Post vidya techniques you've attempted IRL

Post vidya techniques you've attempted IRL.

Attached: walljump.jpg (526x640, 21K)

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I remember being a kid at a pool and trying to run towards one direction and then changing directions and running back as I was in the air. Quickly found out you couldn't. Could have broken my head attempting it.

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double jump

realizing you can't double jump in real life is the definition of loss of innocence

I would always do this with a nerf gun

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I shouted "noclip", ran face first into a wall and broke my nose.

I tried to double jump when I was a kid

sv_cheats was set to 0 obviously

Still trying to have the guts to try this one myself.

I tried to do a 360 no scope with a bebe gun and I ended up breaking some dudes car window instead of the tree I was aiming for.

Wouldn't that hurt a bit?

>tfw used to play russian roulette with nerf gun to piss of my mom

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I had a dream that I could flutter jump once. That was nice.


I attempted to learn to skateboard. I could not ollie several feet into the air so I got bored.

Double jump. I thought I just had to kick the air real hard. Turns out that’s how I learned how to dive kick though, so it’s not all that bad.

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No, it's just a little foam dart.


wait you can't double jump in real life?

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HE can't double jump in real life, user
there's still hope for you

Great job.

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You know the pictured technique is possible, right? It's in a bunch of YouTube parkour videos and a few Jackie Chan movies.

best post in this thread

Chun Li/Shun Akiyama's repeating kicks
Turns out having skinny legs doesnt make it easy

That hurts, user

Someone post that luigi flutter while driving comic

It worked as well as you think it would

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Admit it. Who else tried REALLY hard to do a kamehameha as a kid?

Tried this the other day not ashamed and it's surprisingly harder than it looks

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>there are people who haven't attempted the Crash dance

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Does it? Was my nerf gun broken or something?

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Oooooh boy they're missing out.
I used to be known for doing that dance in middle school
no regrets

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I thought it would work if I tried hard enough

I tried to go super saiyan

>That one kid who backdashed like Alucard down the hallway

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>That kid who would do the belmont strut up the stairs

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The thing that pisses me off is I can lift my leg that high no problem, aside from the fact I CAN NOT straighten my leg while doing so. Not without feeling like I'm trying to rip every ligament on between my buttock and knees.

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I started training parkour after playing Mirror's Edge
Actual double jumping, no. But you actually can do a wall jump IRL. Of course, not as retarded as something like Prince of Persia where you keep jumping continuously, but you can use the momentum of your kick to propel yourself in a follow up jump. Just like a cat does.

It's actually just a standard axe kick in martial arts. They aren't that hard to execute provided you do them properly.

I can barely get my leg higher than a 90° while standing straight
Why was I cursed with the flexibility of a tree

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You may be able to wall jump, but can you do the fabled triangle kick?

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already seen this thread

Maybe if you've got a pussyhead lmao


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I'm sure with regular yoga-ish exercise to deliberately try and loosen ligaments we could gain some flexibility. All I can suggest is try and go out of your way to extend yourself farther than you usually go. I probably can only do the leg thing because I go up every step three or four steps at a time since about the age of 10.


>I go up every step three or four steps at a time since about the age of 10.
Wait so you skip 3/4 steps or take 3/4 steps per step?

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God dammit wrong (You) again why does this keep happening to me
Meant for sorry

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used to do this all the time in the kitchen doorway

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I've attempted to "climb" a building doing this.

kill yourself jojonigger

Black hands made this post.

How far did you get?

>be called a jojonigger
n-n-no you're the nigger user please rape my mouth
seethe, dilate and cope

Devil spin kick!

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I tried parkour around my campus thanks to assassin's creed. I learned a few things and even managed to climb some downright stupid positions due to running up multiple walls, but then I fucked up my arm after bothcing a jump across stair rails and realized as a result that I'm being a fucking sperg.

>wall climb
That's a bitch at the start if you don't know how to direct your momentum upwards. Eventually you get foot positioning and body movement correctly and stuff like walls and gates are piss easy to climb.
shit's great for breaking in


The arrows would be where my feet are, I count the lower step as a step, so that's a example of four. I only go shorter when the steps are too big for me to reasonably stretch to.

>that kid who jump-cancelled off the bully

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I cant do splits so could not even start.


>tfw did all the DMC 1 sword combos as a kid when everyone played knights

This is what I posted.

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I immediately tripped and fell

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holy fuck that is a reddit image

someone post the screencap of the kid who went super sayian to combat angry bees

>missed the part where he cuts off his dick and becomes a tranny

Never got why his legs went out so far


>That kid who telefragged the janitor
Jesus Christ, Elliot man. I told you not to teleport to the bathroom at that time.

