah, other homeless didn't want to use that toilet either.
Reminder he made that Wojak into an emote, by creating that initial image Yea Forums has been supplying Asmon with money.
don't care asmongoloid, gonna camp you all day
Go donate to assmonbald before your mom finds out you took her credit card again
Yea... Im thinking hes based
Jesus wow really just revolves around e-celebs doesn't it
You are worse than streaming zoomers shitters
>this is your brain on /pol/
I'm considering playing WoW for the first time ever just to gank streamers 20 hours a day. I work from home and have nothing else to do
>Gigantic guilds are uniting and creating conspiracies to muscle people out
Surely these large organizations are filled with free thinking individuals that won't do the same thing (make the entire server bow to their whims via constant ganking and/or mass blacklisting) to non streamers. Surely.
Streamers are a cancer, but so is any organization that grows large enough.
>begging for streamer-free servers for the "authentic vanilla experience"
Should ban the entire internet besides access to Blizzard servers and Thottbot if that's what they really want.
Stick to Fortnite, zoomer
Pretty sure him making that emote doesn't equal Yea Forums supplying him with money, retard. That's still just his followers doing that.
OP is an ass mad streamer
There will be a difference though you faggot, no one is going to dicksuck a single person through all the content and shit resources on them and buttfuck the server by congregating around them 24/7
The modus operandi begins and fucking ends at warding off streamers, no more
>pvp guilds do pvp
wow, surely that wouldn't have happened. All this does is just them camping the streamers more to keep that aids out, there's no cult of personality involved, no dedicated harvesting machine that ruins the economy, none of that aids. They still do their own thing beside this.
What? He doesn't get royalties from people posting wojak, retard.
There is no griefing, you play on a PvP server, you have a target on your back all day because it's free for all and streamers deserve what they're getting for being assholes
Don't like it? Play on PvE server
You revolve your playtime, and effort for a single person.
How the fuck is that not any different than the retarded streamers lapdog?
Pretty /pol/ but nah we already done enough for the world, i'm content living in a nice neighborhood and seperating myself from the proboems of the world
stop trying to explain things to retarded, that dude is propably a streamer fan trying to pile people who hate streamers with streamers themselfs, fuck that retarded ignore that faggot
how isnt it
have sex dude
Save your tears for when your favorite streamer gets ganked lil zoom
>A single person
It's just an organized blacklist, no one has to do jack shit to enforce it sans the rare instance that likely wont happen where a streamer tries to cause problems. You're making it out to be more concentrated than it is
Your argument is weak and you know it, you're just one of the streamers or their shills that is trying to argue it's somehow the same when it's obviously not.
People individually making the choice to keep the aids of streamer worship out of a server is not the same as the cult of personality that has a streamer following harvesting and revolving everything around this streamer, affecting the entire server economy, population balance, raiding, pvp, etc. Streamers affect everything. People deciding to camp streamers affects nothing but those streamers and the individuals making that choice, it doesn't have a negative effect on the economy, on the factions, on the raiding, on the grind for the AQ stuff, etc.
ESLs are just as bad, go away
That's not griefing at all
go suck a streamer dick zoomer
>You're never gonna escape the atmosphere of the current time period
actually i can and it's called turning the computer off and going outside.
>anyone older than me is a boomer
>go to thread
>see that nobody commented on streamer blacklist idea
>everyone instead blindly defending zoomer streamers
Based, gas all str*amers
>say tranny on something that can be linked back to your blizzard accounts
>get banned
>say you're going to fuck up the experience of an entire server for vanities sake
>promoted by blizzard
>People individually
A group movement is no longer an individual movement, its a pool of collective thought that formed its own mindset.
You keep stressing this part to try to separate yourself from the entity that you harbor you hatred to.
To emphasize is to realize, deep down you know that this individuality shit isn't true.
Just fucking play the game YOU wanted to.
I am advising this out of my pity towards somebody who is invested way too much into this.
You're missing the joy and the fun you could have for fuck sake.
>Mfw I join the server then 2 weeks later start streaming for the first time
Most of Yea Forums's population are zoomers now, user.
>the joy and fun of allowing streamers to shit up your server
I'll take the joy and fun of camping a streamer now and then and then doing whatever else on the side when I tire of it, thanks.
Then just fucking admit that you have griefing addiction for fuck sake.
Its not that fucking hard holy shit.
>yfw there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that have donated to Asmongold
>Griefing addiction
You're more personally touched by this than anyone should, you're either a streamer or one of their shills.
It's not an addiction, what a laughable statement. It's literally just WoW pvp, except here you can have the satisfaction of hearing your opponent get mad as well as a bonus. It doesn't change all the other shit i'd be doing on there.
>Asmon refusing to watch RichTurpins video because he's upset about him
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that have NOT donated to Asmongold
He's literally /ourguy/
No u poopskin
Is there an asmongold reacts to this post video?
the whole point of private servers was that TRIPFAGS aka STRIMMERS wouldnt be able to stream on any server without getting banned unless they streamd fucking baidu teiba
you dumb nigger
Fuck off already McCuckell
Are you that young?