Borderlands 3: It Just Gets WORSE

Borderlands 3 Voice Actor TAUNTS Fans & 2K Has DELETED Supmatto's Channel Forever

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Other urls found in this thread:


Go to reddit if you want to talk about that game


But where's the part where I give a fuck OP?


I don't get it, it's a fucking robot





>an connection


>Epic exclusive
>SJW devs banning and taunting fans for "misgendering" a fucking robot
Gearbox really can't die fast enough.

I don't fucking care, still gonna buy it on the epic store and play the shit out of it. I couldn't care less about a fucking youtuber


They could've easily just said the they refers to him and his pack and leave it at that. But Randy has just had to go and stir the shit to score some tranny points. As if those deranged faggots will even play the game.

It's alright guys Randy has already won. Timmy made sure of it

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>vault monster



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I was going to buy the steam release but I think I will pirate it to be honest, because T2 being retarded and community PR banned for misgendering a robot is where i draw the line on this shit

this was actually good

It has a 40% chance of disappearing very soon


>Gearbox will die before they can make Brothers in Arms 4

God damn it

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its probably for the best

>an connection
in additional to being mentally ill, diversity narrative designers can't into grammar. even with a fine arts/english double major.

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Gearbox died 6 years ago user

>wanting a new BIA game from nu-Gearbox
Nigga, fucking why? You KNOW they will just butcher it and fuck the entire franchise up.

let the BIA series stay dead and have it's legacy intact.

Epic bought your copy relax crack coming soon

It's just so tiresome
I just wanted to play video games...

Is it all just a cry for help?

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In reality no one really gives a shit about a gay robot and a crazy PRetard.

The people who wanted more Borderlands will get more Borderlands and all you limp dick cry babies will whine about then buy it too.

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No ill pirate it and play online with steam emulator

Like a pussy like you even has the balls to go near a pirating site

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>Yea Forums cares more about the politics surrounding videogames than the games themselves
Oh, how the mightly have fallen. Literally worse than Reddit.

Begone shill. I'm not giving money to Gearbox or Epic no matter how much you SEETHE

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Since when does anything else matter but the gameplay.

My rss feed will fetch it for me

>d-d-dont p-p-p-pirate my g-g-game!!1

Yet here you are, B3 threads sucking you in like a magnet.
We all know you're going to buy the game retard.

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>Don't think just give us your money goyim

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>caring about video games
Sure is summer

Literally WHO!?

Man I love Road to Hill 30 so much

>actually believing youre going to be able to pirate it

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Sure they will, Turbo.

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Did you google image search that one

damn Randy's resetera tranny marketers are already here?

It's almost like they already have your 60$
That's how obvious it is that you're gonna buy it.

Why do I bother replying

>an connection

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I said no. Take a hike shill

>they/them pronouns

I never understood this because they/them identifies a group. Do people that identify as they/them suffer from schizophrenic split personality transsexual disorder? How many mental illnesses can they cram into one mind?

Why would you make this thread and not post the "taunts" you completely useless fucking retard?

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On a quieter side, Border lands 3 already exists. its called Borderlands 2

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You're welcome

nice clickbait title you shitchugging retarded faggot niggertron. He.

it miiiiiiight be pirate worthy. but idk it could end up really repetitive and MMO grind autistic



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because then some retard will complain about the thread being another gay ass twitter screencap thread
it doesn't even matter anymore, the tranny shills are here in force

Not canon in my country

If i pirate it can i still play with friends or will it not work

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Fuck Trannies and Fuck Shills

>In the early 21st century, use of singular they with known individuals has been promoted for those who do not identify as male or female

Ah, so it's like making "ain't" an actual word when enough people use it as one.

it has 2 player splitscreen

We're not talking about your shithole country.

Robots have no gender.

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INB4 the game is literally ran on service servers and cant operate offline just like Destiny. INB4 DOA

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Yeah just like every other word in existence.

tons of pirated games get steamfix patches, pretty sure borderlands 3 will get something similar due to how popular it is

That is a hate crime. Report to your nearest reeducation center now.
If you fail to comply the consequences will never be the same.

I doubt it has lan so local coop

considering this is taketwo and gearbox, you might just be right
but this shit isn't gta online
they wouldn't try to heavily push for microtransactions, would they?
if so, there's always trainers and hacks

more like COMPANIONS in arms

Ill seed one hundred copies

This is pathetic dude.

i like him, would main

Okay dude, okay.
Just keep running to B3 threads like a moth to a flame and tell everyone you're not buying it LOL.

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You mean every word in spasticulous.

Fl4k is clearly modeled after a male. Wouldn't it make more sense to make him androgynous if you really wanted to call him by they/them pronouns? It just comes off as pandering by Gearbox.

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I mean online, main reason im getting it is so me and the long distance boys have something to do
hope so, thanks for the heads up

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Well post them now then? I wanna see what he said

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>feel an connection
This is what you get when you hire women to write shit.

Im not buying it


>Literally destroyed a loyal fan's entire career publicly

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Proper grammar and spelling is misogynistic.

Not going to play him.

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you already lost Micheal

Oh that? Yeah that never happened that was a lie I made up to get you guys in here

>Voice actor taunts fans

Really? I thought ProZD would be above this shit.

I'm 99,99% certain that I do not want to see 2019 Gearbox do a BoA game.

What's this referring to?

FL4K is voiced by SungWon Cho, known better for his youtube alias ProZD.

If you were mentally ill then yeah, it was pretty good


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I know that but I mean "taunts his fans." Does Fl4k have certain voice lines ingame that do this or is it the fact that he's voicing Fl4k?


>an connection
Isnt that grammaticaly wrong? Can native english speaking anons confirm?

OP here. there is no taunt it was so I could get people to notice me you fucking retards god I am smarter than all of you niggers


Yes it is. Don't expect quality from these cucks.

Y-you lied?! ON THE INTERNET?

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You could get this fucking retard board to notice you by making the OP nothing but "niggerniggerniggerniggernigger" etc.. Or by using ANY twitter screencap(LITERALLY anything). The fact that you put any effort into this at all makes you stupider than anyone else.

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>"Fl4k fought alongside several other vault hunters. They used animal companions to fight."
>"Fl4k fought alongside several other vault hunters. It used animal companions to fight."

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I fucking reporting this, you've gone too far this anonymous.

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You're wrong though, prescriptivist scum.


'It' is only considered dehumanizing because humans normally have genders. If you don't have a gender, then 'it' is appropriate.