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Wario taught me this

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in ocarina of time when you jump down and roll on landing

Used to this all the time, it's actually a pretty cool and effective way to hide from people.

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Tried running on the water in my pool with a head start when I was playing Mario 64 for the DS and unlocked Luigi, didn't work but was fun

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I used to try and run in place against walls

What game is that?



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>buzzword buzzword i’m an insufferable person to be around and i blame others for my problems buzzword

I'm trying

I tried but I knew it wouldn't work after all, Master Roshi said it would take years to develop the technique, so I actually practiced it instead

I tried doing this once, hilarity ensued

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I still want to learn this.

The bigger they are...

I tried to do that rain dance from Patapon
Used pots and pans as drums

Pretty much all of kazuya’s moveset

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Dad used to own a revolver and knew how to do cool shit like this. He is a big fan of westerners too. I could never get that shit right.

hold the phone, I thought you couldn't jump on stairs in classicvania, save for 4

How exactly do you do this? I imagine just a lot of practice but whenever i get a toy gun in my hands I never can spin it very well

Oh geez. How did you do that when you were 10 were you freaking 6'2 then.

Hadoukens and kamahamehas

I was 6 when both SF2 and DBZ were huge so yeah

You can in 3, but not 1/2 iirc

There was a kid in my class who would threaten other kids and teachers with him casting a fire ball at them. I’d say he was autistuc but it hadn’t been invented yet

Double jumping

I can't even do EWGF consistently in the game, what makes you think I'm gonna be able to do it IRL.
Unless I hit a powerbox or some shit lmao.

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You tried

I once was playing an H game and the girl gets fucked by a dog looking thing. So I tried to do that with my dog. It didn't go well

Expert stealth

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You can be Bob.

The fact you jump like shit in general is so dissapointing.

I'm convinced someday some monk is gonna do a tiny little dodonpa or something and that's the day I drop everything and devote my entire life to martial arts and a spiritual practice.


I want to marry Chio-chan!

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I hate seeing shit like this because I'm reminded every single time that it's all 100% useless in any fight. You see professional fighters and they're always doing the same shit. I guess that's why WWE is so popular.


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this one actually works though user

Not from any particular video game but I would always try to "run on air" when making a long jump like I'm Trinity in the matrix or someshit.
In hindsight all that flailing around probably makes you less aerodynamic and actually shortens your airtime.
not to mention that it makes you look like a complete tool.

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>In hindsight all that flailing around probably makes you less aerodynamic and actually shortens your airtime.

You're not in the air for enough time for this to matter. All you can do to make yourself jump higher is impulse.


Was that Agent 47.

Well generally, it is pretty dumb to launch yourself in the air while doing flashy moves but once in a while, it can work.

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Lel fukken saved

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When I was younger I would climb up door frames like this to reach the top. Now I have to duck not to hit my head on some door frames.

You're the pioneer apparently

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Lanklet detected

Or trying to fly when Gohan was teaching Videl

If 230lbs means I'm underweight I'll take it.

Pft, not doing the whole Za Warudo? What a loser.

I did the fusion dance once with my brother

I thought about that when I watching, sad that it can't be real.

Here you go user

I fused with my sister.

except you CAN walljump irl

this was me, always pretending I was ascending steps to fight dracula, playing the music in my head.

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Steps aren't /that/ far apart. Though I do tend to leap more than just walk up stairs. The reason for doing it was more so because 4 floors (including basement) is a lot of distance to travel, especially when your room is at the top and the family computer is in the basement than because I like to stretch.

>the virgin snake stairwell climb
>the chad belmont stair strut

hehe, heaven's punishment.

The user who made this died.

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Oh, I wish.

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Just like the simulations.

After a while I n Tae Kwon Do its standard to practice kicking three times at different elevations without putting your leg down. Just that is hard to do effectively.

>Used to run like classic sonic
>Arms up in the same awkward position
>Purposefully making legs work in a circular motion (Imagine trying to run but your legs doing the motions of riding a bike)
>Would do it in public places like school
>Would often do sonic's finger wag during recess
You just made long forgotten memories resurface and I hate you for it

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Jecht Shot. With a soccer ball.

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I played Persona 3.
Tried to talk to an actual person afterwards thinking it might be easy.
Failed immediately.

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The hellsweep

How the fuck would you know?

nigga you can do this in the public swimming pool

I rather did try the other running type of rad Adventure Sonic, the Nardo-like run I mean.

Gonna try this one tomorrow when my apartment complex evicts me... Unless selphie is still recruiting for Balamb, of course.

Attached: literally me in the mirror.webm (640x480, 2.81M)