Again, I'd be perfectly fine if Fl4k was like Legion and was a conglomerate of programs. That'd actually be interesting, and not just empty virtue signalling.

Litterally nobody would have cared about the robot using they pronouns had they not made a big deal about it

>Randys insufferable attempts at hype
>All this sjw bullshit
>Epic game store exclusive
>All the people supporting the game literally insulting people who oppose it's ideology
>By the time it's on steam it will probably already die
Borderlands 3 will be a fun game but it really sucks that it has all this faggotry surrounding it

>reducing ambiguity is prescriptivist
If readers can't understand your intent, then you are failing to use language at the most fundamental level.

you think when people at gearbox see randy they try and hide so they don't have to talk to him

>forcing people to use language they don't understand is unambiguous

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>all developers
What the fuck is this language? The money goes to publishers, who often decide that the game goes to Epic store without informing the devs, as was the case with Metro Exodus.

People who say they don't have a gender deserve to be dehumanized.

Singular "they" solves as much ambiguity as it creates. The point is to be consistent.

>2K deletes journos channel cause the company accidentally leaked shit themselves on twitch.
Bloody hilarious.
>Borderlands 3 will be a fun game.
Are you sure about that?
>FL4K aka the "non-binary" robot.
>Moze aka the "army girl" stereotype.
>Amara aka the "strong independent black women".
>Zane aka the gay narcissist merc.
>Lilith loses her powers by Tyreen Calypso who stole her siren powers and gave it to her twin, Troy Calypso.
Sounds like it'll be filled with political agenda shit to me.

It's inherently ambiguous to have plural pronouns also serve as singular pronouns. And what information does using 'They' as a singular pronoun even convey? That you have a fucking headmate?

The guy got banned a week ago and it was for leaking info about BL3

That's what makes it funny.
>How DARE you call a genderless machine with a masculine voice and features anything other than "they/them."

How can a robot be non-binary?


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The way borderlands does looter shooter is better than anything on the market and you can tell they took time to fine-tune it for this one. I agree the story and writing is probably retarded but the gameplay is fun.

I'm excited for borderlands 3 but at this point I'm not going to buy it out of principle. Fuck randy.

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maybe he runs off a quantum computer?

When did mentally ill freaks decide to latch onto "they/them" as their singular descriptor and why did they think it wouldn't make them look insane to normal people who 100% associate it with a plural or a group?

To me, a normal man, it makes you look like you have multiple personality disorder and revel in it instead of feel immense shame from being broken as a being. I should feel pity but your antics make me only feel contempt.

Maybe he's hexadecimal?

>"I identify as a down quark."

>I was programmed in base eight
That'd actually be a clever joke.

>The way borderlands does looter shooter is better than anything on the market

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can you recommend a game that does this better or are you just gonna post wojack

You've already proven you're either a retard or underaged, so I'm not even going to bother.

>It's inherently ambiguous to have plural pronouns also serve as singular pronouns
I agree, bring back "thee"

It's the only fps I legitimately have fun with. Every other one is by the numbers boring shit.

So, no, you can't.

Have you played d44m? It's another unapologetic "this is a video game, just go kill shit" type of fps.

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Thee, thou, and thine are just informal second person. The information conveyed is identical to 'you', except with added extra information of the speaker talking down to the subject or being close/familiar with the subject. Using 'They' as a singular doesn't convey any information at all.

thequartering sounds exactly like dsp

>Game looks like a solid improvement and pretty fun
>Devs are doing everything in their power to shit on the game before release
Why can’t Randy just sit with his magic cards in a corner instead of having an autistic meltdown every other day

The Quartering IS dsp.

you are obligated to post another wojak now with no other text or just a greentext of what user replied

Chill, guys. Just relax and crack open a Borderlands 3 with the boys.


Every product now has to serve as a battle in the culture war. Why? Who the fuck knows. Corporations are on the side of the commies now. Enjoy your future of 'capitalism with communism features'.

What can they do if the games themselves care more about politics than being a game

>Game looks like a solid improvement
Who's ready for borderlands 2.75?


user, I think you (singular) missed the point that "you" is both the second person singular and second person plural pronoun in Modern English.

Even if me magically remove all the gayfaggot bullshit around this game (lol) remembering it's going to have dozens if not hundreds of DLCs and cosmetics is enough not to preorder or buy it soon.

This. There's no reason to even touch this game until it's equivalent of the handsome collection comes out in like 20 fucking years.

Because it is a second person pronoun. Someone in a crowd isn't confused when a speaker addresses the room with 'you', because every listener in that crowd interprets 'you' unconsciously as referring to themselves and themselves alone, and if not that then as referring to the collective that they themselves are a part of. Humans are inherently narcissistic that way.

Yes, it does create ambiguity, but that ambiguity is caused by the narcissistic bias of the listener. If someone shouts 'hey you!' on a crowded street corner, then multiple heads will turn in response regardless of who is being referred to. They all are conditioned to treat 'you' as meaning 'addressing me'. Wow! Second person!

But what does 'They/Them' convey as a singular? Nothing.

>buying TPS even in a bundle

Stay mad, Yea Forumspepe/wojak/basedjak/waifufags/a/, Borderlands is more vidya than any weeb shit for cumbrians or snoy movie you play

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Yeah, you tell them.

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>hating TPS
>this much
An actual double nigger

I don't really care about this new goalpost, point is you're already using a plural pronoun as singular every single day without trouble.

>But what does 'They/Them' convey as a singular? Nothing.
Same as "he/him" or "she/her"

That's what he meant by faggotry surrounding it. The story and writing since 2 has always been virtue signaling SJW pandering trash, but what excelled the games was the good gunplay (it'll be better now that they're not using fucking projectiles anymore) with a really great loot system backing the whole venture.

Borderlands 3 will still be really fun, and it's looking to be a great game on its own. But between Randy, Take Two, and the multi colored non-humans writing the game, it really is a shame that such a product has to be brought down tremendously because of these cancerous outliers.


TPS is a buggy BL2 DLC

He/she conveys gender and a singular person. They/them conveys multiple individuals of unknown gender; because English doesn't have gendered plurals, but Spanish does for example. It is ungendered singular.

>I don't really care about this new goalpost, point is you're already using a plural pronoun as singular every single day without trouble.
What goalpost? The issue has always been ambiguity. If Fl4k was comprised of multiple AI programs all working as one, then I'd be perfectly fine with They/Them. If Fl4k wasn't programmed in binary, I'd be fine with that joke. But just They/Them to have a non-binary robot because WOKE, then no I'm not fine with that because it has no reason to exist at all.

>it'll be better now that they're not using fucking projectiles anymore
The fuck? It's all hitscan?

>like the robots design
>get excited to play it
>it's a vessel used to push social agendas
>playing the character will now associate me to these agendas

i'm so tired anonymous

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>want to play BL3, fuck Randy
>have console and PC
>mfw computer too shit to pirate BL3
hope you all can have fun

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From what we've seen so far that's what it looks like. I'm sure weapons with projectile properties such as the launchers, Atlas trackers and abilities will still exist, but for the most part it's looking like hitscan.

Look at how casualized Hell's Highway was and tell me you really want them to make a BiA 4.

Is this a low key white supremacist dogwhistle?

the GOTY edition will be 80% off and have all dlc


>Implying politics don't have a tangible effect on the product

>Fl4k is a robot
>who is also non-binary!
Why not just say he's a robot and leave it at that? What's the point of acknowledging the things gender then?

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Fuck is wrong with you people.

So it's shit then, why were you praising that?

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Like what? It containing politics you dislike because you care more about those than the game itself?

Plz do not bully the loli

Hitscan is cancer for any weapon that doesn't move at the literal speed of light. I found B2 playable because it was projectiles done right.

This desu, I hope they don't use hitscans


it conveys information, just bad wrong information that actually gets in the way of discourse.
That is enough to hate it. What it does to the speaker's mind is repulsive as well but I don't care in what manner an adult chooses to belittle themselves in.

I played both the first and the second game with hamachi. first one because the netcode was fucked and we couldn't connect, second game we pirated.

Borderlands fans deserve to be taunted for eating shit, though.

It has no gender. It is a soulless (and clearly malfunctioning) robot.
Deep lore is it is a highly functional AI and is just using the gender bullshit as a proxy to control others with. It knows its all bullshit but it also knows it is a potent vector of attack for control.
So, just like any other gender dysphoria faggot.
It fits, like pottery.

>your game will never be based enough to make Yea Forums seethe for months

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>Developer has a bias towards a political side
>They use their game to talk about their political views
>They alienate people who don't agree with them and those who don't like politics
I know you're a autist and it's hard to empathize with people but try, not everyone wants to be reminded of the real world when playing games. Politics is a hot button topic that does effect people's view, not everyone is a robot.

>his beliefs are so weak he can get alienated by a fucking game
Lmao suck a cock

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>not everyone wants to be reminded of the real world when playing games
Yeah, these people are weak-willed NEETs with shit lives.

I'm going to make a fighter that is literally just nazis (real historical ones) against SJWs (real hysterical ones).
Then I will claim there is no political angle at all and anyone reading into one side is just a child.
The penultimate boss will be a schlomo that is Seth-tier broken and throws money at you like Dudley and his rose. It will always 1hitKO and then the next time you fight him your previous character will be tag teaming WITH the kike against you.
I will use Serbia Stronk as the stage music in every level.
Every time a big scandal comes out surrounding my innocuous game with no political message hits the news I will just reform to a new faith to deflect criticism.

Sure it will, just put a woman in it and then have her do literally anything, Yea Forums won't be able to shut the fuck up about it for months

Then make a dude character win over her and watch this board screech about "SJWs BTFO" and "OH NO NO NO NO" it, free advertising


Oh well, since you said it's apolitical, that's good enough for me.

You must be +18 to post here

See look, I haven't even begun pre-production and people are already complaining.
I'll send you a free copy. I hope you accept international shipping from Isreal.

Who owns the license anyways? Gearbox or Ubisoft? I'd rather have Ubisoft doing a sequel by themselves rather than Gearbox at this point desu

Nowhere in that description does it even hint at that this robot would care about its "gender". If anything, it wouldn't give a shit.

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Why can’t you just be nice to trans women like me and not misgender us or our creations?

>asks for a example
>Yeah well y-you're just a faggot
Be careful, randy might ban you for that hate speech.

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I'm not complaining about the idea, it's actually really funny, but your post reeks of underage

A robot doesn't care about anything, it is incapable of it. It is devoid of a soul. Addressing it in any capacity is wrong.

It would of never worked

>Politics have real impact on a game!
>Yeah? Like what? Shit you shouldn't care about?
>Yeah, that shit, because I care about it because I'm a little weenie!

u mad

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>Almost killed Sega
>Set back the Aliens franchise by a decade
>Introduced internet memes to mainstream video games
>Tried to screw over Obsidian
>Tried to screw over 3DRealms
>Tried to screw over eduke32
>Screwed over several companies who worked with his company
>Almost ended his company multiple times with his retarded ideas
>Can never take criticism for anything, even things that are his fault
>Never takes responsibility for any of his screwups, all of them get pushed onto other people.
>Uses armies of lawyers to sue competition into oblivion even when he is wrong.
>Gets his own private money embezzled by one of his former co-workers
>Is on bad terms with multiple voice actors who have worked on his games
>Assaulted the Claptrap VA
>Stole the art style of Borderlands from short movie called Codehunters
>Hired the guy who made Codehunters early in the dev cycle to help them get the art style down and fired him immediately after so they wouldn't have to keep paying him or give him any credit.
>Removed all Duke Nukem games from GoG
>including the sidescrollers of which you cannot buy anymore, meaning piracy is the only way to play them
>Re-released a half-baked chocolate duke port to Steam ten dollars more expensive than the Atomic version that runs like ass because none of his developers have Build engine experience.
>Lied about winning the Gearbox name by beating Gabe Newell in a poker game
>Is probably a massive piss fetishist.
>Has an odd number of pictures of himself on toilets or bathroom floors
>Sung a song about how asshurt he was over a twitter argument to hundreds of investors of his company
>Dropped a USB stick with company files and totally not underaged at all squirting porn at a Medieval Times event
>Tries to defend the porn claiming that the act was like a "magic trick"
>Claimed that Borderlands 3 won't have microtransactions when it actually does

Is there any one man who has been more damaging to video games than Randy Pitchford?

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>everyone replying to my post is the same guy I replied to

And you sound like someone who takes Yea Forums seriously, which is profoundly sad. Kinda ruined my day now that I realize people like you are real.

the older i get the more i shake off the feeling that i have to get every game to "keep up" i will pass on this till all dlc comes for like 30

You're also devoid of a soul.

kill yourself fag look at iron maiden

No bulli

Tim Sweeney, but knowing his intertwined they are with each other I can't think of Tim without thinking even Randy brought him lower than he'd be without him.

So still Randy.
People need to start recording him constantly. I bet the female employees at Gearbox flinch or shudder when he gets close enough. Has anyone done any background checks on the guy? wouldn't be surprised he has multiple restraining orders leveled against his person (he isn't a person).

>>Tries to defend the porn claiming that the act was like a "magic trick"

Isn't it though? It's fucking 2019, this shit is procedurally generated.

Kill yourself faggot, nobody likes you not even your mom.

That is fine if you believe that, no skin off my back.
Robots don't have souls because they don't have life. They are simulacrum.

haha wouldn't it be funny if we rose up and drew a lot of FL4K porn where he has a robo dong?

What is life?

F4CK is a robot though so it doesn't sexually reproduce, or have sexual organs, or a reason for a gender identity.

It makes sense to me that a robot might be gender neutral, but of course Gearbox has to be retarded about it.

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>Politics don't matter
>Misgender a robot and get banned
Yeah sure, just consume product.


Organic in nature. any other consideration stems from there.
Robots aren't beings. They are things.

The character is actually a hivemind shared between the robot and its helper animals, and is thus referred to as "they".

the better question is what is love

>Organic in nature.
Seems kind of arbitrary.



>Give examples why politics matter
>t-that example doesn't count
>not that one either
Just wait until your game gets revoked because you said a nono word.

>deigning to deal with animals on the same level as advanced beings
You deserve to have a lamp dictate your actions to you.

Give me an example of "life" that is inorganic.

stop replying to your own posts

every egs exclusive besides cancernite is up on pirate sites with online patches
enjoy paying for mediocrity and faggot stories with faggot npcs in faggotlands

Not like the first two, right?


Don't animals have to be addressed in some animal lanuage though? Would that be a cultural appropriation?

>the single defining trait to life seems arbitrary
find anything inorganic that is given the quality of life by the human rights association.

>post yfw you still preorderd BL3 and don't care about childish Yea Forums drama

What do you want me to do, then?

It's a Singleplayer game, schizo

doesn't it have twitch integration

They would've made it gay had the game released in June, they would have made it black had it released in February.

Enjoy your shitty youtube streamer voice "actors"

Not gonna buy it because fuck buying games but I will pirate it

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Who's the triggered voice actor?

Does it matter if they're willing to ban you because you called a fictional character a he? Why do you think they won't?

Why is "they/them" the pronoun chosen to be used? Makes the character sound schizophrenic.

LMAO simply ebin friend /high-five xD

Do whatever you want. I'm not trying to make you do anything.
But robots aren't living and personifying them is categorically wrong in this respect. It belittles actual living beings and the robot at the same time.
Feel free to beat it with baseball bats or stick your dick in it, I don't care.

Just because something doesn't exist now doesn't mean it never will. Kind of the point of science fiction, lads. If you've only ever seen apples you might think being round and red is a defining characteristic of fruits. But to then deny a banana right in front of you because it doesn't fit your framework is asinine.

>implying this hard

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precisely for that reason. A bad actor told them this was the emperor's new clothes and they listened. That bad actor knew it would make them look bad. They still did it.
Look into what group of people pioneered and pushed gender dysphoria syndrome.

find any source of life that is inorganic. It doesn't happen in nature.

I'm not from the US so the quality of living is not recognized as such. A corporation is just a phyisical construct of an ideal. It in no way is living.
Under that claim, each of your individual cells in your body is sentient and you should be charged for literally billions of counts of homicide.

last I checked, it was any collection of chemicals with the ability to replicate themselves unaided by other lifeforms

>Randy can get away with doing whatever the hell he wants because he knows millions of paypigs will buy his games regardless
How does this make you feel?

Attached: iPF_JWuV_400x400.jpg (400x400, 33K)

>false equivalencies: the post.
You get props for making a terrible food analogy, but no.

>find any source of life that is inorganic. It doesn't happen in nature.
I feel like you're kind of missing the whole point of artificial life here.

>Borderlands 3 Voice Actor TAUNTS Fans
Do you have a source on that, faggot?

>Yea Forums still seething after years

The only false equivalence here is you equating my excellent points with false equivalences

read the thread
Hint: Ctrl+F twitter

Why would you ever pay for a game that Randy's dirty little fingers have touched?
I am mildly interested in BL3 though, I'm weak for chicks piloting mecha and musclegirls but with the EGS timed exclusivity, Randy, and the rest of the drama why wouldn't I pirate it?


Why do people even care about him? I only care about products, and B3 looks like GOTY

a corporation is legally a separate living entity from the people that form it, subject to its own civil and criminal liabilities

>Just consume product
>Pay no attention to the 2 hired thugs beside you
>Remember that fictional character is a xer xim, don't you dare say other wise we will ban you
>Stop complaining when we shove politics down your throat, you bigot

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Right, but putting aside the real-life possibility of creating a truly sentient AI for a moment and accepting that within the fantasy land of BL it can and has happened, such a theoretical being would have zero reason to care about that shit in the first place.


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Its the Data conundrum from Trek. Why would Data emulate human life instead of creating his own society of one?
Even he admits it is a folly but a conceit he continues due to another human trait he was programmed with.

A real robot wouldn't conform to human norms or conceits. If it did it isn't a lifeform. It is simply a program mimicking actions.

Why are the Action Skill all shit ? Nothing really stands out fuck you Randy im going to pirate it.

>they ban me
>still able to play it because it's a singleplayer game

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the trees have been dogshit in every borderlands game, why did you think they'd change it now?

You're not really suppose to reinforce bad behavior by pretending it doesn't exist. Not exactly ethical or responsible in any context.

>they ban me
>I sue them because my political beliefs are clearly outlined in my religious texts and it is illegal to persecute someone on their personal religious beliefs where Gearbox is located
Just play the game against them until they aren't a company anymore.

I liked Krieg's mania tree

politics in games are only good when theyre MYTEAM
just havesex

>ban your game account
>no longer able to play anything
>can't sue because of clauses in the EULA you didn't read
I lost sixty bucks to Blizzard this way by buying Diablo 3 and finding out too late I was still banned from BattleNet.

Products are living beings and you are getting 10 years in the isocubes for not using its preferred gender pronouns.

That gets a pass I guess. I heard alot of people liked his. Seemed like a deliberate acknowledgement that the rest were boring.

>Why do you care about politics
>Oh its okay if I'm banned
Really activates my almonds. You convinced me user, politics have nothing to do with the game!

does gendering him as xer get you banned too?

>supporting the opposition
El oh el you Marxists really are such disingenuous braindead retards.


>Watching QuarterGoyQuarterSoy

Oh no.... I can't use the forums anymore.... such a huge loss!

I don't want any politics in my game.

>claim I didn't sign it
>claim someone under 18 signed it and they aren't legally allowed to enter into contracts or agreements
>Gearbox has to find evidence that I physically clicked the button, not that the button was clicked
There is a reason no one uses EULA's in court. Not that they aren't legal like many assume, its because you can't enforce it legally.

Are we moral police now?

SupMatto made the worst possible kind of content anyway. The entire time he would shit out slowpoke videos that said nothing that hadn't already been said.

Did you know Han Solo is confirmed pansexual?

Oh you didn't? Is it because you only watched the movies and don't give a shit about what people say about them OUTSIDE the movies? Like a normal person?

>that hadn't already been said
So you agree he wasn't the source of the information and he can sue T2 for libel for saying he was?

Every good game has politics tho

>while they feel an connection

otherwise honestly the rest of the bio doesn't bother me and because it's actually a genderless robot and not some mentally ill tranny it isn't forced or sad

it even says the social constructs confuse him and every retard in this thread is saying


lmao i lived long enough that borderlands lore would filter plebs from Yea Forums because something something reddit

By that logic a lot of younger male characters in cartoons anons grew up with would actually be girls.


>If you don't throw a shitfit about the exact same things I do on Yea Forums, you're a Marxist!
Stunning display of argumentative brilliance from the anti-Marxist side here

>It's okay if I'm banned for saying a bad word
>I'll still consume product
>I'm still a good boy!
Wait until your account gets banned because you said the wrong word.

No, its because he is a fictional character and shouldn't be afforded space in your mental space as if he was.

People are genuinely insane now and do not know how to separate actual reality with fantasy. Then they reeeeeee at those that do and treat this with the apathy it should be handled with.

I'm convinced they used the Trump tactic of misspelling something obvious so people will put eyes on it. The error is just there so you will read the rest and get to their WOKENESS.


Forcing the robot to be a dude is retard. It's a fucking robot. It uses gender neutral pronouns because it's also sentient. People only care because it aligns with the identity politics they already care about outside of Borderlands.

It's a good thing they haven't made a new Duke game. I can only imagine how terrible it would be.

I'm assuming that's the one exception that got him in trouble? I haven't actually bothered reading up on this case much, I just really really dislike that guy's videos.

No, just moral civilians

it's a fucking machine, just say "it"

I remember something where the VA for Duke had to say Bazinga for a game.

It's a fucking robot off course it's genderless ??? Just kys

oh well

Whatever their reason, even if it does drum up enough controversy to equal more sales it's still sort of embarrassing from the outside. I make tons of grammatical and spelling mistakes but nobody's paying an advertising budget to hear me talk lmao

You're a smart one, m8

Why would I even be on the Gearbox forums? I've got Yea Forums

>hurr read the thread
>no source, no link, no screencap
Fuck off then.

Yes, and? it's a singleplayer game and I don't even use Gearbox's forums, off yourself faggot



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Dunno honestly. I just heard about T2 sending goons and made my mind up. It isn't appropriate to send someone to a private citizen's house for leaks. He should have shot them.
From what I heard they dropped all of it and aren't pursuing it in a legal sense. Because even they know they stepped over the line (in a legal sense more than moral) and it would actually cost them if he was savvy enough to pursue it himself.

When a company of that size does something of that caliber, then immediately backs off after you've been ruined, they didn't have a legal case to begin with. If they did, they would have pursued it in legal court. They didn't.

>I know, if I ignore all context and purposely misinterpret him - I'll look like the winner!
Oh, and stop with the verbosity. You're not in college now, it's not impressive.

>T. Zhou

Attached: HanGoblin.png (786x585, 221K)

The Sisko is aggressive. Adversarial.

>They're quoting some generic neckbeard Yea Forumsirgin fa/tg/uy /pol/ack youtuber who got thrown out of a MTG tournament for harassment.

>VA is a guy so the character is a guy
Guess that means Ash Ketchum is now a woman

>If FL4K is a robot, then why not be ok with "It"
FL4K is still sentient and if I wouldn't want to be referred to as a non-living object either

>Why do they use the SJW approved neutral pronoun "They/Them"
We all use they/them as gender neutral pronouns when we don't know the gender of the person we are referring to

>Why did they have to make a big deal out of it
They didn't. They just said it to get into SJW's pockets and then 'gamers' made a big deal out of it because they were already butthurt by other forms of identity politics. Anyone who only plays the game would never say his gender neutrality (because he's a robot) is important.

>T2 sending goons

Who needs a cyberpunk game when we're already in one



>two longs words is verbosity
fo shizzle

Feel an connection

oi wot's with the big word ya hippo crate


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The traphouse bust gone wrong in Philly yesterday was just Take2 sending goons to a nigger's house.

>Then why did they ban that guy on the forums
Because he was being a dickwad that was making a huge deal out of identity politics on a gaming forum

>A robot that doesn't know much about human social constructs
>still forces people to use pronouns
Yeah nah.

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Be careful user, one of those "Well actually he/him is the gender neutral one" retards might come along.

He might literally be posting from an english class in college as we speak.
You using your egocentric mindset to categorize others is, frankly, troubling.


Better watch his job

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>Already writing fanfiction about a game that's not even out yet

user, you can't say the F word! Epic is gonna have to ban your account, sorry but you'll be unable to play any of our games.

Why do they refer to a single robot as multiple?

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>testing him
How long before that guy updates his resume to say "former employee at Gearbox?"

It. They is just trannyshit. It is a robot. Robots are it.

Oh, hush, you'll confuse him.

How is this still allowed? Is this even legal?

Guies what if..what if..just listen...what if Gearbox just let the players choose the robots gender?

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that's a philosophical argument

everyone else here assumes sentience implies he's no longer an object

Even more dystopic
>it doesn't care about the pronouns
>can't even compute them
>others still insist on it, to it, in its presence

>friend asks if her computer can play BL3
>"I don't know let me look."
>minimums not listed on BL homepage
>minimums not listed on EGS webpage
>third-party sources have conflicting specs

FFS. What an absolute shitshow.

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He's a hive mind

Thanks daddy Epic.

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What's the singular neutral non-object identifier then?

Every language with gender implied in it's grammar has robot as masculine.

Fucker is lefty and denounces supposed sexual assaulters like Vic Mignogna but it's willing to work with randy pitchford of all people

Can I pirate the Japanese version?

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They don't care if you can run it, just buy it.

>there will be a shitty Yea Forums hivemind posting joke somewhere in the game
>ethereal voice from the ether will admonish him when he makes the joke
>then you the player for laughing
>anyone not getting the joke just had the game insult them out of the blue and they don't know why
>it will keep happening every 5 minutes

Sentience is not the requisite to seperate it from they him or her. It is also possession, and furthermore, that which is not human. It's a dog. It's an alien. It's a robot. It is it.


I'd rather dial 44288833 77773399

>your anime will make Yea Forums seethe forever

How many Trump references do you think they'll have?

It. As it has always been.
The real fun comes when we start seeing translations from latin speaking versions of the game where they gender him male.

It's a human.

I'm out of the loop. What's this about hate speech on forums no one visits because Yea Forums us all that matters?

>youtube alias ProZD
more liek PoZD

Only if you are not. If you are, then they're a human.

>not dialing 5318008

>not dialling 0181 811 81 81

>is the realtor here?
>nah they're not here yet
you're now an SJW

You motherfucker

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Nah Static Cling was great, its just a shame every thread is now ruined by people spamming newfag tranny shit. You were probably too young to watch RML when it was on the air.

>refers to a singular life-less thing
user, I asked for a singular neutral non-object (read: actor) identifier, not a singular neutral object identifier.

Did I fucking stutter?

>Fl4k has headmates
>Fl4k has a succubus pony tulpa


>0181 811 81 81
Jesus fuck that took me back, user.

Kind of yes.

>They don't care if you can run it, just buy it.
*chuckle* Good luck with that. I have my looter shooter and she won't get it without info. Obviously they will put it out at some point but they just lost a $100 pre-order.

That's just a philosophical argument.

And a flawed one at that considering he has ownership of himself. This isn't politically motivated is it?


Robots are lifeless.

>not dialing JOHN MADDEN

oh, then the actual name. Any other option is wrong, categorically. People use they for the informal address of another, but it is still grammatically incorrect to do so. When in company with the subject, you use their name. When not in their company, good manners dictates you not speak regarding the subject at all. The subject isn't there to contest or affirm the claims.

He's an android and with sentience has all the qualifiers for life.

How? Because it doesn't have a soul?

So do dogs (called 'it').

And yet still lifeless.

>>Tried to screw over Obsidian
what did randy do this time?

>Fl4k keeps asking if you like to play pretend
>Fl4k finally gets a crustacean buddy and keeps asking if you know what crab battle is
He could turn out to be pretty based.

Attached: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.gif (220x265, 139K)

Except its just a fucking robot, so it's not alive.

>called it
lmao what? what kind of psychopath refers to dogs as "it"

Almost everyone I know refers to dogs as he or she depending on the dog's gender and I live in the deep south.

Fear of death is often a qualifier for life (preservation). A robot that can't feel emotion cannot feel fear.

Why isn't it alive? Just answer me this. It can die can't it?

Except FL4K does feel emotions.

>watching disney star wars movies
kill yoursrlf kike

Did the dog tell you its (notice this) gender or did you assign one based on your social constructs?

I know, I laid that out solidly in the post.


Jews. Kikes. Them. They. He. She. Gays. Tranny. This is what 4channel is about.

It's only a philosophical argument if you've got philosophical mindset about the language. If not it's just one about language. However for the record, no, I do not subscribe to a constructivist philosophy and I do in fact find it to be a repellant bid for suicide by culture. That being said, there's a good reason that most people think it's bunk, and this argument is one of the many, many reasons. Changing language as an excersize in control is leaves a bad taste, with good reason.

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Just rebuild it.

Well if you don't know a dog's gender you still don't call the dog an "it". People would look at you real fucking funny if you did that here.

Philosophical argument.

Depends on your relationship with the animal/android.

Same thing. Arbitrary disqualification on the grounds of (presumably) personal bias.

It meets all the qualifications for life, and refers to itself as they.

Why don't you retards just say what you mean and say he's inorganic?

Ridiculous argument. "Fear" is just a name for the human self-preservation instinct, which is just a elaborate version of any living creature's self preservation mechanism. By your argument insects primitive self-preservation (emotionaless) means they don't have life.

Literally just arguing that life is humanity.

It's just an exercise in critical thinking you dunce.

It can't die. It's a fucking robot. Does your computer die when you turn it off? Idiot.

prozd is trash in human form
hypocritcal SJW kike with an uugly wife just like the rest of them

>Depends on your relationship with the animal/android.
Yes and no. See: she for ships.

Yeah that's what they say. Like when Google swatted a whistleblower because he didn't follow a deadline for returning a laptop :^)

What if literally everything about the robot was utterly smashed beyond repair? Just make another one?

Well do humans suddenly become objects if cloning is more developed?

Isn't this drama just fabricated because they want some free publicity? In fact gearbox should be the ones to take heat because they made the trans character a robot. I guess trans are not human beings and are just objects for them. Yikes.

It cannot die because only the living can die.

Luckily, your "here" isn't the world's. Many people refer to a dog as it because it (there it is again) is a dog, and shouldn't be afforded the space in your mind as that of a higher lifeform.

wrong. Humans feel fear even when there is no life threatening stimulus. Fear is categorically an emotion. One a robot cannot even approximate.

Thinking critically just makes you a critic. Not you're not einstein and you're not jesus. Get the fuck over yourself, you fucking faggot.

Yep this

it's why I have no problem with the chinese eating dogs. They're just objects to be consumed

Making leftists seethe isn't based then? Why is it one way but not the other, explain.

How did the robot get built?
Just use the same schematic holy shit you are dumb.
We literally had this discussion the first time. Fl4k is no different than a car on an assembly line. Your car is not alive, even if it has AI in it to stop you from killing your actual self, you know, the living occupant of the vehicle.

>we want non-gendered pronouns for this robot
ok, makes sense
>it is a 'they' instead of an 'it'
kek, fucking why? it's a bunch of metal, not a third gender.

what defines being living, go ahead tell me. You're just going around and around in circles

>It can't die
>why not
>because it's not alive
>why isn't it alive
>because it can't die

Name your criteria for something being alive so that it can die

>fear is categorically an emotion


>one a robot cannot even approximate


>thinking critically just makes you a critic
Read a book lmao

That means he could reproduce himself.

Another argument in favor of him being alive.

Just rebuild it.

So what do you do when the subject isn't there and their name is unknown?

Googlei t yourself retard. Life is defined as:
-can reproduce
-can grow
-can act


if he learns that's technically growth AND change

It was shit then too

Thanks for sharing, kiddo

Yes, but Randy and Gearbox are 80 years out of date and still think all publicity is free publicity.

No, that implies he can replicate it's carriage.

I mean he can call himself whatever the fuck he wants but as far as I'm concerned, there's only one of him in the current vicinity so he is a he.

That's basic subject pronouns, niggers.

>FL4K can't reproduce
it can just build another robot using parts. Is that not what humans do? Use nutrients and stuff we have in us from birth to create another human?

>can grow
it can grow, it can add more stuff to its body using parts. Just like how we grow using the nutrients from food. An external source

>can act
How is it not acting? It's sentient, it's not taking its orders from anyone but itself

Yes I too go around wondering why my household objects aren't alive. You've confused pedantry with profundity. Off yourself.

> read a book lmao
Constructivists. They're always such zealots. Baudrillard is literally worse than Freud and you're a sucker.

It wouldn't come up in civilized conversation.

Reproduction and replication are 2 individual unique concepts. They aren't synonymous.


>he can replicate

Learn to pronounce
noun: replication

the action of copying or reproducing something.
a copy.

the action or process of making a copy of something.
"the cost of color reproduction in publication is high"
synonyms: copying, duplication, duplicating, replication, replicating; More
photocopying, xeroxing, photostatting, printing;
transcription, cloning, forging, counterfeiting
"the reproduction of copyrighted material"
the production of offspring by a sexual or asexual process.
synonyms: breeding, producing young, procreation, multiplying, propagation, proliferation, spawning
"marine invertebrates are not always restricted to one method of reproduction"
a copy of a work of art, especially a print or photograph of a painting.
plural noun: reproductions
synonyms: print, copy, reprint, duplicate, replica, facsimile, carbon copy; More
photocopy, mimeograph, mimeo;
imitation, fake, forgery, counterfeit;
trademarkXerox, photostat;
"a photostatic reproduction of the original"
antonyms: original
made to imitate the style of an earlier period or of a particular artist or craftsman.
modifier noun: reproduction
"reproduction French classical beds"
the quality of reproduced sound.
"the design was changed to allow louder reproduction"

whoa dude read a book

The thing that triggered you have to death wasn't even the focus of the episode.

Americans are truly fucked. On the German website they use he/it for fl4k.

Again, not an argument

>what makes it a non-living object
>it being an object makes it an object

If that happens, which it wouldn't, you would relate their address dependent on the action (verb) relating to them in discussion. Usually with gendered traits such as he/her.
>the subject fell
>the subject ran
>he fell
>he ran
>she fell
>she ran
>it fell
>it ran
The last 2 are categorically incorrect

>175 unique IPs
resetera and scp discord trannies here en masse


And I can already tell the other guy is going to pick out that reproduce statement by saying that Fl4K building another robot means he's building something not related to himself, but he can totally just copy and paste some of his programming into the robot he builds; just like how we pass on our DNA to our children

tranny fuck. go back to tumblr. write a blog about your insipid ideas

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so Yea Forums?

Under this litmus jizzing on a cadaver is creating life. Notice how it doesn't amount in a living cadaver?
Because life isn't created that way.

Here is the only way a robot could approximate life:
>be a non-centralized consciousness
>assemble a centralized being and insert consciousness into it
>to create "life" it would first have to create a new non-centralized consciousness unique from its own
>then that would have to create a centralized being to continue the process
>at any point along this path the new AI could decide it is not offspring in and of itself, negating all claims.


in a sense yes

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Man who fucking cares anymore.

If the definition of a thing uses the word "or" it usually isn't a good definition and is clear signs of kikery in lexicon manipulation.
Replicating isn't the action of copying or reproducing something. It is just the act of copying something.

>they/them in english
>just 'it' translated into german

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What if his animal collective is part of him, so he wants to be called part of that pack, and thus, they. Checkmate atheist.

nevermind its actuall he/him in german, even better

how did scp become this

You don't get to choose what is passed on and what becomes dominant in the offspring. The moment you create life it is its own being.
If fl4k is curating what goes into it consciously, he isn't created life. Just more simulacra.

That would be cool but this is gearbox. So no.

Growth in the figurative sense does not count.
Likewise for reproducing. It has to be issued from its own components - so if it could make mini-FL4Ks, even by cannibalizing itself, it would work. But not if it takes random components to reproduce its schematics for example. It's kinda tied to growth in that respect.

What do these retards think about French people and their gendered language?

Then I'd let it claim sentience, but tell it lower mammalian beings don't have rights under the definition of life.

Either way I get to subjugate the klanker

>It wouldn't come up in civilized conversation.
Highly doubt that, what's the answer?

>the subject
We aren't cops or lawyers, that terminology is not used in normal spoken dialogue and you know it so that's being disingenuous.
Derogatory within spoken language when referring to a person.

If I don't know their answer and don't want to be derogatory while using standard spoke English what is the term to use?

all the cool and fun anons left
mentally ill /vg/ trannies, namefags, tripfags, avatarfags, blogfags, underaged children and normalfags festered for months on end with no moderation and the scp discord group is the crystalization of all that cancer

Gearvox is just retarded for enforcing shit like this, do everyone of us a favour and IGNORE and UNRECOMMEND buying any of their products.

They're cooking this polemic, and they are just a couple days away from playing the victim card and appear on shitaku and polygay, getting even more media ttention, and hopefully, sales.

Remember Battleborn? They dis this shit. No one cared. Where is Battleborn now? Be smart, you dense motherfuckers.

This is what pissed me off about that passage more than anything else. Don't they proofread shit?

we don't discuss dead languages unless its a Yea Forums discussing Stargate SG1 episode.

I am saying a discussion of another being in its absence wouldn't happen naturally. And if it did you would address them by their gendered pronouns because you would either be discussing a man or a woman.

I know, that is why you don't address people by it. Because they are people. Robots aren't people though, so it is acceptable and if it complains who cares it doesn't have rights.

The correct non-sjw pronoun to use is the best-matching statistical approximation. For example, you assume a CEO is male so you say he, and you assume a janitor is male so you say he. You also assume that a teacher is a female and say she, and likewise for a nurse.
in the case where you address a group of girls with a single male in there, you should normally say "hey guys" according to formal English rules, but the proper social appellation is "hey girls" (hey guys remains correct because it is widely accepted as gender-neutral nowadays, however).
Finally, when there is no prior about the sex of the person, it doesn't matter if you say he or she. Both have been used extensively in a gender-undefined context throughout English history. He being more prominent.


>non-gendered robot
>except the voice is clearly masculine
If they really wanted to make the robot have no gender they would have given it an androgynous robotic voice, or have multiple voices that are both male and female that say different lines

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Who the fuck cares though? In a normal, non batshit insane society nobody would give a shit if you accidentally call a he a she or vice versa. This is just another symptom of the decline.

>wouldn't happen naturally
user, last week I was off for a few days and one of my co-workers comes in and literally asks me "What do you think of the new intern?" The intern had started while I was off and I hadn't met the intern yet.

What exactly should I have said since I haven't met the intern yet and don't know the intern's gender?
Are you suggesting I refer to the intern as it?
Am I supposed to ask my co-worker what gender the intern is? Cause that sounds creepy as fuck.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, thats too reasonable for this thread

>The correct non-sjw pronoun to use is the best-matching statistical approximation
[Citation Needed]

Based and bad-airplane-pilotpilled

thats presequel

I still can't get over how bad the character design in that game is.

You should have said you haven't met the person in question and forming an opinion on them would be a disservice to them and you. Then you should have removed yourself from the co-worker that was spreading gossip. Any other genuine topic regarding the new intern should be assessed after actually meeting the person in question.

But you should have known that, were you actually civilized.
You peddle in barbarism.

"I haven't met the new intern."
Any other response is an opening for gossip and uncouth.

>should have said you haven't met the person
So what's the short form of "the person" I should have used to not be derogatory?

>forming an opinion on them
Okay user, use They/Them when referring to individuals you do not know the gender or name of, got it!

>suffer from schizophrenic split personality
No. They're just attention seeking faggots that sperg the fuck out when someone states the scientific fact that there are only two genders.

actually that number is outdated, its currently 50%

"Short hand" shouldn't be used in an office setting, which you are in when relating to co-workers and interns.
You keep digging your whole deeper when the entire crux of my argument is just because people colloquially use a term, doesn't mean they should or it is correct.


To be fair, there isn't much you can talk about with Borderlands, its just running at a guy, shooting him, wait for the npc to spawn in a void and repeat all while some other npc tries to be funny which leads to one or two good lines buried under a sea of annoying shit

>No true scotsman fallacy
Understood user, I'll make sure to eat my porridge without sugar and call everyone IT then!

So when you say short hand you admit you are lazily sidestepping actual grammar in an attempt for familiarity. You post makes it seem like you know people speak in poor grammar when speaking in short hand. That is why it is called short hand. It is just called speaking when done in a mode that follows proper grammar.

It is clear there is a schism between what we are arguing. We aren't discussing the same topic anymore.

Thank you for conceding with a modicum of honor.

am i going to have to play the game (pirated) with the voices turned off like bl2

Some really heavy mismanagement of electing new admins and moderators. Decisions like that should have only ever been made and vetted through the original community on /x/ but instead it was through private circles and eventually given to people too sensitive and PC for stories that don't follow their feelings and agendas, so now we're stuck with ridiculous power scaling scp's and OC donutsteel researchers and doctors

Are you guys just looking for things to complain about? Its a robot. It has no gender thus it uses neutral they. 99.9% of people dont care or even know about these controversies outside of Yea Forums. The game is already selling gangbusters with preorders.

Why do people keep thinking its an accident when a secret discord that is actively working against the users at large end up running something into the ground?

I remember when that joke SCP came out and it was a 2hu. And it was an actual haha joke for the uninitiated. Then everyone lost the plot and tons of SCPs are just ripped from anime and steven universe now.

We didn't just look over and see a robutt asking people to use certain pronouns. Gearbox intentionally created this and marketed it so it would be talked about in this fashion. They even pulled a trump and put an obvious misspelling into it so you'd talk about it.

Yes we are idiots for talking about it. Yes we are idiots for being manipulated into talking about it. But you know what happens when you walk into a theater and yell fire. Don't blame the people that respond. Blame the idiot that did it knowingly.

Since Randy owns the company, nobody is able to act as tard wranglers combined with the fact Sweeny likely paid Randy a huge amount of money to get BL3 exclusive for six months means Randy doesn't care about anything which leads to autistic moments like this.

I dont remember,but did they use he/him pronouns for claptrap?
If so then gearbox are just a bunch of virtue signaling hypocrites

Attached: aiportraits_1563580672.jpg (512x512, 15K)

You think they intentionally made the neutral gender robot controversial just for negative press?

Yes we are user, you're the one that's forcing a schism and not letting language shift and evolve. What's stopping me from saying your grammar is in correct since it doesn't following certain aspects of Middle or Old English?

You're drawing a schism AND an arbitrary line where you believe language should stop continuing to shift and evolve.

What they/them was short hand it is now taken a spot in the standard grammatically correct vernacular of current modern English and you're just falling back on special pleading.

Like the geth

>missing the sarcasm/joke that hard

This. Preordered the Super Deluxe Edition and couldn't care less about the faggotty SJW shit and cancerous official forums. Supmatto fucked up when he made that pay Discord and he was an egotistical turd always spouting "muh sources".

I think they intentionally used it as marketing for press of any kind and are under the erroneous belief that all press is good press.
It could have been something you learn as you the player interact with the robot, who might be affable so you'd let it slide, but they didn't. They wanted a specific audience (pro-pronoun shenanigans) would promote their game as brave and woke. "we" largely aren't a consideration.

It is always marketing user, they are a business, not a charity.

>falling for bait

You are a patent idiot. Its a clear way to bait people that have already shown they are emotionally invested.
And it worked on you.
You got baited, by an idiot, in 2019.

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Student debt

or have it beep boop like R2D2 and BB8

>Defending fallacious arguments
Okay retard.


>durr hurr I was just pretending to be retarded

It wears a nonbinary pin. The joke's almost funny enough (haha robotics and binary), but shitting themselves over identity politics all in the name of a dad joke is bad form.

Attached: the yellow and poruple crossed out zero.jpg (1280x720, 186K)

Yes. Most corporations are doing this now.

Does anyone have saved that one article where Disney just about admits they create their own bad press to stay ahead of and try to control discussions about their movies?

wow, that SCP general really went to hell

Lets brainstorm what a BIA 3 (or is it 4?) would look like
>Female resistance fighter character
>Multiplayer character customization allows you to be any gender or race
>Buffalo soldiers participating in the Battle of the Bulge
>One of the soldiers comes out as homosexual

Attached: Screenshot (227).png (1920x1080, 1.42M)